For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Shimanik Katherine [Female] b. 21 JUN 1893 Wisconsin - d. 14 NOV 1950 West Kewaunee, WI
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1900 census
Title: Brown County Deaths
44 BLAHNIK Katherine(mother) xx xxx 1893 xx xxx 1950 ossw/Frank(father),Betty(dau)
Holy Rosary Catholic Cem-West Kewaunee Twp.
========United States Census, 1900 for Katie Shimonek
Name: Katie Shimonek
Titles & Terms:
Residence: Montpelier town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Birth Date: Jun 1893
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Father: Josef Shimonek
Father's Titles & Terms:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother: Alvina Shimonek
Mother's Titles & Terms:
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Race or Color (expanded): White
Head-of-household Name: Josef Shimonek
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Years Married:
Estimated Marriage Year:
Mother How Many Children:
Number Living Children:
Immigration Year:
Enumeration District: 0060
Page: 18
Sheet Letter: B
Family Number: 255
Reference Number: 58
Film Number: 1241794
Image Number: 00754
Household Gender Age
Parent Josef Shimonek M
Parent Alvina Shimonek F
Paulina Shimonek F
Annie Shimonek F
Katie Shimonek F
Josef Shimonek M =================
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for Katie ShimonekName: Katie Shimonek
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 12y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1893
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Race: White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Wisconsin
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Wisconsin
Family Number: 141
Page Number: 262
Line Number: 61
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00455
Household Gender Age
Parent Joseph Shimonek M 44y
Parent Albina Shimonek F 38y
Pauline Shimonek F 17y
Annie Shimonek F 16y
Katie Shimonek F 12y
Josie Shimonek F 7y
United States Census, 1910 for Katie Shimanek
Name: Katie Shimanek
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Residence: Montpelier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Single
Race : White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Family Number: 82
Page Number: 8
Household Gender Age
Parent Josef Shimanek M 47y
Parent Alnina Shimanek F 42y
Paulina Shimanek F 22y
Katie Shimanek F 15y
Josef Shimanek M 12y
Milosh Shimanek M 4y
Adeline Shimanek F 1y 8m
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Actapublica look up
Ladislav Blahnik writes:....After the deceased Jan Blahnik he left 2 children. His son, Jan, became the founder of the first branch of the Blahnik family in the village of Smrzovice (but not in house #16. In the marriage records of the church in Loucim the marriage between (XI3) Jan Blahnik and Dorota, daughter of Kristiana Savlick--cottager from Smrzovice (maybe house #9), was dated February 1, 1785. The second child of Jan Blahnik from the Blahniks� Mill #87 under the Koutsky Dominion was a daughter Dorota who married prior to 1803, Jacob Burese, a farmer from Loucim #10. As the populus in this country was growing, families were assigned house numbers in each respective village; therefore this system of house numbers was more exacting for there could be 3 or 4 families of the same name who could be living in the same village or area. This is true even today. In Loucim� s mill was the proprietor, Martin Blahnik, who married on February 20, 1792, when he was 25 years old, Dorota Peyerovou (Bayerovou), daughter of the mill proprietor at Ouborskeho when she was 23 years old. Present at the marriage were Andreas, tavern proprietor from Janovice, and Mikulas Fischer, blacksmith from Beharov. (record #4, page 308 of the Church of Janovice n. Uhl). In 1806 the name of Martin Blahnik from Lhota still appeared in records.
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Actapublica look up
Title: Actapublica look up
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Actapublica
Jan Dus Research 2013
VOR�ILA FOLT�NOV� (New Record)
State Archive in Plzen
Roman Catholic Parish in Loucim
Marriage Register, Book #1, page #35, record #3Date of marriage: November 6, 1701
Place of marriage (church): Lou?im
Marriage performed by - not written
Place of marriage: Loucim Groom:
Jan Jakub Petr�k /son of Jir� Blahn�k from Blahn�kovsk� Mill/
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital status: single
Age: not writtenBride:
Vor�ila Folt�nov� from Lou?im
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital status: single
Age: not writtenWitnesses:
Jakub Hlad�k from Kdyne
Jakub ratol�stek, tailor from Klatovy
Title: Otakar Blahnik 2012 Reunion
History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)
Blahniks of Smrzovice
by Ladislav Blahnik It appears that Matej Blahnik, named in the tax record of 1652 of the village of Lhota, belonging to the St. Cross property owned by Lord Fredrich of Lamminger, was probably the son of' Vaclav (Brother of Matej). He owned 30 acres of fields from which 9 acres was seeded for winter and 8 acres was seeded in Spring. Besides this, he had 2 teams of horses, 1 cow, 1 young cow, 4 sheep, and 7 pigs.
Title: Ladislav tree
Title: Ladislav tree
Title: Ladislav tree
Title: Ladislav tree
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
Title: Ladislav Blahnik
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