Genealogy Data Page 229 (Descendency Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
- Unknown Anna [Female] b. 1795 Bohemia - d. In 1880 census with her son in Pierce, Kewaunee Co, WI
- Stika John [Male] b. 1828 Bohemia - d. 30 OCT 1884 Kewaunee County, WI
+ Tausek Joanna [Female] b. ABT. 1838 - d. APR 1878 Pierce, Kewaunee Co, WI
- Sticka Mary [Female] b. 16 AUG 1859 Slovan, Kewaunee, WI - d. 23 DEC 1939 Riverview Public Cemetery, Kewaunee, WI Lot S 1/2 341 W
- Sticka Katherine [Female] b. 4 OCT 1864 Carlton, WI - d. 10 MAY 1957 Holy Rosary Cemetery, Kewaunee Co, WI
+ Lipsch John [Male] b. ABT. 1861 WI - d. 9 NOV 1913 - Marriage: 14 APR 1888 Kewaunee, Kewaunee Co, WI
+ Svoboda Wenzel F. [Male] d. 26 APR 1951 - Marriage: 6 MAR 1918
- Sticka Julia (Sarah?) [Female] b. 11 JUN 1868 West Kewaunee, WI - d. 2 FEB 1957 WI
+ Hanna John [Male] b. ABT. 1860 Germany - d. 3 MAY 1939 WI - Marriage: 4 JUL 1889
- Sticka Benjamin J. [Male] b. 20 DEC 1870 West Kewaunee, WI - d. 26 SEP 1954 WI
+ Wiesner Mary [Female] b. ABT. 1875 WI - d. JUL 1952 Riverview Public Cemetery-West Kewaunee Twp D CtyRcds/Lot 311 & 312 W - Marriage: 27 NOV 1894 Pierce, Kewaunee Co, WI
- Sticka William J. [Male] b. 26 JAN 1897 - d. 28 APR 1978 Riverview Public Cemetery, Kewaunee, WI /MM 2 US Navy WWI/Blk 4 Lot 79 Gr
+ Unknown Gladys [Female] b. 1905 - d. 12 JAN 1985 Riverview Public Cemetery, Kewaunee, WI D CtyRcds/Blk 4 Lot 79 Gr 4 Rvr Add
- Sticka Theresia [Female] b. 21 JUN 1872 Pierce Twp, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 27 JUL 1966 Holy Rosary Cemetery, Kewaunee Co, WI
+ Hrabik John [Male] d. 14 OCT 1932 - Marriage: 19 JUN 1894 West Kewaunee, Kewaunee Co, WI
+ Svoboda Frank [Male] b. ABT. 1884 - d. 23 MAR 1960 - Marriage: 23 JAN 1934
+ Unknown Anna [Female] b. ABT. 1807 Bohemia - d. 17 SEP 1880 WI
- Dufek Mathyas [Male]
+ Unknown Katherine [Female]
- Dufek Mary [Female] b. 1845 Bohemia
+ Pribyl John (Jan) George [Male] b. 1842 Mrakov (Mrdakov), Bohemia - d. 1920 St. Lawrence Catholic Cemetery, Stangelville, WI - Marriage: 28 MAY 1870
- Pribyl Mary [Female] b. BET. MAR 1866 - 1868 Mrakov, Bohemia - d. 8 MAY 1936 Blahnik Homestead, Ahnapee, WI
+ Blahnik Anton A. [Male] b. 13 JUN 1862 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 30 OCT 1907 Algoma, WI - Marriage: 22 JAN 1884 Stangelville, Kewaunee Co, WI
- Blahnik Joseph Anton [Male] b. 15 JAN 1885 Ahnapee, Kewaunee, Co., WI - d. 28 JUL 1940 Algoma, WI
+ Halada Elizabeth (Lizzy) [Female] b. 13 APR 1883 Algoma, WI - d. 4 MAR 1959 Chicago, IL - Marriage: 10 DEC 1903 Menominee, MI
- Blahnik Helen [Female] b. 14 APR 1904 Michigan - d. 7 MAY 1946
+ Sirnosky Harry (Sipiorski) [Male] b. 3 MAR 1903 - d. 9 SEP 1967 - Marriage: 24 NOV 1921 Casco Twp, Kewaunee Co., WI
- Sipiorski Roland E. [Male] b. 11 MAY 1924 Alaska, WI - d. 15 JUN 2003 Clintonville, Waupaca Co. WI
+ Bosdeck Mildred [Female] b. 12 JUN 1926 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 1 FEB 2006 Clintonville, Waupaca Co. WI - Marriage: 24 NOV 1943 Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Kewaunee
- Sipiorski Roland L. [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Kewaunee County, WI
+ Fischer Cassandra [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Clintonville, Waupaca Co. WI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Clintonville, WI
- Sipiorski Harry [Male] b. 21 JUN 1922 - d. SEP 1987 Manitowoc County, WI
+ Delwiche Viola (Peggy) [Female] Marriage: 25 JUL 1942
- Sipiorski Harry D. [Male] b. 8 FEB 1943 Casco, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 20 NOV 2001 Green Bay, Brown County, WI
+ Karolewski Kathleen [Female] b. 27 MAY 1951 Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 27 JAN 2011 Kewaunee Co, WI - Marriage: 31 MAY 1969 St. Hedwig Church E. Krok, WI
- Sipiorski Loretta [Female] b. 23 NOV 1925 - d. 8 SEP 1993 Green Bay, Brown County, WI
+ Thor Archie [Male] b. 30 APR 1924 - d. 1 JUL 1973 - Marriage: 22 AUG 1942 East Krock, WI
- Blahnik Carl [Male] b. 4 NOV 1907 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 16 JUL 1977 Center Line, Macomb, MI
+ Lemberger Lucy [Female] b. ABT. 1907 WI - d. DEC 1967
- Blahnik Lloyd Joseph [Male] b. 22 APR 1915 Casco, Kewaunee County, WI - d. 13 SEP 1964 Los Angeles, CA
+ Curdy Mazie Rosemond [Female] b. 22 OCT 1909 - d. 15 JAN 2004 New Orleans, LA
+ Tappen Treaon [Female] b. 5 MAY 1918 Texas - d. 24 NOV 1997 San Joaquin, CA - Marriage: 9 JAN 1936 Contra Costa County, CA
- Blahnik Anton A. [Male] b. 8 DEC 1886 WI - d. 2 DEC 1921 Algoma, WI
+ Schiesser Barbara (Scheisser) [Female] b. 16 NOV 1887 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 11 JAN 1973 Evergreen Cemetery, Green Bay, WI - Marriage: 20 JUN 1917 Forestville, Door Cty, WI
- Blahnik Annie Maria [Female] b. 25 APR 1889 Ahanapee, Kewaunee County, WI - d. 4 MAY 1897 St Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery- Ahnappe Twp.
- Blahnik Jacob Anton [Male] b. 25 JUL 1891 Ahnapee, Kewaunee, Co., WI - d. 2 APR 1955 Algoma, WI
+ Krueger Henrietta L B [Female] b. 17 SEP 1902 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 15 DEC 1972 Algoma, WI - Marriage: 15 FEB 1926 Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI
- Blahnik Howard (Harold) "Chum" Joseph [Male] b. 23 MAY 1926 Ahnapee, WI - d. 21 MAY 2009 Brown County, WI
+ Tenor Delores M. [Female] b. 13 MAY 1933 Door Co, Wisconsin - d. 2 APR 2011 St Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery- Ahnappe Twp. - Marriage: 11 JUL 1953 St. Mary's Catholic Church in Algoma, WI
- Blahnik Leo Edward [Male] b. 14 MAY 1927 Ahnapee, WI - d. 9 JAN 1998 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI
+ Starr Helen Lorraine Marie [Female] b. 15 OCT 1930 Door Co, Wisconsin - d. 28 MAR 1998 Ahanapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - Marriage: 30 SEP 1950 Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI
- Blahnik Dale Allan [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI
+ Denil Debra Ann [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Forestville, Door Cty, WI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, Forestville, WI
- Blahnik Marie [Female] b. 15 OCT 1934 Ahnapee, WI - d. 15 OCT 1934 Ahnapee, WI
- Blahnik Anton [Male] b. 16 MAY 1939 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 16 MAY 1939 Kewaunee County, WI
- Blahnik Mary B. [Female] b. 24 SEP 1893 Ahnapee, WI - d. 11 OCT 1964 Algoma, WI
+ Halada Joseph J. [Male] b. 12 SEP 1889 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 11 MAR 1976 Green Bay, Brown County, WI - Marriage: 17 NOV 1915 St Mary's Church, Algoma, WI
- Halada Donald [Male] b. 20 OCT 1918 town of Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 11 JAN 1976
+ Petersen Ruby [Female] Marriage: 20 JUN 1940
- Halada Jerome (Jerry) [Male] b. 21 APR 1920 town of Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 22 FEB 2006 Green Valley, Ariz
+ Hadley Ruth [Female]
+ Gregor Mary [Female] b. 17 APR 1923 River Falls, WI - d. 1 AUG 1988 River Falls, WI - Marriage: 11 MAY 1946 River Falls, WI
- Halada Joseph [Male] b. 19 MAY 1924 Town of Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 11 APR 1983 Green Bay, WI Hospital
+ Mura Dorothy [Female] Marriage: 24 JUN 1948 St. Mary's Algoma, WI
- Halada Beth [Female] b. --Not Shown--
+ Demeuse Michael [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- St. Mary's Algoma, WI
- Demeuse John D. [Male] b. 7 MAR 1986 Green Bay, WI - d. 17 MAR 1986 Green Bay, WI
- Halada Cyril F. [Male] b. 11 AUG 1927 - d. 20 JAN 1998 Baltimore, MD
+ McKillup Theresa [Female] b. 24 FEB 1924 IL - d. 25 JUL 1989 St Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery- Ahnappe Twp. - Marriage: 11 JUL 1953
- Halada Mary Ann [Female] b. 24 OCT 1938 - d. 16 JAN 2008 WI
+ Gohr Emil [Male] b. --Not Shown-- - Marriage: --Not Shown--
- Blahnik Daniel [Male] b. 16 JUL 1898 Wisconsin - d. 24 JUN 1948 St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, WI
+ Zirbel Emily [Female] b. 1913 - Marriage: 30 JUL 1938 Lincoln, WI
- Blahnik Helen [Female] b. 18 AUG 1900 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 13 AUG 1983
+ Schmelzer Edward [Male] b. 20 FEB 1896 Maplewood, WI - d. 12 SEP 1975 - Marriage: 26 JUN 1919 St Mary's Church, Algoma, WI
- Schmelzer Dolores M. [Female] b. 18 JUL 1922 Forestville, Door Co., WI - d. 18 MAY 2005 Manitowoc, WI
+ Junion Clayton [Male] Marriage: 16 SEP 1950 St Mary's Church, Algoma, WI
- Blahnik Edward J. [Male] b. 27 SEP 1906 Town of Ahnapee, WI - d. 3 AUG 1954 Algoma, WI
+ Coppersmith Rose L. [Female] b. 22 AUG 1906 Green Bay, Brown County, WI - d. 15 DEC 1991 WI - Marriage: 18 MAY 1926 Kewaunee County, WI
- Blahnik Delores Mary [Female] b. 17 JUL 1926 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 20 AUG 2013 Algoma, WI
+ Jeanquart Lawrence [Male] b. 19 APR 1921 Union, Door Co., WI - d. 10 AUG 2001 Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI - Marriage: 17 NOV 1943 St Mary's Church, Algoma, WI
- Jeanquart Larry [Male] b. 4 JUN 1945 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 12 JUN 2004 WI
+ Melhtretter Donna [Female] b. --Not Shown-- - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Madison, WI
- Pribyl Vaclav James Wencil [Male] b. 3 SEP 1866 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 1939
+ Hallada Catherina (Kate) [Female] b. 17 DEC 1874 - d. 28 FEB 1965 - Marriage: 18 JUL 1896 Ahanapee, Kewaunee, WI
- Pribyl Edward [Male] b. 6 JUL 1911 - d. 15 AUG 1956
+ Wessley Evelyn [Female] b. 28 AUG 1912 West Kewaunee, WI - d. 4 JUN 2013 Kewaunee, WI - Marriage: 28 FEB 1933
- Pribyl Mayme [Female] b. 19 OCT 1896 Kodan, WI - d. 11 OCT 1977 Kewaunee, WI
+ Rank Tom [Male] b. 20 OCT 1895 - d. 29 JAN 1986 Kewaunee County, WI - Marriage: 19 JUN 1917
- Pribyl Emma [Female] b. 29 JAN 1898 Cedar Corners, near Algoma, WI - d. 2 FEB 1963 Jefferson St, Algoma, WI (her home)
+ Gerhart Emil [Male] b. 19 SEP 1898 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 28 OCT 1987 Kewaunee Convalescent Hospital, Kewaunee, WI - Marriage: 20 SEP 1921 Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI
- Gerhardt Raymond Julius Frederich [Male] b. 4 SEP 1921 Algoma, WI - d. 10 OCT 1979 San Diego, CA
+ Bowen Audrey Mae [Female] b. 7 DEC 1928 Brown Creek, McDowell County, WV - d. 20 MAY 2000 San Diego, CA - Marriage: 31 DEC 1947 Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church, Washington DC
- Gerhardt Robert Lee Erwin (Gerhart) [Male] b. 20 FEB 1933 Algoma, WI - d. 13 JAN 1995 Loma Linda, San Bernadino, CA
+ Murphy Carol Ann [Female] b. 14 AUG 1939 Chippewa Falls, WI - d. 10 DEC 1965 Chippewa Falls, WI - Marriage: 21 SEP 1958 Algoma, Kewaunee County, WI
+ Wimpelberg Sharon Ann [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Evansville, Vanderburgh, IN - Marriage: --Not Shown-- San Diego, CA
- Pribyl Anna (Prible) [Female] b. 25 JUN 1899 - d. FEB 1952
+ Kostka Frank Joseph [Male] b. 27 AUG 1899 Franklin Twp, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 18 JAN 1980 Holy Family Hospital in Manitowoc, WI - Marriage: 30 AUG 1921 Holy Rosary Cath Church, Kewaunee, WI
- Kostka Frank Joseph [Male] d. 14 SEP 2009
+ Beaugniet Lucille M. [Female] b. 5 MAY 1927 Two Rivers, WI - d. 4 NOV 2011 Hamilton Care Center, Two Rivers, WI - Marriage: 19 APR 1947 St. Luke Catholic Church, Two Rivers, WI
- Kostka Wayne E. [Male] b. 10 JUN 1937 Two Rivers, WI - d. 13 AUG 2008 Shawano, WI
+ Miller Joanne [Female] Marriage: 1 NOV 1965 Manitowoc, WI
- Kostka Rusty [Male] b. 25 APR 1963 Oconto Falls, WI - d. 9 AUG 2008 Gillett, WI
- Kostka June [Female]
+ Wacek Alvin J. [Male] b. 20 MAY 1925 Francis Creek, WI - d. 30 DEC 1992 Manitowoc Co. WI - Marriage: 27 JUN 1953 St. Mark's Catholic Church Two Rivers, WI
- Kostka Ruth M. [Female] b. 2 NOV 1921 Kewaunee, WI - d. 19 JUL 2011 Two Rivers, WI
+ Valinski Joseph S. [Male] b. 10 SEP 1916 - d. 13 FEB 1975 - Marriage: 15 NOV 1941
- Pribyl Wencil (Jimmie) [Male] b. 28 JAN 1906 - d. 14 DEC 1950 Kewaunee, WI
+ Wessley Mildred [Female] b. 5 APR 1909 West Kewaunee, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 24 MAR 2004 Kewaunee County, WI - Marriage: 22 OCT 1929 Holy Rosary Cath Church, Kewaunee, WI
- Pribyl James [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Kewaunee County, WI
+ Novak Careen [Female] b. --Not Shown-- - Marriage: --Not Shown--
- Pribyl John [Male] b. 5 JUN 1878 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 17 OCT 1956 Manitowoc Co. WI
+ Schweiner Mary (Svajner) [Female] b. 12 APR 1882 Luxemberg Rt 3, Montpelier, Kewaunee County, WI - d. 15 NOV 1972 Manitowoc, WI - Marriage: 25 OCT 1902 St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Stangelville, WI
- Pribyl George Jacob [Male] b. 1 MAR 1905 Franklin Twp, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 28 SEP 1998 Manitowoc County Health Center, Wisconsin
+ Stangel Tillie [Female] b. 8 OCT 1902 Carlton Township, Kewaunee County, WI - d. 28 JUN 1992 Two Rivers Hospital, WI - Marriage: 18 OCT 1927 Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Cath Church
- Pribyl Genevieve Marie [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Carlton Township, Kewaunee County, WI
+ Hostak Kenneth Francis [Male] b. 1 OCT 1930 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 11 NOV 2005 - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Cath Church
- Hostak Diane Marie [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Milwaukee, WI
+ Jens John Jay [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Sheboygan, WI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- St Casmir's Catholic Church, Racine, WI
- Hostak Karen Ann [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Milwaukee, WI
+ McCusker Joseph John [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Westland, MI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Holy Family Catholic Church, Racine, WI
- Hostak Mary Sue [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Milwaukee, WI
+ Kakefuda Genichi [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Tokyo, Japan - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Casmir's Catholic Church, Racine, WI
- Pribyl Marvin George [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Carlton Township, Kewaunee County, WI
+ Pelican Annette [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Kewaunee County, WI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Holy Rosary Cath Church, Kewaunee, WI
- Pribyl Donald Joseph [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Carlton Township, Kewaunee County, WI
+ Blazie Rita [Female] b. --Not Shown-- - Marriage: --Not Shown-- St Lawrence Catholic Church, Stangelville, WI
- Pribyl Frances [Female] b. 21 JUL 1907 Franklin Twp, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 21 APR 1983 Manitowoc Co. WI
+ Ording Harvey [Male] b. 25 NOV 1904 Zanders, Manitowoc Co, WI - d. 15 OCT 1967 Manitowoc Co. WI - Marriage: 20 JUL 1927 Immanuel Ev Luthern Church, Manitowoc, WI
- Ording Roland [Male] b. 19 JUL 1929 - d. 4 APR 1975 Manitowoc Co. WI
- Pribyl Edward [Male] b. 23 OCT 1918 Franklin Twp, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 1 DEC 2003 Kewaunee Health Center, Kewaunee Co, WI
+ Lambert Dorothy [Female] b. 23 DEC 1918 Michicot, WI - d. 8 MAY 1997 Kewaunee Health Center, Kewaunee Co, WI - Marriage: 8 MAY 1943 Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Cath Church
- Pribyl Anna [Female] b. 1883 Kewaunee County, WI - d. JAN 1956 Kewaunee County, WI
+ Steinberger Joseph [Male] b. 1880 - d. APR 1966
- Steinberger John [Male] b. 11 NOV 1904 - d. 8 DEC 1948
+ Rabas Anna [Female] b. 3 OCT 1905 - d. 19 MAR 1976 - Marriage: 26 MAY 1931
- Steinberger Raymond [Male] d. 8 JAN 1995 Stangelville Catholic Cemetery
+ Forst Lucille [Female] b. 5 APR 1922 Manitowoc Co. WI - d. 4 MAR 2005 St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, WI - Marriage: 26 MAY 1942 St Joseph's Kellnersville, WI
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