For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Kronforst Maria Anna (XIII1w) [Female] b. 18 NOV 1779 Pocinovice #121, Bohemia - d. 19 JAN 1861 Libkov #6, Bohemia
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
from Jerome Wachal entry 1 right
Loucim 06 leaf 95 folio 187
born 18 Nov 1779
baptized 19 Nov 1779
residence Pocinovice #121
Maria Anna dau of Andreas Kronforst & wife Dorothea entry 1 right
Poc�novice 07 leaf 10 folio 19
date of marriage 30 May 1802
groom Martin Altmann age 25
bride Anna Kronforst age 24 entry 7
Loucim #26 leaf 104 folio 104
died 19 Jan 1861
buried 21 Jan 1861
Maria Altmann born Kronforst of Pocinovice wife of deceased Martin Altmann ????? of Libkov #6
residence Libkov #6
age 76
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: entry 1 right
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal entry 1 right
Loucim #13 leaf 4 folio 5
name Mathias Wotruba
date of birth 1 Sep 1796
father Jan Wotruba farmer
mother Anna born Schwiener
residence Smrzovice #16Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
40/ Register of the parish Loucim # 20, page 69-70::
Date of wedding: 6th Jun 1820
Place of wedding: Lipkov # 6
Bridegroom: MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 conjugau son of
living JOHANN WOTRUBA farmer in same town, manor Kout, and of ANNA nee
SCHWEINER from Kout,
24 years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: BARBARA conjugal daughter of living MARTIN ALTMANN inkeeper from
Lipkov, manor Beharov, and of MARIA nee KRONFORST from Pocinovice.
16 and � years old, single, catholic religion.
Witness: Georg Maydl farmer from Lipkov and Jakub Stauber farmer from
Priest: Augustin Jedlicka chaplain.
Notice: With the permission of bride's father Matia Altmann inkeeper
from Lipkov entry 8
age 78
Father: MATHIAS WOTRUBA farmer from here (Smrzovice) legitimate son
of in that time still living JOHANN WOTRUBA retired-farmer from here and of
ANNA nee SCHWEINER his wife, manor Kout.
Mother: BARBARA legitimate daughter of in that time still living MARTIN
ALTMANN inkeeper in Lipkov and of MARIA nee KRONFORST his wife from
Pocinovice, manor Kout.
Godparents: Maria Forat cottager's wife from Loucim and Jakob Forat her
Title: 7
Jerome Wachal entry 5
Jan son of Georg Wotruba and Dorota
residence Smrzovice
date 25 Dec 1740 entry 8 right
Kdyne #5 leaf 88 folio 21
date 20 May 1781
groom Joannes Wotruba son of Georg Wotruba farmer from Smrzovice #17
bride Anna dau of Mathias Schwagner(Schweiner) Opilionis(shepherd) from Kout #80
at Kout #80 habitat Smrzovice #17 entry 12
age 86 yrs 3 months 10 days
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal entry 1 left
Loucim 14 leaf 12 folio 22
Barbara Altman
residence Libkov #6
father Martin Altmann
mother Maria Anna Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
40/ Register of the parish Loucim # 20, page 69-70::
Date of wedding: 6th Jun 1820
Place of wedding: Lipkov # 6
Bridegroom: MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 conjugau son of
living JOHANN WOTRUBA farmer in same town, manor Kout, and of ANNA nee
SCHWEINER from Kout,
24 years old, single, catholic religion.
Bride: BARBARA conjugal daughter of living MARTIN ALTMANN innkeeper from
Lipkov, manor Beharov, and of MARIA nee KRONFORST from Pocinovice.
16 and � years old, single, catholic religion.
Witness: Georg Maydl farmer from Lipkov and Jakub Stauber farmer from
Priest: Augustin Jedlicka chaplain.
Notice: With the permission of bride's father Matia Altmann inkeeper
from Lipkov 7
age 54
Smrzovice #17
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal entry 2
Loucim 14 leaf 15 folio 28
date 17 Mar 1806
residence Libkov #6
father Martin Altmann
mother Maria dau of Andreas Kronforst of Pocinovice #121
Title: entry 8
Jerome Wachal: last entry
name Maria Walecka
father Joseph Walecka son of Georg Walecka &
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer (in Usilov) # 1, son of GEORG WALECKA
farmer in Usilov # 1 and of MARIA nee ASCHKA in Uborsko.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHEUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov entry 8
age 2 months
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic- entry 5
34/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf5 folio 22:
Date of birth: 16th May 1842
Date of baptism: 17th May 1842
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer (in Usilov) # 1, son of GEORG WALECKA
farmer in Usilov # 1 and of + MARIA nee ASCHKA in Uborsko.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHEUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of + BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov # 6.
Godparents: Laurenz Dufek farmer in Mezholezy # 18 and Anna Sobiehart
farmer's wife in Usilov # 16(Kewaunee Enterprise 2-22-1929)
Ex-County Treasurer and County Board Member Victim of Influenza
A fine life came to a close last Sunday morning when John Walecka,Sr., died at the home of his son Milos Walecka, in the Town of Montpelier. Mr. Walecka, who was 87 years of age at the time of his death, had been ailing since New Year's day with an attack of influenza but was apparently slowly recovering from the illness when he suffered a relapse on Tuesday of last week which resulted in his death last Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock.
John Walecka, Sr., was born in Bohemia I the year 1842. Asa youg man twenty three years of age he immigrated to this country, coming direct to Kewaunee County. Several years later he married Miss Agnes Doleysh, the wedding ceremony taking place in this city. His wife preceded him in death four years ago.
Although he lived on this farm in the Town of Montpelier and developed a fine farm, he also had time to serve his neighbors as Town Supervisor for several years, was Town Clerk for a period of five years, represented that town on the County Board for a number of years and served as Kewaunee County Treasurer for two terms. During his years as a county and town official, Mr. Walecka became widely known throughout the county and his friends are legion. He was held in the highest esteem and confidence by his constituents which was clearly illustrated when they re-elected him to office on numerous occasions. Honest John Walecka loved his friends and was devoted to his fine family. He and his wife were among the pioneer settlers and many a happy gathering was entertained at their home in those years when the children were small and they were in the prime of life.
He is survived by the following children, John Walecka, Cashier of the Bank of Denmark; Joseph A. Walecka, on the old homestead in Montpelier; Mrs. Charles Wachal, of Carlton; and Milos Walecka, of Montpelier Town.
The funeral service was held on Tuesday morning of this week at ten o'clock from the St. John's Catholic Church at West Krok, the Rev. Father Koutnik officiating. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
--------------------------------More About JOHN WALECKA:
Burial: 19 Feb 1929, St. John Nepomucene, Krok, Wisconsin
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
23/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 24:
Date of birth: 2nd May 1844
Date of baptism: 3rd May 1844
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 5 and of + MARIA nee ASCHKA from Uborsko?
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov # 6.
Godparents: Laurenz Dufek farmer in Mezholezy # 18 and Anna Siebehart
farmer's wife in Usilov entry 18
age 2 months
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal Look up24/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 26:
Date of birth: 11th Jul 1845
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 1 and of + MARIA nee HASCHKA from Svaty Kriz.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHEUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 16 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov # 6.
Godparents: Wojtech Sobehart farmer in Usilov # 16 and Maria Dufek farmer's
wife from Mezholezy # 18.Kewaunee Enterprise (5 June 1925)
Old Montpelier Pioneer Mother Is No More
Mrs. Mary Panosh-Passes At home Of Daughter InChicago.
Had Reared Large Family
Remains Brought Here For Burial In Riverview Cemetery
Mrs. Mary Panosh widow of the late John Panosh a large and prominent family of the town of Montpelier including thirteen children, thirty-seven grandchildren passed from this earth at the home of her daughter Mrs. Anna Montvic in Chicago on Friday afternoon, May 29th.
A paralytic stroke following chronic heart trouble was the cause of her passing together with her age of 81 years 7 months and 18 days.
Since the death of her husband on Christmas Day 1903, Mrs. Panosh spent the winters with her many daughters in and about Chicago and her summers on the farm with her son Slavie in Montpelier. She had made plas just before her death to return to her pld home in Montpelier when fate intercepted and she yielded to the inevitable.
A letter written to her son Earnest in the city reached here a few hours after the letter came announcing her serious illness.
The sisters all rushed to her bedside one coming from Alabama in time for her funeral.
Mrs. Panosh nee Mary Walecka born in Bohemia in 1843 on the 18th of July coming to this country with her parents at an early age settling in this village.
Fifty eight years ago she was married to her late husband. The young coyple immediately located here while Mr. Walecka worked fo the old company saw mill in the pioneer days.
During their residence here their first three childrenwere born later the family moved to the shingle mill in West Kewaunee then operated by Dikerman and Lattner. There two more children came to bless this union.
About this time the family moved to a wooded tract of land in the town of Montpelier which fact is remembered by the birth of their sixth chld a daughter now 57 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Panosh knew all the hardships and privations of the early pioneers in this county. Here they and the older children toiled and finally hewed out a fine farm it is today owned by Slavie Panosh, a son.
The family here grew to 13 fine sons and daughters the pride and joy of the parents. In 1903 the first sorrow came when the father died and the second last weekFriday when the mother passed on to join her husband in death.
Mrs. Panosh was a motherly mother and reared her large flock to love and obey their parents. Today all the children are grown up and married most of them residing in or near Chicago, but they will ever keep green the memory of their mother.
Mrs. Panosh was a kind and cheerful woman and her happiest hours were when she was surrounded by them. Surviving Mrs. Panosh are her thirteen children following in the order of their aoges. John the eldest of California; Anna, Mrs. Anna Montvic of Chicago. Mary, Mrs. Mary Pesmchek of Antigo Agnes, Mrs Chas. Nally of Alabama; Minnie, Mrs. John Valha of Berwyn, Ill.; Fracis, Mrs. Anton Melka of Chicago, Bessie, Mrs. Frank Skala of Berwyn, Ill., Joseph Panosh of Berwyn, Slavie Panosh of Montpelier, Ernest Panosh of this city, Christina, Mrs. James Wolf and Martin and Louis of Chicago. She is also survived by four brothers John Walecka, Sr. of Montpelier, Joseph F. Valecka of W. Kewaunee, Wenzel of Montpelier and Albert Walecka address unknown, two sisters, Mrs. Anton Frolich and Mrs. Andrew Schleis of Pembine, Wis.
The remains were brought to the old homestead from which the funeral was held Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, and was largely attended by relatives and friends who knew her well. Mr. B.F. Cmejla officiate at the grave and the choir of the Congregational church sang several selections when the body was consigned to the grave alongside that of her husband. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, indicaating in silence the sympathy felt by her many friends and neighbors.More About MARIE WALECKA:
Burial: Riverview Cemetery, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
25/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 28:
Date of birth: 5th Jul 1848
Date of baptism: 6th Jul 1848
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 1 and of MARIA nee ASCHKA from Uborsko.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov.
Godparents: Wojtech Sobehart farmer in Usilov # 16 and Maria Dufek
farmer's wife from Usilov # 18.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
26/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 30:
Date of birth: 9th May 1850
Date of baptism: 10th May 1850
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 5 and of + MARIA nee ASCHKA from Svaty Kriz.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov.
Godparents: Laurenz Dufek farmer in Mezholezy # 18 and Anna Sobiehart
farmer's wife in Usilov # 16. entry 3
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
27/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 31:
Date of birth: 10th Nov 1851
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 5 and of + MARIA nee ASCHKA from Uborsko.
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17 and
of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov.
Notice: + 14th Dec 1851. entry 9
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up entry 8 entry 5
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
28/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 34:
Date of birth: 26th Jan 1855
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer and son of GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov
# 5 and of + MARIA nee ASCHKA from Uborsko
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17, district
court Kdyne, egion Plzen, and of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov # 6.
Godparents: Laurenz Dufek farmer in Mezholezy # 18 and Anna Sobiehart
farmer's wife in Usilov.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Tony Kondrys-Researcher Czech Republic-
29/ Register of the parish Slavikovice # 7, leaf 36:
Date of birth: 25th Jan 1857
Date of baptism: 26th Jan 1857
Place of birth: Usilov # 1
Father: JOSEPH WALECKA farmer in Usilov # 1, district court Kdyne, region
Plzen, son of + GEORG WALECKA farmer in Usilov # 1 and of + MARIA nee
ASCHKA from Svaty Kriz
Mother: MARIA daughter of MATHAUS WOTRUBA farmer in Smrzovice # 17, district
office Kdyne, and of BARBARA nee ALTMANN from Lipkov # 6, district office
Kdyne, region Plzen.
Godparents: Laurenz Dufek farmer in Mezholezy # 18 and Anna Siebehart
farmer's wife in Usilov # 16
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