For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Suhr William [Male] b. 1890
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1870 census
1870 Manitowoc Co,WI census
Name: John Schulz
Estimated Birth Year: 1859
Gender: Male
Age in 1870: 11y
Color (white, black, mulatto, chinese, Indian): White
Birthplace: Bohemia
Home in 1870: Wisconsin, United States
Household Gender Age
Wencel Schulz M 40y
Cathrina Schulz F 30y
John Schulz M 11y
Wenzel Schulz M 9y
Antone Schulz M 5y
Franz Schulz M 2y
Wisconsin State Census, 1905 for John Schultz
Name: John Schultz
Residence: Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Age: 46y
Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1859
Birthplace: Bohemia
Relationship to Head of Household: Father
Race: White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Place of Birth: Parent 1: Bohemia
Place of Birth: Parent 2: Bohemia
Family Number: 71
Page Number: 73
Line Number: 95
Film Number: 1020452
Digital Folder Number: 4236858
Image Number: 00352
Household Gender Age
John Schultz M 46y
Dora Schultz F 43y
Mary Schultz F 19y
Anna Schultz F 17y
Wenzel Schultz M 13y
Wenzel Schultz M 76y
Title: 1870 census
Title: Wisconsin Births and Christenings, 1826-1926
Title: 1920 census
1870 Manitowoc Co CensusName: Antone Schulz
Estimated Birth Year: 1865
Gender: Male
Age in 1870: 5y
Color (white, black, mulatto, chinese, Indian): White
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Home in 1870: Wisconsin, United States
Household Gender Age
Wencel Schulz M 40y
Cathrina Schulz F 30y
John Schulz M 11y
Wenzel Schulz M 9y
Antone Schulz M 5y
Franz Schulz M 2y
1880 census
Name: Anton Shultz
Residence: Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Birthdate: 1866
Birthplace: Wisconsin, United States
Relationship to Head: Son
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Father's Name: Wenzl Shultz
Father's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Czechoslovakia
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Single
Age (Expanded): 14 years
NARA Film Number: T9-1431
Page: 184
Page Character: B
Entry Number: 3462
Film number: 1255431
Household Gender Age
Parent Wenzl Shultz M 51
Johan Shultz M 20
Wenzl Shultz M 18
Anton Shultz M 14
Frank Shultz M 12
Joseph Shultz M 10
Alzbeta Shultz F 8
Charley Shultz M 6
Magdelena Shultz F 82
United States Census, 1920 for Anton Schultz
Name: Anton Schultz
Residence: , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1867
Age: 53
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Film Number: 1821994
Digital Folder Number: 4391502
Image Number: 00948
Sheet Number: 11
Household Gender Age
Anton Schultz M 53y
Spouse Barbara Schultz F 40y
Child Edward Schultz M 20y
Child Helen Schultz F 14y
Child Joseph Schultz M 14y
Joseph Schultz M 20y
Otto Lombard M 21y
"United States Census, 1920," Joseph Schultz in household of Anton Schultz, , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
name: Joseph Schultz
residence: , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
estimated birth year: 1900
age: 20
birthplace: Wisconsin
relationship to head of household: Nephew
gender: Male
race: White
marital status: Single
father's birthplace: United States
mother's birthplace: United States
film number: 1821994
digital folder number: 4391502
image number: 00948
sheet number: 11
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Anton Schultz M 53y Wisconsin
wife Barbara Schultz F 40y Wisconsin
son Edward Schultz M 20y Wisconsin
dau Helen Schultz F 14y Wisconsin
son Joseph Schultz M 14y Wisconsin
Joseph Schultz M 20y Wisconsin
Otto Lombard M 21y Wisconsin
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1905 census
Title: 1880 Census
Title: 1880
Title: 1880
Title: Wisconsin Births and Christenings, 1826-1926
Title: 1930 census
Title: 1920 census
Wisconsin Births and Christenings, 1826-1926Name: Joseph Schultz
Gender: Male
Baptism/Christening Date:
Baptism/Christening Place:
Birth Date: 28 Jun 1905
Birthplace: Two Rivers, Man. Co.
Death Date:
Name Note:
Race: White
Father's Name: Anton Schultz
Father's Birthplace: Carlton, Wisconsin
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Barbara Blanck
Mother's Birthplace: Two Creeks, Wis.
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C00403-9
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
Source Film Number: 1305084
Reference Number: P 72 rn 427
================United States Census, 1920 for Joseph SchultzName: Joseph Schultz
Residence: , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1906
Age: 14
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: United States
Mother's Birthplace: United States
Film Number: 1821994
Digital Folder Number: 4391502
Image Number: 00948
Sheet Number: 11
Household Gender Age
Parent Anton Schultz M 53y
Parent Barbara Schultz F 40y
Edward Schultz M 20y
Helen Schultz F 14y
Joseph Schultz M 14y
Joseph Schultz M 20y
Otto Lombard M 21y
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1920 census
United States Census, 1920 for Edward Schultz
Name: Edward Schultz
Residence: , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1900
Age: 20
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin
Film Number: 1821994
Digital Folder Number: 4391502
Image Number: 00948
Sheet Number: 11
Household Gender Age
Parent Anton Schultz M 53y
Parent Barbara Schultz F 40y
Edward Schultz M 20y
Helen Schultz F 14y
Joseph Schultz M 14y
Joseph Schultz M 20y
Otto Lombard M 21y
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1930 census
United States Census, 1920 for Helen SchultzName: Helen Schultz
Residence: , Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Estimated Birth Year: 1906
Age: 14
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: United States
Mother's Birthplace: United States
Film Number: 1821994
Digital Folder Number: 4391502
Image Number: 00948
Sheet Number: 11
Household Gender Age
Parent Anton Schultz M 53y
Parent Barbara Schultz F 40y
Edward Schultz M 20y
Helen Schultz F 14y
Joseph Schultz M 14y
Joseph Schultz M 20y
Otto Lombard M 21y
Title: Bob Blahnik research
Title: Bob Blahnik research
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