Genealogy Data Page 146 (Descendency Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
- Blahnik Peter [Male] b. ABT. 1848 Pilsen, Bohemia - d. Possibly Illinois
- Blahnik Franz [Male] b. ABT. 1851 Bohemia - d. Probably USA
+ Unknown Josefa [Female] b. ABT. 1852 Bohemia - d. Probably USA - Marriage: BEF. 1879 Bohemia
- Kodym Vaclav [Male] b. MAY 1863 Bohemia - d. 3 JUL 1907 Chicago, IL
+ Blahnik Theresa [Female] b. APR 1865 Bohemia - Marriage: 18 OCT 1891 Chicago, Cook Co, IL
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