For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik MATEJ (VI1) (Blanieckh) [Male] b. ABT. 1580 Pod Lhotou (Chodska Lahota), Bohemia (birth yr. is estimate only) - d. AFT. 1654 Pod Lhotou (Chodska Lahota), Bohemia
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .In the Loucim church register about the collected contributions in 1599, when there were evangelic priests, we can read. on the first page among the residents of the village of Lhota, the name of Blahnik. In 1599 he was giving to the church in Loucim, 2 volume units of rye, and. a quart of barley every year.According to these same records, in 1622, #6 Matej Blahnik (from the Blahnik's Mill) with Jan Sazama of Pocinovice, gave 6 times 60 pieces of 'spici (a type of currency)', for the purchase of a tin chalice for the Lord's Supper.According to the records of Matiase Fridrich, a lord of the Saint Cross property, from the beginning of Lord Lamminger's rule, there were 4 lower mills in the villages of Lhota and Pocinovice. Those mills were contributing the fees in 'spici.' The Lord Fridrich did not know how much. (read Dr. Roubik' s History of Chods, page 547). The report is from 1633.Out of the Blahnik's family, a Mr. Hajdl Blanik (Blahnik) was recorded in Kralovacky Mayor's house as the only Czech among 7 Germans. His family name was Germanized by the secretary. (refer to the records of Kralovskiho Hvozde dated 1630. The abstract of' that from the regional archives in Klatovy is among the abstracts of' Dr. K. Hostase in the Klatovy Museum).#6 Matej Blahnik, the proprietor of the mill, is named along with Jan and, Vaclav Blahnik. Each of them had one cow rented from the church and they paid a fee for the cows (4. kr.). Matej, the proprietor of the mill, had later 2 rented cows. The other two men were probably his brothers. Vaclav Blahnik lived in Lhota and he was later the founder branch of the Blahniks of Lhota. The same Vaclav gave on the 8th of July to the church in Loucim, one cow, and he promised to pay the fee to the church for keeping the cow for him as long as he would be absent. (records of the church in Loucim with the records about the garments used for Masses, about the chalices, as a rent for cows).There is also a list of farms belonging to the church. The records were kept to the honor and glory of God for the future and for the descendants in memory of the respectable priest, Jeronyma Rodicze, from the city of Domazlice, who is currently the priest in Loucim. Given on Monday, after the memory of St. Virgin Dorothy, 1599. (see the work of the archive keeper, Franktisek Tepleho, the Chods church records of Loucim in the collection of the historical society).The name, BLAZIK, occurred in the same 1599 record and, it was said that Blazik was supposed to give to the church to Mr. Janem Orichovskym (who probably was the official of the church in Loucim), the 10th bundle. He was supposed to pay it from the Roubaloske property, but he gave just 1/2 of the tenth, or 1/2 of the volume-unit. Out of those parts, he was supposed to pay in total about 3 quarts as the priest wrote down. For the remainder of his life, Blazik kept acknowledging that he owed the priest the 10th bundle.Among the residents of Loucim, according to the population records from 1599, there was Blazik, who was paying 3 volume units of rye as a contribution. It was not impossible that these forms of family name are in relation with the blood relation of the family of Blahnik. The family names of that time did not have a stable form yet. They were formed at that time. For each village there was a church keeper who was collecting the contributions, and for the village of Lhota, the church keeper's name was 'Lhotecky.'++++The Blahnik's Mill, owned originally by #6 (V1) Matej Blahnik, was inherited by his son, #7 Martin, who was recorded on the tax roll of 1652 as "Blanieckh." The mill was described as having 1 water wheel. Besides the mill, he owned 60 acres of field, out of which 24 acres were seeded for winter and 8 acres were seeded in the Spring. He had 9 teams of horses, 5 cows, 9 young cows, 16 sheep, and 20 pigs.
in the mill rear Lhota 1622-54
Ladislav writes
According to these same records,
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
in mill rear Lhota 1599
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Out of the serfs, there became free men. The descendant of #2 Martin Blahnik, #4 Hron Blahnik, in 1610 signed himself directly as a free man. In the records dated 1571 on Thursday on the day of Finding the Signed Cross B 21, #4 Hron Blahnik of Libkov (the free man) told to the officials in Prague that his inheritance is in the village of Libkov, a farm called. 'Snopkovsky' with hereditary tillable and non-tillable lands, meadows, grasslands, hills, valleys, property limits, and grazing lands, including also a small village next to the woods close to the houses in Lipkov, and with everything that is with-in the limits of the property from his father and that he is using it without any difficulties and that he wants for himself and for his heirs to have this deed for his property registered according to the new regulations.The following abstract was given from the records of the country with the approval of the highborn brave knight, Mr. Jan of Klenovy & Janovic on Zinkovy & Zitiny, counsel to the highest secretary of the Czech Kingdom under the seals of Zacharise Kaby of Rybnan, deputy judge of Czech Kingdom and Bohuslav of Michalovice on Rvenicice & Novy Sedle, deputy secretary of Czech Kingdom on Thursday after Saint Jilji, 1610. (Signed by Bohuslav of Michalovice, deputy secretary of Czech Kingdom---Abstract of the 1st entry Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; St. Man. M-37/10)."In the chapter of the schedule of hereditary assets in the year of 1574, on Wednesday after St. Lukas, C 26, #4 Hron Blahnik of Lipkov, free man, told to the officials in Prague, that according to the regulations about registration of deeds, he asked for the registration of his inherited property and, this application was approved by the Common Council held on Thursday after St. Skolastice, 1549 in the Prague Castle. This means that he registered for himself and. his heirs, the farm called Snopkovsky,' located in the village of Lipkov, including the small dwellings, meadows, tillable and non-tillable lands, grasslands, hills and valleys, property limits, grazing lands, and. also small village located next to the woods." The registration took place in 1549 according to the ruling issued by the Common Council.This abstract from the country register is given with the approval of highborn brave knight, Mr. Jan of Klenovy & Janovice & of Zinkovy, Roupove, & Breziny, counsel to the highest secretary of Czech Kingdom under the seal of Adam Ryzmberk of Janovice, deputy judge of Czech Kingdom, and. Jan Bukovanskeho Pinty of Bukovy on Bukovany & Krasovice, deputy secretary of Czech Kingdom on Thursday after St. Vorsile, 1615 A.C. Signed by Jan Bukovansky Pinta of Bukovy, deputy secretary of Czech Kingdom (there).How come the transfer of the 'Snopkovsky' farm in Libkov from the ownership of a free man (#4 Hron Blahnik) into the ownership of nobility is not known, but the descendant of Hron Blahnik, Vaclav Hronka (Hronek from Hron?) who was on the farm in Lipkov in 1603, paid the fee or the rent for the farm to Anna Mesickove of Otrasfeld (refer to F. Maras: Inventory of Fees from 14 Regions of Czech Kingdom).In this time already another branch of the same family operated the Blahnik's mill close to the Chod village of Lhota in the valley of Loucim. The population inventory in 1567 (the 3rd list) includes in the village of Lhota, the name of Blahnik (see Dr. Roubik, The History of Chods, page 604.). We do not know his first name nor his relation to the Libkov branch of the family.In the Loucim church register about the collected contributions in 1599, when there were evangelic priests, we can read. on the first page among the residents of the village of Lhota, the name of Blahnik. In 1599 he was giving to the church in Loucim, 2 volume units of rye, and. a quart of barley every year,===============
10/28/1969 letter from Ladislav Blahnik
Blahniks had held the farm in Libkov until 1609, then sold the farm again to an aristocracy family for 250 scores of groats (graots were silver money, one score was 60 pieces. The price was accordingly 15,000 groats. The last farmer of our family in this farm was Anna, she was a daughter of Hron. The name of her husband was Hronek, evidently, according to the name, Hron, his father-in-law. THe family names in that time were not still constant. The farm was in the Blahnik holdin for 104 years. In my former letter the price was described badly. In 1505 the farm was bought for 300 schores which is 18,000 groats and not 3,000 groats as it was written in my former letter.=========
Free man in Libkov on farm Snopkov
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
N. Blahnik - c1525-aft 1579. Free man in Libkov on farm Snopkov (1571-1579)
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .According to the following agreement, Mr. Jan of Ryzmberg & Usilov, sold, in 1505, the free farm in Lipkov called 'Snopkovsky' to the serf #2 Martin, son of #1 Ondra Blahnik:"I, Jan of Ryzmberg & Usilov, declare here to everyone who will see or read this agreement, that with good sense and. healthy advice of my friends and. being fully in a position to do so, I sold, voluntarily, my hereditary free farm located in the village, Lipkov. The farm is called 'Snopkovsky' and. I sold it to a serf, #2 Martin, who is the son of Blahnik here in Lipkov, and to his wife, Lidmilla, and to their heirs and. to their representatives arid to everyone to whom this agreement will belong in the future. The farm was sold, including the tillable and non-tillable fields, meadows, grasslands, hills, and. valleys, property limits, grasslands and grazing lands, and. with everything within the limits of the property which belonged to the farm as long as remembered. I did not leave anything to myself, with no exceptions, nor did I leave anything to my future deputies. All this I sold for 300 times 60 'grosu' of "misen" it is good pieces of silver which were paid to me in full by the said, Martin, and, therefore, the above described Martin or his heirs or his future deputies can, with full freedom and all rights belonging to the farm, forever hereditary and freely use and hold the described property. Because the property is in their hereditary ownership, they can give it, sell it, barter it, or put it in lien. They can do that either for health or because of death, and. they can do it of their free will as with their own free farm without any interference from my side or from the side of my future deputies. Whenever there would be a time for collecting of King's taxes or country taxes in Czech country, the above described Martin or his heirs or future owners of the farms will have to pay those King's or country taxes to the extent paid by everyone else in that upper or lower village. He is not going to pay more or less than other neighbors in that village in such time as those general taxes in Czech country are declared. The above described Martin, his heirs, or future. owners of the farm are, of course, free of all other taxes fees, and serf labor.
And., therefore, I and my deputies now and. in the future, promise on our good. Christian belief, to the described Martin and, to his heirs and future deputies and to the future owners of the farm, that we are not going to bother them, nor criticize them or take anything from the described farm, its meadows, or other things which belong hereditary to the farm and we are not going to divide anything from that or seperate anything from that, but we are going to leave the farm in its entirety as it was in the past. This I promise truthfully and faithfully as a Christian, and I am going to keep this promise and also my descendents will keep the promise as described. This will not change even if some harm would come to this paper such as by water, or by fire, or because of holes made by moths. To confirm this, I attached with full knowledge and voluntarily, my seal to this paper, and. I ask highborn Lord Jindrich of Milavoce & Beharove, and Mikulas of Besin & Soustov, to attach their seals next to mine, without harming themselves.This paper was written and given on Thursday of the sign of St. Rehora, and. Pope Zahov, of the year 1505 A. C. (Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sign of Old. Manuscripts M-37/10).Out of the serfs, there became free men. The descendant of #2 Martin Blahnik, #3 Hron Blahnik, in 1610 signed himself directly as a free man. In the records dated 1571 on Thursday on the day of Finding the Signed Cross B 21, #4 Hron Blahnik of Libkov (the free man) told to the officials in Prague that his inheritance is in the village of Libkov, a farm called. 'Snopkovsky' with hereditary tillable and non-tillable lands, meadows, grasslands, hills, valleys, property limits, and grazing lands, including also a small village next to the woods close to the houses in Libkov, and with everything that is with-in the limits of the property from his father and that he is using it without any difficulties and that he wants for himself and for his heirs to have this deed for his property registered according to the new regulations.
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik The oldest known bearer of the name Blahnik (in 1482 also 'Blanik') was #1 Mr. Ondra Blahnik who lived in the village, Libkov, on the serf grounds, which belonged to the territory of Great Chodsko.
In an abstract by Dr. Karl Hostas who was the Director of the Hostas City Museum in Klatovy, is quoted from the Latin text, in court records, that Ondra, named Blanik (Blahnik), after the death of the owner of the property in Lipkov (who was Blanik's lord) owned 70 'grosu' (a form of currency) of the annual pay. The inheritance, after Jan Spicka, was transferred because of the death of King Vladislava, who gave it to Nachvalovi of Ryzmberg and his descendents. #1 Ondra Blahnik did not forget his Chod origin and he tried to lift his family, socially, from serfdom. His son, Martin, probably succeeded and reached free status. On this social level he was somewhat more free and independent than the other farmers of Chodsko, who were also the King's property, but their land could be put in lien to local noblemen if the King's coffers (Strongbox or finances) were empty and the King needed a loan. In this way, the free farmers could be made into somewhat 'privileged' serfs again.It would be somewhat impossible to comment on the environment of those past times during which the family lived, especially during the era of great spiritual awakening this family, and others, experienced. After the death of John Huss, in 1415-1419, the Czech country went through a religious movement as never seen before. The spirit of Christ, whose word was spread throughout the Czech country so plentifully, encompassed the entire nation very strongly. According to the Biblical example, people were coming by the thousands to the mountains to hear the preachers. Many preachers were preaching and baptizing to those who believed in Christ, and accepted him as those who are sorry and who are sentenced to death because of sin. (According to the Bible, Romans 6:23: the reward for sin is death but eternal life could be reached through Jesus Christ). The Chodsko area was also a part of this movement. There was a priest, Jan Nakvasa, who was deceived by Mr. Racek of Ryzmberg, and was sold to the Bavarians for a ransom, to be tortured to death. He died as a hero in Novy Kostlich, where his arms and legs were pierced with swords, and then he was tied to a tree and burned. But the cruel Lord of Ryzmberg was very soon punished by God. When the Czech people abandoned Christ's rule, and fought evil by evil, they used the spiritual sword, and Mr. Racek of Ryzmberg was killed in the battle of Vysehrad in Prague on November 1, 1420. It was revenge for the life of the priest, Jan Nakvasa.
Big things were happening around the family house in the nice valley of Loucim in the beautiful setting of Sumava. In 1420, the followers of John Huss were meeting on the hill, 'Pave' above Novy Ves in the Kydnsko region which is about 577 meters above sea level, and. they were attacked in May by the soldiers of Bohuslav of Svamberg, dispersed with several hundred of them wounded (this is proof that they were not armed), and their priest who was in armour (we don't know his name), was transported to Plzen where he was burned to death (Vancura, the History of the city of Klatovy, volume I, page 166: Dr. Roubik, History of Chod.s, page 581).The Loucim valley also witnessed in 1431 the retreat of the Crusaders from the city of Domazlice towards Nyrsko, around. the castles of Klenovy and Opalka.
Later, Chodsko harbored the Moravian brothers who founded the congregations in Starec, Radonice, and Ujezd., where in 1503, six Moravian brothers were burned to death by the noblemen of Svamberg. Later, out of God's will, a new congregation was formed and. this delegation was active even after the Battle on the White Hill.When the farmer, Mikulas Nadrybkovic, was given a year to abandon his religious belief, he chose to be burned to death along with his other brothers. He said that he would rather die than lose his brothers.
According to the following agreement, Mr. Jan of Ryzmberg & Usilov, sold, in 1505, the free farm in Lipkov called 'Snopkovsky' to the serf #2 Martin, son of #1 Ondra Blahnik.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik **In the property book of the Kout Dominion, page 258, is the following record: "Jakub Blahnik from Lhota inherited his mill from his father (is not named) and as such he sold the mill for 1100 pieces of� gold to Hanuse Deimb, who paid him 250 pieces of gold in cash arid, exchanged that mill with Petr, Simon, Jakub Jr., & Jakub (Senior) Petrak.***
-------------------------------------------------. . .#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 Jiri (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (James).In the property book of the Kout Dominion, page 258, is the following record: "#8 Jakub Blahnik from Lhota inherited his mill from his father (is not named) and as such he sold the mill for 1100 pieces of' gold to Hanuse Deimb, who paid him 250 pieces of gold in cash arid, exchanged that mill with Petr, Simon, Jakub Jr., & Jakub (Senior) Petrak. Hanuse Jakub Deimb had to pay also 1 horse. Blahnik testified that he received from the named brothers a total of 800 pieces of gold in notes and from the Lukas hayers, 200 pieces of gold. All together, therefore, 1000 pieces of gold and they still owed him 100 pieces of gold. Out of' the 4 Petrak brothers, Petr Petrak, owned ~ of the mill while the other half was still owned by the old Blahnik to whom they owed 800 pieces of gold, payable in 2 installments. The 4th Petrak brother was supposed to get a total of' 160 pieces of gold of the inheritance and. out of it 130 pieces of gold. remained to be paid. The Blahnik's 1/2 of the mill, after the payment of 800 pieces of gold was made, belonged to the brothers Simon & Jakub Jr., since they agreed to pay the inheritance to the 4th brother, in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year until the paper is paid. in full. The agreement was recorded In the presence of Pavel Kveton, "Mayor," and Hanuse Jakub Deimb, mill proprietor from Lhota. It was recorded. on April 27, 1696. In the same year and on the same day, Petr Petrak paid in full 100 pieces of gold to Jakub Blahnik and this payment was also recorded."According to the Loucim records of birth it is clear that in Blahnik's Mill lived at that time, 2 Blahnik families and the Petrak family. According to the birth records, they were children of' Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Katerina; Petr Blahnik and his wife, Marketa; and sons of #8 Jiri Blahnik, and children of' Simon and Petr Petrak.After the father's death, the mill was operated and 1/4 of the farm was used by Petr with his wife, Marketa. They had on September 16, 1687, a son, Matous; and a daughter Anna, born on November 22, 1689; and a son, Petr, born on June 28, 1691. On June 14, 1719, #9 Jakub Blahnik took over from his brother, Petr, the hereditary 1/4 of the farm in Lhota with the mill, with one submission, as It was deeded to him by his deceased father, #8 Jiri. With the mill there was also 4 acres of fields, located. amongst the Pocinovice fields behind the bridge, and. also 2 bushels of seed.. . .Old #8 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time (1693). He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to Jakub; Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.According to the accounting books of the Koutskeho Dominion, dated 1721 (page 183), the property tax payable to the nobility for the Blahniks' Mill amounted to 50 kreci & 5 den, which was payable on the day of St. Havla. The rent on the mill was payable on the day of St. Jiri and. St. Havla, each time for 3 pieces of gold.
Owned 1/4 of the mill "By Blahniks" 1696 died 1701
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 Jiri (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (James).#8.3 Matej, the brother of #8.1 Jiri and Jan, lived in the Cerveny Mlyn in the Klatovy Region. In 1665 he married Anna, daughter of Jan Stuna from Ondrehovice and, he had with her during the period of 1673 to 1680, 3 children.We are sorry but the birth records from the church in Loucim were lost and. therefore the records about the Blahnik family prior to 1686 were unavailable. We are, therefore, using only the records from the property books and other sources.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 Jiri (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (James).The brother of Jiri, Jan Blahnik, was born around 1619 and, he died. in 1697. In the same year, when his brother Jiri, on March 20th, 1662, with his wife, Anna, bought their dwelling in Klatovy, the following record was made in the Klatovy Book of Trade Records No. 10, page 98:"Jan Blahnik with Anna Marketa, his wife, bought for themselves and to their heirs and to the future descendants, from Jan Bartovic, a mill called �Hunovsky,� located on the Ouhlave River close to Tajanov. The mill is free of debt arid includes everything what is in it, fastened with nails; lead, soil, or mortar arid it total, everything including the water wheels, stones, chests, mill baskets, and other abundant equipment. Also with the river and the rear area between the pond and the road. below the mill. It also includes 2 meadows called. �Knoflickova & Koubovna,� both on the 6th class of� hay. Along with it goes 1 small pond from which one part of hay could be harvested, located out of the village perimeter, towards Tajanov. It also includes 1 field of less than 8 plows between the fields located in the direction of Red. Mill. All that was sold for 875 pieces of gold. In earnest money, the buyer gave to the seller, 150 pieces of� gold. The installments of 70 pieces of� gold. each are going to be payable every January until the debt is paid in full. This transaction was recorded as requested by both sides with the official approval on March 20th, 1662.On February 14, 1667, Jan Blahnik, the mill proprietor on the new mill with his wife, purchased from Katherine Chladkova (aelius Kemcova), one hops field having about 3 piles of poles, for 33 pieces of gold (book of Trade Records in Country Archives, No. 10)On September 5,1657, the Klatovy officials wrote the following to the District Captains about the brothers Jan & Jiri Blahnik:"As you requested, we are sending Jan Blahnik to present in Plzen, the original of his release letter to the District Captain, Vilem Brenkov Pukhart from Zelenz Udoli, Lord of Ztina. Jan Blahnik is ordered to present the letter on August 28th this year and. the letter will be without harm, returned to him.You also ordered us to surrender Jiri, brother of the above named Jan Blahnik, upon the request of� Lord of Lamminger, because the named Jiri does not have his letter of� release, but only the letter of� standing which cannot be accepted as a proof� of his free status and. therefore, he cannot pose as a free man.We would like to humbly to inform your Grace that it would mean great harm to the said Jiri Blahnik, if he would have to return to serfdom 13 years after he submitted his letter of release arid. his letter of standing to the Klatovy City Office and. gained the status of� a free citizen and became married. All those 13 years he lived as a good citizen from what we can witness, but we do not have any knowledge of how his letter of release was lost or why it could not be found.Jiri Blahnik is a poor man who with his manual work is hardly providing for his wife and his children and therefore we are asking, officially, that you will not deprive him of his freedom. For this purpose we are also returning the addendum to your letter. We remain with God."From what was said it seems to be quite clear that Jiri Blahnik died on Lamminger's dominion.The wife of #8 Jan Blahnik, Anna Market, is recorded also giving evidence about so-called miracles appearing with the adulterous picture of the Virgin Mary which was a source of riches to the Church and to the owner. Dr. Vancura, in his book on the history, stated that the blood droplets considered miracles were from cockroaches killed on the picture. Even the Jesuits from Klatovy did not believe in those miracles. The Hour of Darkness, headed by evil, built its tone in this illustrious city with the Black Tower. Among the other Jesuits tricks is known their miracles Cross with hidden mechanisms. Besides these tricks there was the worshipping of darkness which was to cover the Glory of' God as according to the Bible, containing the words of' the only Mediator in the face of God (Timothy I; 2, 5). Instead of worshipping the Creator and. the Lord of' Heaven, the dead picture was worshipped and therefore, the Lord showed several times his anger on this adulterous city and subjected it to frequent fires. The accumulated fortunes of numerous businesses which were growing richer because of' the idol was dominant, and therefore it was burned. Blinded citizens of Klatovy did not recognize the reason for the often showed anger of God. For this reason our ancestors were demolishing the idols.The testimony of Anna Marketa Blahnikova was recorded in the Hammerschmidt History of Klatovy, 19th in order: "Anna Marketova Blahnikova testified that on Monday she saw the Virgin Nary moved her left eye so that the pupil was in one moment in one corner of the eye and in the next moment, in the other corner. She said. that she has been sick since she was 15 years old, she suffered from 'White Rose' in her head and through that miracle signed picture, she became to be healthy and that she attributes this change to the picture."On January 15, 1672, #8 Jan Blahnik with his wife, Marketa, purchased from Matouse Zachastal, about 5 acres of fields located close to the old road on to Ptak, for 68 pieces of gold. (Klatovy Book of' Trade Records, #10; 188a). In spite of' the fact that Jan Blahnik was already rich while his brother was poor, he tried to become even richer. The Heaven of rich on this earth is only a short one. They also enjoy the fun of' God's Love but it is not necessarily right. Jan married a rich bride in 1650, Anna Marketa, the daughter of mill property, Kaspar Karban, from Poborovic. The marriage of his brother Jiri, was not rich.During his marriage, #8 Jan had with Anna Marketa, as far as we know, a daughter, Katerina, who was married in 1713 a Jan Vlck from Rouposka game preserve. Further, they had. a son, Jan, who was the forester in Roxtoky, and. also probably sons; Mikulas, and Petr who was buried in August 28th, 1666 on the bill of St. Martin. The son, Mikulas, born in 1665, was buried on the hill of' St. Martin in 1683 when he was 18 years old (book of Birth Records in Klatovy).
==============Mill that is close to Tajanov - New-White - HUVNOVSKY is on the Uhlava rivr. In the 19th century it was owned by Korbel from Janovice (the Korbel Mill). Since 1906 the first hydroelectric plant of the town of Klatovy was established here at nouse no. 7 Tajanov. It went into operation in August 1907 but it is unclear how long it was in operation. The residential part was independent, there were five apartments. The owner during the first republic was Holy. Since 205 reconstructed into the hydroelectric plant and a bed and breakfast with sports use. The owners were Jiri and Jarmila Hummelovi at house no. 461/III
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik #6 Matej Blahnik, the proprietor of the mill, is named along with Jan and, Vaclav Blahnik. Each of them had one cow rented from the church and they paid a fee for the cows (4. kr.). Matej, the proprietor of the mill, had later 2 rented cows. The other two men were probably his brothers. Vaclav Blahnik lived in Lhota and he was later the founder branch of the Blahniks of Lhota. The same Vaclav gave on the 8th of July to the church in Loucim, one cow, and he promised to pay the fee to the church for keeping the cow for him as long as he would be absent. (records of the church in Loucim with the records about the garments used for Masses, about the chalices, as a rent for cows).
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .On April 24, 1751, with the approval of the gracious noble, Josef Doroty, widow Hubatiusove of Kotnova, born Zumsandtove of Sandberg, Lord of Beharov, Lipkov, Loucim, and Smrzovice, the trade agreement between Ondra Englernann, as a seller of a tavern and a farm, to Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Anna Marie, was arranged. The sale price was 450 pieces of gold (Book of' Property #64, page 18 in the Country Archive).#9 Simon Blahnik (Ixa), son of #8 Jakub VIII2), who was taking over the mill, through the mayor, Jan Koutnik of Lhota, testified on March 4, 1778 that he paid to the heirs of Jan Blahnik, 7 pieces of gold as well as 17 pieces of gold remaining after his brother and his own share of 7 pieces of gold, which totals 31 pieces of gold.Old #8.2 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time. He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to Jakub; Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .Petr, who was the son of Simon, farmed on "Blahnikcky (meaning 'By Blahniks'), which was 1/4 of Blahnik' s original property which was part of the divided overall property including the mill. Today on the same place called "Under the Novy Mlynem" are 4 farms (on the same place were in the 18th century Blahnik operated the mill).After they sold the mill located near Lhota, Blahniks purchased for themselves part of the mill operated by the PETRAK family which was also one of the oldest miller families (PETRAK WAS ALSO BLAHNIK NAME ALTERNATIVE- NOT ANOTHER FAMILY). This mill is quite distant from Lhota and, in fact, is closer to Pocinovice than to Lhota. But regardless of the distance, it is within the village of Lhota limits. The mill is located in a wonderful valley with a beautiful view of the mill to be seen from the top of the hill where there are linden trees and Loucim's church.In 1719, Petr Blahnik was in the army. When he returned he married a woman who is unknown to us and on November 22, 1745, with permission of the nobility, he sold. 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, Vaclav, for the sum of 380 pieces of gold. Vaclav was to give to his father 3 acres of field located under Hurka (hill), 1 cow, 1/2 of the garden, 4 plots of cabbage & beets, & 1/3 of the fruit. Vaclav promised also to pay to his brother, Bartolomeji, 10 pieces of gold and take care of all duties in connection with the ownership.#10.4 Petr, who was the son of #9a Simon, farmed on "Blahnikcky (meaning 'By Blahniks'), which was 1/4 of Blahnik' s original property which was part of the divided overall property including the mill. Today on the same place called "Under the Novy Mlynem" are 4 farms (on the same place were in the 18th century Blahnik operated the mill).In 1719, #10.4 Petr Blahnik was in the army. When he returned he married a woman who is unknown to us and on November 22, 1745, with permission of the nobility, he sold. 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, VACLAV for the sum of 380 pieces of gold. Vaclav was to give to his father 3 acres of field located under Hurka (hill), 1 cow, 1/2 of the garden, 4 plots of cabbage & beets, & 1/3 of the fruit. Vaclav promised also to pay to his brother, Bartolomeji, 10 pieces of gold and take care of all duties in connection with the ownership.
From his father, (X4) Petr, Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and Jan, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and. founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik In 1719, Petr Blahnik was in the army. When he returned he married a woman who is unknown to us and on November 22, 1745, with permission of the nobility, he sold. 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, Vaclav, for the sum of 380 pieces of gold. Vaclav was to give to his father 3 acres of field located under Hurka (hill), 1 cow, 1/2 of the garden, 4 plots of cabbage & beets, & 1/3 of the fruit. Vaclav promised also to pay to his brother, Bartolomeji, 10 pieces of gold and take care of all duties in connection with the ownership.
From his father, (X4) Petr, Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and Jan, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and. founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16.
Jerome Wachal entry 3 right
date of marriage 7 Nov 1741
groom Wencel son of Petr Blahnik of ??
bride Marketa dau of Thomas ??? of Pocinovice
place of marriage Blahnik (Mill)
Wencel BLAHNIK, born Abt. 1720 in Blahnik Mill; died 26 Feb 1793 in #91. He was the son of 60. Petr BLAHNIK. He married 31. Margaretha SCHWEDA 07 Dec 1741 in Blahnik Mill.
31. Margaretha SCHWEDA, born Abt. 1725 in Pocinovice, Bohemia; died 27 Jun 1802 in Chodska Lhota. She was the daughter of 62. Tomas SCHWEDA.Notes for Wencel BLAHNIK: entry 3 right
date of marriage 7 Nov 1741
groom Wencel son of Petr Blahnik of ??
bride Marketa dau of Thomas ??? of ???
place of marriage Blahnik (Mill) entry 8 right
Loucim #11 leaf 28 folio 15
Waclav Blahnik
date of death 26 Feb 1793
residence Chodska Lhota #91
age 75
Title: Birth Record Catholic Fary Loucim
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Loucim book 5
Title: Marriage record Catholic Fary Loucim
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.Frantishek (Frank) had 5 children. Again we do not know the area of his settlement in America.
Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.The remaining brother, Jakub Blahnik, with his wife, Anna, brought up 8 children: Petr, born 1891, still lives and resides in Kutna Hora; Josef, born in 1893 (in the past lived in Cesky Velenice, later in Prague Holecovice, and. then in Beharov); Jakub, born in 1895, on the farm #16 in Smrzovice after his parents; Jaroslav, born in 1897, lived in Kydne, and died on March 19, 1966; Otakar, born in 1899, lived in Prague-Nusle; Vaclav, born in 1904, lived In Starikov as a banker from 1927 to 1962 and now lives in Kout na Suinava); Ladislav, born in 1906 who still lives in Hradec Kralove and who assembled this entire project of the Blahnik family history; Josefa, born in 1909, married Vizmerova, and lives in Kout na Sunava, house #66. (editorial note; it was the pleasure of Joel & Arthur Blahnik, who during the summer of 1973, personally met and lived in the homes of Petr, Ladislav, Josefa, Vaclav, and Otakar. On Joel's first trip to Czechoslovakia in 1963, he was fortunate to meet Jakub - the first direct link in over 100 years, and since that time, Jakub has died.)
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Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .From his father, Petr, Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and Jan, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and. founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16.Before 1785, Martin, the son of Vaclav Blahnik who was the cottager from 'Blahniky' along with his wife, Marketa who was from Smzovice, married Katerina Votruba, daughter of Jakub Votruba, the farmer and mayor in Smrzovice. Martin became to be the founder of the branch of the Blahnik family living still in house #16, which is built on the lot located. on the yard of house #17--'u Votruba.' This branch of the Blahnik family is still living there today.In their marriage, Martin, with his wife, Katerina, had 7 children: Jakub, born on March 21, 1785; Marketa, born November 23, 1787 and who died when she was very young; Martin, born October 20, 1790; Marketa, born January 1, 1792; Anna Marie, born September 7, 1794; Petr, born on August 20, 1797 who died very young; and Petr, born on April 22, 1802.
From: Nancy Janda
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 7:02 PM
Subject: Blahnik researchI have the following information which may be of interest to you:
Marriage Record: Catholic: fary Loucim sv. 19, str. 89:
Date: 15 November 1825
Address of the bridegroom: Premirschen Number 8 (=Brnirov)
Address of the bride: Smrzowitz Noumber 16 (=Smrzovice)
Bridegroom: Simon Pelnarsch, farmer in Premirschen, son of the still living Joseph Pelnarsch, farmer from Hluboken (=Hluboka), and his deceased wife Margaretha (maiden name Wotruba), from Premirschen.
Age, position: 20 years, Unmarried
Bride: Katharina, daughter of the still living Martin Blahnik, farmer from Smrzowitz, and his deceased wife Katharina (maiden name Wotruba or Otruba) also from Smrzowitz.
Age, position: 17 years, Unmarried.
Warsaw, Indiana
BIRTH: Birth record Catholic Fary Loucim sv.5, str. 104: (I believe "Ex nova molla" means Martin was Baptized immediately after birth because of an unusual labor.
Date 6 August 1761
Baptized Martin, legitimate son of Jacob Blahnik and his wife Maria Anna, parents are free, born this same day
Born in Melhut (=Lhota)MARRIAGE: Marriage record Catholic fary Loucim sv. 10. fol. 1: Date: 25 May 1784
Address of the bridegroom: Melhut house number 90 (=Lhota) Bridegroom: Martin Blahnik
Age, Position: 21 years, single
Bride" Katharina Wotrubin (Wotruba)
Age, Position: 20 years, single
Katherine Blahnik's marriage records states her father and mother were both from Smrzowitz. Martin's birth record shows he was born in Melhut (=Lhota)Research done by PhDr. Vladimir Bystricky, Csc., Archival researcher at the archives in Plzen. Information sent to Her & Joyce Pelnar on Sept. 26, 1989.Alternative birth date given as September 20, 1760,
Alternative birth date September 20, 1760.
Before 1785, (XII3) Martin, the son of (XI1) Vaclav Blahnik who was the cottager from 'Blahniky' along with his wife, Marketa who was from Smrzovice, married Katerina Votruba, daughter of Jakub Votruba, the farmer and mayor in Smrzovice. Martin became to be the founder of the branch of the Blahnik family living still in house #16, which is built on the lot located. on the yard of house #17--'u Votruba.' This branch of the Blahnik family is still living there today.
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Blahnik JAKUB (James XIII1) [Male] b. 21 MAR 1785 Smrzovice, Bohemia - d. Bohemia
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Jakub Blahnik, born on March 21, 1785, operated the farm at #16 after the death of his father, Martin Blahnik. Jakub had 5 sons; Vaclav, who married into house #23 in Dobrikov; Jakub, who married into farm #10 in Rudolice; another son (unknown named) who married in Polenka close to Chudenice on the farm which was called 'Suchcke'; another son (unknown named) who married into the farm in Stanetice (that name Blahnik is still in Stanetice and is still in existence); and son, Josef, born on August 14, 1829, who took over after his father, Jakub, the farm #16 in Smrzovice. This son, Josef, married. Magdalena Votruba who was born on January 18, 1832, the daughter of Matouse Votruba of Smrzovice # 17. Josef Blahnik died in Smrzovice on September 22, 1912. His wife, Magdalena, who after his death moved to Lhota to live with her daughter, Barbara, who was married to Halama (u Sloupiku). Magdalena died on February 27, 1914. Both she and her husband are buried in the family grave of Blahnik in the Loucim church cemetary.
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Blahnik JOSEF (XIV1) [Male] b. 1 JAN 1829 Bohemia - d. 22 SEP 1912 Smrzovice, Bohemia
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.
Birth Records of RC Parish of Loucim. Facts from Plzen archives. Received from Bob Blahnik
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Blahnik Josef (XV1) [Male] b. 25 JAN 1854 Smrzovice, Bohemia - d. 3 OCT 1932 family home in Carlton, Kewaunee Co, WI
Title: Loucim, Bohemia records
Title: Kewaunee County Records - Deaths
Title: Census
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1900 census
Otec/28 Ledna 1854/3 Rijna 1932
Left for America at the age of 15 - possilby in the 1870'sThis eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard sent 5/24/2001
Lori:It is with great interest that you speak. The Blahnik tree that you have is the family from Smrzovice. I obtained this tree back in 1973 when i was doing music research there. That makes you and me from the same tree.The Algoma Blahnik family clan is from the next village of Loucim which is a distance of less that 1/2 mile. There is a clan also in Chodsko Lhota who are connected to the Smrzovice group.I have been to the Blahnik family maybe 10 times since 1965. I know them well.Now I'll tell you this--my cousin from the Blahnik family of Smrzovice is Hana Blahnikova, and she is coming to Door County to work this summer---from June 21-September 16. She'll be living with us. You might wish to speak with her. She is a tall elegant woman who speaks English beautifully--having worked in England for 2 years.My great-grandfather Josef is the same generation as Barbara and he came to Menominee, MI where he lost his fingers and then to Kewaunee where he fostered a family. I have many old photos both from there and here about the family. So, if you wish for her to do some further diggings for you relative to Barbara Blahnik, I can give you her e-mail address in Prague. This coming weekend she will be in Smrzovice/Dobrikov at their cottage.We had a big Blahnik gathering of Blahniks there in Smrzovice 3 summers ago. Have a good video of it and i can identify people. next week, I'm on the road. maybe we can speak by phone sometime after June 4th--if you have any questions. My uncle Leon Blahnik, who lives in Two Rivers is very much up on our family. He is 80 and in good shape. maybe to meet there sometime and chat with him?All for now. Must run. good Luck!Joel
Joel Blahnik
9171 Spring Road
Fish Creek, WI. 54212-9619
(920)-868-3100----- Original Message -----
From: Joel Blahnik
To: Ken & Lori Dollevoet
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Blahnik family================================================
Hi Joel,
Yes I would be interested in any addresses, email or otherwise. There is to be a Blahnik reunion this July at the Luxemburg Fair Grounds in Kewaunee. Dorothy Janca had asked about it but lives some distance from Wisconsin. Might you and Hana Blahnikova be interested in coming?I still do not have your specific connection in my family tree data base. I have Josef Blahnik 1/1/1829-9/22/1912 and his wife Magdalena Votruba. This is the family Dorothy comes from and I thought she said you did as well. I list 8 children from this couple.
1- Josef Blahnik
2-Jan Blahnik
3-Jakub Blahnik January 30, 1861
4-Wenzel (VaClav) Blahnik January 05, 1863
5-Barbora 1868
6-Frantosek January 29, 1870
7-Katerina November 25, 1872
8-Anezka June 14, 1875The Josef Blahnik listed above I have as coming to America and having 6 children but no dates at all:
1- Adolph
6-AliosI have no information about any of their offspring. Is this the family you come from? You mentioned that Josef was your Great Grandfather. Is this the Josef you are referring to?Thanks so much.
==============================================Hello Lori:Yes, this Josef is my Great grandfather! We have complete information about his brothers and sisters as well as his children, etc., dates, etc. However, those dates don't jive with yours. Great-grandfather Josef died in 1932. The person I am going to refer you to is my uncle Leon Blahnik from Two Rivers. His telephone number is 920-794-1319. His postal address is 175 Park Road, Two Rivers, WI. 54241I would suggest to call him first so that you can establish a relationship and then take it from there.
It would be worth your while to visit him. You are not so far. Highway 10.He has no e-mail. I have sent to him by post the correspondence of your last 2 letters.What do you know about the Blahniks and the old Blahnik Masoleum in the Antigo cemetery?I'd like to see what you've done with this! Ambitious! Good Luck!Joel
Thanks Joel,
I'll send Leon a letter. The 1912 date I had came from Dorothy Janca. I wonder if it might be the death date for your GGGrandfather Josef as I have not date of death for the son (also Josef - your GGrandfather?) who came to America. I'll talk with Leon and see if I can get it all down accurately.
Actually I have not heard of the Blahnik Masoleum in the Antigo cemetery.
I am attaching some records information from Kewaunee County. I don't know who your GGrandfather Josef married - perhaps there is a records list for them in the attached. I do see an Adolph Blahnik marriage to Lazansky, Emma in 1906 I have Adolph's parents as Blahnik, Joseph/Lipsh, Katie. Adolph either owned or worked at a Furniture store.
Thanks again for the information and I'll be in touch with Leon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Joel Blahnik
To: Ken & Lori Dollevoet
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: Blahnik familyLori: Work with Leon--He needs this type of activity now and he knows a lot. A good accurate resource.My great grandfather, Josef, married a Katherine Lips (Lipsch) who was here in USA before him. She is the "Mystery woman." We do not know from what village she came from in CZ--we have it in spelling, but it does not exist. The Lipsch cemetery is located at West Krok at the Catholic Church in Kewaunee County. I can take you to the grave markers. But we do not know the correct village from where her parents came from. We have it as 'STREMTADY' but there is not such an village anywhere on current or old Czech maps. It could be a misspelling. Anyhow, I think it could be, again, from SW Bohemia. Can you help me out in this investigation?Blessings. I hope that Leon is cooperative with you. Ahoj!!!Joel
Blahniks in U.S.
Author: Deb Date: 9 Jun 2000 1:23 AM
In Reply to: Blahniks in US by: dorothy janca
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Dorothy, I found out a little more when I found Josefs obituary. When he died in Oct. of 1932, he was survived by 1 sister, Mrs. Joseph Koutnik (Anna). One clipping says from Menominee,Mich. and the other says Wallace,Mich. It also lists attendance by Jacob Kveton and son Joseph and daughter Helen. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Kveton. I believe these were Katerina's husband and children. There was also a Mrs. John Blahnik. They all came from Menominee, Mich. I know Josef worked for awhile In Menominee. While there he lost several fingers on his right hand. His parents had a left handed corcnet made for him in Czec. and sent to him. My brother now has that. That's it for now. Deb.
1880 census Wisconsin
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information:
Birth Year <1854>
Birthplace BOHEMIA
Age 26
Occupation Farming
Marital Status M
Head of Household Joseph BLAHNIK
Source Information:
Census Place Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255431
Page Number 188B
1880 US Census - 4
Select records to download - (50 maximum)
1. Joseph BLAHNIK - 1880 United States Census / Wisconsin
Self Gender: Male Birth: <1854> BOHEMIA 2. Katharina BLAHNIK - 1880 United States Census / Wisconsin
Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1853> BOHEMIA 3. Emilia BLAHNIK - 1880 United States Census / Wisconsin
Dau Gender: Female Birth: <1875> WI 4. Adolph BLAHNIK - 1880 United States Census / Wisconsin
Son Gender: Male Birth: <1879> WI------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7/27/03 Lori Dollevoet :I was recently on vacation and came upon an article that was laminated and displayed in the Antigo Museum. No date or newspaper name tough. I got a rough photo copy but it reads:BLAHNIK FAMILY HAD MUSICAL TRADITION
(editor's note: local historian Harold Klessig has been studying the history of the Blahnik family, well-known craftsmen and musicians. A story in Wednesday's newspaper looked at the family's furniture making endeavors. Today's article focuses on their musical talents).
By Harold Klessig
Woodworking may have been their principal craft, but the Blahnik family of Antigo also had another special talent.
While widely known as the manufacturer of quality church and other furiture, they were probably better known for the Blahnik dance bands that entertained throughout the entire area for almost five decades. (See Band Page 11)
The probable originator of the musical talents was Joseph Blahnik, the father of Adolph Blahnik, who was the father of the Blahnik family that moved to Antigo in 1936. Joseph was born in Czechoslovakia. He was educated in Prague where he learned to play several instruments, especially the trumpet. In the 1850-s he sailed for America.
Arriving in New York he was offered a job with a symphony orchestra. Joseph had other plans, however. He wanted to farm in WIsconsin and turned down the job offer. He bought a farm five miles south of Kewaunee.
It wasn't long, according to his grandson, Milas Blahnik, before he was involved with the Schauer Brass Band, one of the first bands in that area. Later Joseph started his own band.
Besided Adolph, Joseph had four other sons, Frank, Louis, Joseph Jr., and Otto. All played in bands in the Kewaunee area but Adolph was the first to start his own band. Later some of the other brothers also had their own bands.
Adolph also conducted an orchestra for silent movies in the old Kewaunee opera house.
The first Blahnik musician to come to Antigo was Adolph's oldest son, Edward. Antigo's famed American Legion Marching Band was in need of a trumpet player in 1934. A local Legionnaire had heard of the Blahnik musicians of Kewaunee and contacted Edward who was working in Manitowoc. The promise of a job at the Vulcan Last plant here induced Edward to come to Antigo and play in the Legion band.
Two years later the Adolph Blahnik family moved here to start a cabinet and furniture manufacturing firm on Sixth Avenue near Spring Brook.
All of the Blahniks were versatile musicians and all could play several instruments. Adolph, howver, was the only one who could play clarinet. Adolph also arranged music for his won and other bands in the area. The first Blahnik band here was started by brothers Edward and Melvin. It was an immediate sucess.
? ? ? ? with the orchestra along with their father Adolph Sr.
Sylvia Blahnik was the only daughter to play with the band. Her sister, Mabel played in the Kewaunee High School orchestra and with her brothers, Melvin and Milas played in the high school band that performed at Green Bay Packer football games.
The band here played mainly in Langlade, Shawano and Marathon counties although several times during the years they played in other parts of the state and occasionally returned to their home grounds in Kewaunee.
They played at dance pavilions such as Mayflower, Riverview, Post Lake, Tigerton, and Eau Clair Dells. They also played at weddings and many of the high school proms in the area including the Antigo proms.
A number of musicians in the Antigo area played with the Blahnik band on a regular basis. They included Roland Schmiege, Ruben Meyer, Ray Cornelius, Norbert Kautzn, John Novak, Paul Masek, Jerry Smetana and Alvin Fischer. Other musicians also filled in occasionally.
Durning the years in ANtigo the members of the Blahnik family at times played with other bands.
Three of the brothers at times played with the popular Romy Gosz Band. Melvin was with Gosz in 1941, Milas in 1942 and Edward was with the Gosz band during WWII when he worked in a Manitowoc shipyard.
They also played in the American Legion Band, which was well known throughout Wisconsin during the 1920's and 30's. Later they were part of the city's Cosmopolitan Orchestra and after that of the Centennial Orchestra.
They were also part of the Veterans of Foreign Wars band started after WWII by then Antigo High School band director Joseph Bauschka.
After playing in the band most of their lives, some of the brothers began to retire about 1990 and that was the end of the Blahnik Band era. Some ot the brothers, however, continued to play with other bands.
Even today, according to Milas, some of the brothers get together with other musicians. They play ????
1880 census Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Katharina BLAHNIK Wife M Female W 27 BOHEMIA Keeping House BOHEMIA BOHEMIA
Adolph BLAHNIK Son S Male W 1 WI BOHEMIA BOHEMIA Source Information:
Census Place Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255431
NA Film Number T9-1431
Page Number 188B ============================
Obit index, 1921-1939, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
A copy of the obituary can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library 822 Juneau St. Kewaunee, WI 54216
name; age; burial place; date of paper; page
Blahnik Joe; 78; Carlton pict; 10/24/32; 1
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnick Joe | Lepsch Catherine | 10/20/1874 | Kewaunee
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Blahnik John Jan (XV2) [Male] b. NOV 1856 Smrzovice, Bohemia - d. 1931 Menominee, MI
Title: Michigan Births and Christenings, 1775-1995
Title: Researcher
Title: Researcher
Title: Researcher
Title: Findagrave
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.
Per Robert Burton BlahnikJan (B 1856)-Site still showsJan's death date as 1918. This must be purely anecdotal info. Jan is in the 1920 and 1930 censuses.Also he is in the 1924 Menominee City Directory. The obit of Josef Blahnik (D 1932) has Mrs. Jan in attendance at funeral - suggests Jan died between 1930 and 1932.
--------------------------------------------------------------- unknown
Death: 1931Note: Date of Burial 10/23/1931Burial:
Riverside Cemetery
Menominee County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Section ?, Lot Number ? Grave ?Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: Graves
Record added: Feb 27, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 85838213
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Blahnik Frantisek (XV3 -Frank) [Male] b. 29 JAN 1870 Smrzovice, Bohemia - d. 1910 Menominee, MI
Title: Researcher
Title: John Dinan
Title: per grave stone
Title: Find a Grave
Later his location in the USA was determined to be Menominee, MI. His wife Mary (Drasda, Drazda) Drozda, could have been the sister or other relative of Frank's brother Vaclav (James) Blahnik's wife named Maria Drozeda. They married April 14, 1883 in Menominee, MI
5th child is possibly Emma Blahnik born 1902 in Michigan - married Emil Schingeck in 1921,
Emil Schingeck b. 5/1/1893 died Jan 1969 in Marinette, WI
Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995 for Joseph Blahnik
Groom's Name: Frank Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Mary Drozda
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 14 Sep 1901
Marriage Place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Madeline Vatruba
Bride's Father's Name: Anton Drozda
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01706-3
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
Source Film Number: 2342519
Reference Number:
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Blahnik Jakub (XV4-Jacob) [Male] b. 5 JAN 1863 Bohemia - d. 21 SEP 1931 Back to Main Page
GED4WEB version 4.22
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