Genealogy Data Page 668 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik, Georg (Jiri)

b. 1 DEC 1745 Hluboka
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Anna

b. 22 AUG 1748 Hluboka, Bohemia
d. 24 FEB 1748/49 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Jakob

b. 3 AUG 1752 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
d. 9 AUG 1753 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Anna

b. 17 JAN 1754 Hluboka, Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Catharina

b. 19 MAY 1762
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Fridrich (K)
Mother: Unknown, Katharina
Blahnik, Georg (Jiri)

b. 10 JAN 1766
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Fridrich (K)
Mother: Unknown, Katharina
Blahnik, Catharina

b. 10 MAY 1767 Kout, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Fridrich (K)
Mother: Unknown, Katharina
Blahnik, Dorothea

b. ABT. 1745 Per son's birth
Gender: Female
Blahnik, Joannes

Blahnik, Fridericus

b. 10 MAY 1765 Kout, Bohemia
d. 16 SEP 1766 Kout, Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Dorothea
Blahnik, Martin

b. 25 SEP 1760 Nova Ves, Bohemia
d. 10 OCT 1760 Nova Ves, Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Barlolomej (XII5?)
Mother: Stepan, Margaretha
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