For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Worachek Frances (Franciska Vracek Voracek) [Female] b. 29 NOV 1838 - d. 14 MAR 1886 Slovan, WI
Title: Kewaunee page Cemetary files
Title: obituary
Algoma Newspaper Obituaries
You can purchase a copy of an obituary by sending 1$ for each page and a SASE to:
Algoma Public Library
406 Fremont Street
Blahnik Mrs Matt 4-1-1886
15 BLAHNIK Frantiska (wife) 29 Nov 1838 14 Mar 1885 ossw/Marketa/nxt/Anna/manzelka J.E. Blahnik
Located NW 1/4 Section 27
In village of Slovan, corner of County Hwys T & E. Across from Church.
=====relationship to Frank Voracek/Worachek, Sr.? 1807-1873==============
Announcement about Frances Worachek's death:Algoma Record 4/1/1886
The wife of Matt Blahnik died at her home in this town last week. Mrs. B. was sick only a few days. She leaves a husband and large family to mourn her loss.
==========================Could Frank Voracek/Worachek, Sr. b March 16, 1807 be her father?? Barbara Husik mother?
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Source May 20, 1873
Edward John Blahnik 32 died at Algoma Memorial Hospital at 3:15 Wednesday morning as a result of injuries received August 15 within the City limits on Highway 42 where he was caught between a wrecker and a car.
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Lori Dollevoet
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Alt Minnie; Slovan; Alaska
Blahnik Frank; ; 9/11/1914
Birth Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Frank
Day: 22
Month: July
Year: 1892
County: Kewaunee
Reel: 97
Record: 2004 ============== M. BlahnikBirth: Jul. 22, 1892
Wisconsin, USA
Death: Mar. 22, 1940
San Bernardino County
California, USABirth and death information from California Death Index which indicates that mother's maiden name was Blazek. Information from Ancestry indicates that he was son of Mathias and Catherine Blazek Blahnik. He married Willomina "Minnie" Alt 9/10/1914 in Kewaunee, Wisc. Family links:
Willomina Alt Blahnik (1892 - 1978)*Burial:
Hillside Memorial Park
San Bernardino County
California, USAEdit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: DHunt
Record added: Jun 02, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 27285862
=======================================1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnik Frank | Alt Minnie | 9/11/1914 | Kewaunee
"California, Death Index, 1940-1997," Blahnik in entry for Frank Blahnik, 1940name: Frank Blahnik
event: Death
event date: 22 Mar 1940
event place: San Bernardino, California, United States
birth date: 22 Jul 1892
birthplace: Wisconsin
gender: Male
father: Blahnik
mother: Blazek
Citing this Record"California, Death Index, 1940-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Sep 2012), Blahnik in entry for Frank Blahnik, 1940; citing California Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Section, Sacramento, California.
Birth: Jul. 22, 1892
Wisconsin, USA
Death: Mar. 22, 1940
San Bernardino County
California, USA Birth and death information from California Death Index which indicates that mother's maiden name was Blazek. Information from Ancestry indicates that he was son of Mathias and Catherine Blazek Blahnik. He married Willomina "Minnie" Alt 9/10/1914 in Kewaunee, Wisc. Family links:
Willomina Alt Blahnik (1892 - 1978)**Calculated relationshipBurial:
Hillside Memorial Park
San Bernardino County
California, USA Created by: DHunt
Record added: Jun 02, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 27285862
1905 Casco census under Blanek
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Gettinger Katherine (Gatina) [Female] b. BET. 11 NOV 1843 - OCT 1845 Pilsen, Bohemia (of German Descent) - d. 22 JUN 1924 Ahnapee, Kewaunee, Co., WI
Title: Blahnik Article-commerative book on the city of Menominee from 1983
Title: Blahnik Article-commerative book on the city of Menominee from 1983
Title: obituary
Title: Commerorative Bio Record of the Co of Brown, Kewaunee, Door, AI 1895
Title: 1900 census
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
7 BLAHNIK Katherine (mother) 11 Nov 1843 22 Jun 1924 ossw/Jacob Sr.(father)/Age 81 yrs 7 mos 11 days
St Mary's Algoma
1910 census 15 kids/ 9 alive
===============Obit from Algoma Record Herald p. 1 6/27/1924ALGOMA PIONEER DIED AT AGE 81
Mrs. Katherine Blahnik, an early pioneer of Algoma, who lived here when wolves howled at the doors and Indians had there war dances, died at her home after suffering a year and five months with paralysis. The end came quietyly at 11:30 o'clock Sunday evening. Mrs. Blahnik was 81 years old.
Burial was made in St. Mary's cemetery following funeral services which were held at the church of the Immaculate Conception Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'colick. A solemn requien mass was held for the dead. The Rev. William Kraemer officiated, assisted by Rev. A. Broens, deacon, Sturgeon Bay, and the Rev. William Groessl as sub-deacon.
Mrs. Blahnik was born in Pilsen, Austria in 1843. When she was 9 years old she came to America with her parents, settling at Algoma. Woods then occupied what are now streets, and only a few houses were clustered together. Tales of Indians and wolves howling about the doors were often told by Mrs. Blahnik, according to the children. She was married to Jacob Blahnik, sr., in July, 1859. Following their marriage the couple moved to the farm in Ahnapee town now owned by their son, Jacob J. Blahnik. Until 1906 when they moved to ALgoma to retire they lived on the farm. Mr. Blahnik died in 1908, and since Mrs. Blahnik lived with her daughter, Miss Emily.
Four sons and four daughters live to mourn her death. They are Miss Emily Blahnik, Mrs. F.G. Jirtle, Mrs. V. Welnick, and Mrs. ohn Matzke, Jacob J. Blahnik, George F. Blahnik, and Michael and Joseph G. Blahnik, Menominee, Mich. The oldest daugher, Mrs. Katherine McCurry died in 1905. Thirthy-four grand children and 7 great greandchildren also survive.
A large throng from Kodan attended the funeral. Among those from outside points who attended were Miss Fannie Blahnik, Mr. and Mrs. John Bangert and son, Leander, Mrs. J. Sticka, all of Green Bay; Joseph G. Blahnik and Michael Blahnik, Menominee, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barta, Kewaunee; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blahnik, Montpelier town; Mr. and Mrs Frank Hucek, Forestville; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blahnik, West Kewaunee; Mr and Mrs. Joseph Baumeister, Kewaunee; Mrrs. Charles Borgman, Kewaunee: Mrs. H. Nemetz and son, Otto, Kewaunee; Mrs. Alger Fell, Omro; Mres. E.W. Ullsperger, Milwaukee; Miss Sophis Matzke, Chicago; Miss Kathleen McCurrie, ChicagoMr. and Mrs. John Halada, Montpelier; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blahnik, Alaska; Mr and Mrs. Henry Baumeister, Kewaunee.
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Nolde Emma [Female] b. 17 OCT 1883 West Kewaunee, WI - d. 5 MAY 1945 Algoma, WI
Title: Kewaunee County Records Deaths
Title: Linda Howell Hengen
7 BLAHNIK Emma (mother) xx xxx 1883 xx xxx 1945 ossw/Jacob J.(father)/nxt/Sylvester
St Mary's Cath Cem - Algoma===================1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnik Jacob | Nolde Emma | 11/23/1906 | Kewaunee--------------------------------------------------
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Srnka Anna [Female] b. 20 MAY 1873 Lincoln, Kewaunee County, WI - d. 22 JUL 1921 Gillette, WI
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Kewaunee County
Wisconsin, USA
Death: Jul. 22, 1921
Oconto County
Wisconsin, USA [Edit Dates]Anna was the daughter of Wenzel and Anna Srnka and was born in Kewaunee County, WI. She married her husband Simon Blahnik, Sr. August 1894 (1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper 8/31/1894 | Slovan) and they settled on a farm in Brussels, Door County. In 1918 the farm was sold and the family moved to Gillett, WI in Oconto County. Simon engaged in large scale farming at this location. In 1929 Simon sold the farm to Oconto County and he retired in Algoma. Annie had died while they were in Oconto County in 1922 and originally she had been buried in Gillett. The remains were later transfered to Evergreen Cemetery and are in a Blahnik plot with her husband and their son Simon A. Blahnik.
The Blahniks had five children; William 1895, Simon 1897, Lillian 1900, Edward 1904, Milton 1909. Burial: [Edit]
Evergreen Cemetery
Kewaunee County
Wisconsin, USA [Add Plot]Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]Created by: Lori Dollevoet
Record added: Oct 19, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 30680693
============1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnik Simon | Srnka Anna | 8/31/1894 | Slovan
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Blahnik William Raymond [Male] b. 31 MAY 1895 Forestville, Door County, WI - d. 30 MAY 1986 Manitowoc, WI
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: obituary
Title: Social security death record
Title: Manitowoc County Death
Title: Social security record
Title: Evergreen Cemetery Stone in Algoma WI
1980-1989 Algoma Record Herald Obituary Index. Information provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of any obit can be obtained by sending $1.00 for each page and a SASE. Send to: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201
Name; age; cemetery; date of paper; page
Blahnik William; 90; Evergreen; 6/4/1986; 141986
William R. Blahnik, 90, formerly of 709 Third Street, Algoma, died unexpectedly Friday, May 30th at Shady Lane Home in Manitowoc.
Funeral services were held Monday at Haucke-Schinderle Funeral Home, Algoma, the Rev. David Dolan officiating and burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mr. Blahnik was born May 31, 1895 in Forestville and as a young man moved to Gillett area where he farmed and worked at the Gillett Canning Co. for a number of years. Later he moved to Detroit and worked as a machinist but moved back to Gillett until1932 when he and his wife moved to Algoma. He and his brother started Blahnik Motors and had a Chevrolet Agency for over 25 years. After retirement he continued to live in Algoma.
His marriage to Della Schluessel took place June 22, 1929 at Oconto Falls. She died July 21, 1972.
William Blahnik was a member of the Golden Age club.
Surviving are a son and daughter in-law, Gary and Genevieve, Greenfield; one daughter and son in-law, Bernadine and Carl Stoeger, Two Rivers; six Grandchildren; a sister in-law, Mary Blahnik, Detroit, MI.
His wife, three brothers and a grandson preceded him in death.
6 BLAHNIK William R. 31 May 1895 30 May 1986 ossw/Della L.
Evergreen Cemetery, ALgoma, WI
Birth Date: 31 May 1895
Death Date: May 1986
Social Security Number: 393-14-4099
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Wisconsin Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 53228
Localities: Greenfield, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Blahnik Simon Anton [Male] b. 14 JUL 1897 Forestville, Door Cty, WI - d. 27 DEC 1983 Oregon, Dane Co., WI
Title: Door County Births
Title: Social security record
Title: Grave stone at Evergreen Cemetery in Algoma, WI
Title: Social security record
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
1980-1989 Algoma Record Herald Obituary Index. Information provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of any obit can be obtained by sending $1.00 for each page and a SASE. Send to: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201
Name; age; cemetery; date of paper; page
Blahnik Simon; 96; Evergreen; 1/4/1984; 16
Birth Date: 14 Jul 1897
Death Date: Dec 1983
Social Security Number: 393-14-4100
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Wisconsin Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 53575
Localities: Fitchburg, Dane, Wisconsin
Oregon, Dane, Wisconsin
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Blahnik Lillian [Female] b. 20 OCT 1900 Town of Forestville, Door County, WI
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
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Blahnik Edward [Male] b. 5 NOV 1903 Forestville, WI - d. 16 SEP 1936 Algoma, WI
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Funeral services will be held to-day Friday at 1:30 from the Foley Home and at 2 o'clock from the Methodist Episcopal Church in the City. The Reveredn J. F. Witter will officiate and internment will be in the Evergreens.
Pallbearers will be Victor Blahnik, Ted Blahnik, Albert Blahnik, Frank Srnka, Joseph Srnka and Harry Ceaser.
Mr. Blahnik was born Nov. 5, 1903 in Forestville and lived 15 years at Gillett. In recent years he has been employed at the Blahnik Garage in Algoma as a mechanic.
Surviving are his father Simon Blahnik, Sr. and a sister, Mrs. Grover McMillian Detroit, MI, and three brothers, William, Simon Jr. and Milton all of Algoma.
When the accident happened Mr. Blahnik has just finished unhooking the wrecker from a car he had pulled from the ditch and was almost out from between the wrecker and the car he pulled out when a car driven by Steve Shimske of Milwaukee, struck the coupe and forced it against the wrecker pinning Blahnik between the machine. The force of the impact was so terrific that the wrecker which stood in gear was pushed forward more than 50 feet. The lower part of Blahnik's body was badly lacerated.
6 BLAHNIK Edward xx xxx 1903 xx xxx 1936 nxt/Lillian,Anna(mother)
Evergreen Cemetery, Algoma WI
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Blahnik Milton Roland [Male] b. 15 JUL 1909 Ahnapee, WI - d. 17 APR 1978 Allen Park, Wayne, MI
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: Social security record
Marriage index by groom 1924-1949, Algoma Record Herald
Blahnik Milton Olsen Mary Des Plaines 6/21/1946
1971-1979 Algoma Record Herald obituary index. Index provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of an obit can be purchased for $1.00 for each page listed along with a SASE. Send To: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201
Blahnik Milton; 68; Detroit; 4/19/1978; 9
Birth Date: 15 Jul 1909
Death Date: Apr 1978
Social Security Number: 394-10-9636
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Wisconsin Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 48101
Localities: Allen Park, Wayne, Michigan
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Olsen Mary Elizabeth [Female] b. 10 DEC 1913 Chicago, IL - d. 19 AUG 2005 Wayne Co., MI
Title: Kathy Stachura
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McMillian Grover [Male] Back to Main Page
Bennett Lillian [Female] b. 16 JAN 1908 Green Valley, Lincoln, Kewaunee Co., WI - d. 7 NOV 1973 Evergreen Cemetery, Algoma, WI
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
1971-1979 Algoma Record Herald obituary index. Index provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of an obit can be purchased for $1.00 for each page listed along with a SASE. Send To: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201Blahnik Mrs Simon; 65; Evergreen; 11/7/1973; 1Find A Grave Memorial# 30668485
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Blahnik Arnold Lee [Male] b. 7 MAY 1929 Oconto County, WI - d. 11 NOV 1989 Prairie Mound Cemetery, Oregon, WI
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Marriage Index, 1950-1960 by date of paper, Algoma Record.
Information provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy can be obtained by sending $1.00 and a SASE. Send to: Algoma Public Library Herald 406 Fremont Street Algoma, WI 54201Blahnik Arnold Pudleiner Jeane 7/20/1950
1980-1989 Algoma Record Herald Obituary Index. Information provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy of any obit can be obtained by sending $1.00 for each page and a SASE. Send to: Algoma Public Library 406 Fremont St. Algoma, WI 54201
Name; age; cemetery; date of paper; pageBlahnik Arnold; 60; Oregon Wis; 11/23/1989; 4
===========Reporter, The - June 7, 1977, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsinsuffer an immediate salary cut Robert Ellsworth 53 classi fication chief of the Division of Corrections, was named acting director of the Bureau of In stitutions In another change Arnold Blahnik 48 supervisor of training and staff development for the division, was named assistant superintendent for treatment at Oak Hill Basinas said the shakeup is due to his criticism of...
Refine by:
Date: Tuesday, June 07, 1977
City: Fond Du Lac
State: Wisconsin
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Blahnik Eileen B. Marion [Female] b. 2 SEP 1936 Algoma, WI - d. 18 APR 2011 Appleton, WI
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: Appleton Post Crescent
Title: obituary
Marriage Index, 1950-1960 by date of paper, Algoma Record.
Information provided by the Kewaunee County Historical Society. A copy can be obtained by sending $1.00 and a SASE. Send to: Algoma Public Library Herald 406 Fremont Street Algoma, WIAllinger Don Blahnik Eileen 9/8/1955 6
===============, Eileen B. (Blahnik)
11:00 PM, Apr. 20, 2011 |
AppletonEileen B. Allinger, age 74, passed away peacefully, surrounded by her family, on Monday, April 18, 2011. She was born in Algoma on September 2, 1936, the daughter of the late Simon and Lillian (Bennett) Blahnik. On September 3, 1955, she married her husband of 55 years, Donald Allinger. As a mother and friend, licensed practical nurse in the labor and delivery department at Appleton Medical Center, and later as a library aide at Columbus Elementary School, Eileen devoted her life to the care of others.Eileen is survived by her husband, Donald; children: Mary (Charles) Harkins of Brookfield, Lee (Amy) Allinger of Appleton, Ann (Brian) Humke of Greenville, SC, and Amy (Roberto) Binelli of Sheboygan; and 13 grandchildren: Nathaniel, Joseph (Abbey), Lauren and Lukas Harkins; Lida Storch, Alexander, Liza and Jane Allinger; Matthew, Andrew and Mitchell Humke; and Michael and Grace Binelli.She was preceded in death by her brother, Arnold Blahnik.The memorial service will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 23, 2011, at FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 325 E. Franklin St., Appleton, with Dr. Doyle Blanton officiating. Friends will be received at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of the service. A private burial service will be held at Riverside Cemetery, Appleton, at a later date.The family extends a special thank you to Dr. Haine, Dr. Johnson and the entire staff at St. Elizabeth Hospital for the tender care they provided to our mother and family.In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts in Eileen's name will be directed through the Appleton Education Foundation to support the purchase of children's books for the Columbus Elementary School Library. Please send donations to: Appleton Education Foundation/Allinger Memorial, 122 E. College Avenue, Suite 1-B, Appleton, WI 54911.
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Allinger Donald [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Ridgeway, PABack to Main Page
Allinger Mary [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Green Bay, Wi
Title: obituary
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Allinger Lee [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Green Bay, WI
Title: obituary
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Allinger Ann [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Appleton, WI
Title: obituary
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Allinger Amy [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Appleton, Wi
Title: obituary
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