For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Kate [Female] b. ABT. 1840
Title: John Kracha - Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
Had a total of 8 children. Vavrinec Blahnik comes from this line.Mathias born 1823 and Mary immigrated to Wisconsin from Bohemia in 1872 with their oldest daughter, Kate, Vinzenz, (unknown), and Maria. They arrived in New York aboard the Bremen on 5 June 1872 listing their place of residence as Austria. According to passenger list, Mathias was born in 1823 (1872 less 49 years). They were apparently a total of eight children. Vavrinec Blahnik 1845 near Klatvoy. (forwarded by John Kracha)
Title: History of the Czechs in America by Jan Habenicht
Title: Passport
Title: History of the Czechs in America by Jan Habenicht
Title: 1880 Census
???(forwarded by John Kracha and copy from Joel Blahnik):
Mathias born 1823 and Mary immigrated to Wisconsin from Bohemia in 1872 with their oldest daughter, Kate, Vinzenz, (unknown), and Maria. They arrived in New York aboard the Bremen on 5 June 1872 listing their place of residence as Austria. According to passenger list, Mathias was born in 1823 (1872 less 49 years). They were apparently a total of eight children. { - NOT this Vavrince - his name is Vinzenz and this Vavrince is the brother of Vaclav (James) Lawrence and the son of John and Mary (Rericha) Rejcha.====================================Some Blahnik Druggests from Malo Polenka near Klatvoy who lived in Chicago.
From History of Czech in America by Jan Habenicht:
Vavrinec Blahnik 1845 near Klatvoy. From History of Czech in America by Jan Habenicht forwarded by John Kracha: In 1866, a proven Czech druggist, Vavrinec Blahnik, settled in Chicago. He was born in Mala Polenka (present Polenka, M.K.) near Klatovy, in 1845. He found his first job at a German drugstore on the corner of Clark and Jefferson Streets; afterwards, in 1868, he purchased from Dominik Tomas Korinek a drugstore on the corner of Jefferson and DeKoven Streets, and in six months, he transferred it to his house on 18th St. and Canal port Ave where the drugstore has stood so far. Upon his death 1888, his wife, Marie, the first Czech graduated female druggest in America, assumed the business.Went by Lorenz in Chicago - appears in 1880 census==============
United States Census, 1880 for Lawrence Blahnik
Name: Lawrence Blahnik
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Birthdate: 1846
Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Mary Blahnik
Spouse's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 34 years
Occupation: Druggist
NARA Film Number: T9-0188
Page: 250
Page Character: A
Entry Number: 2196
Film number: 1254188
Household Gender Age
Lawrence Blahnik M 34
Spouse Mary Blahnik F 32
Anna Blahnik F 21
Louisa Tonesa F 19
Mary Tonesa F 58Passport description:
41 years old
5' 8"
small mouth and chin
forehead high,
hair black
eyes Gray
light complexion
pointed nose
oval face
U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project)
about Lorenz Blahnik
Name: Lorenz Blahnik
Birth Place: Austria
Court District: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa
Date of Action: 17 Oct 1872
-Occupation Druggist per 1880 census================
Bark Humboldt
Bremen, Germany to Baltimore, Maryland
3 October 1867DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE - PORT OF BALTIMORE Report dated 3 October 1867. Carl J. Gerdes, Master of the Brem. bark Humboldt from Bremen being duly sworn, doth depose and say that the following Report is true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief. Name of Vessel, Humboldt
Nation of do. Bremen
Name of Master, Carl J. Gerdes
Port Sailed from, Bremen
Number of Aliens, three hundred and forty one
Number of Citizens, seven
Consignees, F. L. Brauns d Co
Owners, Wm Stisser d Co of Bremen Columns represent: Passenger number, passenger names, ages, country of birth, last legal residence, country claiming allegiance, occupation/remarks. 1 Gg Aug Schanz 22 Germany Bremen Germany musician
2 Adelheid Schanz 26 Germany Bremen Germany his wife
3 Helen Schanz 20 Germany Bremen Germany unmarried
4 Jac. C. Hofmann 29 Germany New York U.S. of A. merchant
5 Emily Schmidt 38 Germany New York U.S. of A. woman
6* Paul Schmidt 9m Germany New York U.S. of A. her baby
7 Henr^e Focke 24 Germany Baltimore U.S. of A. unmarried
8 Henry Wedekind 41 Germany Havana Ill. U.S. of A. farmer
9* Moses Schonland 45 Germany New York U.S. of A. merchant
10 Anna Ruhlede 22 Germany Weida Germany unmarried
11 Gesine Petersen 26 Germany Blumenthal Germany unmarried
12 Elise Steinberg 26 Germany Bremen Germany unmarried
13 Carol Kalthof 20 Germany Benien Germany unmarried
14 Luise Kalthof 26 Germany Benien Germany unmarried
15 Maria Ottens 23 Germany Hasel�ne Germany unmarried
16 Maria Wettig 19 Germany Darderode Germany unmarried
17 Mar. Ges. Otten 25 Germany Huden Germany unmarried
18 Wilh^e Kindervater 25 Germany Bleicherode Germany unmarried
19 Lorenz Blahnick 21 Germany Polenk Germany druggist
Title: John Kracha - Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
Had a total of 8 children. Vavrinec Blahnik comes from this line.Mathias born 1823 and Mary immigrated to Wisconsin from Bohemia in 1872 with their oldest daughter, Kate, Vinzenz, (unknown), and Maria. They arrived in New York aboard the Bremen on 5 June 1872 listing their place of residence as Austria. According to passenger list, Mathias was born in 1823 (1872 less 49 years). They were apparently a total of eight children. Vavrinec Blahnik 1845 near Klatvoy. (forwarded by John Kracha)
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1920 census
Title: Michelle Donegan
Title: Michelle Donegan
Looking for info on the name Blachnik; spelling may also be Blacknik or Blatnik. My grandfather, Francis Blachnik, was born in New York City in 1909 and lived most of his life in New Jersey. Parents names unknown, but came from Bohemia.
email: Michelle D. Lee - - Posted 29 August 1998
------------------------------ Blachnik in household of John Blachnik, "United States Census, 1940"Name: Frank Blachnik
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Assembly District 2, Brooklyn, New York City, Kings, New York, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original):
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Son
Birthplace: New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1910
Residence in 1935: Same Place
Enumeration District Number: 24-153
Family Number: 154
Sheet Number and Letter: 8B
Line Number: 77
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 2550
Digital Folder Number: 005458217
Image Number: 00691
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head John Blachnik M 72 Germany
Son Frank Blachnik M 30 New York
Title: 1920 census
United States Census, 1920 for Albert WenzelName: Albert Wenzel
Residence: , New York, New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1876
Age: 44
Birthplace: Germany
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Film Number: 1821216
Digital Folder Number: 4313939
Image Number: 00292
Sheet Number: 12
Household Gender Age
Albert Wenzel M 44y
Spouse Catherine Wenzel F 44y
Child Albert Wenzel M 18y
Child Mary Johnson F 23y
Hilda Johnson F 5y
Emma G Johnson F 3y
Anna Blacknik F 75y
Title: 1910 census
Title: Social Security Death Index
Title: 1920 census
Title: Algoma Beach Motel
Title: Social Security Death Index
Title: 1940 census
Title: WWII Draft Reg Cards, 1942
Title: WWII Draft Reg Cards, 1942
Title: 1940 census
Title: Findagrave
Title: Findagrave
United States Census, 1920 for Joseph Blacknik
Name: Joseph Blacknik
Residence: , New York, New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1897
Age: 23
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Film Number: 1821201
Digital Folder Number: 4313924
Image Number: 00610
Sheet Number: 20
Household Gender Age
Parent John Blacknik M 52y
Parent Catherine Blacknik F 42y
Frank Blacknik M 10y
Joseph Blacknik M 23y
Catherine Keenan F 38y
John Keenan M 13y
Virginia Keenan F 7y
Rita Keenan F 4y2m
=======U.S. Social Security Death Index for Joseph BlacknikFirst Name: Joseph
Middle Name:
Last Name: Blacknik
Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 23 June 1896
Social Security Number: 111-05-4449
Place of Issuance: New York
Last Residence: Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Zip Code of Last Residence: 11203
Death Date: April 1976
Estimated Age at Death: 80
============ Jun. 21, 1896
Death: Apr. 7, 1976Family links:
Viola Blacknik (1899 - 1961)**Calculated relationshipInscription:
Long Island National Cemetery
Suffolk County
New York, USA
Plot: 2H 0 3230Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: Marvin & Samme Templin
Record added: Dec 29, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 82567890
-------------- Honor Roll
Wells Fargo Men in the Army and Navy
WWI Jan 1918 Wells Fargo Messenger. New York City, Wagon Department.
Listed in the book Wells Fargo messenger, Volumes 5-6
====== County, NY Archives for Marriage Records Blacknik Joseph F.
Certificate Number25178
Year 1931================
Joseph Blacknik (1896 - 1976)
Name Joseph Blacknik
Families Blacknik family
Born June 23, 1896
Died April 1976 (79 years old)
Last Known
Residence Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (New York), 11203
Social Security Death Record
SSN 111-XX-4449 [ ? ] Joseph Blacknik family history & genealogyJoseph Blacknik (1896 - 1976) was a member of the Blacknik family. Joseph was born on June 23, 1896. Joseph died on April 1976 at 79 years old.Joseph Blacknik's last known residence is at Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (New York), 11203.We were able to locate a death record for Joseph Blacknik in the United States Social Security Master Death Index (SSDI). Joseph's social security number (SSN) is 111-XX-4449.
Joseph Blacknik - Farmingdale, NY
Joseph Blacknik was born on 06/21/1896 and died on 04/07/1976 at the age of 79. Joseph Blacknik is buried in the cemetery: Long Island National Cemetery, which is located in Farmingdale, NY.
Cemetery and Grave Information
Cemetery Long Island National Cemetery
Find Long Island National Cemetery Graves
Long Island National Cemetery Address 2040 Wellwood Avenue
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Cemetery Section ID 2H
Cemetery Site Number 3230
Cemetery Phone (631) 454-4949
Cemetery Website Long Island National Cemetery
sonRelationship to Veteran Wife
Veteran First Name Richard
Veteran Last Name Blacknik
Veteran Military Branch US ARMY
Veteran Military Rank PFC
Veteran War(s) KoreaFirst Name Rosemarie
Last Name Blacknik
Age at Death 59
Birth Date 05/20/1935
Death Date 01/05/1995Cemetery and Grave Information
Cemetery Calverton National Cemetery
Find Calverton National Cemetery Graves
Calverton National Cemetery Address 210 Princeton Boulevard
RT 25
Calverton, NY 11933
Cemetery Section ID 21
Cemetery Site Number 1768
Cemetery Phone (631) 727-5410
Cemetery Website Calverton National CemeteryName Date of Birth Age at Death City State
Rosemarie Blacknik May 20, 1935 59 Brooklyn New York
Title: 1910 census
Title: United States, World War II Draft Registration
Title: Findagrave
Title: 1910 census
Title: United States, World War II Draft Registration
Title: United States, World War II Draft Registration
Title: Findagrave
United States, World War II Draft Registration
Name: John P Blachnik
Event: Military
Event Date: 1942
Event Place: New York, , New York
Residence: New York, , New York
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 21 Feb 1895
Film Number: 2283329
Digital Folder Number: 4126204
Image Number: 05034
CEMETERY: Calverton National Cemetery (Bilotti-Blias); Calverton, Suffolk co., NYExtracted from the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery
Administration database dated 15 June 2006 by Joy Fisher.BLACKNIK, JOHN JR, 02/21/1895-10/28/1984 US ARMY PFC 16 5985 11/01/1984
BLACKNIK, RICHARD 11/13/1929-04/01/2000 US ARMY PFC 21 1768 04/04/2000
BLACKNIK, ROSEMARIE 05/20/1935-01/05/1995 US ARMY PFC 21 1768 01/09/1995
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: Findagrave
Title: 1930 census
Title: Findagrave
United States Census, 1910 for Joseph BlachnikName: Joseph Blachnik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 314
Page Number: 12
Household Gender Age
Joseph Blachnik M 36y
Spouse Anntonette Blachnik F 25y
Child Joseph Blachnik M y 10m
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1940 census
Title: 1930 census
United States Census, 1920
name: Antonette Blaknik
residence: , New York, New York
estimated birth year: 1886
age: 34
birthplace: Bohemia
relationship to head of household: Wife
gender: Female
race: White
marital status: Married
father's birthplace: Bohemia
mother's birthplace: Bohemia
film number: 1821213
digital folder number: 4313936
image number: 01069
sheet number: 24
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Joseph Blaknik M 44y Bohemia
wife Antonette Blaknik F 34y Bohemia
son Joseph Blaknik M 10y New York
dau Allenia Blaknik F 9y New York
son William Blaknik M 7y New York
dau Helen Blaknik F 3y6m New York
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1920 census
United States Census, 1920 for Anna Blacknik
Name: Anna Blacknik
Residence: , New York, New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1845
Age: 75
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Mother-in-law
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Film Number: 1821216
Digital Folder Number: 4313939
Image Number: 00292
Sheet Number: 12
Household Gender Age
Albert Wenzel M 44y
Child Catherine Wenzel F 44y
Albert Wenzel M 18y
Mary Johnson F 23y
Hilda Johnson F 5y
Emma G Johnson F 3y
Anna Blacknik F 75y
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Per 1900 census Wenzel (Vencil) Blahnik (Jacob's SON) was living with Matt Jr. -Wenzel's son may be listed as a cousin-
Immigration for Wenzel says he is coming to stay with his brother and 3 sisters in Kewaunee - Matt Jr is not a brother though. Kdyne and Smrzovice are both listed - Both Algoma and Smrzovice Blahnik family connections are possible.
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: Death record Vol 38 page 218 Outagamie Co.
Title: Immigration record
Title: Death record Vol 38 page 218 Outagamie Co.
Title: Ellis Island web page
Title: Death record Vol 38 page 218 Outagamie Co.
Title: naturalization card
Title: 1919 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1919 Appleton City Directory
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Frankisek Blahnik age 32 (born 1874) arrived on the Ship Kroprinz Wilhelm from Bremen, Germany in Ellis Island on June 27, 1906. Listed as married, traveling alone to see his brother (Ludsv?) Blahnik at 648 State Road, Appleton, WI. Listed as occupation Coachman and able to both read and write. Last residence was Havlovice, Bohemia. �Line 13 below. Apparently his family came the following year. Marie Blahnik born 1873 wife of Fr. Blahnik arrived at Ellis Island July 3, 1907 with her three children Anna (age 7), Franz (age 4) and Johann (age 11). Ship was the Kaiser Wilhelm II from Bremen Germany. Final destination is Appleton, Wisconsin (765 Street is unclear. Story??)- (line 23-26 from # 1, 7, 15 and 17 from the list below) From Kavlovice, Bohemia. A check of Outagamie Registrar of Deeds of deeds shows that Frank J. Blahnik was born 2/14/1874 and died 5/20/1942 in Appleton. Lived at 2000 E. John St. Parents were listed as Jacob and Annie Blahnik and he was from Taus, Austria per deaths vol 38, pg 218. He was widowed and retired from the paper mill. 1910 Appleton City Directory shows he worked at Geo. Walter Brewing C0 and lived at 379 State Street, Appleton. Brother appears to be Ludwig Blahnik who lived with his wife Antonia at 1220 1-2 Elsie, Appleton, WI in 1910. Ludwig worked for Interlake Pulp and paper.===========
Frank Blahnik, "United States Census, 1920"Name: Frank Blahnik
Event Type:
Event Year: 1920
Event Place: , Brown, Wisconsin
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Birthplace: Bohemia
Birth Year (Estimated): 1875
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Household ID: 95
Sheet Number: 6
GS Film number: 1821977
Digital Folder Number: 4391497
Image Number: 00303
Household Gender Age Birthplace
SELF Frank Blahnik M 45y Bohemia
WIFE Mary Blahnik F 47y Bohemia
SON John Blahnik M 13y Bohemia
DAU Mary Blahnik F 11y Wisconsin
DAU Florence Blahnik F 9y Wisconsin
DAU Catherine Blahnik F 7y Wisconsin
DAU Barbara Blahnik F 4y2m Wisconsin
Frank J. Blahnik
Request a PhotocopyBorn: February 14, 1874
Died: May 20, 1942
Place of Birth: Taus, Austria, Obituary
Newspaper: Post-Crescent
Notice Date: May 20, 1942
Page: 5
Type: OB Cemetery
Name: St. Joseph church parish cemetery
Location: Appleton, WI
Title: Immigration record
Title: 1905 census
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: Outagamie County, WI Death Record
Title: 1910 Appleton City Directory
Title: LDS
Title: 1908 Appleton City Directory
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: 1908 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1919 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1925 Appleton City Directory
Title: obituary
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: 1920 census
Title: Baltimore Passenger Lists 182-1948
Ancestry.comBaltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948
about Ludvik Blatnik
Name: Ludvik Blatnik
Arrival Date: Jun 1903
Age: 27 Years 0 Months Years
Estimated birth year: abt 1876
Gender: Male
Race: Bohemian
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Neckar
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Friend's Name: V Blahnik
Last Residence: Sunzovice (Smrzovice)
Microfilm Roll Number: 37
Page: 15Occupation, weaver age 27, married
Brother paid his passage, never in US beforsays joining relative lists
627 Story Street Appleton, WI V. Blahnik
1910 census Ludwig Blaknik - Family SearchName: Ludwig Blaknik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Appleton Ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1903
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 332
Page Number: 15
Household Gender Age
Ludwig Blaknik M 33y
Spouse Antonia Blaknik F 32y
Child Florence Blaknik F 11y
Child Jacob Blaknik M 10y
Child Charles Blaknik M 8y
Child Antonia Blaknik F 6y
Child John Blaknik M 4y============================
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for Ludwig BlahnikName: Ludwig Blahnik
Residence: Appleton city, ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Age: 30y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1875
Birthplace: Germany
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Germany
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Germany
Family Number: 658
Page Number: 288
Line Number: 92
Film Number: 1020979
Digital Folder Number: 4236863
Image Number: 00582
Household Gender Age
Ludwig Blahnik M 30y
Spouse Antonia Blahnik F 29y
Child Philomena Blahnik F 6y
Child Jacob Blahnik M 5y
Child Carl Blahnik M 3y
Child Antonia Blahnik F 1y
==================United States Census, 1910 for Ludwig BlaknikName: Ludwig Blaknik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Appleton Ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1903
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 332
Page Number: 15
Household Gender Age
Ludwig Blaknik M 33y
Spouse Antonia Blaknik F 32y
Child Florence Blaknik F 11y
Child Jacob Blaknik M 10y
Child Charles Blaknik M 8y
Child Antonia Blaknik F 6y
Child John Blaknik M
Louis Blahnik
Request a Photocopy
Birth date not known.Obituary
Newspaper: Post-Crescent
Notice Date: March 30, 1939
Page: 12
Type: DN
Name: St. Joseph Chapel
Location: , Obituary reads:
Blahnik Funeral
The funeral of Louis Blahnik 1029 W. Franklin Street former switchboard operator for the Kimberly Clark corporation Vulcan power house, was held at 8:30 this morning at Schommer Funeral home with services in charge of the Rev. Father Alfred at 9 o'clock at St. Joseph church. Burial was in St. Joseph cemetery chapel with the Rev. Father Paul in charge. Bearere were Henry Busse, Frank Kneice, Antone Dassort, James Spacek, Andrew Forster and Alex Mignon, Sr.
=======They lived on Franklin St. and had seven children; Florence Balza 1898-1970, Jacob 1899-1959, Charles (Carl) 1902-1985, Antoniette Kessler 1903-1998, Louis 1906, John 1906-1965 and Louis 1911-1977.
============= Blaknik in household of Ludwig Blaknik, "United States Census, 1910"
Name: Antonia Blaknik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Appleton Ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin, United States
District: 123
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1878
Birthplace: Austria
Immigration Year: 1905
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Sheet Number and Letter: 15A
Household ID: 332
Line Number:
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: M1283
GS Film number: 1375743
Digital Folder Number: 004454849
Image Number: 00892
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Ludwig Blaknik M 33 Austria
Wife Antonia Blaknik F 32 Austria
Daughter Florence Blaknik F 11 Austria
Son Jacob Blaknik M 10 Austria
Son Charles Blaknik M 8 Austria
Daughter Antonia Blaknik F 6 Austria
Son John Blaknik M 4 Wisconsin
Title: Death record Vol 54, page 816, Outagamie County
Title: Death record Vol 54, page 816, Outagamie County
Title: Appleton City Directory
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Title: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Record for Jacob Blahnik
Title: Outagamie Co, WI Death record
Given Name: Antonie
Surname: Blahnik
Last Place of Residence: Dobrikov
Date of Arrival: 09 May 1905
Age at Arrival: 28
Ethnicity: Bohemian
Port of Departure: Bremen
Port of Arrival: New York
Gender: Female
Marital Status: M
US Citizen:
Ship of Travel: Kaiser Wilhelm II-----------
1910 census Ludwig Blaknik - Family SearchName: Ludwig Blaknik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Appleton Ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1903
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 332
Page Number: 15
Household Gender Age
Ludwig Blaknik M 33y
Spouse Antonia Blaknik F 32y
Child Florence Blaknik F 11y
Child Jacob Blaknik M 10y
Child Charles Blaknik M 8y
Child Antonia Blaknik F 6y
Child John Blaknik M 4y==============
1905 Census
Name: Antonia Blahnik
Residence: Appleton city, ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Age: 29y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1876
Birthplace: Germany
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Germany
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Germany
Family Number: 658
Page Number: 288
Line Number: 93
Film Number: 1020979
Digital Folder Number: 4236863
Image Number: 00582
Household Gender Age
Spouse Ludwig Blahnik M 30y
Antonia Blahnik F 29y
Child Philomena Blahnik F 6y
Child Jacob Blahnik M 5y
Child Carl Blahnik M 3y
Child Antonia Blahnik
Title: Death record Vol 34 page 442 Outagamie County, Wis
Title: Death record Vol 34 page 442 Outagamie County, Wis
Title: Death record Vol 34 page 442 Outagamie County, Wis
Title: Outagamie County, WI Death Record
Latter day saints lists a
Christening: 10 NOV 1749 Pasecnice, Domazlice, Czechoslovakiafather JOANNES KUSBACH Mother CatharinaSource Information:
Batch Number: 8315120
Sheet: 63
Source Call No.: 1395564
Title: 1919 Appleton City Directory
Title: Social security record
Title: Manitowoc County Death
Title: Social security record
Title: 1919 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1921 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1940 census
Title: 1921 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1940 census
Jacob Blahnik Request a Photocopy
Born: December 16, 1899
Died: August 31, 1959
Place of Birth: Prague, Czechoslovakie,
Newspaper: Post-Crescent
Notice Date: September 2, 1959
Section: A
Page: 14
Type: OB Cemetery
Name: Grace Lutheran
Location: Valders, WI
JACOB F. BLAHNIKJacob F. Blahnik, 59, of Clarks Mills, died Monday evening at Memorial Hospital, Manitowoc, following a lingering illness.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Grace Lutheran Church, Valders, with the Rev. Paul Hensel officiating. Interment will be in the church cemetery.Mr. Blahnik was born Dec. 16, 1899, at Prauge, Czechoslovakia son of the late Louis and Antoniette Barnesh Blahnik. He moved to the United States as a younster with his family and settled at Appleton until 1920 when he came to Manitowoc County. He was a Navy veteran of World War I. He married the former Viola Peters Sept. 7, 1920, at Stambaugh, Mich. For the past 11 years he was employed at Lakeside Machine Shop and was a member of Machinists Local 516 of Manitowoc. He also served as president of
Grace Lutheran Church for five years.Survivors include his wife, three daughters, three brothers, Charles of Los Angeles, John of LaCrosse and Lewis of Appleton; two sisters, Mrs. Julis Balza of Appleton and Mrs. Raymond Kessler of Kaukauna; five grandchildren and several nephews and nieces. (Survivors edited for privacy) Friends may call at Berge Funeral Home, Valders, after 3 p.m. Wednesday until 11 a.m.
Thursday when the body will be moved to the church to lie in state until the hour of service.
Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. September 1, 1959 P. 9
1910 census Ludwig Blaknik - Family SearchName: Ludwig Blaknik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Appleton Ward 5, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1903
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 332
Page Number: 15
Household Gender Age
Ludwig Blaknik M 33y
Spouse Antonia Blaknik F 32y
Child Florence Blaknik F 11y
Child Jacob Blaknik M 10y
Child Charles Blaknik M 8y
Child Antonia Blaknik F 6y
Child John Blaknik M 4y
BLAHNIK, Jacob Frank (from tombstone)
S2 USNR1 / Dec. 16, 1899 - Aug. 31, 1959
"United States Census, 1940," Jacob Blahnik, Cato Town, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
Name: Jacob Blahnik
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Cato Town, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Head
Birthplace: Bohemia
Estimated Birth Year: 1900
Residence in 1935: Same House
Enumeration District Number: 36-1
Family Number: 349
Sheet Number and Letter: 19B
Line Number: 74
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 4494
Digital Folder Number: 005461188
Image Number: 00043
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Jacob Blahnik M 40 Bohemia
Wife Viola Blahnik F 35 Wisconsin
Daughter Alayne Blahnik F 15 Wisconsin
Daughter Germaine Blahnik F 13 Wisconsin
Jacob Blahnik, "United States Census, 1930"Name: Jacob Blahnik
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Cato, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Birthplace: Bohemia
Birth Year (Estimated): 1900
Immigration Year: 1905
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
District: 0001
Household ID: 337
Sheet Number and Letter: 17B
Line Number: 77
Affiliate Publication Number: T626, roll 2580
GS Film number: 2342314
Digital Folder Number: 4547888
Image Number: 00983
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Jacob Blahnik M 30 Bohemia
Wife Viola Blahnik F 26 Wisconsin
Daughter Ruth Blahnik F 9 Wisconsin
Daughter Elaine Blahnik F 5 Wisconsin
Daughter Germaine Blahnik F 3 Wisconsin
Title: Ellis Island web page
Title: Immigration record
Title: Jean Blahnik
Title: 1920 sus
Title: 1940 census
Title: Find a Grave
Title: Ellis Island web page
Title: 1925 Appleton City Directory
Title: Outagamie County, Wisconsin marriages
Title: Outagamie Co Birth records
Title: 1925 Appleton City Directory
Title: 1940 census
Title: States Census, 1940," John Blahnik, Ward 4, West Allis, West Allis City, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United StatesName: John Blahnik
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Ward 4, West Allis, West Allis City, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Head
Birthplace: Austria
Estimated Birth Year: 1906
Residence in 1935: Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Enumeration District Number: 40-108
Family Number: 190
Sheet Number and Letter: 9A
Line Number: 19
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 4504
Digital Folder Number: 005461221
Image Number: 00524
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head John Blahnik M 34 Austria
Wife Mildred Blahnik F 30 Wisconsin
Son Charles Blahnik M 1 Wisconsin
Daughter Mary Beth Blahnik F 1 Wisconsin =======================
Hi Lori:Thank you so much.I will try to think of things associated with my family.
Please keep in mind; I am the youngest of 7 and my oldest
brother Charles and oldest sister Mary Elizabeth (Beth) have
passed away and the rest of us aren't very clear because most
of our relatives are in Milwaukee.
I always heard that my dad's (John Albert Blahnik) (born 1906 Bohemia)
came to America when he was 1yr old. It is my understanding that his
birth certificate was with his baptism certificate at a catholic chuch in
Appleton that burned down. All records burned in the fire.
My dad had a sister that lived in Lena and her name was Florence; I don't
know what her married name was. He had a brother Frank that lived in
Green Bay, a sister Mary and a sister Barbara (youngest, born in America)
she lived in Appleton, again don't know the husband's name. I'll do some
research and see what I can find.....this is addicting!! Love itJeannie Blahnik
======= Blahnik, "New York, Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924" Given Name: Johann
Surname: Blahnik
Last Place of Residence: Kavlovice, Bohemia
Event Date: 03 Jul 1907
Age: 11m
Nationality: Austria - Bohemia
Departure Port: Bremen
Arrival Port: New York
Gender: Male
Marital Status: S
Citizenship Status:
Ship Name: Kaiser Wilhelm II
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