For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Unknown Magdalena [Female] d. 3 NOV 1900
Title: Bonnie Blahnik
Title: Bonnie Blahnik
Title: Bonnie Blahnik
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Worachek in entry for Conrad Arnold and Frances Burnk, "Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930"
Name: Conrad Arnold
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Mishicott, Man., Wisconsin
Spouse's Name: Frances Burnk
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace: Pierce, Kewaunee Co.
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 06 Feb 1904
Event Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Father's Name: Jacob Arnold
Mother's Name: Annie Reif
Spouse's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Worachek
Race: White
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race: White
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1292003
Reference ID: Item No.15 02327
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Worachek in entry for Conrad Arnold and Frances Burnk, "Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930"
Name: Conrad Arnold
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Mishicott, Man., Wisconsin
Spouse's Name: Frances Burnk
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace: Pierce, Kewaunee Co.
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 06 Feb 1904
Event Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Father's Name: Jacob Arnold
Mother's Name: Annie Reif
Spouse's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Worachek
Race: White
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race: White
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1292003
Reference ID: Item No.15 02327
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Worachek in entry for Conrad Arnold and Frances Burnk, "Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930"
Name: Conrad Arnold
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Mishicott, Man., Wisconsin
Spouse's Name: Frances Burnk
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace: Pierce, Kewaunee Co.
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 06 Feb 1904
Event Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Father's Name: Jacob Arnold
Mother's Name: Annie Reif
Spouse's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Worachek
Race: White
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race: White
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1292003
Reference ID: Item No.15 02327
Title: 1880 Census States Census, 1880 for Georg AulicName: Georg Aulic
Residence: Gibson, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Birthdate: 1832
Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Maria Aulic
Spouse's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 48 years
Occupation: Farmer
NARA Film Number: T9-1434
Page: 108
Page Character: A
Entry Number: 4678
Film number: 1255434
Household Gender Age
Georg Aulic M 48
Spouse Maria Aulic F 45
Child Anton Aulic M 21
Child Franz Aulic M 19
Child John Aulic M 14
Child Anna Aulic F 11
Child Antonia Aulic F 11
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1880 Census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Antonia AnlikName: Antonia Anlik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 36y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1869
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 39
Line Number: 33
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00276
Household Gender Age
Spouse John Anlik M 38y
Antonia Anlik F 36y
Child Eddie Anlik M 17y
Child Antonia Anlik F 16y
Child Lucy Anlik F 12y
Child Frank Anlik M 10y
Child Willie Anlik M 10y
Child Johnny Anlik M 4y
Parent Mary Barton F 78y
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