For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Holly Noelle [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Title: Social security record
Title: oshkosh NW obituary Oct 12, 2003
Title: Social security death record
Obituary Oshkosh Daily Northwestern Sun Oct 12, 2003 Page C3Jeffry J. Blahnik
Jeffry J. Blahnik, age 30, of Bolingbrook, IL, beloved husband of Michelle, nee Loker. Loving father of Natalie and canine companions of Patches and Buster; Cherished son of Virginia and the late Harold Blahnikl Fond brother of Marilyn (Jack Marion); Dear Uncle of Daniel, Barbara, Jackie and several great neices; loving son-in-law of Terry and Gail Loker; brother -in-law of Scott and Michelle (rice) Loker. Graduated from Lourdes Academy in 1982 and University of Oshkosh with a Bachelor of Science. Jeffry was employed by Sone of America as a Sales Executive. He will be greatly missed by those who loved him and knew him.
================ Jeffry BLAHNIK
Birth Date: 13 Mar 1964
Death Date: 23 Aug 2003
Social Security Number: 394-64-7740
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Wisconsin Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 54904
Localities: Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin
Title: Leon James Blahnik
Title: Leon James Blahnik
Title: Leon James Blahnik
Title: obituary
----- Original Message ----- To:
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Blahnik tree?
My Grandfather was Harold Blahnik...not sure of the middle name and my Grandmother was Lillian (Borley) Blahnik. I found this on my uncles web page.
Harold Blahnik (1911-1974) was the son of Louis and Libby (Ouradnik) Blahnik. Louis Blahnik (a cheesemaker) was the son of George (Jr.) and Anna (Sticka) Blahnik. George was the son of George and Katherine (Blaha) Blahnik.
Now...myself, I was born Robert Joseph Blahnik on , 1959 at Bellin Hospital in Green Bay to Harold E. Blahnik and Mary Ann Blahnik (Nelson). Both parents are still living. My father lives in Beloit, Wisconsin and my mother has remarried and lives in Cherry Valley, Illinois. Any more info, feel free to ask.Robert Blahnik
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1910 census
Other name spellings include Droseda, Droydosa, Draydova, Drozda.
1900 census for MI says she had 9 children, 8 surviving, born Aug 1861 Bohemia, immigration 1882
============== Blohnik, "United States Census, 1910"
Name: Marie Blohnik
Event Place: Oshkosh Ward 10, Winnebago, Wisconsin
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Immigration Year: 1890
Birthplace: Austria
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Household ID: 79
Page: 4
Household Gender Age Birthplace
SELF Marie Blohnik F 48y Austria
DAU Rose Blohnik F 26y Michigan
SON William Blohnik M 22y Michigan
SON Edward Blohnik M 20y Michigan
DAU Elsie Blohnik F 18y Michigan
SON Robert Blohnik M 16y Michigan
DAU Estelle Blohnik F 12y Michigan
DAU Sylvia Blohnik F 9y Michigan
SON Carrol Blohnik M 7y Wisconsin
SON Arnold Blohnik M 5y Wisconsin
Vaslar Vitek M 43y Austria
Carrol Cihlar M 18y Austria
During his marriage, #8.2 Jan had with Anna Marketa, as far as we know, a daughter, Katerina, who was married in 1713 a Jan Vlck from Rouposka game preserve. Further, they had. a son, Jan, who was the forester in Roxtoky, and. also probably sons; Mikulas, and Petr who was buried in August 28th, 1666 on the bill of St. Martin. The son, Mikulas, born in 1665, was buried on the hill of' St. Martin in 1683 when he was 18 years old (book of Birth Records in Klatovy).
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik . . .Vaclav Blahnik, who married in Dobrikov into house #23, had a daughter, Katerina. His wife took on a lover who was a railroad employee and came to America. Vaclav Blahnik gave the farm later to his daughter who then married Matouse Mrazk, who later sold that farm and purchased another farm in Struhadlo close to Klatovy in house #22. Mrazk died in 1933 as a widower at the age of 81 because of the illness of 'marasmus' (birth records in Bezdekov). Vaclav Blahnik, himself, after he gave the farm to Katerina, who was married to Mrazk, bought himself a cottage in Soustov where he lived alone and worked with Novaks in Soustov. (Novak, himself, was a miner and worked in a mine). Novak had a daughter who had a baby by Vaclav Blahnik. The child was recorded in Novak' s name, (maybe because he took over the duty of its upbringing). Anyway, the name Novak could also be after his single daughter (the mother). The mother of' the baby was sent to America.
Editorial note; observe one of the many reasons of the 'why' and 'how' of America in terms of its European settlers. Most directly observe the names of Novak, Blahnik, Halama, etc. who settled in the middle 1800's around the Kewaunee, Wisconsin area.
Email received I stumbled upon your Blahnik genealogy page and came across something which ties into my family history. I was wondering if you had more information on this -- I would be grateful for anything you may have. I am refering to the page concerning VACLAV BLAHNIK, b. June 30, 1833. It says:... Vaclav Blahnik, himself, after he gave the farm to Katerina, who was married to Mrazk, bought himself a cottage in Soustov where he lived alone and worked with Novaks in Soustov. (Novak, himself, was a miner and worked in a mine). Novak had a daughter who had a baby by Vaclav Blahnik. The child was recorded in Novak' s name, (maybe because he took over the duty of its upbringing). Anyway, the name Novak could also be after his single daughter (the mother). The mother of the baby was sent to America.I am a decendent of Josef Nov�k from Soustov #20. This whole last part of the story is uncanny -- I have highlighted the facts of the story that are identical with the story that we Novak descendents have. There is only one Novak family in Soustov in this time frame, so there is no doubt that these are the right Novaks. The daughter was Marie Novak, born 08 Oct 1853. The illegitimate child was Josef Nov�k, born 20 May 1877. No father is recorded in the parish register, so the child took the last name of the mother. Marie and her two brothers left for America 6 years later in 1883. The child was left with his grandparents at Soustov #20 for upbringing and will eventually inherit the farm, marry and have children of his own.It's funny that both stories attach meaning to the fact that the child took the Novak name. Actually, there was no choice -- there is no father recorded on the birth record which means that the child takes the name of the mother. Legally there was no choice, but both stories try to attach meaning to this fact. Blahnik was 44 years old at the time and Marie 24 ... me thinks this is not innocent pre-marital sex.Now here is where our stories diverge: Marie married a man named Jakub Heidelberg 3 years later in 1880 -- they married, went to America and had many children. Our Novak family stories say that Jakub was also the father of the illegitimate child -- which I have always found somewhat odd. It does show Marie in a better light, but why did Marie and Jakub never go back and add the name of the father to the parish register? This happens very often that children are legitimated years later when the parents do marry. So why didn't they do that, if he really was the father? Obviously because he's not the father ... it's Vaclav Blahnik. We have no information that Novak was a miner. Our information shows that he was a tenant farmer. Do you kow more about that?Jim Johnson,
2x great-grandson of Marieresponse 4/14/2011
Hi Jim,
Thank you for sending some very interesting information. The information you are talking about was collected by Ladislav Blahnik in Czech. Ladislav is now deceased. The full text you are referring to is about:
Vaclav (XIV5) Blahnik
born June 30, 1833. . .Vaclav Blahnik, who married in Dobrikov into house #23, had a daughter, Katerina. His wife took on a lover who was a railroad employee and came to America. Vaclav Blahnik gave the farm later to his daughter who then married Matouse Mrazk, who later sold that farm and purchased another farm in Struhadlo close to Klatovy in house #22. Mrazk died in 1933 as a widower at the age of 81 because of the illness of 'marasmus' (birth records in Bezdekov). Vaclav Blahnik, himself, after he gave the farm to Katerina, who was married to Mrazk, bought himself a cottage in Soustov where he lived alone and worked with Novaks in Soustov. (Novak, himself, was a miner and worked in a mine). Novak had a daughter who had a baby by Vaclav Blahnik. The child was recorded in Novak' s name, (maybe because he took over the duty of its upbringing). Anyway, the name Novak could also be after his single daughter (the mother). The mother of' the baby was sent to America.
Editorial note; observe one of the many reasons of the 'why' and 'how' of America in terms of its European settlers. Most directly observe the names of Novak, Blahnik, Halama, etc. who settled in the middle 1800's around the Kewaunee, Wisconsin area.I want to send this information along to Joel Blahnik who is from the Smrzovic family and might be able to know more about this. He is in Czech right now so I don't know if he can respond. He recently visited with Eva Blahnikova-Ross who had a connection with Ladislav. Are you saying that Vaclav (XIV5) born 6/30/1833 had a son by Marie Novak (b. 11/8/1853 Soustov #20) named Joseph Novak born 5/20/1877. Marie went to America in 1883 with her two brothers but Joseph Novak was left in Czech with his Novak Grandparents (via Ladislav's account) and that Marie married Jakub Heidelburg in 1880 and came to America with him (your family account)If this is correct did Joseph (son of Vaclav and Marie) eventually come to America or are you descended from another of Marie and Jakub Heidelberg's children.I have seen quite a few marriages in Czech during this time were the child was later legitimized by marriage.Please let me know if I have the information organized the way you are saying it. I'm copying Joel in on this email along with your message below for his thoughts. Thanks for the information.
Lori Dollevoet
Fremont, WI
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Jan Dus
Title: Actapublica
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik Jan Blahnik from the Blahniks� Mill #87. . .The son of #9 Jakub, #10 Jan, married. Ursula, whose family name is not known. #10 Jan died prior to 1762. On June 25th of this same year his widow, Ursula, received 5 pieces of gold and received another 5 pieces on December 11, 1762. On December 10, 1763, the son of the deceased #10 Jan Blahnik obtained in the place of his father 5 pieces of gold in the office of Kout and all these payments were erased from the book of debts. On October 31, 1766, #9 Jakub Blahnik paid to the children of the deceased #10 Jan, the heirship of 5 pieces of gold. On October 16, 1768, Jakub paid instead of Ursula, to her children the heirship of 5 pieces of gold.Mlynar Blahnik MlyneJan Blahnik stayed in the mill. (His brother) Vaclav was first on the mill in Petrovice, afterward, in Bezdekov on the mill #25, and afterwards in Janovice as a hand. His wife, Marie Anna, was in Bezdekov, where he worked 15 years in the mill. She testified on June 16, 1775, during the dispute between the Janovice residents and the nobility from Bezdekov about their privilidges. From the record we found out that she was 35 years old and that she was from Janovice. When she was young she worked as a cook for Mr. Smidu in the Bystrickem castle. (District archives Publicum 1775, now in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Prague).Children of Jakub Blahnik (Jan's father) obtained on March 15,1737, a total of 155 pieces of gold: Jana, 30 pieces; Vaclav, 30 pieces; Jakub, 30 pieces; Ondra, who was in the army, 15 pieces; Anna, 10 pieces; Katherina, 10 pieces; Jakub, 30 pieces. Total-155. (Inheritance)
(There are 2 Jakubs in this family one was the farmer at Loucim and the other Miller at Blahnik mill.)--------
The son of #9.1 Jakub, #10.2 Jan, married. Ursula, whose family name is not known. #10.1 Jan died prior to 1762. On June 25th of this same year his widow, Ursula, received 5 pieces of gold and received another 5 pieces on December 11, 1762. On December 10, 1763, the son of the deceased #10.1 Jan Blahnik obtained in the place of his father 5 pieces of gold in the office of Kout and all these payments were erased from the book of debts. On October 31, 1766, #9.1 Jakub Blahnik paid to the children of the deceased #10 Jan, the heirship of 5 pieces of gold. On October 16, 1768, Jakub paid instead of Ursula, to her children the heirship of 5 pieces of gold.
Jan Dus
Roman Catholic Parish in Loucim
Birth Register, Book #2, page #37, record #6Date of birth: not written
Date of baptism: July 12, 1707
Baptized in Loucim by - not written
Name: Jan Jakub
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sex: male
Bed: marital
Place of birth: Chodsk� Lhota Father:
Jakub Petr�k from Blahn�kovsk� MillMother:
Vor�ilaGodparents and witnesses:
Jakub Sekyra, miller from under Lhotka
Ondrej Engelmann from Lou?im
Katerina Kranf�rstov� /Kronforstov�/ from Pocinovice
Katerina Manhusov�, miller from LoucimMidwife: not written
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
The son of #9.1 Jakub, #10.2 Jan, married. Ursula, whose family name is not known. #10.1 Jan died prior to 1762. On June 25th of this same year his widow, Ursula, received 5 pieces of gold and received another 5 pieces on December 11, 1762. On December 10, 1763, the son of the deceased #10.1 Jan Blahnik obtained in the place of his father 5 pieces of gold in the office of Kout and all these payments were erased from the book of debts. On October 31, 1766, #9.1 Jakub Blahnik paid to the children of the deceased #10 Jan, the heirship of 5 pieces of gold. On October 16, 1768, Jakub paid instead of Ursula, to her children the heirship of 5 pieces of gold.
Title: WWI Draft Reg card
Title: 1900 census
Title: Beta Family Search
Title: 1900 census
Title: 1920 census
----- Original Message -----
1880 census
United States Census, 1920 for Jacob KvetonName: Jacob Kveton
This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Lori Dollevoet
From: Deb Wojan
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: BlahnikKen and Lori, Hi, I live in Antigo, WI. Yes I am Edward's daughter.I'm the 6th of 7 children. In Adolph's line there were a few missing. I believe Alice must be Sylvia and Alvie must have been Alfred. ( He died June 23, 2001 at age 90 ). Both Sylvia and Alfred never married. Between Alfred and Mabel (Totzke), there was Irene ( Dufek ). She lived in Kewaunee all her married life. Between Melvin and Adolph Jr., there was Daniel and Marie (Narloch). Mabel, Milas, and Marie are the only ones left now. Mabel and Milas are both in the Antigo area. Marie lives in Florida. Thanks for the info on Earnest. His mother Emily was my Granpas only sister. Deb Wojan
1880 census
Adolph BLAHNIK Household
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information:
Birth Year <1879>
Birthplace WI
Age 1
Marital Status S
Head of Household Joseph BLAHNIK
Source Information:
Census Place Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255431
Page Number 188B
7/27/03 Lori Dollevoet :I was recently on vacation and came upon an article that was laminated and displayed in the Antigo Museum. No date or newspaper name tough. I got a rough photo copy but it reads:BLAHNIK FAMILY HAD MUSICAL TRADITION
(editor's note: local historian Harold Klessig has been studying the history of the Blahnik family, well-known craftsmen and musicians. A story in Wednesday's newspaper looked at the family's furniture making endeavors. Today's article focuses on their musical talents).
By Harold Klessig
Woodworking may have been their principal craft, but the Blahnik family of Antigo also had another special talent.
While widely known as the manufacturer of quality church and other furiture, they were probably better known for the Blahnik dance bands that entertained throughout the entire area for almost five decades. (See Band Page 11)
The probable originator of the musical talents was Joseph Blahnik, the father of Adolph Blahnik, who was the father of the Blahnik family that moved to Antigo in 1936. Joseph was born in Czechoslovakia. He was educated in Prague where he learned to play several instruments, especially the trumpet. In the 1850-s he sailed for America.
Arriving in New York he was offered a job with a symphony orchestra. Joseph had other plans, however. He wanted to farm in WIsconsin and turned down the job offer. He bought a farm five miles south of Kewaunee.
It wasn't long, according to his grandson, Milas Blahnik, before he was involved with the Schauer Brass Band, one of the first bands in that area. Later Joseph started his own band.
Besided Adolph, Joseph had four other sons, Frank, Louis, Joseph Jr., and Otto. All played in bands in the Kewaunee area but Adolph was the first to start his own band. Later some of the other brothers also had their own bands.
Adolph also conducted an orchestra for silent movies in the old Kewaunee opera house.
The first Blahnik musician to come to Antigo was Adolph's oldest son, Edward. Antigo's famed American Legion Marching Band was in need of a trumpet player in 1934. A local Legionnaire had heard of the Blahnik musicians of Kewaunee and contacted Edward who was working in Manitowoc. The promise of a job at the Vulcan Last plant here induced Edward to come to Antigo and play in the Legion band.
Two years later the Adolph Blahnik family moved here to start a cabinet and furniture manufacturing firm on Sixth Avenue near Spring Brook.
All of the Blahniks were versatile musicians and all could play several instruments. Adolph, howver, was the only one who could play clarinet. Adolph also arranged music for his won and other bands in the area. The first Blahnik band here was started by brothers Edward and Melvin. It was an immediate sucess.
? ? ? ? with the orchestra along with their father Adolph Sr.
Sylvia Blahnik was the only daughter to play with the band. Her sister, Mabel played in the Kewaunee High School orchestra and with her brothers, Melvin and Milas played in the high school band that performed at Green Bay Packer football games.
The band here played mainly in Langlade, Shawano and Marathon counties although several times during the years they played in other parts of the state and occasionally returned to their home grounds in Kewaunee.
They played at dance pavilions such as Mayflower, Riverview, Post Lake, Tigerton, and Eau Clair Dells. They also played at weddings and many of the high school proms in the area including the Antigo proms.
A number of musicians in the Antigo area played with the Blahnik band on a regular basis. They included Roland Schmiege, Ruben Meyer, Ray Cornelius, Norbert Kautzn, John Novak, Paul Masek, Jerry Smetana and Alvin Fischer. Other musicians also filled in occasionally.
Durning the years in ANtigo the members of the Blahnik family at times played with other bands.
Three of the brothers at times played with the popular Romy Gosz Band. Melvin was with Gosz in 1941, Milas in 1942 and Edward was with the Gosz band during WWII when he worked in a Manitooc shipyard.
They also played in the American Legion Band, which was well known throughout Wisconsin during the 1920's and 30's. Later they were part of the city's Cosmopolitan Orchestra and after that of the Centennial Orchestra.
They were also part of the Veterans of Foreign Wars band started after WWII by then Antigo High School band director Joseph Bauschka.
After playing in the band most of their lives, some of the brothers began to retire about 1990 and that was the end of the Blahnik Band era. Some ot the brothers, however, continued to play with other bands.
Even today, according to Milas, some of the brothers get together with other musicians. They play ????
1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaperA copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
Blahnik Adolph | Lazensky Emma | 11/14/1906 | Slovan
=============================== Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Adolph
Day: 14
Month: November
Year: 1906
County: Kewaunee
Volume: 02
Page: 0440
--------------Marriage license says birthplace was Carlton, Kewaunee, WI
M01092-6 Wisconsin-EASy 1292003 Item 1 No.28 02721
=====================1920 Marriage index by groom, Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives May 16, 2003 by Carl Braun
A copy of the newspaper record can be purchased from the Kewaunee Library
for $1.00 and a SASE, sent to: Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St
Kewaunee, WI 54216
*********************************** name | Brides name | date of paper | place of marr or license
Blahnik Adolph | Lazensky Emma | 11/14/1906 | Slovan
There are about twenty-two settlers in the Lincoln District of Polar township. William Peters came to that district in 1900 from Germany, settling on section 35. August Erickson came from Sweden in 1905, settling on section 26. Frank Rychlik came from Bohemia, taking up land in section 26. He came in 1908. Albert Smola came from Pennsylvania in 1908, settling on section 26, and the same year Frank Hlinsky, a Chicagoan, took up a farm on section 35. This district had one sawmill on section 35, operated by water power. ADOLPH BLAHNIK ran it for four years. The first school was held in the William Peters home. Early pupils were Cora Peters, Emma Peters, and Eric Jartzke, while Lena Wendorf was the first teacher. The present school was erected in 1912 on section 25 by C. F. Dallman at a cost of $1,400. The 1921-22 officials of this district were A. BLAHNIK, Clerk; Louis Peters, Treasurer, and Emil Pautz, Director. The region is rolling and in some places level. Drew Creek runs through it. =========
Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930
Groom's Name: Adolph Blahnik
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace: Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Emma Lazansky
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace: Casco, Wisconsin
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 14 Nov 1906
Marriage Place: Cascotown, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Blahnik
Groom's Mother's Name: Katie Lipsh
Bride's Father's Name: Frank Lazansky
Bride's Mother's Name: Mary Opicka
Groom's Race: White
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race: White
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01092-6
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1292003
Reference Number: Item 1 No.28 02721
Polar District No. ?, (Lincoln)
Published in Dessureau's 1922 "History of Langlade County..."There are about twenty-two settlers in the Lincoln District of Polar township. William Peters came to that district in 1900 from Germany, settling on section 35. August Erickson came from Sweden in 1905, settling on section 26. Frank Rychlik came from Bohemia, taking up land in section 26. He came in 1908. Albert Smola came from Pennsylvania in 1908, settling on section 26, and the same year Frank Hlinsky, a Chicagoan, took up a farm on section 35. This district has one sawmill on section 35, operated by water power. Adolph Blahnik ran it for four years. The first school was held in the William Peters home. Early pupils were Cora Peters, Emma Peters, and Eric Jartzke, while Lena Wendorf was the first teacher. The present school was erected in 1912 on section 25 by C.F. Dallman at a cost of $1,400. The 1921-22 officials of this district were A. BLAHNIK, Clerk; Louis Peters, Treasurer, and Emil Pautz, Director. The region is rolling and in some places level. Drew Creek runs through it.
WWI Draft reg
Blahnik, Adolph
190 21 Dec 1878 W - Polar Farmer Self-employed
========Adolph Blahnik, "United States Census, 1940" Name: Adolph Blahnik
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1940
Event Place: Ward 6, Antigo, Antigo City, Langlade, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Birth Year (Estimated): 1880
Last Place of Residence: Kewaunee, Wisconsin
District: 34-9
Family Number: 63
Sheet Number and Letter: 3B
Line Number: 75
Affiliate Publication Number: T627
Affiliate Film Number: 4492
Digital Folder Number: 005461185
Image Number: 00834
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Adolph Blahnik M 60 Wisconsin
Wife Emma Blahnik F 54 Wisconsin
Son Alford Blahnik M 29 Wisconsin
Son Miles Blahnik M 23 Wisconsin
Son Melvin Blahnik M 21 Wisconsin
Son Daniel Blahnik M 16 Wisconsin
Daughter Marie Blahnik F 14 Wisconsin
Son Adolf Blahnik M 12 Wisconsin
Back to Main Page
Blahnik Emilia (Emily) [Female] b. 1 JAN 1875 Wisconsin, USA - d. 3 MAY 1950 Kewaunee County, WI
Title: 1900 census
Title: Kewaunee County Records - Deaths
Title: JosephBlahnik.FTW
Emilia BLAHNIK Household
Other Information:
Birth Year <1875>
Birthplace WI
Age 5
Marital Status S
Head of Household Joseph BLAHNIK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Source Information:
Census Place Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Family History Library Film 1255431
Page Number 188B
12 BLAHNIK Emily xx xxx 1875 xx xxx 1950 ossw/John/nxt Otto
Located NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 13
On corner of Cemetery Road and Old Settler's Road 1 1/2 miles from Lake Michigan. First Methodist congregation cemetery. Settled by Yankees in 1850's. Community was known as Dean's Pier
Back to Main Page
Jr. Joseph Blahnik. [Male] b. 16 DEC 1881 - d. 25 JUL 1959 Kewaunee County, WI
Title: Kewaunee County Records - Deaths
12 BLAHNIK Joseph Jr.(son) 16 Dec 1881 25 Jul 1959
Located NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 13
On corner of Cemetery Road and Old Settler's Road 1 1/2 miles from Lake Michigan. First Methodist congregation cemetery. Settled by Yankees in 1850's. Community was known as Dean's Pier.
Back to Main Page
Blahnik Frank [Male] b. 26 MAR 1890 Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 17 APR 1966 Kewaunee Co, WI
Title: Kewaunee County Records -Births
Title: Kewaunee County Records - Deaths
West Kewaunee Township, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
Marriage Index, 1873-1923 by Bride - Algoma Record Herald newspaper.
Shimanek Katharine; ; ;
Blahnik Frank; ; 12/23/1910
Birth Record Details
Last Name: Blahnik
First Name: Frank
Day: 26
Month: March
Year: 1890
County: Kewaunee
Reel: DEL
Record: SEQ 100
44 BLAHNIK Frank (father) xx xxx 1890 xx xxx 1966 ossw/Katherine(mother),Betty(dau)
Located SE corner of Ward 3, Section 19 in city of Kewaunee.
Maintained in good condition by parish
Has cemetery data for St. Mary's Alaska cemetery.
Birth Date: 26 Mar 1890
Death Date: Apr 1966
Social Security Number: 393-10-0617
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Wisconsin Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 54216
Localities: Kewaunee, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Back to Main Page
Blahnik Otto [Male] b. 30 JUL 1893 Carleton, WI - d. 17 MAR 1961 Forest Hill Cemetery -Carlton Twp
Title: WWI Draft Reg card
12 BLAHNIK Otto (son) 30 Jul 1893 17 Mar 1961 WWI Mus 3 Cl. HQ. Co. 23 Inf./WWI
Located NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 13
On corner of Cemetery Road and Old Settler's Road 1 1/2 miles from Lake Michigan. First Methodist congregation cemetery. Settled by Yankees in 1850's. Community was known as Dean's Pier.ALso
12 BLAHNIK Otto 30 Jul 1893 17 Mar 1961 WWI nxt/Katerina(matka)/Wis Mus 3 HQ Co. 23 Infantry/WWI
Back to Main Page
Blahnik Vaclav [Male] b. ABT. 1907 (Motyein?) Czech - d. Possibly NY
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Title: estimate
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Title: New York Passenger Ships 1820-1957
Back to Main Page
Drozda Mary (Drasda\Drazda) [Female] b. 1879 Bohemia - d. 1951 Menominee, MI
Title: John Dinan
Title: per grave stone
Title: John Dinan
Title: per grave stone
Title: Find a Grave
Son John gave me Sylvia's birth certificate: April 17 '09. Menominee
Menominee Township. Gives mothers name as: Mary Drasda (note spelling).
Certificate signed by H. Allen Moyer, M.D. State Health Commissioner.
Father (Frank) and mother (Mary) both born in Bohemia.A "Quit-Claim Deed (short form)" signed by the register of deeds Margaret
Eagan and dated by register's office : county of Menominee (August 1932),
It identifies a daughter "Emma". This was the daughter I identified as
Emily and said she died at birth. I was wrong. She grew to adulthood
and her name on the deed was given as "Emma Schingeck", her married name.
There were other signees but nothing new re family designations.The
notary who signed this deed was: Katherine Stiles Laughlan of Menominee
Co. Michigan. There were several of these deeds which were obtained with
family deaths but no significant family data other than the proceeding.Frank's death certificate also identifies mothers' name as
"Drosda"...note conflict with the foregoing.Shows Frank born July 12
1903; died April 19 1989 and was signed by deputy clerk Katherine K
Coleman and burried in Riverside Cemetery.Tony's birth cert show mothers name as 'unknown'....Tony: born Jan 6 '08,
died Dec 3 '89, burried at Riverside Cemetery. The informant was Donald
Schingeck, husband of Emma.This information is about as solid as it can get as I have no other
material, nor does son John. but if something shows up to counter any of
this (or support it) I'll be in touch.Yours, John Dinan
========== Mary Blahnik
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Menominee Township, Menominee, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 61
Marital Status: Widowed
Race (Original): White
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Head
Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Estimated Birth Year: 1879
Residence in 1935: Same House
Enumeration District Number: 55-23
Family Number: 84
Sheet Number and Letter: 5B
Line Number: 55
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 1789
Digital Folder Number: 005461644
Image Number: 00537
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Mary Blahnik F 61 Czechoslovakia
Son Frank Blahnik M 37 Michigan
Son William Blahnik M 34 Michigan
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Koutnik Josef [Male] b. 1863 Lhota, Bohemia - d. OCT 1932 Michigan
Title: Newspaper clipping
Title: 1920 census
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Kveton Jacob (Koeton) [Male] b. 22 JAN 1866 from Lhota--'od Stasku - d. 23 DEC 1944 Menominee, MI
Title: 1920 census
Title: Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1940 census
Title: Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952
Title: 1930 census
Residence: , Menominee, Michigan
Estimated Birth Year: 1867
Age: 53
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Birthplace:
Film Number: 1820785
Digital Folder Number: 4311623
Image Number: 00149
Sheet Number: 4
Household Gender Age
Jacob Kveton M 53y
Spouse Katherine Kveton F 47y
Child Joseph Kveton M 14y
Child Helen Kveton F 5y
Groom's Name: Jacob Koeton
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Katie Blahnik
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 27 Apr 1897
Marriage Place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name: Venzel Koeton
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01819-3
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
Source Film Number: 2342507
Reference Number:
Collection: Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995
acob Kveton, "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952"
Name: Jacob Kveton
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 23 Dec 1944
Event Place: Menominee, Menominee, Michigan, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 78
Marital Status: Widowed
Birth Date: 22 Jan 1866
Birthplace: Bohemia
Birth Year (Estimated): 1866
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
GS Film number: 1973021
Digital Folder Number: 005240273
Image Number: 00327
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