For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Downes William [Male]
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: Cathy Blahnik Downes
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1800 census
United States Census, 1880 for Joseph Schimonck
Name: Joseph Schimonck
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Birthdate: 1863
Birthplace: Wisconsin, United States
Relationship to Head: Son
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Father's Name: Pas Schimonck
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name: Mary Schimonck
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Single
Age (Expanded): 17 years
Occupation: Works On Farm
NARA Film Number: T9-1431
Page: 271
Page Character: D
Entry Number: 1453
Film number: 1255431
Household Gender Age
Parent Pas Schimonck M 55
Parent Mary Schimonck F 47
Peatu Schimonch M 21
Joseph Schimonck M 17
Sansin Schimonch F 11-------------------------
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for Joseph Shimonek
Name: Joseph Shimonek
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 44y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1861
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 141
Page Number: 262
Line Number: 57
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00455
Household Gender Age
Joseph Shimonek M 44y
Spouse Albina Shimonek F 38y
Child Pauline Shimonek F 17y
Child Annie Shimonek F 16y
Child Katie Shimonek F 12y
Child Josie Shimonek F 7y=======
United States Census, 1910 for Josef Shimanek
Name: Josef Shimanek
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 82
Page Number: 8
Household Gender Age
Josef Shimanek M 47y
Spouse Alnina Shimanek F 42y
Child Paulina Shimanek F 22y
Child Katie Shimanek F 15y
Child Josef Shimanek M 12y
Child Milosh Shimanek M 4y
Child Adeline Shimanek F 1y 8m==
United States Census, 1920 for Joseph Shimonek
Name: Joseph Shimonek
Residence: , Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1863
Age: 57
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace:
Film Number: 1821990
Digital Folder Number: 4391501
Image Number: 01073
Sheet Number: 2
Household Gender Age
Joseph Shimonek M 57y
Spouse Alvina Shimonek F 51y
Child Joseph Shimonek M 22y
Child Milsoh Shimonek M 13y
Child Aedilina Shimonek F 12y
Ezra Burmeister M 24y
Spouse Ida Burmeister F 24y====
United States Census, 1930Name: Joseph Shimanek
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1865
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Enumeration District Number: 0011
Family Number: 269
Sheet Number and Letter: 12B
Line Number: 51
NARA Publication: T626, roll 2576
Film Number: 2342310
Digital Folder Number: 4547884
Image Number: 01068
Household Gender Age
Joseph Shimanek M 65
Spouse Alvina Shimanek F 62
Edward Kralovetz M 23
Child Edelein Kralovetz F 21
Dorothy Kralovetz F 1
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for Albina Shimonek
Name: Albina Shimonek
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 38y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1867
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 141
Page Number: 262
Line Number: 58
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00455
Household Gender Age
Spouse Joseph Shimonek M 44y
Albina Shimonek F 38y
Child Pauline Shimonek F 17y
Child Annie Shimonek F 16y
Child Katie Shimonek F 12y
Child Josie Shimonek F 7y============
United States Census, 1910 for Alnina Shimanek
Name: Alnina Shimanek
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 82
Page Number: 8
Household Gender Age
Spouse Josef Shimanek M 47y
Alnina Shimanek F 42y
Child Paulina Shimanek F 22y
Child Katie Shimanek F 15y
Child Josef Shimanek M 12y
Child Milosh Shimanek M 4y
Child Adeline Shimanek F 1y 8m======
United States Census, 1920 for Alvina Shimonek
Name: Alvina Shimonek
Residence: , Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1869
Age: 51
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace:
Film Number: 1821990
Digital Folder Number: 4391501
Image Number: 01073
Sheet Number: 2
Household Gender Age
Spouse Joseph Shimonek M 57y
Alvina Shimonek F 51y
Child Joseph Shimonek M 22y
Child Milsoh Shimonek M 13y
Child Aedilina Shimonek F 12y
Ezra Burmeister M 24y
Ida Burmeister F 24y
United States Census, 1930 for Alvina ShimanekName: Alvina Shimanek
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Gender: Female
Age: 62
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1868
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Enumeration District Number: 0011
Family Number: 269
Sheet Number and Letter: 12B
Line Number: 52
NARA Publication: T626, roll 2576
Film Number: 2342310
Digital Folder Number: 4547884
Image Number: 01068
Household Gender Age
Spouse Joseph Shimanek M 65
Alvina Shimanek F 62
Edward Kralovetz M 23
Child Edelein Kralovetz F 21
Dorothy Kralovetz F 1
===============??Possible brother could be Wenzel Pilzak. Born abt 1855 in Bohemia and living in Montpelier, Kewaunee Co, WI in 1905
Title: 1940 census
1920 census
Name Marie Blahnik
Residence Chicago Ward 29, Cook, Illinois
Estimated Birth Year 1920
Age 0
Birthplace Illinois
Relationship to Head of Household Daughter
Gender Female
Race White
Marital Status Single
Father's Birthplace
Mother's Birthplace
Film Number 1820345
Digital Folder Number 4300496
Image Number 00534
Sheet Number 11
Household Gender Age
Parent Karl B Blahnik M 33y
Parent Marie Blahnik F 23y
Marie Blahnik F 7m
Title: 1900 US Census
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