For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Theresa [Female] b. 16 MAY 1889 Kewaunee County, WI - d. 1986
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: Mary Browne
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Blahnik Therese; ; license
Kopec Barth; Appleton; 4/21/1911
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St Kewaunee, WI 54216
Title: WWI Draft Reg card
Title: Mary Browne
? Possible? 32 BLAHNIK Thomas 09 Nov 1889 17 Dec 1927
Located NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 21.
East on Hwy F from Hwy V. South side of road.
Records are at St. Joseph's in Pilsen and is maintained by parish.
Church demolished in the 1920's.
United States Census, 1910 for Thomas BlahnikName: Thomas Blahnik
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Nephew
Residence: Casco, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Single
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Family Number: 120
Page Number: 6
Household Gender Age
Matt Blahnik M 37y
Katie Blahnik F 40y
Frank Blahnik M 17y
Annie Blahnik F 16y
Rosa Blahnik F 13y
Wenzel Blahnik M 9y
Matt Blahnik M 74y
Thomas Blahnik M 19y
Lori, first of all, thanks so much for adding the informational flower to Thomas Blahnik's FAG memorial; I found it very helpful in fleshing out some twigs on my wife's extended family tree.Thomas Frank Blahnik was born Nov 9, 1889 at Montpilier, Kewaunee Co, WI. His parents were Frank Blahnik 1862-1944 and his wife Mary (Sweiner) Schweiner 1867-1904. Thomas married Mary Johanek (1893) on July 21, 1914 in Kewaunee Co, WI. They were a farming family and had 6 children; Eva Walechka 1916-2007, Edward 19171917, twins Elsie Plansky and Mary (Mayme) Blahnik 1922-1931, Stella 1915-1915 and Sylvester 1925-1925. Thomas died on Dec 17, 1927 leaving his wife and 3 surviving children. - Lori Dollevoet
Added: Aug. 14, 2013My only question is where you got the birthdate/location. According to his WW-I draft registration record... which was consistent with his 1900 Federal Census record that stated he was nine years old in 1900.Name: Thomas F Blahnik
Address: R2 Stangelville
County: Kewaunee
State: Wisconsin
Birthplace: Wisconsin,United States of America -- specifically, Montpelier (Township)Birth Date: 9 Nov 1891
Race: Caucasian (White)
Occupation: farmer (working for self)
Married with one childNamaste, "PJ" Braun--Response
Hi PJ,
Thanks for your question and comments. Actually I seem to have conflicting birthdates. You are right, the draft card does say Nov 9, 1891. The alternative date comes from cemetery records on . Alphabetically he is shown.
2 BLAHNIK Thomas 09 Nov 1889 17 Dec 1927 I have not been to the cemetery at Montpelier Twp called St. Joseph' Cath Church Cem. Because of your email I tried to find another way to verify his birth date. Someone named Juli Freda made the original entry in Find a Grave and I suspect she used the cemetery records. shows the date 11.9.1889 also
Thomas Blahnik/Nov. 9 1889/Dec. 17, 1927
Eddie/Nar. & Zem. 13 Srpen 1917, next to;
Sylvester/Blahnik/no other data
Title: Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995
Title: 1905 census
Title: Mary Blahnik
Title: SSDI
Title: Mary Browne
Title: SSDI
Title: Bob Blahnik (BobB) Johanna Fiala
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1940
Event Place: Casco Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Birth Year (Estimated): 1899
Last Place of Residence: Same House
District: 31-5
Family Number: 174
Sheet Number and Letter: 10A
Line Number: 23
Affiliate Publication Number: T627
Affiliate Film Number: 4489
Digital Folder Number: 005461176
Image Number: 00160
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Edward Fiala M 42 Wisconsin
Wife Johanna Fiala F 41 Wisconsin
Daughter Agnes Fiala F 14 Wisconsin
Son Elmer Fiala M 10 WI
Title: 1905 census
Title: Mary Browne
Title: Mary Browne
From Bob BlahnikHi lori,I was able to find the SSDI for Anna (Blahnik ) Stodola but not for Joseph, but they are buried in
32- ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY-MONTPELIER TOWNSHIP In village of Pilsen on corner of Hwys V & 29 as indicated belowand their Marriage License published in the Algoma Record Herald on 10-8-1915
Blahnik Annie; ; license Stodola Jos; ; 10/8/1915Name: Anna F. Stodola
State of Issue: Wisconsin
Date of Birth: Friday May 03, 1895
Date of Death: Sunday December 30, 1990
Est. Age at Death: 95 years, 7 months, 27 days 32 STODOLA Anna E. (mother) xx xxx 1895 xx xxx 1990 ossw/Joseph J.(father)
32 STODOLA Joseph J.(father) xx xxx 1890 xx xxx 1967 ossw/Anna E.(mother
------------------ Stodala in household of Joseph Stodala, "United States Census, 1930"
Name: Anna Stodala
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1930
Event Place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
District: 0011
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1895
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Sheet Number and Letter: 4A
Household ID: 82
Line Number: 24
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 2576
GS Film number: 2342310
Digital Folder Number: 004547884
Image Number: 01051
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Joseph Stodala M 40 Wisconsin
Wife Anna Stodala F 35 Wisconsin
Son Joseph Stodala Jr. M 13 Wisconsin
Son William Stodala M 9 Wisconsin
Son Clarence Stodala M 7 Wisconsin
Daughter Marcella Stodala F 4 Wisconsin
Title: 1905 census
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Title: obituary
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Title: WWII Draft Registration card
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 11:14 PM
Subject: Blahnik, Frank (Franz)Hi Lori,Regarding John Frank BlahnikI wouldn't begin to know how to correct this, howeverI know by the way of Wenzel who related the story of how in the year of 1904 Frank's neighbor asked Frank who had nicer horse and buggy to go to the Rail Head to pick up a woman (Anna Suchy) who he had brought over from the old country to be his bride. Which Frank agreed to and when Frank met her she had her son John with her. On the way home from the train station Frank convinced Anna to marry him instead and he immediately adopted John Frank. ( He then had to send for another woman for his neighbor). Frank and Anna had one child together named Frances (she was my Mothers 1st cousin) who married Peter Lauscher. They were our next door neighbor where I was born in Alaska.Now to make the story a little more weird as shown in the Family Tree John Frank married an Anna Hallada and they had a daughter Agnes E Blahnik who married Roger Andrastek who was my 1st cousin from my fathers side (incidentally I was a groomsman at their wedding) If you follow up in the tree you will note where my Dad's sister Mary married Alex Andrastek and after he died she married a Jake Hallada (I don't know if Jake and Anna were any relatives)I visited with Agnes (Andrastek) at Bornemanns Nursing Home in Green Bay in May and she doesn't remember anything about me and only faintly recalled my dad's name "Leander".So below Blahnik, John Frank where it shows Mother: Schweiner, Mary it should be Suchy, Anna .I don't know how you would show that John Frank was adopted.Blahnik, Frank (Franz)
b.14OCT1862 d. 3 JUL 1944
15 BLAHNIK Anna xx xxx 1869 xx xxx 1942 ossw/Frank/nxt/Anna
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for Frank BlahnikName: Frank Blahnik
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 44y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1861
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 21
Page Number: 2
Line Number: 30
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00447
Household Gender Age
Frank Blahnik M 44y
Anna Blahnik F 33y
Theresa Blahnik F 16y
Thomas Blahnik M 14y
Mary Blahnik F 13y
Anna Blahnik F 10y
Johanna Blahnik F 8y
Josephine Blahnik F 6y
John Suchy M 8y
Peter Schwiner M 61y
Johanna Schwiner F 80y
Karl Schwiner M 19y
Karl Suchy M 28y
Mary Suchy F 34y
Anna Suchy F 1y
Mary Suchy F 6m
Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930," Mathias Blahnik in entry for Franz Blahnik and Anna Suchy, 1904
groom's name: Franz Blahnik
groom's birth date:
groom's birthplace: Casco
groom's age:
bride's name: Anna Suchy
bride's birth date:
bride's birthplace: Nemcie Bezrk Nova Kayne, Bohemia
bride's age:
marriage date: 17 Aug 1904
marriage place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
groom's father's name: Mathias Blahnik
groom's mother's name: Francisca Vracek Blahnika
bride's father's name: Johann Suchy
bride's mother's name: Arma Halovic Suchy
groom's race:
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M01092-6
system origin: Wisconsin-EASy
source film number: 1292003
reference number: Item 1 No.11 02593
Citing this Record"Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Sep 2012), Mathias Blahnik in entry for Franz Blahnik and Anna Suchy, 17 Aug 1904.
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
Title: Findagrave
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
Title: Findagrave
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
Blahnik Rudolph | Cery Anna | 10/30/1903 | lic
==================== Marriages, 1836-1930
Groom's Name: Rudolph Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace: Casco
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Anna Cerny
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace: Montpelier
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 03 Nov 1903
Marriage Place: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Franciska Voracek Blahnik
Bride's Father's Name: Thomas Cerny
Bride's Mother's Name: Monika Katzervaski Cerny
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1292003
Reference Number: Item No.146 02312
Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St Kewaunee, WI 54216Brank Robert | Blahnik Frances | 7/7/1893 | Kewaunee
Marriage Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Frances
Day: 03
Month: July
Year: 1893
County: Kewaunee
Volume: 02
Page: 0108
================Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Groom's Name: Conrad Arnold
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace: Mishicott, Man., Wisconsin
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Frances Burnk
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace: Pierce, Kewaunee Co.
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 06 Feb 1904
Marriage Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name: Jacob Arnold
Groom's Mother's Name: Annie Reif
Bride's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Bride's Mother's Name: Frances Worachek
Groom's Race: White
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race: White
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1292003
Reference Number: Item No.15 02327
"Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995," Mathias Blaknik in entry for John F. Adams and Fannie Blakni Or Brunk, 190
groom's name: John F. Adams
groom's birth date: 1860
groom's birthplace: Bohemia
groom's age: 47
bride's name: Fannie Blakni Or Brunk
bride's birth date: 1870
bride's birthplace: Wisconsin
bride's age: 37
marriage date: 06 Jul 1907
marriage place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan
groom's father's name: Frank Adams
groom's mother's name: Annie Schrata
bride's father's name: Mathias Blaknik
bride's mother's name:
groom's race: White
groom's marital status: Single
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race: White
bride's marital status: Married
bride's previous husband's name: Brunk
indexing project (batch) number: M00880-8
system origin: Michigan-EASy
source film number: 1017373
reference number: 281
Citing this Record"Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Sep 2012), Mathias Blaknik in entry for John F. Adams and Fannie Blakni Or Brunk, 06 Jul 1907.
========== Worachek in entry for Conrad Arnold and Frances Burnk, "Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930"
Name: Conrad Arnold
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Mishicott, Man., Wisconsin
Spouse's Name: Frances Burnk
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace: Pierce, Kewaunee Co.
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 06 Feb 1904
Event Place: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Father's Name: Jacob Arnold
Mother's Name: Annie Reif
Spouse's Father's Name: Mathias Blahnik
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Worachek
Race: White
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race: White
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1292003
Reference ID: Item No.15 02327
Title: Researcher Peggy Blahnik
1920 censusName Herman Blahnik
Residence , Menominee, Michigan
Estimated Birth Year 1870
Age 50
Birthplace Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household Self
Gender Male
Race White
Marital Status Married
Father's Birthplace
Mother's Birthplace
Film Number 1820785
Digital Folder Number 4311623
Image Number 00013
Sheet Number 4
Household Gender Age
Herman Blahnik M 50y
Spouse Katie Blahnik F 40y
Child Felix Blahnik M 21y
Child William Blahnik M 20y
Child Edward Blahnik M 18y
Child Lillian Blahnik F 16y
Child Annie Blahnik F 14y
Child Henry Blahnik M 12y
Child Lawerence Blahnik M 8y
Child Herman Blahnik M 6y
Child Howard Blahnik M 4y3m
Child Robert Blahnik M 2y3m
============ pouse:Mathias Blahnik
child:Emanuel Blahnik NameEmanuel Blahnik
Birth Date
Spouse's NameKatie Sefcik
Spouse's Birth Date
Spouse's Birthplace
Spouse's Age
Event Date09 Nov 1898
Event PlaceMontpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Father's NameMathias Blahnik
Mother's NameFrances Voracek
Spouse's Father's NameAnthony Sefcik
Spouse's Mother's NameDorothy Kulhanek
Marital Status
Previous Wife's Name
Spouse's Race
Spouse's Marital Status
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name
Indexing Project (Batch) NumberI00895-9
System OriginWisconsin-EASy
GS Film number1292002
Reference ID01576
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1900 census
Obituary index from Kewaunee Enterprise Newspaper
A copy of the obituary can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to:
Kewaunee Public Library 822 Juneau St. Kewaunee, WI 54216
As follows: Name; age; place of burial if available; date of paper
Blahnik Albert; ; Green Bay; 9/25/08Question if this could be the Albert J. Blahnik born 1866 - son of Mathias and Francis??
From Brown County WI Records office
Albert J. and Anna Mazanec/Mayaneck Brown (she's from Europe) She's born 1/28/1873 died 12/24/1952 60/54 Asthma daugh John Mazanec/Anna Kacervske. He died bef her
Richard W. 9/7/1895 27/256 Locomotive Fireman
Henrietta H. 1899 Deputy Assessor of Incomes (Tom Clabots 10/18/1923 22/108)
Anna M. Clerk - married John Norton 10/18/1933 27/302 Green Bay
Albert J. 1901 Salesman
Agnes 4/5/1890 25/237
Helen 8/24/1891 25/221
Peter Henry 3/1904 died 5/2/1904 10/65 pnenomia
Clemens 3/8/1905 died 1/26/1911 14/685 pnenomia
======================== Site Details
Name: Albert BLAHNIK
Birth: 1865
Death: 1908
Est. Age: 43
Maiden Name:
Section of Cemetery: Sec E
Stone Reading: 7/1/1991 Cemetery Information
Cemetery Name: Allouez Catholic Cemetery - Village of AllouezDirections: Main entrance is on Webster Ave. bounced by Webster Ave, Allouez Ave., & Riverside Dr.Address: Town of Allouez Sections 15, 16, 17Cemetery Type: CatholicEstimate # of Graves: 24958 ===
Albert is buried with his wife Anna Mazanec and their children Agnes b 4/5/1890, Helen born 8/4/1891, Peter 3/1904-5/2/1904 and Clement 3/8/1905-1/26/1911.
Title: 1930 census
Title: Judith Ann Blahnik
Title: 1900 census
Title: Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for John BlahnikName: John Blahnik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Age: 11y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1894
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Wisconsin
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Wisconsin
Family Number: 92
Page Number: 66
Line Number: 62
Film Number: 1020453
Digital Folder Number: 4236859
Image Number: 00290
Household Gender Age
Parent Charley Blahnik M 38y
Parent Tony Blahnik F 36y
John Blahnik M 11y
Mary Blahnik F 10y
Eddie Blahnik M 8y
Joseph Blahnik M 7y
Annie Blahnik F 5y
Charley Blahnik M 1y
============== States Census, 1900 for Charles Blohnik
Name: Charles Blohnik
Residence: Antigo city, Langlade, Wisconsin
Birth Date: Apr 1865
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head-of-Household: Self
Spouse Name: Tona Blohnik
Spouse Titles:
Spouse Birth Place: Wisconsin
Father Name:
Father Titles:
Father Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother Name:
Mother Titles:
Mother Birthplace: Bohemia Rus
Race or Color (expanded): White
Head-of-household Name:
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Years Married: 8
Estimated Marriage Year: 1892
Mother How Many Children:
Number Living Children:
Immigration Year:
Enumeration District: 0046
Sheet Number and Letter: 18B
Household ID: 342
Reference Number: 61
GSU Film Number: 1241796
Image Number: 00503
Household Gender Age
Charles Blohnik M
Spouse Tona Blohnik F
Child John Blohnik M
Child Mary Blohnik F
Child Eddy Blohnik M
Child Joseph Blohnik M ============ States Census, 1910 for John BlahnikName: John Blahnik
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Residence: Antigo Ward 3, Langlade, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Single
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Family Number: 113
Page Number: 6
Household Gender Age
Parent Charles Blahnik M 44y
Parent Antonie Blahnik F 40y
John Blahnik M 16y
Mary Blahnik F 14y
Edward Blahnik M 13y
Joseph Blahnik M 11y
Anna Blahnik F 9y
Charles Blahnik M 6y
Louis Blahnik M 4y
Milly Blahnik F 1y
United States Census, 1920 for Charley J BlahnikName: Charley J Blahnik
Residence: , Langlade, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1904
Age: 16
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Film Number: 1821993
Digital Folder Number: 4390833
Image Number: 00343
Sheet Number: 5
Household Gender Age
Parent Charles Blahnik M 55y
Parent Antoniette Blahnik F 50y
Charley J Blahnik M 16y
Aloysius Blahnik M 14y
Anna M Blahnik F 18y
Mildred Blahnik F 10y
Richard J Blahnik M 9y
1898 Antigo Business Directory
Source: Pamphlet File Antigo Public Library - Antigo History Folder.
WOOD WORKERS Blahnik, C. 515 Edison
1905 State Census - Langlade County
City of Antigo, Ward 3
Enumerated by A.M. Arveson on June 1, 1905
Blahnik, Charley
head of family
38 yrs
born WI
parents born Bohemia
Occupation Carpenter
months employed 12
owns his home
mortgage free
The Farmers Journal 1922 Obituary Index Below
Charles - ? ? ? Oct 23 10/31
Edison Street/Minola north of First Ave.
East Side
Fifth Ave. intersection
515 Old C. Blahnik 1898. (Wood Worker)
Title: SDA in Plzen Novy Kdyne
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Actapublica lookup birth 1/31/1840 Bapt 2/1/1840
died 10/21/1840
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Blahnik Mary; ; Algoma
Dauschek Joseph; Kewaunee; 11/11/1898
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St Kewaunee, WI 54216
Taushek Joe | Blahnik Mary | 11/11/1898 | Algoma
Title: Brown County Deaths
Cemetery Name: Allouez Catholic Cemetery - Village of Allouez
Name: Mathew BLAHNIK
Birth: 1874
Death: 1946
Est. Age: 72
Maiden Name:
Section of Cemetery: Sec KG North
Stone Reading: 7/1/1991 Directions: Main entrance is on Webster Ave. bounced by Webster Ave, Allouez Ave., & Riverside Dr.Address: Town of Allouez Sections 15, 16, 17
Cemetery Type: Catholic
Estimate # of Graves: 24958
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: 1905 census State Census, 1905 for Olga C BlahnikName: Olga C Blahnik
Residence: Crandon, Forest, Wisconsin
Age: 23y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1882
Birthplace: Germany
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Germany
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Germany
Family Number: 24
Page Number: 12
Line Number: 88
Film Number: 1020448
Digital Folder Number: 4236854
Image Number: 00607
Household Gender Age
Adolph Blahnik M 25y
Olga C Blahnik F 23y
Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930 Groom's Name: Adolph Blaknik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace: Algoma, Wis.
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Olga Karczewski
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace: Germany
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 08 Jul 1902
Marriage Place: Clintonville, Waupaca, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Blaknik
Groom's Mother's Name: Mary Bahr
Bride's Father's Name: John Karczewski
Bride's Mother's Name: Marie Kratzke
Groom's Race: White
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race: White
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00332-7
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1275606
Reference Number: cn 124 p 209
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
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Copyright 2014 Lori Dollevoet