For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Eisner Dyson Dennis [Male] b. --Not Shown-- St. Vincents Hospital Green Bay, Wi
Title: Bobby Blahnik
Title: Bobby Blahnik
Title: Bobby Blahnik
Title: Bobby Blahnik
Title: Bob Blahnik
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama
Title: SDA in Plzen
Research commissioned by Agnes Hallama, conducted by David Kohout, Janackovo nabrezi 57, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech RepublicArchives SRA of Plzen, in the book no 24 of the roman-catholic parish Loucim, on page 65Date of birth: Oct 28th 1843
dte of christening; 29th October
Birth place: Blahnik's mill, house #89 (but not listed of what village)Name: Thomas
catholic, male born in lawful wedlock
The father: Adam Blahnik, the locat master miller, the matrimonical son of Jakub Blahnik, the local master miller - and of deceased Apolonia, born in the village Vilov, in the area of Chudenice estate.
The mother: Anna, the matrimonial daughter of Johann Weber, the day-labourer of Horsovky Tyn - and of deceased Mare nee (Radeg (?) from Hrichovice
The Godfather: Thomas Blahnik, the local master miller, +++ (=illiterate person) and Rosalie Kubovec, the farmer (female) from Libkov, +++
Baptised:Franz Lehrmann, the chaplian
The midwife: same (=Maria Foreit)
Title: Jon Blahnik researched by A. Kondreys in Czech
Title: Birth record
Jakob Blahnik - grandfather of your Vaclav Blahnik - had 8 children
as I wrote in report # 2. Younger of them - Jan Blahnik was the
smith in Radonice #43, maybe later in Sedlice. He and his wife
Maria Nejdl had 6 children. Their son Josef Blahnik born 16th Apr 1845 in Radonice married 1868 in Domazlice to Barbora Hruska. They moved to Plzen. Josef worked as the smith by railway in Plzen. This
family had 7 children - Dorota 1869, Jan 1870 + 1873, Vaclav 1872,
Marie 1875, Barbora 1878 +1879, Barbora 1880 +1881 and Frantisek
1883. All born in Plzen.
===============Hi Jon.
I had problems with internet last week and I am not sure if you
received this my report before.I can send you next report after my checking of books of bans from
parish Stanetice and Kolovec, census lists of Radonice, parish
registers of Plzen and police's registration of Plzen I did during 7
hours of hard work in archives and on internet last two weeks. I found:Jakob Blahnik - grandfather of your Vaclav Blahnik - had 8 children
as I wrote in report # 2. Younger of them - Jan Blahnik was the
smith in Radonice #43, maybe later in Sedlice. He and his wife
Maria Nejdl had 6 children. Their son Josef Blahnik born 16th Apr
1845 in Radonice married 1868 in Domazlice to Barbora Hruska. They
mooved to Plzen. Josef worked as the smith by railway in Plzen. This
family had 7 children - Dorota 1869, Jan 1870 + 1873, Vaclav 1872,
Marie 1875, Barbora 1878 +1879, Barbora 1880 +1881 and Frantisek
1883. All born in Plzen.
Vaclav Blahnik (1872) married 1898 to Justina Psenicka and I found
their 3 children - Marie Anna 1897, Barbora 1898 and Vaclav Augustin
1901. Maria Anna was living in Plzen still 1942 and Vaclav in 1921.
It is possible that they had some descendants.
Frantisek Blahnik (1883) married 1908 in Praha to Anna Sasek. They
had one daughter Barbara only. She born 1913, was single and worked
as clerk-woman.===============16/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 65:
Date of birth: 16th Apr 1845
Date of baptism: 16th Apr 1845
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith in Radonice # 43 and
conjugal son of JAKOB BLAHNIK inhabitant in Sedlice # 8, manor
Mother: MARIA conjugal daughter of + JOHANN NEIDL, cottager in
Stanetice # 32 and of MARGARETHA nee KUGL in Stanetice # 7,
manor Kout.
Godparents: Joseph Blahnik junior brick-layer from Stanetice # 25
and Anna his wife.
Midwife: Katharina Krauss from Stanetice # 9, examined.
Priest: P.Jakob Hajek localist.
=========26/ Parish Plzen, register # 62, page 263:
Date of birth: 4th Mar 1880
Date of baptism: 13th Mar 1880
Place of birth: Plzen town # 216
Father: BLAHNIK JOSEF smith in Plzen from Sedlice, district
Domazlice, son of JAN BLAHNIK cottager from Sedlice and of MARIE
nee NEJDL from Sedlice.
Mother: BARBORA daughter of BEDRICH HRUSKA daylabourer from
Domazlice and of KATERINA nee RADA from Chudenice.
Godparents: Anna Heidler examined midwife in Plzen and Petr Ries
sacristain's helper in Plzen.
Midwife: Heidlerova Anna examined.
Priest: Jan Plewka archidean.
Notice: + 3rd Sep 1881
27/ Parish Plzen, register # 75, page 392:
Date of birth: 14th Nov 1898
Date of baptism: 20th Nov 1898
Place of birth: Plzen town, Mikulas square # 487
Father: BLAHNIK VACLAV turner by railway in Plzen, from Radonice,
district Domazlice, son of BLAHNIK JOSEF smith in Plzen and of
BARBORA nee HRUSKA from Domazlice.
Mother: JUSTINA daughter of MARTIN PSENICKA labourer by railway
in Plzen and of ANNA nee KRAFT from Presin.
Godparents: Barbora Janovska and Franz Janovsky, Plzen.
Midwife: Anna Volfova examined.
Priest: Josef Uher katechet
28/ Parish Plzen, register # 61, page 182:
Date of birth: 24th Apr 1878
Date of baptism: 28th Apr 1878
Place of birth: Plzen - Praha's Suburb # 113
Father: BLAHNIK JOSEF smith in Plzen (from Sedlice) son of JAN
BLAHNIK smith from Sedlice # 3 and of MARIE nee NEIDL from
Mother: BARBORA daughter of BEDRICH HRUSKA trademan from
Domazlice and of KATERINA nee RADA from Chudenice.
Godparents: Anna Heidler midwife in Plzen and Konder Vojtech son of
worker in Plzen.
Midwife: Heidlerova Anna examined.
Priest: Frantisek Herzog chaplain
Notice: + 10th Jul 1879.
30/ Parish Plzen, register # 58, page 67:
Date of birth: 28th Sep 1872
Date of baptism: 29th Sep 1872
Place of birth: Plzen - Praha's Suburb # 113
Father: BLAHNIK JOSEF smith in Plzen (from Domazlice) son of
JAN BLAHNIK smith in Domazlice and of MARIE nee NEJDL from
Mother: BARBORA daughter of + VACLAV HRUSKA daylabourer in
Domazlice and of KATERINA nee FRIEDRICH from Chudenice.
Godparents: Johan Barta gardener and Dorota Barta his wife.
Midwife: Heidlerova Anna examined.
Priest: Vaclav Plevka chaplain
Notice: Without the religion -according to advice of District Office
in Plzen from 5th Feb 1921 # 9416.
Notice of researcher: parents of mother wrongly recorded - Fridrich
Hruska and Katerina Rada.
31/ Parish Plzen, register # 56, page 247:
Date of birth: 27th Apr 1869
Date of baptism: 28th Apr 1869
Place of birth: Plzen - Praha's Suburb # 113
Father: BLAHNIK JOSEF smith-worker from Radonice, district
Domazlice, resident in Plzen, son of JAN BLAHNIK smith from
Radonice, now living in America, and of MARIE nee NEjDL from
Stanetice # 4, district Domazlice.
Mother: BARBORA daughter of + BEDRICH HRUSKA daylabourer from
Domazlice # 18 and of KATERINA nee CERVENKA from Unejovice,
district Prestice.
Godparents: Dorota Bartova and Johan Barta jocksmith's helper in
Midwife: Heidlerova Anna examined.
Priest: Vaclav Karlach chaplain
Notice of researcher: Katerina Cervenka is impossible to be second
wife of Bedrich (Fridrich) Hruska it must be wrong recorded -
Katerina Rada (see # 33).================
37/ Parish Domazlice, Register #50, leaf 349:
Date of wedding: 12th Jul 1868
Place of wedding: Domazlice - Tynske Suburb # 29
Bridegroom: JOSEF BLAHNIK junior smith, born from Radonice
village, now in Plzen worked, conjugal son of JAN BLAHNIK senior
smith from Radonice village # 43 and of his wife MARIE nee NEJDL
from Stanetice village # 17, district Kdyne.
23 and � years old, single, catholic religion.
Notice: Not present father gave to his underage's son the wtitten
permission to this wedding on 18th Jun 1868.
Bride: BARBORA HRUSKA conjugal daughter past + BEDRICH HRUSKA
daylabourer from Domazlice # 43 Horejsi Suburb and of his wife
KATERINA nee RADA from Kolovec town, district Kdyne.
22 and 7/12 years old, single, catholic religion.
Notice: Orphan-bride received guardian's permission from c.k.
District Court in Domazlice on 25th Jun 1868 # 2448 civ.
Witness: Josef Hruska burger from Domazlice and Jakub Rojt burger in
Priest: P. Dionys Stefek cooperator.
Notice: without the dispensation. The permission's declaration from
c.k. District Office in Kdyne from 18th Jun 1868 # 162. Wedding's
document in archives of daenery sheaf 1868 # 43.
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama research
Agnes Hallama (direct desendent) indicates that there were 5 children in the family and Barbora and her younger prother Frank came to Canada. There is another Barbora Blahnik who married a Vaclav Halama born 4/17/1873. This is a DIFFERENT Vaclav Halama that the one who married a Barbora Blahnik from the Smrzovich Blahnik family tree. Agnes said that this Vaclav lived about three doors down from her Vaclav Halama relation. Not clear yet if and how Barbora Blahnik relates to the larger tree.
Dear Lori...
My grandmother was married here in Winnipeg. She was 21 years old when she came. My grandfather was looking for a wife and the only women in the area at the time were of Aboriginal decent (Metis we call them). It was suggested to him that he would be better off with someone of his own ethnic background. So my grandfather wrote to his older brother to see if he knew of someone who would like to come over and be his wife. The sister-in-law was a good friend to my grandmother Barbara so she suggested that they should approach her father and the rest is history. My grandmother came from a "better off" family so coming to this wilderness was quite the challenge. Her first home was a log cabin on the river bank. When it rained she had to put pots all over to catch the leaky roof. She lost her first two children , one was still born the other lived ten days so talk about hardship. She was a lovely, caring grandmother and she just adored us three children as that's all she had. She died when she was 80 years old so lived to a good age despite all the hardships.
Agnes Hallama
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: SRA in Plzen
Title: SRA in Plzen
Title: 1869 Czech Census
Title: SDA in Plzen
Title: SRA in Plzen
Per Agnes Hallama (direct descendent) there were 4 Blahnik brothers who settled in u Blahniku (By Blahniks) - the particular place is u Kubu (at Jacob's).
==========From Joel Blahnik January 2011 to Jon Blahnik:Agnes Hallama of Manitoba--you had asked about Blahnik Mills--here is some reference--see belowEveryone---Agnes has roots to the Blahniks Mills--the Hallama family married into Blahnik from these mills. I have known Agnes for a long time and she is very knowledgeable. She also speaks Czech well. She has been to this area several times in the past. The state of one of these mills today is a summer cottage for wealthy German family who comes over the border---but they have repaired one very nicely. Agnes has had good contact with the "Busek family" who lived in this "U Blahniky" house. I have and spoken with them. One family I think is now in Canada, and I think now the last Busek would know. Lori, if you contact with Agnes, I can give you her e-mail. She is very proud of her heritage and knows a lot from her experiences. She should come to our Blahnik celebration on August 20th.
From Agnes Hallama
Here's a bit of data to add to your history. Adma Blahnik was born June 16, 1810 (that is my ggrandfather). There were eight children born to him and his wife Anna Webber. Two children died in infancy including a boy name Wenzl who was born in July 1849. So this couldn't be the Wencelaus that you mentioned in your email connected to the Algoma bunch. There was another Wenzl born in October of `1812 who also died in infancy. From the information I have he would have been a brother to Adam Blahnik, whose father would have been Simon Blahnik. These are from church records that I had searched this past spring. Don't know if I sent any of that information to you. Looks like Adam Blahnik had two wives and there were other siblings from the second wife. I get a headache after a while trying to sort this out!!! I wish you good luck in sorting all that out.
Research commissioned by Agnes Hallama, conducted by David Hohout, Janackovo nabrezi 57, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech RepublicArchives SRA of Plzen, in the book no 24 of the roman-catholic parish Loucim, on page 65Date of birth: Oct 28th 1843
dte of christening; 29th October
Birth place: Blahnik's mill, house #89 (but not listed of what village)Name: THOMAS
catholic, male born in lawful wedlock
The father: Adam Blahnik, the locat master miller, the matrimonical son of Jakub Blahnik, the local master miller - and of deceased Apolonia, born in the village Vilov, in the area of Chudenice estate.
The mother: Anna, the matrimonial daughter of Johann Weber, the day-labourer of Horsovky Tyn - and of deceased Mare nee (Radeg (?) from Hrichovice
The Godfather: THomas Blahnik, the local master miller, +++ (=illiterate person) and Rosalie Kubovec, the farmer (female) from Libkov, +++
Baptised:Franz Lehrmann, the chaplian
The midwife: same (=Maria Foreit)
research of David Kohout commissioned by Agnes Hallama May 2012
Book no 8, of the roman-catholic parish Bezdekov, page 24MARRIAGE date 2nd Geb 1830
The Groom: from Melhut (present Chodska Lhota) #89
Adam Blahnik, the miller from Melhut, the matrimonial son of Jakub Blahnik, the miller in Chodska Lhota and of deceased mother Apolonie, the daughter of Josef Marek, the farmer in Vilov, in the area of Churenice estate. The groom is catholic, sincle, 20 years old.
The Bride: From Poborovice #9
Anna, the matirimonial daughter of Johann Weber, the hereditary renter in Poborovie #9 - and of still living mother Marie, the daugher of Josef Radeg, the peasant cottager in Hrochovice, in the area of Kout estate. The bride is catholic, single, 19 years old.
The witnesses: Jakob Panosch, the farmer in Chodsko Lahota and Jan Kanak, the half-farmer in Libkov
Married: the same (=Mathias Pupa?)
The note: with father's permission for the groom and for the bride, the witnesses see above.
research of David Kohout commissioned by Agnes Hallama May 2012
SRA Plzen Book 16, roman-catholic parish Loucim, page 108Date of Birth : 6th June 1810
Birthplace: (Chodeska Lhota) #89
The name: ADAM
catholic, male, born in lawful wedlack
The father: Jakob Blahnik, the miller
The mother: Apolonia, the matrimonial daugher of Josef Marek, the farmer in Vilov #18
The godfather: Adam Kuska (?), the farmer in Chodsko Lhota
The witness: Marketa Engelbauer from Libkov
Baptised: Joseh Votruba, the Chaplain
THe midwife: Katarina Sazamova (?)
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Research commissioned by Agnes Hallama, conducted by David Hohout, Janackovo nabrezi 57, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech RepublicArchives SRA of Plzen, in the book no 24 of the roman-catholic parish Loucim, on page 65Date of birth: Oct 28th 1843
dte of christening; 29th October
Birth place: Blahnik's mill, house #89 (but not listed of what village)Name: Thomas
catholic, male born in lawful wedlock
The father: Adam Blahnik, the locat master miller, the matrimonical son of Jakub Blahnik, the local master miller - and of deceased Apolonia, born in the village Vilov, in the area of Chudenice estate.
The mother: Anna, the matrimonial daughter of Johann Weber, the day-labourer of Horsovky Tyn - and of deceased Mare nee (Radeg (?) from Hrichovice
The Godfather: THomas Blahnik, the local master miller, +++ (=illiterate person) and Rosalie Kubovec, the farmer (female) from Libkov, +++
Baptised:Franz Lehrmann, the chaplian
The midwife: same (=Maria Foreit)
research of David Kohout commissioned by Agnes Hallama May 2012
Book no 8, of the roman-catholic parish Bezdekov, page 24Marriage date 2nd Geb 1830
The Groom: from Melhut (present Chodska Lhota) #89
Adam Blahnik, the miller from Melhut, the matrimonial son of Jakub Blahnik, the miller in Chodska Lhota and of deceased mother Apolonie, the daughter of Josef Marek, the farmer in Vilov, in the area of Churenice estate. The groom is catholic, sincle, 20 years old.
The Bride: From Poborovice #9
Anna, the matirimonial daughter of Johann Weber, the hereditary renter in Poborovie #9 - and of still living mother Marie, the daugher of Josef Radeg, the peasant cottager in Hrochovice, in the area of Kout estate. The bride is catholic, single, 19 years old.
The witnesses: Jakob Panosch, the farmer in Chodsko Lahota and Jan Kanak, the half-farmer in Libkov
Married: the same (=Mathias Pupa?)
The note: with father's permission for the groom and for the bride, the witnesses see above.
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: Agnes Hallama, Researcher in Canada
Title: per Father, Greg Blahnik
Title: per Father, Greg Blahnik
Title: per Father, Greg Blahnik
Title: Robert Kevin Blahnik's Obit
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