For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Kourik Vaclav [Male]
Title: Jon Blahnik - Tony Kondrys
Title: Jon Blahnik - Tony Kondrys
Title: 14/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 45:
Title: Jon Blahnik
14/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 45:
Date of birth: 1st Oct 1841
Date of baptism: 1st Oct 1841
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith in Radonice, Kout manor.
Mother: MARIA conjugal daughter of + JOHANN NEIDL, cottager in
Stanetice # 32, manor Kout, and of MARGARETHA nee KUGL in
Stanetice # 7, same manor (Kout).
Was baptised during the birth from midwife.
Midwife: Katharina Kust from Radonice, not examined.
Notice: + 1st Oct 1841
Title: Jon Blahnik - Tony Kondrys
Title: 15/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 51:
Title: Bet. 1833 - 1847
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1910 census
Title: Grave Stone
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1930 census
Title: Jon Blahnik
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1920 cen
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1880 Census
15/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 51:
Date of birth: 12th Nov 1842
Date of baptism: 13th Nov 1842
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith in Radonice, Kout manor,
born in Sedlice # 8, manor Bystice.
Mother: MARIA conjugal daughter of + JOHANN NEIDL, cottager in
Stanetice # 32 and of MARGARETHA nee KUGL in Stanetice # 7,
manor Kout.
Godparents: + + + Martin Wotruba cottager in Radonice # 8 and + + +
it is Maria his wife. Recorded Jak. Hajek.
Midwife: Rosalia Rett from Milavce . Recorded Jak. Hajek.
Midwife: Rosalia Rett from Milavce # 50, not examined.
Priest: Jak. Hajek, localist. Site DetailsName: Martin/father BLAHNIK
Birth: 1837
Death: 1932
Est. Age: 95
Maiden Name:
Section of Cemetery: No Plot
Stone Reading: 7/1/1994
On same stone with: AnnaCemetery Name: Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery [Pleshek Corners]
Directions: Located on Co. Hwy NN near unincorporated Pelishek.
Address: Town of New Denmark Section 31 Cemetery Type: Catholic
Estimate # of Graves: 299 =================
United States Census, 1880 for Anny Blaknik
Name: Anny Blaknik
Residence: Glenmore, Brown, Wisconsin
Birthdate: 1847
Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Relationship to Head: Wife
Spouse's Name: M. Blaknik
Spouse's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Female
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 33 years
NARA Film Number: T9-1418
Page: 171
Page Character: D
Entry Number: 151
Film number: 1255418
Household Gender Age
Spouse M. Blaknik M 39
Anny Blaknik F 33
Child John Blaknik M 6
Child James Blaknik M 3
Child Frink Blaknik M 1 (Frank??) ======
1930 census
Name: Martin Blahnik
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Glenmore, Brown, Wisconsin
Gender: Male
Age: 92
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Birthplace: Austria
Estimated Birth Year: 1838
Immigration Year: 1866
Relationship to Head of Household: Father
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Enumeration District Number: 13
Family Number: 135
Sheet Number and Letter: 8A
Line Number: 16
NARA Publication: T626, roll 2561
Film Number: 2342295
Digital Folder Number: 4547869
Image Number: 00958
Household Gender Age
Child Wenzil Blahnik M 52
Anna Blahnik F 52
Frank Blahnik M 29
Jennie Blahnik F 18
Martin Blahnik M 92
Anna Blahnik F 80
United States Census, 1920 for Martin Blalmik
Name: Martin Blalmik
Residence: , Brown, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1833
Age: 87
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Father
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Film Number: 1821978
Digital Folder Number: 4390975
Image Number: 00024
Sheet Number: 2
Household Gender Age
Martin Blalmik M 87y
Annie Blalmik F 68y
========= Blahnik in household of Wenzil Blahnik, "United States Census, 1930" Name: Frank Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1930
Event Place: Glenmore, Brown, Wisconsin, United States
District: 0013
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Son
Birth Year (Estimated): 1901
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Sheet Number and Letter: 8A
Household ID: 135
Line Number: 14
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 2561
GS Film number: 2342295
Digital Folder Number: 004547869
Image Number: 00958
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Wenzil Blahnik M 52 Wisconsin
Wife Anna Blahnik F 52 Wisconsin
Son Frank Blahnik M 29 Wisconsin
Daughter Jennie Blahnik F 18 Wisconsin
Father Martin Blahnik M 92 Austria
Mother Anna Blahnik F 80 Austria
------------- Blahnik, "United States Census, 1910"
Name: Martin Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Glenmore, Brown, Wisconsin, United States
District: 8
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1858
Birthplace: Austria
Immigration Year: 1866
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Sheet Number and Letter: 1A
Household ID: 5
Line Number:
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: M1283
GS Film number: 1375714
Digital Folder Number: 004455052
Image Number: 00776
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Martin Blahnik M 52 Austria
Wife Annie Blahnik F 52 Austria
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: Birth date
Title: 18/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 93:
Title: Jon Blahnik - Tony Kondrys
Title: Brown County Records deaths
Title: 1900 census
Title: Immigration records
Title: Per Czech Immigration Passenger Lists, New York Passengers Lists 1847-1869
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1900 census
18/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 93:
Date of birth: 28th Nov 1849
Date of baptism: 28th Nov 1849
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith from Radonice and conjugal
son of JAKOB BLAHNIK weaver from Kout.
Mother: MARIA conjugal daughter of JOHANN NEIDL, inhabitant
from Stanetice and of MARGARETHA nee KUGL from Stanetice too.
Godparents: Josef Blahnik brick-layer from Stanetice and his wife
Anna. Recorded from Jakob Faster.
Midwife: Katharina Kraus examined from Stanetice.
Priest: Jakob Faster localist.
============possiobly Mathias Blahnik 12/30/1849
son of John and Mary Nagel?Hi John,
I wonder about this notation:
18/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 93:
Date of birth: 28th Nov 1849
Date of baptism: 28th Nov 1849
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith from Radonice and conjugal
son of JAKOB BLAHNIK weaver from Kout.
Mother: MARIA conjugal daughter of JOHANN NEIDL, inhabitant
from Stanetice and of MARGARETHA nee KUGL from Stanetice too.
Godparents: Josef Blahnik brick-layer from Stanetice and his wife
Anna. Recorded from Jakob Faster.
Midwife: Katharina Kraus examined from Stanetice.
Priest: Jakob Faster localist.I know that sometimes immigrants did not remember their exact birth dates very well. They really did not celebrate birthdays like we do now. In any case I do have a close match in my database for this one shown above for Mathias Blahnik.I think there is a good case for another of your family immigrating to Manitowoc here-What I found in the 1900 census for Green Bay was an Immigrant named Matthew born 'Dec 1850" and immigrated in 1866. Brown County record of deaths shows he died November 15, 1939 and the parents names at the time of his death were given as John Blahnik and Mary Nagel. - Nagel and Neidl are quite similar as are the dates for birth and immigration date and location for Wenzel Blahnik, Sr. (who married Mary Echtner). We know that Wenzel immigrated in 1866 also. Are they brothers who immigrated on the same ship?This Mathias married Kathryn (Kate Kosluska Kezlowky) Koslowsky in Wisconsin. They had children in Franklin, Manitowoc County 1887-1883.This could possibly connect another unknown Blahnik branch in Manitowoc. It would make sense that we'd find brothers in the same community of Manitowoc. The chart I sent early looked at a Franz Blahnik in Manitowoc, but I don't see him in your information - at least not yet.
I think there is a strong case to suspect these two Mathias are the same person. Slight misspelling of his mother's name - Nagel instead of Nejdl or other spelling of Neidel.I don't see that Tony pulled any immigration records or passport requests. I wonder if your
Mathias Blahnik born November 28, 1849 in Radonice # 43, Bohemia isn't the immigrant that came to Manitowoc in 1866 - the dame year as Mathias' brother Wenzel Blahnik, Sr.
I don't see that Tony had any information about Wenzel's immigration in 1866 - so suspect he is not searching any of those sorts of records. But you could have more Blahnik cousins here than you thought if my suspicions are right.
Possibly Mathias born ~1850 who immigrated 1866 and married Kate Koslowsky- YES!Could this be:
Blahneck- Mathias 18, Bohemia; ship Kosmos, 3 July 1868; Wisconsin
Listed in Baca Books are a list of Czech only passengers who arrived at different
ports in the USA. I have two books for passengers that arrived in New York
for the years 1847-1896. ??
------------------Immigration year in 1900 census is 1866
1920 census his other in law Anna Kosluska age 89 is living with him and his wife Katrina
Name: Mathias BLAHNIK
Birth: 1849
Death: 1939
Est. Age: 90
Maiden Name:
Section of Cemetery: Sec L
Stone Reading: 7/1/1991
Cemetery Name: Allouez Catholic Cemetery - Village of AllouezDirections: Main entrance is on Webster Ave. bounced by Webster Ave, Allouez Ave., & Riverside Dr.Address: Town of Allouez Sections 15, 16, 17Cemetery Type: CatholicEstimate # of Graves: 24958
Title: Jon Blahnik - Tony Kondrys
Title: 19/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 105:
Title: Jon Blahnik
19/ Parish Milavce, Register # 9, leaf 105:
Date of birth: 1st Feb 1853
Date of baptism: 1st Feb 1853
Place of birth: Radonice # 43
Father: JOHANN BLAHNIK village-smith in Radonice, conjugal son of
JAKOB BLAHNIK weaver in Kout # 15 and of mother ANNA nee KUBS
in Sedlice # 8, Domazlice district, Kdyne court.
Mother: MARIA nee NEIDL in Stanetice # 17, Domazlice district and
Kdyne court, daughter of JOHANN NEIDL, inhabitant in Stanetice
and of mother MARGARETHA nee KUGEL in Stanetice too # 7.
Godparents: Martin Wotruba cottager in Radonice and Maria Wotruba
his eife. Recorded from P.Svehla.
Midwife: Anna Wondras from Kout # 66 examined.
Priest: P. Franz Svehla, lokalist.
Title: 27/ Parish Plzen, register # 75, page 392
27/ Parish Plzen, register # 75, page 392:
Date of birth: 14th Nov 1898
Date of baptism: 20th Nov 1898
Place of birth: Plzen town, Mikulas square # 487
Father: BLAHNIK VACLAV turner by railway in Plzen, from Radonice,
district Domazlice, son of BLAHNIK JOSEF smith in Plzen and of
BARBORA nee HRUSKA from Domazlice.
Mother: JUSTINA daughter of MARTIN PSENICKA labourer by railway
in Plzen and of ANNA nee KRAFT from Presin.
Godparents: Barbora Janovska and Franz Janovsky, Plzen.
Midwife: Anna Volfova examined.
Priest: Josef Uher katechet
34/ Parish Plzen, register # 74, page 372:
Date of birth: 14th Sep 1897
Date of baptism: 19th Sep 1897
Place of birth: Plzen - Zelesnicni street # 2
Child: MARIE ANNA - illegitime - legitimated BLAHNIK.
Father: BLAHNIK VACLAV iron-turner in Plzen, from Radonice,
district Domazlice, son of JOSEF BLAHNIK smith by railway in
Plzen and of BARBORA nee HRUSKA from Domazlice.
Mother: PSENICKA JUSTINA maid in Plzen, from Darova, district
Rokycany, daughter of MARTIN PSENICKA daylabourer by railway in
Plzen from Darova # 16 and of ANNA nee KRAFT from Presin.
Godparents: Anna and Martin Pssenicka daylabourers in Darova.
Midwife: Anna Volf examined
Priest: Jan Cerny chaplain.
Notice: Autograped before with autographed witness declared himself
as the father of this child. Vaclav Blahnik father, Justina Blahnik
mother, Josef Hegen conductor and witness, Josef Kondelka witness.
Without the religion - according to advice of District Office in
Plzen from 17th Mar 1921 # 11150. Returned to catholic religion on
10th Jan 1942 - Achidean Office in Plzen. Father born 28th Sep 1872,
mother born 28th May 1876.
Title: 36/ Parish Domazlice, Register #57, leaf 11:
36/ Parish Domazlice, Register #57, leaf 11:
Date of wedding: 22nd Feb 1870
Place of wedding: Borice # 16
Bridegroom: JAN BLAHNIK cottager in Stanetice village , conjugal
son past deceased JOSEF BLAHNIK cottager in Stanetice village #
25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFMANN from Stanetice village.
25 ans � years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: ANNA KAFKA conjugal daughter past + JAN KAFKA cottager
in Borice village # 16 and of his wife ANNA nee OURADA from
Milavce village # 31.
28 and � years old, single, catolic religion.
Witness: Jan Vondrovic farmer in Borice and Jan Pejsar
junior-carpenter in Stanetice.
Priest: P. Ondrej Veselak, chaplain.
Notice: Groom accordings to baptismal certificat from 2nd Feb 1870 #
21 born in Stanetice on 31st may 1844. Bride , accordings to
baptismal certificat from 2nd Feb 1870 # 89 born in Borice on 12th
May 1871 (1841 !). Bans were in Domazlice and accordings to bans
certificat from 21st Feb 1870 # 40 also in Stanetice on 6th, 13th
and 20th Feb 1870. Wedding's document are in archives of Dechant
Office in Domazlice year 1870 # 38.
Title: 36/ Parish Domazlice, Register #57, leaf 11:
36/ Parish Domazlice, Register #57, leaf 11:
Date of wedding: 22nd Feb 1870
Place of wedding: Borice # 16
Bridegroom: JAN BLAHNIK cottager in Stanetice village , conjugal
son past deceased JOSEF BLAHNIK cottager in Stanetice village #
25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFMANN from Stanetice village.
25 ans � years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: ANNA KAFKA conjugal daughter past + JAN KAFKA cottager
in Borice village # 16 and of his wife ANNA nee OURADA from
Milavce village # 31.
28 and � years old, single, catolic religion.
Witness: Jan Vondrovic farmer in Borice and Jan Pejsar
junior-carpenter in Stanetice.
Priest: P. Ondrej Veselak, chaplain.
Notice: Groom accordings to baptismal certificat from 2nd Feb 1870 #
21 born in Stanetice on 31st may 1844. Bride , accordings to
baptismal certificat from 2nd Feb 1870 # 89 born in Borice on 12th
May 1871 (1841 !). Bans were in Domazlice and accordings to bans
certificat from 21st Feb 1870 # 40 also in Stanetice on 6th, 13th
and 20th Feb 1870. Wedding's document are in archives of Dechant
Office in Domazlice year 1870 # 38.
41/ Parish Stanetice, Register # IV., leaf 8:
Date of wedding: 3rd Feb 1863
Place of wedding: Stanetice # 42
Bridegroom: PEJSAR JAN cottager from Stanetice # 42, Kdyne
district, Plzen region, conjugal son of + MATOUS PEJSAR cottager
from Stanetice # 24 and of his wife DOROTA nee KRUML from
Zahorany # 36.
24 and � years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: MARIE BLAHNIK conjugal daughter of JOSEF BLAHNIK
cottager from Stanetice # 25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFMANN
from Stanetice # 25.
23 and 1/3 years old, single, catholic religion.
Notice: Wedding protocoll in fasc. 27 number 7.
(without picture)
41/ Parish Stanetice, Register # IV., leaf 8:
Date of wedding: 3rd Feb 1863
Place of wedding: Stanetice # 42
Bridegroom: PEJSAR JAN cottager from Stanetice # 42, Kdyne
district, Plzen region, conjugal son of + MATOUS PEJSAR cottager
from Stanetice # 24 and of his wife DOROTA nee KRUML from
Zahorany # 36.
24 and � years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: MARIE BLAHNIK conjugal daughter of JOSEF BLAHNIK
cottager from Stanetice # 25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFMANN
from Stanetice # 25.
23 and 1/3 years old, single, catholic religion.
Notice: Wedding protocoll in fasc. 27 number 7.
(without picture)
Title: 42/ Parish Stanetice, Register # V., leaf 44:
42/ Parish Stanetice, Register # V., leaf 44:
Date of wedding: 15th Apr 1918
Place of wedding: Zahorany # 90
Bridegroom: FRANTISEK KELLNER taylor's helper in Zahorany son of
FRANTISEK KELLNER cottager in Zahorany # 78 and of KATERINA nee
STEPAN from Zahorany # 28.
Born 1st Jan 1892, single, catholic religion.
Bride: MARIE PEJSAR illegitime daughter of ANNA PEJSAR (later
married to Jindrich Kugel from Hrichovice # 25) daughter of + JAN
PEJSAR cottager in Stanetice 42 and of + MARIE BLAHNIK from
Stanetice # 25.
Born 26th Jan 1892 - V./2, single, catholic religion.
(without picture)
Title: 42/ Parish Stanetice, Register # V., leaf 44:
42/ Parish Stanetice, Register # V., leaf 44:
Date of wedding: 15th Apr 1918
Place of wedding: Zahorany # 90
Bridegroom: FRANTISEK KELLNER taylor's helper in Zahorany son of
FRANTISEK KELLNER cottager in Zahorany # 78 and of KATERINA nee
STEPAN from Zahorany # 28.
Born 1st Jan 1892, single, catholic religion.
Bride: MARIE PEJSAR illegitime daughter of ANNA PEJSAR (later
married to Jindrich Kugel from Hrichovice # 25) daughter of + JAN
PEJSAR cottager in Stanetice 42 and of + MARIE BLAHNIK from
Stanetice # 25.
Born 26th Jan 1892 - V./2, single, catholic religion.
(without picture)
44/ Parish Domazlice, Register # 90, leaf 112:
Date of birth: 26th Nov 1947
Palce of birth: Borice # 28
Father: TOMAS KUPILIK farmer in Borice # 28 son of JAN KUPILIK
retired farmer in Borice # 28 and of MARIE OURADA from Borice # 8.
Born 18th Jun 1906, single, catholic religion.
Bride: EMILIE KELLNER daughter of FRANTISEK KELLNER daylabourer
in Zahorany # 26 and of MARIE PEJSAR from Stanetice # 42.
Born 7th Feb 1926, single, catholic religion.
Wedding of parents 8th Jun 1947 in Stanetice.
(without picture)
44/ Parish Domazlice, Register # 90, leaf 112:
Date of birth: 26th Nov 1947
Palce of birth: Borice # 28
Father: TOMAS KUPILIK farmer in Borice # 28 son of JAN KUPILIK
retired farmer in Borice # 28 and of MARIE OURADA from Borice # 8.
Born 18th Jun 1906, single, catholic religion.
Bride: EMILIE KELLNER daughter of FRANTISEK KELLNER daylabourer
in Zahorany # 26 and of MARIE PEJSAR from Stanetice # 42.
Born 7th Feb 1926, single, catholic religion.
Wedding of parents 8th Jun 1947 in Stanetice.
(without picture)
Title: 45/ Parish Stanetice, Register # 12., leaf 13:
45/ Parish Stanetice, Register # 12., leaf 13:
Date of wedding: 16th Sep 1867
Place of wedding: Oprechtice # 41.
Bridegroom: BLAHNIK JOSEF son of JOSEF BLAHNIK cottager in
Stanetice # 25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFFMANN from Stan?tice
# 25, Kdyne district, Plzen region.
25 years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: WORACEK ANNA conjugal daughter of JOHANN WORACEK
cottager in Oprechtice # 41 and of his wife ANNA nee Holub from
Oprechtice # 20, Kdyne district, Plzen region.
With permission of father - Johan Woracek.
23 years old, single, catholic religion.
Witness: Jann Turek cottager and senior cabinet-maker in Stanetice
and Josef Hermann cottager in Stanetice.
Priest: P.Franz Cermak rector.
Notice: (Wedding advice) from k.k. District Office in Kdyne from
29th Aug 1867 # 178. See fasc. 8 year 1867. Without dispensation.
Title: 45/ Parish Stanetice, Register # 12., leaf 13:
45/ Parish Stanetice, Register # 12., leaf 13:
Date of wedding: 16th Sep 1867
Place of wedding: Oprechtice # 41.
Bridegroom: BLAHNIK JOSEF son of JOSEF BLAHNIK cottager in
Stanetice # 25 and of his wife ANNA nee HOFFMANN from Stan?tice
# 25, Kdyne district, Plzen region.
25 years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: WORACEK ANNA conjugal daughter of JOHANN WORACEK
cottager in Oprechtice # 41 and of his wife ANNA nee Holub from
Oprechtice # 20, Kdyne district, Plzen region.
With permission of father - Johan Woracek.
23 years old, single, catholic religion.
Witness: Jann Turek cottager and senior cabinet-maker in Stanetice
and Josef Hermann cottager in Stanetice.
Priest: P.Franz Cermak rector.
Notice: (Wedding advice) from k.k. District Office in Kdyne from
29th Aug 1867 # 178. See fasc. 8 year 1867. Without dispensation.
Title: Birth record
Used the name Blahnik on his marriage certificate in 1894:"New York, Marriages, 1686-1980," Joseph Blahnik in entry for John Blahnik and Catharine Hrabin, 1894Groom's Name: John Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Catharine Hrabin
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 23 Sep 1894
Marriage Place: Manhattan, New York, New York
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Anna Voracek
Bride's Father's Name: John Hrabin
Bride's Mother's Name: Catharine Barca
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00460-6
System Origin: New_York-ODM
Source Film Number: 1493124
Reference Number:
---46/ Parish Stanetice, Register # 12, leaf 46:
Date of birth: 15th Dec 1867
Date of baptism: 16th Dec 1867
Place of birth: Oprechtice # 11
Father: JOSEPH BLAHNIK inhabitant in Oprechtice # 11 conjugal son
of JOSEPH BLAHNIK cottager in Stanetice # 25 and of his wife
ANNA nee HOFFMANN from Stanetice # 25, district Kdyne, region
Mother: ANNA conjugal daughter of JOHANN WORACEK cottager in
Oprechtice # 41 and of his wife ANNA nee HOLUB from Oprechtice #
29, district Kdyne, region Plzen.
Godparents: Johann Woracek cottager's son from Oprechtice and
Mlnarik farmer's daughter from Oprechtice.
Priest: P.Franz Cermak rector.
Midwife: Maria Schamberger examined from Zahorany.
Notice: Baptismal certificat issued 5th Jun 1891
United States Census, 1920 for John Blacknik
Name: John Blacknik
Residence: , New York, New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1868
Age: 52
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Film Number: 1821201
Digital Folder Number: 4313924
Image Number: 00610
Sheet Number: 20
Household Gender Age
John Blacknik M 52y
Spouse Catherine Blacknik F 42y
Child Frank Blacknik M 10y
Child Joseph Blacknik M 23y
Catherine Keenan F 38y
Child John Keenan M 13y
Child Virginia Keenan F 7y
Child Rita Keenan F 4y2mNew York Marriages, 1686-1980 for John BlahnikGroom's Name: John Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Catharine Hrabin
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 23 Sep 1894
Marriage Place: Manhattan, New York, New York
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Anna Voracek
Bride's Father's Name: John Hrabin
Bride's Mother's Name: Catharine Barca
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00460-6
System Origin: New_York-ODM
Source Film Number: 1493124
Reference Number:
==============§ion=biography&wrt_id=412Glenn Blacknik
Location: Hazlet, NJ
|Glenn Thomas Blacknik was born in 1965. Glenn currently lives in Hazlet, New Jersey. Before that, Glenn lived in Hazlet, NJ from 2000 to 2011. Before that, Glenn lived in Staten Island, NY from 1993 to 2000.Glenn Thomas Blacknik is related to Glenn Blacknik, who is 30 years old and lives in Staten Island, NY. Glenn Thomas Blacknik is also related to Lorraine Talbot, who is 65 years old and lives in Staten Island, NY. Glenn Thomas Blacknik is also related to Rosemarie Blacknik, who is 77 years old and lives in Brooklyn, NY. Glenn Thomas Blacknik is also related to Wayne Blacknik, who is 51 years old and lives in Ronkonkoma, NY. Glenn Thomas Blacknik is also related to Richard Blacknik, who is 82 years old and lives in Staten Island, NY.
Index to Some 1999, 2000 Staten Island Obituaries
Sunday, April 2, 2000
Richard Blacknik, 70, was shipping clerk
-------------Name: Frank Blachnik
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Assembly District 2, Brooklyn, New York City, Kings, New York, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original):
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Son
Birthplace: New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1910
Residence in 1935: Same Place
Enumeration District Number: 24-153
Family Number: 154
Sheet Number and Letter: 8B
Line Number: 77
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 2550
Digital Folder Number: 005458217
Image Number: 00691
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head John Blachnik M 72 Germany
Son Frank Blachnik M 30 New York
Title: Scott Babcock
Title: Scott Babcock
Title: Scott Babcock
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