Genealogy Data Page 196 (Descendency Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
- Janca Martin [Male]
+ Tomanova Annie [Female]
- Janca Anton Martin [Male] b. 25 JUL 1888 Komna, Czech Republic - d. 28 JUN 1978 Chicago, IL
+ Zamecnik Anna Marie [Female] b. 29 NOV 1889 Strani, Moravia, Czech Republic - d. 26 APR 1956 Chicago, IL - Marriage: 30 MAR 1912 Chicago, Cook Co, IL
- Janca Angelina Josephine [Female] b. 25 OCT 1912 Chicago, IL - d. 20 JUL 2001 Bloomington, Hennepin, MN
+ Czarnik John R. (Zachary) [Male] b. 6 SEP 1911 Chicago, IL - d. 14 MAY 1982 Chicago, IL
- Czarnik Anthony W. [Male] b. ABT. 1938 Chicago, Cook Co, IL - d. 1 AUG 2013 Darboy, WI
+ Wold Norma Andrea [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Chicago, Cook Co, IL - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Hauge Norwegian Evangelical Luthern Church, Chicago, IL
- Janca Louis (Ludvik) [Male] b. 7 SEP 1886 Komna, Czeckoslovakia, Austria - d. Probably Illinois
+ Regina [Female] b. ABT. 1887 Moravia, Czecholsovakia - d. Probably Illinois - Marriage: BET. 1910 - 1912
- Czarnik Martin [Male]
+ Unknown Maria [Female]
- Czarnik Walenta Joseph (William) [Male] b. 4 FEB 1873 Niedzielisk, Poland - d. 19 APR 1931 Chicago, IL
+ Hoata Sophie (Hozocina) [Female] b. 15 APR 1871 Dolega, Poland - d. 20 MAR 1951 Chicago, IL
- Czarnik John R. (Zachary) [Male] b. 6 SEP 1911 Chicago, IL - d. 14 MAY 1982 Chicago, IL
+ Janca Angelina Josephine [Female] b. 25 OCT 1912 Chicago, IL - d. 20 JUL 2001 Bloomington, Hennepin, MN
- Czarnik Anthony W. [Male] b. ABT. 1938 Chicago, Cook Co, IL - d. 1 AUG 2013 Darboy, WI
+ Wold Norma Andrea [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Chicago, Cook Co, IL - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Hauge Norwegian Evangelical Luthern Church, Chicago, IL
- Holata Gasparus [Male]
+ Skura Maria [Female]
- Hoata Sophie (Hozocina) [Female] b. 15 APR 1871 Dolega, Poland - d. 20 MAR 1951 Chicago, IL
+ Czarnik Walenta Joseph (William) [Male] b. 4 FEB 1873 Niedzielisk, Poland - d. 19 APR 1931 Chicago, IL
- Czarnik John R. (Zachary) [Male] b. 6 SEP 1911 Chicago, IL - d. 14 MAY 1982 Chicago, IL
+ Janca Angelina Josephine [Female] b. 25 OCT 1912 Chicago, IL - d. 20 JUL 2001 Bloomington, Hennepin, MN
- Czarnik Anthony W. [Male] b. ABT. 1938 Chicago, Cook Co, IL - d. 1 AUG 2013 Darboy, WI
+ Wold Norma Andrea [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Chicago, Cook Co, IL - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Hauge Norwegian Evangelical Luthern Church, Chicago, IL
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