For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Janca Dorothy Marie [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Chicago, IL
Title: Dorothy Janca
Posted by Dorothy Janca on Fri, 18 May 2001Hi,
How can I find out about the reunion? My great grandmother was Barbora Blahnik, born Smrzovice, a sister to the male Blahniks who came to Wisconsin. However, it was her son, Vaclav Halama who made it to the US--Wisconsin and Illinois.
Or is the reunion only for the Blahnik descendants who came to the US as Blahniks? My Barbara is in the upper right hand corner on the Blahnik tree. She married Halama of Chodska Lhota. Her youngest child Jaroslav just died last year at age 94 at home in Chodska Lhota.----- Original Message -----
From: Lori Dollevoet
To: dorothy Janca
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 8:10 AM
Subject: Blahnik familyHi Dorothy,
I think we emailed once a long time ago. I do have you on my data base and I think you sent a few of Joel Blahnik's letters to me. We split back at the second Martin Blahnik in the Blahnik tree.
The reunion is August 11th Saturday at the Luxemburg Fair Grounds in Kewaunee County. I was told to let people know and spread by word of mouth, so I don't think there would be any problem. The one organizing this is Bob Blahnik.
I am copying him in on this email as well. He could let you some more specifics about the reunion. Paul Blahnik is working on a GED com too and may be interested in you connection.
I have you as
Dorothy Janca-William Bushey
Stanley Janca 1916-Lucille Halama
James Halama 1894-Marie Vichr
Vaclav Halama 1861-Barbora Blahnik 1868 Married Chodska Lhota, Bohemia
Josef Blahnik 1829-Magdalena Votruba
Jakub (James) Blahnik 1785-Marketa Votruba
Martin Blahnik 1760-Katherine Votruba
Wenceslaus (Vaclav) Blahnik -died after 1745-Margaret
Petr Blahnik died after 1745
Simon Blahnik - Barboru Krale
Jacub Blahnik Sr. 1632-Anna Marie
Martin Blahnik died aft 1652
Matej Blahnik died aft 1654
N. Blahnik died aft 1599
Hron Blahnik
N. Blahnik died aft 1579
Martin Blahnik 1505-Lidmilla
Ondra Blahnik died aft 1482 Joel Blahnik is also split from our same tree but a little closer up the line. It is always interesting to see how all us blahnik's relate. Do you live in Wisconsin?
Lori Dollevoet, Fremont, WI
----- Original Message -----
From: Dorothy Janca
To: Ken & Lori Dollevoet
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: Blahnik familyHi Lori,
Yes, Lori, we did communicate a year or 2 ago.
I am interested in attending the reunion, however, I live in Phoenix Arizona, so right now I am not sure of the logistics of attending. I want to also attend the CSGI conference in Pittsburgh in October. There are some other relatives/research I could do as see in Wisconsin if I do go back. I put some additional dates for people on the list at the end of your email. I had research done at the Czech archives to verify some of the data in the tree. I also have a lot of the dates for siblings of Blahniks back a few generations in Europe.
2/23/11 from Dorothy
Hi Lori,
Yes, I do have these documents. Vaclav (James) first went to Bessemer in UP Michigan and worked on setting railroad ties, I believe. He said until the "Deigo's ( sorry for the politically incorrect for Italians) would work for 5 cents less" . He was there with his Halama relatives. Uncle Jacob Halama, as I recall who is listed on the Ellis Island info, and cousins Frank and ?forgot? These Halama men later died in a boating accident around Halloween 1930 on Lake Gogebic. It was a big deal because 3 generations of Halama men died inc. an 11 year old boy. I think 7 died, some friends of the family all together. Boat was overloaded and they wore wool clothing that pulled them down.At some point 1914-16 Vaclav went to Chicago where his sister Agnes Halama Kleisner and her husband lived. He stayed with them and worked carpentry until he met my grandmother Marie Vichr. She was born in Chicago, but only 2-3 months after her parents came to US, but she never let anyone forget she was American born. He says SHE asked him to marry her. He was doing some work on a boarding house her mother, a widow, and sisters ran. There were 2 properties on Trumbull Ave. by th 1930's.
Both of my grandparents died in Phoenix--Maricopa Co., she in December1969 and he in June 1983, as did my mother Lucille Halama Janca in July 1972. My dad Stanley John Janca died in Arkansas in March 2009 as I recall. We all came to AZ by car--used to come for the summers 1956-59 because I was allergic to just about everything blooming in the Illinois summer. Finally in 1959 we moved here, my grandfather retired and came here and my aunt Margie Halama Stepanek and family too. Aunt Margie died in 1965 of a brain tumor. Only my aunt Florence Halama Hlavacek Wielgus and family stayed in Illinois. One cousin, Jerry Stepanek whom I never see is still here along with me. My brother Tim is in California, the Halvacek cousins in Illinois and their 3 kids each, kind of scattered around right now--Washington DC, New York, and Illinois.I was born at the Berwyn McNeil Memorial Hospital which was across from the Moose lodge, near the train tracks from downtown Chicago.We lived in Berwyn, 1447 S. Scoville Ave and before that with my grandfather who owned the building at 1926 S. Oak Park Ave in Berwyn. My Dad had a jewelry and watch repair business on Cermak Rd--6804 1/2 W. Cermak ()I think) --not far from the Olympic theater. Later it was located on Cermak Rd, about 3 doors down from the intersectrion with Oak Park Ave. on the North and west side. There was a nice old bank across the street, that I think Berwyn was trying to keep as an historical building and it was down the street, and across from the old location of Weber Travel Agency. My aunt Florence lived in La Grange Park, and then in Chicago on Naper Rd near Milwaukee and Devon (where the Big Dawg hot dog stand is and also near St. Adalbert Cemetery) and now she is in Aurora near my cousin Jim and my cousin Janice is in Naperville.
Title: Dorothy Janca
Title: Dorothy Janca
United States Census, 1930 for Margaret HalamaName: Margaret Halama
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Lyons, Cook, Illinois
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Illinois
Estimated Birth Year: 1920
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Birthplace: Illinois
Enumeration District Number: 2170
Family Number: 62
Sheet Number and Letter: 6A
Line Number: 10
NARA Publication: T626, roll 502
Film Number: 2340237
Digital Folder Number: 4584583
Image Number: 00590
Household Gender Age
Parent James Halama M 32
Parent Marie Halama F 30
Luceille Halama F 13
Margaret Halama F 10
Florence Halama F 2
Title: Dorothy Janca
United States Census, 1930 for Florence HalamaName: Florence Halama
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Lyons, Cook, Illinois
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Illinois
Estimated Birth Year: 1928
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Birthplace: Illinois
Enumeration District Number: 2170
Family Number: 62
Sheet Number and Letter: 6A
Line Number: 11
NARA Publication: T626, roll 502
Film Number: 2340237
Digital Folder Number: 4584583
Image Number: 00590
Household Gender Age
Parent James Halama M 32
Parent Marie Halama F 30
Luceille Halama F 13
Margaret Halama F 10
Florence Halama F 2
Title: Birth Record Catholic Fary Loucim
Title: Marriage record Catholic Fary Loucim
Birth: Birth Record Catholic fary Loucim sv. 5, str. 149: Place Smrzowitz (=Smrzovice)
Date 26, April 1764
Baptized: Catharina, legitimate daughter of Jacob Wotruba and his wife Dorothea, parents home is Biharzoviensi (=Beharov), they are subjects (not free people), born on the 25th.Nancy Janda, Joyce Pelnar, Vladimir Bystricky
===========Before 1785, (XII3) Martin, the son of (XI1) Vaclav Blahnik who was the cottager from 'Blahniky' along with his wife, Marketa who was from Smrzovice, married Katerina Votruba, daughter of Jakub Votruba, the farmer and mayor in Smrzovice. Martin became to be the founder of the branch of the Blahnik family living still in house #16, which is built on the lot located. on the yard of house #17--'u Votruba.' This branch of the Blahnik family is still living there today.
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik The daughter of #8 Jiri Blahnik, Eva, married Jan Hartla, widower from Benov, in 1695
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: David Kohout translation
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal wrote: entry 3 right
date of marriage 7 Nov 1741
groom Wencel son of Petr Blahnik of ??
bride Marketa dau of Thomas ??? of Pocinovice
place of marriage Blahnik (Mill)Then on 2/11/2014
As for the maiden name of Marketa. I interpret the name as Tomas Shwezdz or Schweda. This name can be found in the index starting in
1770 and not unfamiliar in the area. So my next effort will be to see if I can find more on Tomas. That means scanning page after page in this already hard to read area and also there appears some data gaps in the years. I also have one more contact to try to see how they read it.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
The wife of Jan Blahnik, Anna Market, is recorded also giving evidence about so-called miracles appearing with the adulterous picture of the Virgin Mary which was a source of riches to the Church and to the owner. Dr. Vancura, in his book on the history, stated that the blood droplets considered miracles were from cockroaches killed on the picture. Even the Jesuits from Klatovy did not believe in those miracles. The Hour of Darkness, headed by evil, built its tone in this illustrious city with the Black Tower. Among the other Jesuits tricks is known their miracles Cross with hidden mechanisms. Besides these tricks there was the worshipping of darkness which was to cover the Glory of� God as according to the Bible, containing the words of� the only Mediator in the face of God (Timothy I; 2, 5). Instead of worshipping the Creator and. the Lord of� Heaven, the dead picture was worshipped and therefore, the Lord showed several times his anger on this adulterous city and subjected it to frequent fire ...
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Actapublica
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Old #8.2 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time. He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61. The son of this Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to Jakub; Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold.
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Title: Kewaunee County records Births
Title: Wenzel/Paul Blahnik
Title: obituary
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