For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Rosalia [Female] b. BET. NOV 1886 - 15 SEP 1887 Wisconsin - d. 10 SEP 1912 Kewaunee County, WI
Title: 1900 census
7 BLAHNIK Rosalia 15 Sep 1887 10 Sep 1912 ossw/Wenzel,Leo,Mary,Wenzel Selner
St Mary's Algoma
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Title: Wisconsin, Death Index, 1959-1997
Algoma Record Herald - Marriage index alphabetically by bride 1924-1949
Wochos Charles Blahnik Valeria Algoma 6/13/1941
Title: 1900 census
Title: Vol 5 page 167 deaths Kewaunee Co.
Title: St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Algoma, WI
Algoma Newspaper Obituaries
You can purchase a copy of an obituary by sending 1$ for each page and a SASE to:
Algoma Public Library
406 Fremont Street
Blahnik Therese 19 3-23-17
Obituary index from Kewaunee Enterprise Newspaper
A copy of the obituary can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to:
Kewaunee Public Library 822 Juneau St. Kewaunee, WI 54216
As follows: Name; age; place of burial if available; date of paper
Blahnik Theresa; 19; ; 3/23/17============
7 BLAHNIK Theresia 07 Oct 1898 14 Mar 1907 ossw/Anna(wife),Matilda,Joseph,Anna
St Mary's Algoma
=======St Mary's Cath Church Cem Algoma Wi Lists the graves at NE 1/4 lot 44 as
1- Anna (Selnar) Blahnik (October 28, 1858-October 26, 1918)
2-Joseph Blahnik (March 19, 1850-September 24, 1920)
3-Theresia Blahnik (October 07, 1898-March 14, 1917)
4-Anna Blahnik (September 09, 1886-October 21, 1886)
5-Matilda Blahnik (March 13, 1891-December 14, 1914)
Title: Kewaunee County Deaths
Title: Wisconsin Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
Algoma Newspaper Obituaries
You can purchase a copy of an obituary by sending 1$ for each page and a SASE to:
Algoma Public Library
406 Fremont Street
Blahnik Wenzel 18 8-23-07
never married
Title: Mel & Karel Blahnik
----- Original Message -----
From: Francis Blahnik
To: Ken & Lori Dollevoet ; Dorothy Blahnik ; Bob Blahnik
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 7:31 PM
Subject: Blahnik originsHi;
Last September I commissioned Slavic Research Institute to find the homestead of Geog and Katharine Blahnik, our immigrant ancestors. I received the results of their efforts on the 8th of March. They did not live in Kdyne as I thought. Instead their home was a few kilometers west, the town of Starz or Starec in German. They owned #17. Georg's father Georg, his grandfather , Jacobus, was also born there. The records they sent go back to 1749 with parents listed before that time.
In addition to the sons we know of, George and Katharine had three daughters, Marie(1) was born Jan. 31 1840 and died October 1840. Marie (#2) was born May 6, 1848 and died April 30 1850. Daughter Anna was born February 12, 1853 and is listed in the permit th travel.
The Slavic institute also sent photocopies of the emigration permit. This is hand written in German. I will have it translated sooner or later. Yours;
Francis L. Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik There are 2 sons of generation 9 Jakub who are also named Jakub. It is speculated that since there are 2 wives listed on the original family tree diagram, that this Jakub (purchases Loucim farm) is from the wife called Marketa and the other Jakub, who inherites the Blahnik mill, comes from the wife Katerina.1st owner of Blahnik Farm in Loucim . . .The son of #9 Jakub, #10 Jan, married. Ursula, whose family name is not known. #10 Jan died prior to 1762. On June 25th of this same year his widow, Ursula, received 5 pieces of gold and received another 5 pieces on December 11, 1762. On December 10, 1763, the son of the deceased #10 Jan Blahnik obtained in the place of his father 5 pieces of gold in the office of Kout and all these payments were erased from the book of debts. On October 31, 1766, #9 Jakub Blahnik paid to the children of the deceased #10 Jan, the heirship of 5 pieces of gold. On October 16, 1768, Jakub paid instead of Ursula, to her children the heirship of 5 pieces of gold.The brother of Jan and son of #9 Jakub, was #10 Jakub who purchased himself a dwelling in the village of Loucim. The record is dated February 12, 1724. Already on April 9, 1722, #10 Jakub Blahnik worked and owned the farm in Loucim (archive of Czech County, property book #64, page 56, archive of Bystricky).On April 24, 1751, with the approval of the gracious noble, Josef Doroty, widow Hubatiusove of Kotnova, born Zumsandtove of Sandberg, Lord of Beharov, Lipkov, Loucim, and Smrzovice, the trade agreement between Ondra Englernann, as a seller of a tavern and a farm, to Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Anna Marie, was arranged. The sale price was 450 pieces of gold (Book of' Property #64, page 18 in the Country Archive).Children of Jakub Blahnik (Jakub's father) obtained on March 15,1737, a total of 155 pieces of gold: Jana, 30 pieces; Vaclav, 30 pieces; Jakub, 30 pieces; Ondra, who was in the army, 15 pieces; Anna, 10 pieces; Katherina, 10 pieces; Jakub, 30 pieces. Total-155. (Inheritance)
(There are 2 Jakubs in this family one was the farmer at Loucim and the other Miller at Blahnik mill.)
Correction in the original Ladislav tree. Vaclav is the son of this Joseph, not XII1 from Jan XI1.
Title: Find a Grave
Title: Find a Grave
Title: Adalbert BlahnikBirth: Jul. 12, 1867
Death: Oct. 15, 1922Jiri Blahnik came to St. Benedict's College from Landschim [should be Loucim] , Bohemia, in 1887 to study for the Benedictine priesthood. As Frater Adalbert he made his first vows July 11, 1890, and was ordained June 28, 1896. After a short stint as a teacher at St. Benedict's College he was asked to go to Pueblo, Colo., to start a parish for Bohemians and Slovak people. He returned to Atchison and St. Louis Parish, Good Intent, in 1906 and began to build a church there. However, he was recalled to teach mathematics and zoology at the college and helped at various parishes in the vicinity. In 1914 he was reassigned to St. Louis, Good Intent. Father Adalbert suffered burns as a result of a fire at the rectory at Good Intent on October 14, 1922, and he died the next day at the Atchison Hospital. Prior Gerard Heinz anointed him. Burial:
Saint Benedicts Abbey Cemetery
Atchison County
Kansas, USACreated by: M Frazier
Record added: Nov 28, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 44899455
From History of the Czechs in America
by Jan Habenicht page 377
The State of Colorado
The state of Colorado ws admitted to the Union on Aug 1, 1876. ...The first Czech who came to the city (Denver) was Libor ALois Slesinger. He settled there in 1860. He died there on Feb 26, 1893.
There are two associations in Denver, the Z.C.B.J. lodge "Denver" and the "Cesko-Slovansky zabavny podpurny spolek" (Czech Slavonic Entertaining and Benevolent Society).
Most of the Catholic compatriots, numbering about 70 persons, are settled in Pueblo. They are in the care of Father Vojtech Blahnik, O.S.B.
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1940 census
Title: Beta Family Search
Title: 1910 census
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Title: Find a Grave
United States Census, 1880 for Joseph BlahnikName: Joseph Blahnik
Residence: Atchison City, Atchison, Kansas
Birthdate: 1866
Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Relationship to Head: Other
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Single
Age (Expanded): 14 years
Occupation: At School
NARA Film Number: T9-0372
Page: 272
Page Character: B
Entry Number: 192
Film number: 1254372
Household Gender Age
John Cobry M 21
Bernard Wickham M 18
John Regan M 22
Joseph Berney M 18
John Walters M 16
Joseph Lowe M 23
John J. Odonnel M 17
Joseph Hardes M 29
Henry Brand M 18
Mathew Wagner M 17
Joseph Altmann M 12
Joseph Blahnik M 14
Francis Sperl M 13
Francis Seidl M 12
Wolfgang Seull M 13
Henry Hiner M 11
Von Bragel M 43
John Schmahl M 35
Andrew Allermann M 39
Lawrence Eagan M 37
================== Blahnik, "United States Census, 1940"
Name: Joseph Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1940
Event Place: Area B, San Jose, San Jose Judicial Township, Santa Clara, California, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 75
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birthplace: Austria
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Last Place of Residence: San Francisco, San Francisco, California
District: 43-107
Family Number: 205
Sheet Number and Letter: 10A
Line Number: 37
Affiliate Publication Number: T627
Affiliate Film Number: 339
Digital Folder Number: 005456420
Image Number: 00245
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Joseph Blahnik M 75 Austria
Wife Catherine Blahnik F 62 Kansas
Inherited the 7th generation Blahnik family farm at Loucim but gave it to the co-op due to the political times.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jan Dus
Title: Jan Dus
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Kout na Sumave domain, INV 42, Chodsk� Lhota 1696-1716
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .We thought that the son of #8 Jiri Blahnik from Klatovy was Jakub, the heir of the Blahnik mill. After close investigation, we found out that the heir of the mill was #8 Jakub, son of #7 Martin and brother of #8 Jiri, Jan, & Matej. Also the heirs of #8 Jiri Blahnik are recorded as the owners.According to the Loucim records of birth it is clear that in Blahnik's Mill lived at that time, 2 Blahnik families and the Petrak family. According to the birth records, they were children of' Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Katerina; Petr Blahnik and his wife, Marketa; and sons of #8 Jiri Blahnik (#9 Jakub, Petr Blahnik), and children of' Simon and Petr Petrak.#9 Jakub Blahnik from the Blahnik's Mill, according to the birth records in Loucim, had a wife, Katerina. In February 1686, there was a baptism of a daughter, Anna. On June 8, 1691, there was a daughter, Eva; and. on June 28, 1691, son Petr; and June 30, 1692, son Jiri; August 16, 1693, daughter Dorota. On August 7, 1696, Jirik, son of Jakub Blahnik from Lhota, was buried at the age of 20 weeks. (here, obviously, are recorded the children of both Blahnik families).
----------------"According to the property record. book on Lhota, page 260, Jakub Blahnik took over after his father, Jiri Blahnik (1719), the mill with 4 acres of fields located amongst the Pocinovice fields across the bridge (behind the bridge), and 2 bushels of seed. Jakub Blahnik, because he was poor, was allowed to use the mill for himself without pay. Because of this priviledge, recently a dispute occurred between him and the others. This dispute was settled on a friendly basis. In the future he was supposed to help in the mill and in the fields belonging to the mill, including 4 acres and 2 bushels and 1/4 of the farm. He was to use these fields and the profit from the mill was to then be divided equally, while everyone participated in the paying for the operating costs of the mill as well as in the fulfillment of the duties to the Emperor and. to the nobility." This agreement was arranged in the office of Kout in March 1737 and registered in the property books of Lhota on page 194.=========
According to the Loucim records of birth it is clear that in Blahnik�s Mill lived at that time, 2 Blannik families and the Petrak family. According to the birth records, they were children of� Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Katerina; Petr Blahnik and his wife, Marketa; and sons of Jiri Blahnik, and children of� Simon and Petr Petrak.
#9 Jakub Blahnik from the Blahnik's Mill, according to the birth records in Loucim, had a wife, Katerina. In February 1686, there was a baptism of a daughter, Anna. On June 8, 1691, there was a daughter, Eva; and. on June 28, 1691, son Petr; and June 30, 1692, son Jiri; August 16, 1693, daughter Dorota. On August 7, 1696, Jirik, son of Jakub Blahnik from Lhota, was buried at the age of 20 weeks. (here, obviously, are recorded the children of both Blahnik families).
============(X1) Jakub Blahnik (second of two Jakubs in the family), son of #9.1 Jakub & Katerina of Lhota, inherited the mill and with the approval of the gracious lords, took over after his deceased father and. still-living mother, on March 15, 1737- - 1/4 of the farm goes to Lhota, which farm his father, (IX1) Jakub Blahnik took over after his father, Jiri (VIII1) Blahnik took over the mill (Jirik was probably identical with the Jirik from Klatovy). (X1) Jakub Blahnik took over the 1/4 of the farm for 155 pieces of gold which sum of money was supposed to be divided among the other heirs. Each was supposed to get 30 pieces of' gold and. the installments of 5 pieces of gold each year were payable on the day of St. Havla. (X1) Jakub Blahnik also promised that as a son, he will give to his mother the annuity as long as she lived and he is going to take over all the duties he had toward the King and the nobility, The agreement was arranged in the presence of' Vaclav Veselaka and Vita Blahnik(?), both mill proprietors and. witnesses close to Pocinovice and Lhota on the high office in Kout. According to the agreement the money was divided as follows:
Children of (IX1) Jakub Blahnik obtained on March 15,1737, a total of 155 pieces of gold: Jana (X1), 30 pieces; Vaclav (X3), 30 pieces; (X1) Jakub, 30 pieces; (X9) Ondra, who was in the army, 15 pieces; Anna, 10 pieces; Katherina, 10 pieces; (X6) Jakub, 30 pieces. Total-155.============
Jan Dus:
State Archive in Plzen, Nepomuk Office
The Book of Land and Estate Ownership /Gruntovn� kniha/:
Kout na Sumave domain, INV 42, Chodsk� Lhota 1696-1716
Page: 258-259bThe Blahnik's Mill in Chodsk� Lhota - see:
Record from page 259b continues on pages 260, 261-262
Page 260 /Chodsk� Lhota #89
On June 16, 1719, � of the mill is written to Jakub Blahn�k after his older brother Petr Blahn�k. (Their father was Jir� Blahn�k)Page 194 /Chodsk� Lhota #89/
In March 1737, there is a confirmation of ownership record of the mill for Jakub Blahn�k, son of Jir� Blahn�k. See record on the page 260.
Heirs after Jakub Blahn�k /Petr�k/, miller from Blahn�k's Mill and Vor�ila
Jan - born on July 12, 1707, Blahn�k Mill
V�clav - born on September 28, 1718, Blahn�k Mill, he left for Petrovice, Bezd?kov and Janov nad �hlavou
Jakub - born on September 13, 1705, Blahn�k Mill
Ondrej - born on January 27, 1710, Blahn�k Mill
Anna - her birth was not foundKaterina - born on March 15, 1712, Blahn�k Mill
Jakub, taking over, that is probably Jakub born on September 13, 1705 Dus Research 2013
VOR�ILA FOLT�NOV� (New Record)
State Archive in Plzen
Roman Catholic Parish in Loucim
Marriage Register, Book #1, page #35, record #3Date of marriage: November 6, 1701
Place of marriage (church): Loucim
Marriage performed by - not written
Place of marriage: Loucim Groom:
Jan Jakub Petr�k /son of Jir� Blahn�k from Blahn�kovsk� Mill/
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital status: single
Age: not writtenBride:
Vor�ila Folt�nov� from Loucim
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital status: single
Age: not writtenWitnesses:
Jakub Hlad�k from Kdyne
Jakub ratol�stek, tailor from Klatovy
Title: Actapublica
Title: Jan Dus
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 JIRI (ALGOMA & CANADA) (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (SMRZOVICE) (James).The wife of #8 Jiri Blahnik had the name Anna, born Jakouboka on November 7, 1658. She died on January 6, 1722. Jiri Blahnik was released from the serfdom for Lord Fredrich Lamminger and he married in Klatovy where his brother, the mill proprietor, lived.On page 91 of the Trade Records book #10 in Klatovy which contains the records dated 1653-1684, there is the following record:"#8 Jiri Blahnik with his wife, Anna, purchased for himself, his heirs and future descendants, a dwelling named 'Sandovskou' which is free of debt, along with the brewery located on the monastery suburbs, and. with everything that is fastened with nails, lead, clay, or mortar. The property was purchased from Anna Jakoubkove (mother-in-law), who was a neighbor in Klatovy for 150 golden pieces according to the following arrangement:The buyer, #8 Jiri Blahnik, will give to the seller, Anna Jakoubkove, 30 pieces of gold. as a retainer. As an addition, Anna Jakoubkove will give to #8 Jiri Blahnik, to her daughter, Anna, a dowry of 30 pieces of gold, deductible from the cost of the property, and. therefore, 85 pieces of gold remain to be paid. The installments are payable every year in January in the amount of 15 pieces of gold until the whole total is paid. On top of this, the above described. #8 Jiri Blahnik was obligated to give to Anna Jakoubkove, room and board until her death. She would, in turn, work for him within her physical possibilities. Also, Katherine Jakoubkove, his sister-in-law, was promised free room and. board. until she would get married." This was recorded in January 23, 1662.It is recorded in the city books that Anna Jakoubkove personally acknowledged the receipt of 15 pieces of gold from #8 Jiri Blahnik as a first installment on the house in April 14, 1663. Also the 2nd installment was received by Anna on May 19, 1664.Anna Jakoubkove was the Widow of Pavel Jakoubkovi, called 'Hapatovi,' who purchased from Lidmila Slemrova in 1636, 1/2 of the abundant blue-berry field and the surrounding are (#69), next to his (#68), and Lidmila Knezevske's house (#85). (reference; Dr. J. Vancura, History of the Past King's History of Klatovy, part II; Vol. III, page 623).On page 151, dated March 5, 1668, in the book of' Great Records of the city of Klatovy, (Archives of Czech Country), is the following record:Kristof Srna with his wife, Lidmila, purchased for themselves & their heirs, & their future descendants, from #8 Jiri Blahnik and his wife, Anna, his property including the area between the house of the seller and. the house of the buyer. This property is in front of the monastery and. it includes also the large door facing the street. The property in total was purchased for 18 golden pieces. From this place towards the garden of Tobiase Letovsky, there are several hops plants. Krystof Srna lent 8 golden pieces and 18 'krejc' to Jiri Blahnik and therefore Krystof Srna was allowed to keep the hops plants as lien until the loan is paid in full. If the loan is not paid until the hops plants are fully grown, Jiri Blahnik cannot anymore pay the money and even if he would pay, the creditor would keep that year's hops harvest for himself. Towards this transaction, Krystof Srna paid to #8 Jiri Blahnik the said 6 pieces of gold and the rest it is 20 pieces and 18 krejc were given to Jan Philip Hoch and the purchaser made a separate deal with him. Whenever the bet would be paid, it was requested that it would be recorded so it happened in Klatovy on February 11, 1668, as applied for by both sides the payment of the debt was recorded in Actum Clatt on March 5, 1668."In spite of the effort of' Wolf V. Lamminger of Albenreuth, who was the Lord of the Chods and who was known from the Legal Suite, they tried to get the Blahnik brothers back on his property (he needed serfs), but this effort was fruitless because the City Council backed up the residents.
The following was written by the Councilmen of Klatovy to the Captain of the Plzen District on March 24, 1671 (Library copy #3, page 108, Actor of the Museum of Klatovy):"It was requested from us to submit the release letters of Blahnik brothers who are neighbors in Klatovy to the District Office and. we are doing so, sending the release letters of brothers Jan & Matej, and the letter of sending #8 Jiri Blahnik, as it was rewritten from the original and properly attested. under the seal of the City. We are not sending the release letter of #8 Jiri Blahnik because it was lost. The loss of the release letter of #8 Jiri Blahnik was admitted by Linhart Flaminius, Secretary of the Klatovy City, who obtained the letter of release from Jiri Blahnik, then submitted it to the Lords several prior, but afterwards he forgot to return it, and, therefore the letter was lost.We can witness with a good. conscience that he had a letter of' release and. did submit it to the city office, because in Klatovy it is the habit not to accept anyone who was a serf amongst the citizens unless he can show the letter of release.Because your grace gave to #8 Jiri Blahnik, who was at that time already married in Klatovy, and, that letter was signed by your own hand, you practically admitted that prior to that, you gave to #8 Jiri Blahnik, a letter releasing him from serfdom. Because of this we hope that no harm will be done to the above named #8 Jiri Blahnik. With that we remain with God."With regard to his release letter an attached copy was made for #8 Jiri Blahnik on September 5th (Library copy A3, Vol. 1LI'8b & 1LI.9a). In the same copy book of Klatovy, on page 120, we can read a new letter of the Klatovy officials to their grace captain of the Plzen District, written on May 23rd, 1674:"High born Serfs: We received your letter yesterday in which you ordered to us, based. upon request from his Grace, Lord Lamminger, that we send the Blahnik brothers, (Jan & Matej, and #8 Jiri, who is married), to the highly regarded district office today. Obeying the order we advised. brothers Blahnik to come to Obytce (several periods from part of' the letter was missing.) The Blahnik brothers decided to come to your office but because they wouldn't have their letters of release, which are in the office of the City Secretary, who is out of town, we ask you to kindly excuse them. They will obey and come any other day you will request their presence."The daughter of #8 Jiri Blahnik, Eva, married Jan Hartla, widower from Benov, in 1695.#8 Jiri Blahnik died unknown where and when, prior to 1704. His widow married again and. had a husband who was Natej Slechta, who in 1704, with the approval of the Mayor's Office, from her and, her children orphans, bought the Hapatovska house for 150 pieces of gold (ibid., Vancura, page 623).
The brother of #8 Jiri, Jan Blahnik, was born around 1619 and, he died in 1697. In the same year, when his brother Jiri, on March 20th, 1662, with his wife, Anna, bought their dwelling in Klatovy, the following record was made in the Klatovy Book of Trade Records No. 10, page 98:"#8 Jan Blahnik(#8 Jiri's brother) with Anna Marketa, his wife, bought for themselves and to their heirs and to the future descendants, from Jan Bartovic, a mill called 'Hunovsky,' located on the Ouhlave River close to Tajanov. The mill is free of debt arid includes everything what is in it, fastened with nails; lead, soil, or mortar arid it total, everything including the water wheels, stones, chests, mill baskets, and other abundant equipment. Also with the river and the rear area between the pond and the road. below the mill. It also includes 2 meadows called. 'Knoflickova & Koubovna,' both on the 6th class of' hay. Along with it goes 1 small pond from which one part of hay could be harvested, located out of the village perimeter, towards Tajanov. It also includes 1 field of less than 8 plows between the fields located in the direction of Red. Mill. All that was sold for 875 pieces of gold. In earnest money, the buyer gave to the seller, 150 pieces of' gold. The installments of 70 pieces of' gold. each are going to be payable every January until the debt is paid in full. This transaction was recorded as requested by both sides with the official approval on March 20th, 1662.On February 14, 1667, #8 Jan Blahnik, the mill proprietor on the new null with his wife, purchased from Katherine Chladkova (aelius Kemcova), one hops field having about 3 piles of poles, for 33 pieces of gold (book of Trade Records in Country Archives, No. 10)
On September 5,1657, the Klatovy officials wrote the following to the District Captains about the brothers Jan & #8 Jiri Blahnik:"As you requested, we are sending Jan Blahnik to present in Plzen, the original of his release letter to the District Captain, Vilem Brenkov Pukhart from Zelenz Udoli, Lord of Ztina. Jan Blahnik is ordered to present the letter on August 28th this year and. the letter will be without harm, returned to him.
You also ordered us to surrender #8 Jiri, brother of the above named Jan Blahnik, upon the request of' Lord of Lamminger, because the named #8 Jiri does not have his letter of' release, but only the letter of' standing which cannot be accepted as a proof' of his free status and therefore, he cannot pose as a free man.We would like to humbly to inform your Grace that it would mean great harm to the said #8 Jiri Blahnik, if he would have to return to serfdom 13 years after he submitted his letter of release arid. his letter of standing to the Klatovy City Office and. gained the status of' a free citizen and became married. All those 13 years he lived as a good citizen from what we can witness, but we do not have any knowledge of how his letter of release was lost or why it could not be found.#8 Jiri Blahnik is a poor man who with his manual work is hardly providing for his wife and his children and therefore we are asking, officially, that you will not deprive him of his freedom. For this purpose we are also returning the addendum to your letter. We remain with God."In Ladislav Blahnik's letter dated 10/28/1968 he states, "In the middle of the 17th century, about 1657, a long law-suit was led between Lord Lamminger in Kout na Sumava and the town of Klatovy, about Jan and Jiri Blahnik of the mill 'Blahniky'. The aristocrat Lamminger did not wish to agree with the exception of Jan and Jiri Blahnik as townsmen of Klatovy, but the townsment of Klatovy defended successfully these new citiens."We thought that the son of #8 Jiri Blahnik from Klatovy was Jakub, the heir of the Blahnik mill. After close investigation, we found out that the heir of the mill was #8 Jakub, son of #7 Martin and brother of #8 Jiri, Jan, & Matej. Also the heirs of #8 Jiri Blahnik (Jakub and Petr) are recorded as the owners.
=============="According to the property record. book on Lhota, page 260, Jakub Blahnik took over after his father, Jiri Blahnik (1719), the mill with 4 acres of fields located amongst the Pocinovice fields across the bridge (behind the bridge), and 2 bushels of seed. Jakub Blahnik, because he was poor, was allowed to use the mill for himself without pay. Because of this priviledge, recently a dispute occurred between him and the others. This dispute was settled on a friendly basis. In the future he was supposed to help in the mill and in the fields belonging to the mill, including 4 acres and 2 bushels and 1/4 of the farm. He was to use these fields and the profit from the mill was to then be divided equally, while everyone participated in the paying for the operating costs of the mill as well as in the fulfillment of the duties to the Emperor and. to the nobility." This agreement was arranged in the office of Kout in March 1737 and registered in the property books of Lhota on page 194.
Ladislav 1968
In the middle of the 17th century, about 1657, a long law-suit was led between Lord Lamminger in Kout na Sumava and the town of Klatovy, about Jan & Jiri Blahnik of the mill "Blahniky'> The aristocrat Lamminger did not wish to agree with the acception of Jan & Jiri Blahnik as townsmen of Katovy, but the townsmen of Klatovy defended successfully these new citizens.
**Jan Dus
Jir� Blahn�k or Petr�k (see: had, except others, two sons: 1. Petr, who inherited a mill, had a son Matej, (X1a) who married Dorota Mr�zov� on November 24, 1716. Matej and Dorota had a son V�clav born on October 21, 1718. This V�clav married Mark�ta Karbanov� from Hlubok� on November 26, 1741. They had children born in Hlubok� #34. Son Jakub was born on March 17, 1743 in Hlubok�. [Algoma] 2. Jakub, who inherited a mill after his deceased older brother Petr. Later this mill has a house number 89.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
The wife of #8 Jiri Blahnik had the name Anna, born Jakouboka on November 7, 1658. She died on January 6, 1722. Jiri Blahnik was released from the serfdom for Lord Fredrich Lamminger and he married in Klatovy where his brother, the mill proprietor, lived.
=="#8 Jiri Blahnik with his wife, Anna, purchased for himself, his heirs and future descendants, a dwelling named 'Sandovskou' which is free of debt, along with the brewery located on the monastery suburbs, and. with everything that is fastened with nails, lead, clay, or mortar. The property was purchased from Anna Jakoubkove (mother-in-law), who was a neighbor in Klatovy for 150 golden pieces according to the following arrangement:The buyer, #8 Jiri Blahnik, will give to the seller, Anna Jakoubkove, 30 pieces of gold. as a retainer. As an addition, Anna Jakoubkove will give to #8 Jiri Blahnik, to her daughter, Anna, a dowry of 30 pieces of gold, deductible from the cost of the property, and. therefore, 85 pieces of gold remain to be paid. The installments are payable every year in January in the amount of 15 pieces of gold until the whole total is paid. On top of this, the above described. #8 Jiri Blahnik was obligated to give to Anna Jakoubkove, room and board until her death. She would, in turn, work for him within her physical possibilities. Also, Katherine Jakoubkove, his sister-in-law, was promised free room and. board. until she would get married." This was recorded in January 23, 1662.It is recorded in the city books that Anna Jakoubkove personally acknowledged the receipt of 15 pieces of gold from #8 Jiri Blahnik as a first installment on the house in April 14, 1663. Also the 2nd installment was received by Anna on May 19, 1664.Anna Jakoubkove was the Widow of Pavel Jakoubkovi, called 'Hapatovi,' who purchased from Lidmila Slemrova in 1636, 1/2 of the abundant blue-berry field and the surrounding are (#69), next to his (#68), and Lidmila Knezevske's house (#85). (reference; Dr. J. Vancura, History of the Past King's History of Klatovy, part II; Vol. III, page 623).
Title: Jan Dus
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . .The Blahnik's Mill, owned originally by #6 Matej Blahnik, was inherited by his son, #7 Martin, who was recorded on the tax roll of 1652 as "Blanieckh." The mill was described as having 1 water wheel. Besides the mill, he owned 60 acres of field, out of which 24 acres were seeded for winter and 8 acres were seeded in the Spring. He had 9 teams of horses, 5 cows, 9 young cows, 16 sheep, and 20 pigs.#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 Jiri (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (James).
in the mill in near Lhota 1652
letter from Ladislav 1968
The mill, "Na Blahnikach (By Blahniks)" is now in the same condition as it was 100 years ago. During the WWI it was still driven by water and after the war by motors. Last summer we were there on a trip and we remembered you. The building of the mill is used by a farmer, but the mill is in bad condition. THe old water wheel goes to ruin. During your visit we can go there to see the mill and other places in the neighborhood which belonged to the mill in the past. The area described in my first letter relates only to the fields, meadows w2343 no5 indlue3e. The area of the meadows were nearly so great as the area of the fields. It is interesting that there were 9 teams of horses in the farm. We suppose our ancestors carried on transport of wood, perhaps iron ore dug near the village of Pocinovice or the charcoal made in the surrounding forests.============
in the mill rear Lhota 1622-54
Ladislav writes
According to these same records, in 1622, Matej Blahnik (from the Blahnik's Mill) with Jan Sazama of Pocinovice, gave 6 times 60 pieces of 'spici (a type of currency)', for the purchase of a tin chalice for the Lord's Supper.
=======Matej Blahnik
Date of Birth: Location:
Under Lhota, Bohemia
Died: After 1654 Location:
Under Lhota, BohemiaImmediate Family
Martin Blahnik
His son
N. Blahnik
His father
Vaclav Blahnik
His brother
Owner of By Blahnik Mill
BiographyHistory of the Family of Blahnik of Smr�ovice (1482-1944)Blahniks of Smr�oviceby Ladislav Blahnik. . . Loucim In the church register about the Collected Contributions in 1599 Evangelic When there were priests, we can read. on the first page among the residents of the village of Lhota, the name of Blahnik. In 1599 he was giving to the church in saying goodbye, volume 2 units of rye, and. a quart of barley every year,According to These same records, in 1622 # 6 Matej Blahnik (from the Blahnik's Mill) with Jan Sazama of Pocinovice, gave 6 times 60 pieces of 'dormant (a type of currency)', for the purchase of a tin chalice for the Lord's Supper.According to the records of Frederick Matias, a lord of the Saint Cross property, from the Beginning of Lamminger Lord's rule, there were 4 lower mills in the villages of Lhota and Pocinovice. Those mills were the Contributing Fees in 'dormant.' The Lord Frederick did not know how much. (Read Dr. Roubik 's History of Chods, page 547). The report is from the 1633rdOut of the Blahnik's family, and Mr. Hajdl Blanik (Blahnik) was Recorded in Kralovacky Mayor's house as the only English among seven Germans. His family name was Germanized by the secretary. (Refer to the records of Kralovskiho Hvozdy dated 1630th The abstract of 'That from the regional archives in Klatovy is among the abstracts of' Dr. K. hostas in the Klatovy Museum).# 6 Matej Blahnik, the proprietor of the mill, is named along with Jan and, Vaclav Blahnik. Each of Them had one cow Rented from the church and They paid a fee for the cows (4th Cr.). Matej, the proprietor of the mill, had later Rented 2 cows. The other two men were probably bratja. Vaclav Blahnik lived in Lhota and he was later the founder of the branch of Blahniks Lhota. The same Vaclav gave on the 8th of July to the church in saying goodbye, one cow, and he promised to pay the fee to the church for keeping the cow for him as long as he Would be absent. (Records of the church in saying goodbye with the records about the garments used for Masses, about the chalices, as a rent for cows).There is Also a list of farms Belonging to the church. The records were kept to the honor and glory of God for the future and for the descendants in memory of the respectable priest, Jerome of Rodicze, from the city of Domazlice, Who is Currently the priest in saying goodbye. Given on Monday, after the memory of ST. Virgin Dorothy, in 1599. (See the work of the archive keeper, Franktisek warm Chods the church records of saying goodbye in the collection of the historical society).The name, Blazik, occurred in the same record in 1599 and, it was said Blazik That was Supposed to give to the church to Mr. John Orichovskym (who probably was the official of the church in saying goodbye), the 10th bundle. He was Supposed to pay it from the Roubaloske property, but he gave just half of the tenth, or half of the volume-unit. Out of Those parts, he was Supposed to pay in total about 3 quarts as the priest wrote down. For the remainder of HIS life, Blazik That kept acknowledging he owed the priest the 10th bundle.Among the residents of saying goodbye, According to the population records from 1599, there was Blazik, WHO was paying 3 volume units of rye as a contribution. It was not impossible That These forms of family name are in relation with the blood relation of the family of Blahnik. The family names of That time did not have a stable form yet. They were formed at That Time. For each village there was a church keeper WHO was collecting the Contributions, and for the village of Lhota, the church keeper's name was 'Lhoteck�.'The Blahnik's Mill, Originally owned by # 6 Matej Blahnik, was inherited by his son, Martin # 7, the WHO was Recorded on the tax roll of 1652 as "Blanieckh." The mill was Described as having one water wheel. Besides the mill, he owned 60 acres of field, out of Which 24 acres were seeded for winter and 8 acres were seeded in the Spring. He had nine teams of horses, 5 cows, 9 young cows, 16 sheep and 20 pigs.
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