For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik James Wenzel (XV5-VaClav) [Male] b. 11 OCT 1858 Smrzovice, Bohemia - d. 4 DEC 1908 Oshkosh, WI
Title: 1900 census
Title: Winnebago County Records deaths
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.
Vaclav (Wenzel) (JAMES) moved to Oshkosh, Wisconsin and had 10 children----- Original Message -----
From: robert blahnik
To: Ken & Lori Dollevoet
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: RootswebLori:
Thanks for your Email.
Joel Blahnik's Greatgrandfather Josef and my Grandfather Vaclav (James) were brothers.Most of my information is from the time of immigration on. I would be happy to share info with you. Bob Blahnik Ken & Lori Dollevoet wrote: Hi,I found your name on rootsweb listing Blahnik as a name you were researching. My mother was a Blahnik and I have quite a bit of information. Are you familiar with Ladislav Blahnik or Joel Blahnik from Wisconsin? I've put a lot of the 1482-1944 Blahnik family tree diagram into my database. Do you know which of your ancestors immigrated to America? Maybe we can touch base and see how we connect.Lori Dollevoet
August 15, 2001
Glad you are back with us.I'm not sure I am picking up where we left off but here goes:
My Grandfather Vaclav was born 1858. His Father was Josef, son of Jacub.So the Vaclav you refer to is a different Vaclav. My Grandfather settled in Menominee, MI.
So did his brother Jan.(This I verified on the census records) My father Robert was born in Menominee, as were all of his siblings, to the best of my knowledge.
The family later moved to Oshkosh and had a home on Mt.Vernon St. I remember visiting my Grandmother Blahnik there. Vaclav died in 1908 before I was born.
My parents, myself and my two brothers moved to Atlanta in 1937. My brothers and I had 14 children and we have grandchildren, so we have done our part for the "Southern" branch.
I don't know much about the "Algoma" Blahniks except that you folks certainly have a lot of information collected on the internet. My Grandfather came from Smrzovice.
Was your branch from there or a different village?
I look forward to hearing from you. Bob Blahnik
to David
Author: Nancie Powell Date: 26 Jun 2001 7:41 PM
Surnames: Blahnik
Classification: Death
Post Reply | Mark Unread | Report Abuse Print Message
My Great Grandfather Joseph Blahnik was married to Katie Lipch He had a son named Joseph who never married. This branch of the Blahnik family are buried in the Carlton Wi. cemetary. The Kewaunee Wi museum has lots of pictures and info on family. Great Grandfather Joseph had a brother Vaclave Blahnik who had 9childrenHe lived in the Oshkosh area May be your mother is from that brothers children. It would be interesting if she is.I once went to Oshkosh to try to find where he was buried but no luck. He died 12-4-1908 Maybe this might help you. Good Luck Nancie
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Robert Burton Blahnik 10/29/02
My research has centered on the 6 siblings from Smrzovice, Josef,Jan,Vaclav,Anna, Frantisek and Katherine. All of these people came to Menominee, Michigan. Some stayed, some moved on. Vaclav left Menominne for Oshkosh, Wis. about 1903. His first 8 children were born in Menominee, the last 2 in Oshkosh. Josef was in Menominee for a shorter time than his siblings. I was able to find all of the siblings on census records except for Josef.
Obituary Oshkosh Daily Northwestern Fri Dec 4, 1908 page 5
Injuries Received in Alighting From Street Car Several Months Ago Are Believed to Have Brought the End to James Blahnik - He Passes Away at Alexian Brother' Hospital TodayJames Blahnik died this morning at Alexian Brother's hospital of paralysis, which is believed to have been partially, if not wholly caused by an accident sustained about three months ago. On September 6, Mr. Blahnik was injured by falling to the pavement while attempting to alight from a street car on West Algoma street, near High street. The motorman claimed Mr. Blahnik did not ring the bell, and that in alighting he stepped off backward.
It was not thought that his injuries were serious and he was taken to Lakeside sanitarium. After a brief time he became unmanageable and it was necessary to take him to Alexian Brothers' hospital. He remained there for two or three weeks and appeared to recover completely.
About two or three weeks ago, the paralysis came upon him gradually and his brain became affected and this morning he passed away. Mr. Blahnik was about fifty years of age and resided at 10 Vineland street. He was emplyyed as a log scaler for the Paine Lumber company and is survived by a wife and nine children.
1900 MI census says he was born Nov 1888, married 17 years, immigratin was 1880, occupation day Labor===========
Name Lifespan Where Born
James BLAHNIK 1858-1908 Smrzovice, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary became Czecholslovakia now Czech Republic
Additional Notes Migration Steps
My Grandfather Vaclav (James)Blahnik emigrated to Michigan with his brother Jan abt 1880. He(apparently) was accompanied by his brother Jan as they were both married in Menominee. Vaclav to Mary Drozeda in 1883 and Jan to Josephine Vick in 1884. Information is from 1900 US census and the Menominee County Dibean Marriage Collection and my other Menominee County, MI in 1880-1883
to Oshkosh, Winnebago County, WI in 1900-1903
Researcher: Bob Blahnik
Title: Loucim, Bohemia records
Title: 1920 census
Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery. The sister, Anna, who married Josef Koutnik, and settled in America had 14 children. Exact settlement, again, is not known.
GGrandmother of Gary Koutnik
From Robert Burton Blahnik 10/29/02
Anna (Koutnik) (B 1867)-Site still shows birthdate as 1875. Loucim records have 1875 as birth of Anezka, a sibling of the 6 siblings above( Josef, Jan, Vaclav, Anna, Frantisek and Katherine). There is no mention of an Anezka born 1875 in any of the records sent to me (and others) in 1977 by Arthur Blahnik after his and son Joel's trip to Czech. The 1910,1920,1930 censuses all confirm Anna's birthdate of 1867 and her marriage to Josef Koutnik.
Title: 1920 census
Title: Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948
Title: 1940 census
Title: Find a Grave
Title: Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948
Title: Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948
Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.The sister, Katherine, who married Kveton, had 3 children, and, again, we do not know their development here in America. (CAME TO MICHIGAN)
United States Census, 1920 for Katherine Kveton
Name: Katherine Kveton
Residence: , Menominee, Michigan
Estimated Birth Year: 1873
Age: 47
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Birthplace:
Film Number: 1820785
Digital Folder Number: 4311623
Image Number: 00149
Sheet Number: 4
Household Gender Age
Spouse Jacob Kveton M 53y
Katherine Kveton F 47y
Child Joseph Kveton M 14y
Child Helen Kveton F 5y
Groom's Name: Jacob Koeton
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Katie Blahnik
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 27 Apr 1897
Marriage Place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name: Venzel Koeton
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01819-3
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
Source Film Number: 2342507
Reference Number:
Collection: Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995
======== Kveton in entry for Frank Kveton and Julia Johnson, "Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925"
Name: Frank Kveton
Race (Original):
Age (Expanded): 21 years
Birth Year: 1898
Birthplace: Menonimee, Mich.
Spouse's Name: Julia Johnson
Spouse's Race (Original):
Spouse's Age (Expanded): 21 years
Spouse's Birth Year: 1898
Spouse's Birthplace: Menominee, Mich.
Event Date: 15 Oct 1919
Event Place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan
Father's Name: Jacob Kveton
Mother's Name: ...herine Blahnik
Spouse's Father's Name: August Johnson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Anderson
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
GS Film number: 2342732
Frame Number:
Digital Folder Number: 4210039
Image Number: 280
Reference ID: v 5 p 115 rn 511
Birth: unknown
Death: 1924Note: Date of Burial 9/10/1924Burial:
Riverside Cemetery
Menominee County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Section B, Lot Number 111 Grave unknownEdit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: Graves
Record added: Mar 01, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 86074542
Josef Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph, Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek (who was a cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'), Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, BARBORA married Vaclav Halama who was a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku').
The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863.
This brother, Jakub, married on May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wlfe, Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.Barbara and Vaclav Halama's daughter Anezka (Agnes) Halama born 1891 married Vaclar (Klusner) Kleisner Dec 6/1913 in Chicago, IL.Their son James (Vaclav) Halama born May 31, 1894 married Marie Vichr in Chicago, IL on May 06, 1916. He died in Arizona
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jan Dus
Title: Kout na Sumave domain, INV 42, Chodsk� Lhota 1696-1716
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . . On June 14, 1719, #9.2 Jakub Blahnik took over from his brother, Petr (IX1a) , the hereditary 1/4 of the farm in Lhota with the mill, with one submission, as It was deeded to him by his deceased father, #8 Jiri.
With the mill there was also 4 acres of fields, located. amongst the Pocinovice fields behind the bridge, and. also ==
After the father's death[8.1 Jiri], the mill was operated and 1/4 of the farm was used by 9.2? Petr with his wife, Marketa. They had on September 16, 1687, a son, (X1a) Matous; and a daughter Anna, born on November 22, 1689; and a son, Petr, born on June 28, 1691. On June 14, 1719, Jakub Blahnik took over from his brother, (X2a) Petr, the hereditary 1/4 of the farm in Lhota with the mill, with one submission, as It was deeded to him by his deceased father, Jiri. With the mill there was also 4 acres of fields, located amongst the Pocinovice fields behind the bridge, and. also 2 bushels of seed.
======= does not list Jiri as a son but is.
============**Jan Dus:
State Archive in Plzen, Nepomuk Office
The Book of Land and Estate Ownership /Gruntovn� kniha/:
Kout na Sumave domain, INV 42, Chodsk� Lhota 1696-1716
Page: 258-259bThe Blahnik's Mill in Chodsk� Lhota - see:
Record from page 259b continues on pages 260, 261-262
Page 260 /Chodsk� Lhota #89
***On June 16, 1719, � of the mill is written to Jakub Blahn�k after his older brother Petr Blahn�k. (Their father was Jir� Blahn�k)Relationship - Chodsk� Lhota #39 and Hlubok� #34
Jir� Blahn�k or Petr�k [VIII1 ] (see:
had, except others, two sons: 1. Petr, who inherited a mill, had a son Matej, (X1a) who married Dorota Mr�zov� on November 24, 1716. Matej and Dorota had a son V�clav born on October 21, 1718. This V�clav married Mark�ta Karbanov� from Hlubok� on November 26, 1741. They had children born in Hlubok� #34. Son Jakub was born on March 17, 1743 in Hlubok�. [Algoma] 2. Jakub, who inherited a mill after his deceased older brother Petr. Later this mill has a house number 89.Page 260 /Chodsk� Lhota #89
On June 16, 1719, � of the mill is written to Jakub Blahn�k after his older brother Petr Blahn�k. (Their father was Jir� Blahn�k)
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: Jan Dus
Title: Actapublica
Old #8.2 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time. He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), (X3) Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: X4 Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to (X1) Matous; 65 pieces of gold to (X2) Jakub; (X3) Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.
Title: Actapublica
Old #8.2 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time. He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), (X3) Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: X4 Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to (X2) Jakub; (X3) Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.
Old #8.2 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time. He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), (X3) Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: X4 Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to (X2) Jakub; (X3) Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.
====**Jan Dus
State Archive in Plze?, Nepomuk Office
The Book of Land and Estate Ownership /Gruntovn� kniha/:Page 261-262
On June, 1719, � of the mill is written to Jir� Blahn�k, after his father Simon Blahn�k. [c1660-1719]
Page 194 /Chodsk� Lhota #89/
In March 1737, there is a confirmation of ownership record of the mill for Jakub Blahn�k, son of Jir� Blahn�k. See record on the page 260.
State Archive in Plzen, Nepomuk Office
The Book of Land and Estate Ownership /Gruntovn� kniha/:
Kout na Sumave domain, INV 42, Chodsk� Lhota 1696-1716
Page: 258-259bPage 261-262
On June, 1719, � of the mill is written to Jir� Blahn�k, after his father Simon Blahn�k.
Title: Actapublica
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik In 1719, Petr Blahnik was in the army. When he returned he married a woman who is unknown to us and on November 22, 1745, with permission of the nobility, he sold. 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, Vaclav, for the sum of 380 pieces of gold. Vaclav was to give to his father 3 acres of field located under Hurka (hill), 1 cow, 1/2 of the garden, 4 plots of cabbage & beets, & 1/3 of the fruit. Vaclav promised also to pay to his brother, Bartolomeji, 10 pieces of gold and take care of all duties in connection with the ownership.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
From his father, (X4) Petr, Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and Jan, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and. founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16.
Jerome Wachal research entry 3
Loucim #6 leaf 200 folio 40 entry 3
Loucim #6 leaf 201 folio 40
marriage date 19 Nov 1776
groom Andreas Kronforst son of Jacob Kronforst of Pocinovice
bride Dorothea Blahnik dau of Wencel Blahnik - farmer of Blahnik Mill
residence Pocinovice #121 entry 9
age 31=========
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Loucim book 4
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
From his father, (X4) Petr, (XI1) Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and JAN, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and. founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16.
From Jerome Wachal entry 5
Loucim #5 leaf 28 folio 50
Jan son of Wencil Blahnik & Margaretha
residence Blahnik Mill
date 9 Apr 1758
Title: Actapublica
Title: St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Algoma, WI
Title: 1910
Title: 1910 Census WI
Title: 1900 census
Title: Kewaunee County Deaths
Algoma Newspaper Obituaries
You can purchase a copy of an obituary by sending 1$ for each page and a SASE to:
Algoma Public Library
406 Fremont Street
Blahnik Anton 34 12-9-21
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Scheisser Barbara; ; Maplewood
Blahnik Anton; ; 6/22/1917
7 BLAHNIK Anton A. 08 Dec 1886 02 Dec 1921
St Mary's Cath Church Cem Algoma
=========== A Blahnik in household of Mary Blahnik, "United States Census, 1910" Name: Anton A Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Ahnapee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
District: 58
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Son
Birth Year (Estimated): 1887
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Sheet Number and Letter: 1B
Household ID: 17
Line Number:
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: M1283
GS Film number: 1375728
Digital Folder Number: 004454973
Image Number: 00709
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Mary Blahnik F 43 Austria
Son Anton A Blahnik M 23 Wisconsin
Son Jacob A Blahnik M 19 Wisconsin
Daughter Mary B Blahnik F 16 Wisconsin
Son Albert Blahnik M 14 Wisconsin
Son Daniel Blahnik M 11 Wisconsin
Daughter Helen Blahnik F 9 Wisconsin
Son Edward Blahnik M 3 Wisconsin
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
1971-1979 Algoma Record Herald obituary index. Index provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of an obit can be purchased for $1.00 for each page listed along with a SASE. Send To: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201Blahnik Mrs Anton; 90; 1/17/1973; 1
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Title: St Mary's Cath Church Algoma, Cemetery Records
Title: 1930 census
Marriage index by groom 1924-1949, Algoma Record Herald
Blahnik Ed Coppersmith Rose Algoma 5/21/1926
Algoma Record Herald - Marriage index alphabetically by bride 1924-1949
7 BLAHNIK Edward 27 Sep 1906 08 Aug 1954 ossw/Rose
St Mary's Cath Cem Algoma
Title: Brown Co death Record
----- Original Message -----
This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Lori Dollevoet
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
Blahnik Frank | Sweiner Mary | 2/10/1888 | Montpelier
Marriage Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Frank
Day: 21
Month: January
Year: 1888
County: Kewaunee
Volume: 01
Page: 0001
15 BLAHNIK Frank xx xxx 1863 xx xxx 1944 ossw/Anna
Located NW 1/4 Section 27
In village of Slovan, corner of County Hwys T & E. Across from Church
===================1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnik Frank | Sweiner Mary | 2/10/1888 | Montpelier
United States Census, 1920
Name: John Blahnik
Residence: , Brown, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1897
Age: 23
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Film Number: 1821977 Digital Folder Number: 4391497 Image Number: 00255 Sheet Number: 4 HouseholdGenderAge
John Blahnik M 23y
Spouse Anna Blahnik F 22y
Child Joseph Blahnik M 1y
Child Frank Blahnik M 7m
Parent Frank Blahnik M 60y
Parent Anna Blahnik F 51y
============Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Groom's Name: Franz Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace: Casco
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Anna Suchy
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace: Nemcie Bezrk Nova Kayne, Bohemia
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 17 Aug 1904
Marriage Place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Francisca Vracek Blahnika
Bride's Father's Name: Johann Suchy
Bride's Mother's Name: Arma Halovic Suchy
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1292003
Reference Number: Item 1 No.11 02593
1905 WI CensusWisconsin State Census, 1905 for Frank Blahnik
Name: Frank Blahnik
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 44y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1861
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 21
Page Number: 2
Line Number: 30
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00447
Household Gender Age
Frank Blahnik M 44y
Anna Blahnik F 33y wife
Theresa Blahnik F 16y Daughter
Thomas Blahnik M 14y son
Mary Blahnik F 13y daughter
Anna Blahnik F 10y daughter
Johanna Blahnik F 8y daughter
Josephine Blahnik F 6y daughter
John Suchy M 8y (son)
Peter Schwiner M 61y (father in law)
Johanna Schwiner F 80y (mother in law)
Karl Schwiner M 19y (cousin)
Karl Suchy M 28y (brother in law)
Mary Suchy F 34y (sister in Law)
Anna Suchy F 1y (niece)
Mary Suchy F 6m (niece)
============================= Blahnik, "United States Census, 1930"
Name: Frank Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1930
Event Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
District: 0007
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Sheet Number and Letter: 12B
Household ID: 320
Line Number: 71
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 2576
GS Film number: 2342310
Digital Folder Number: 004547884
Image Number: 00953
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Frank Blahnik M 68 Wisconsin
Wife Anna Blahnik F 60 Bohemia
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Blahnik George Frank [Male] b. 14 APR 1885 Ahnapee, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 13 JAN 1952 Algoma, WI
Title: Kewaunee Cty deaths
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Baumeister Josephine; ; Kewaunee
Blahnik Geo; ; 5/31/1907
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE,
Marriage Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Geo
Day: 28
Month: May
Year: 1907
County: Kewaunee
Volume: 02
Page: 0451
7 BLAHNIK George F. 14 Apr 1885 13 Jan 1952 ossw/Josephine/nxt/Patricia
St Mary's Cath Church Cem Algoma
Family Search
Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930� Back to search results
Image is not available online *
* Search Collection
* About this CollectionGroom's Name George Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date
Groom's Birthplace Ahnapeetown
Groom's Age
Bride's Name Josephina Baumeister
Bride's Birth Date
Bride's Birthplace Kewaunee
Bride's Age
Marriage Date 28 May 1907
Marriage Place Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name Jacob Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name Catharine Letteinger
Bride's Father's Name Joseph Baumeister
Bride's Mother's Name Elizabeth Walde
Groom's Race White
Groom's Marital Status
Groom's Previous Wife's Name
Bride's Race White
Bride's Marital Status
Bride's Previous Husband's Name
Indexing Project (Batch) Number M01092-6
System Origin Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number 1292003
Reference Number Item 1 No. 3 02796
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Blahnik Jacob Anton [Male] b. 25 JUL 1891 Ahnapee, Kewaunee, Co., WI - d. 2 APR 1955 Algoma, WI
Title: 1910 Census WI
Title: WWI Draft Reg card
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
From: "Jane Blahnik"
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: Blahnik Family Tree> Hi,
> I do not have the dates off hand, but I will get them. Jacobs family
> consisted of several children including Howard, Leo, Pete, Maynard, Harold,
> Vincent, Larry, Donald, Bob, Gertrude and Mert. All still living except Leo
> and Gertrude. All still living in Anapee and Algoma or surrounding area. I
> do know that our family name originated with "Blaha" and I am very
> interested in copies of the photos you have. I also have wedding photos of
> Jacob and Henrietta. Harold is my Dad. I will do my best to get the birth
> date for Jacob and the date of his death. Thanks for all your help.
Marriage index by groom 1924-1949, Algoma Record Herald
Blahnik Jacob Krueger Heretta Algoma 2/19/1926
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