For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Ducharme Diana [Female] d. JAN 2012
Title: Ray Rushka, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama research
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Ray Rushka, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama research
Title: t
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Facebook
Works at The Great-West Life Assurance Company
Went to Coll�ge Lorette Collegiate
Lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Born on May 30, 1951
1968 Graduated from Coll�ge Lorette Collegiate
I hail from Grande Pointe, Mb, Canada. I have just turned 60 years old. My background is Czech although I am a third generation Canadian. My ancestors were from the Bohemian area of the Czech Republic. I went to the Univ. of Manitoba and obtained my Bachelor of Commerce ( hons. )
==========Hi Lori,
I grew up on a mixed farm too so I've always known where our food comes from. And I've always liked medium sized dogs, I've currently got a Siberian Husky. But always from the humane society. I've found that " mongrels" seem to be easier going and live longer than purebreds and it supports our local humane society. My ex-wife is into purebreds, though of a smaller variety, but I'll email your website to her anyway, maybe her current husband is a hunter too. I graduated from the University of Manitoba - with a Bachelor of Commerce (hons) degree basically because my dad told me never to become a farmer.
I like the idea of returning things to their natural state like you and your husband have done.Have you ever seen a show called David Suzuki? Probably not. He's the Canadian version of Al Gore except more so. It's trully amazing how things are inter-related.
There's a hill in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick ( I think it's called Cabot Hill ) where if you go slowly, it appears that you're going backwards when you're moving forward. I've never seen it but if you do I'd appreciate if you email me about it Lake Winnebago sounds a lot like Lake Winnipeg except for the size. Lake Winnipeg is
apparently the 10th largest freshwater lake in the world.I'm going to end now with some good news for you and your husband. There's a very long ( and sturdy) bridge from the mainland to P.E.I. if you wish to drive. Similar to the 11 mile bridge over Lake Ponchetrain on the way to New Orleans but I have no idea on the comparison of the length of the two. The Capital of Newfoundland is St. John's ( and to make things interesting so is the Capitol of New Brunswick) and if you visit there make sure you try their cod fish fest. There are very few cod left but without ruining it for you its definitely worth it. And the people are friendly even by Canadian ( and Wisconsin ) standards
R. Blahnik
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Ray Rushka, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama research
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Ray Rushka, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama research
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: John Kracha - Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
Title: John Kracha
Had a total of 8 children. Vavrinec Blahnik comes from this line.Mathias born 1823 and Mary immigrated to Wisconsin from Bohemia in 1872 with their oldest daughter, Kate, Vinzenz, (unknown), and Maria. They arrived in New York aboard the Bremen on 5 June 1872 listing their place of residence as Austria. According to passenger list, Mathias was born in 1823 (1872 less 49 years). They were apparently a total of eight children. Vavrinec Blahnik 1845 near Klatvoy.
(forwarded by John Kracha from the Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International )
Title: John Kracha
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