For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Jerabek Brenda [Female]
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal Look upThe Kewaunee Star (29 Jul 1964)
Mrs. Joseph P. Walecka Died Saturday Afternoon Mrs. Joseph P. Walecka of the town of Montpelier, a former Kewaunee resident, died at St. Mary's Kewaunee Area Hospital at four o'clock on Sunday Morning after suffering a stroke at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon. She was sixty-five years of age. Mrs. Walecka, the former Julia Kazmerchek, was a native of the town of Casco, where she was born on June 3, 1897, a daughter of the late Steven and Helen Janowski Kazmerchek. She was married to Joseph P. Walecka by the late Rev. Herbeck at Holy Trinity Church in Casco and the couple resided in Kewaunee for some years before moving to Montpelier where they operated a mink ranch for many years. Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Miss Alice of Minniapolis, Minn., two sons, Major Norbert Walecka of Edwards Air Force Base in California, and Leonard of Lake Bluff, Ill.; eight grandchildren; five brothers, David Kazmerchek of Sussex, Wis., Daniel of Independence Missouri, Nathan of Casco, Frank of Philadelphia, Pa., and Felix of Cadahy, Wis., five sisters, Mrs. MaryGrabfelder of Phonix, Arizona, Mrs. Helen Hanson of Los Angeles, Cal., Miss Ann Kazmerchek of Illinois; Mrs. Dorothy Riley and Mrs. Bessie Riley, both of Chicago. A son and daughter preceded her in death. The body was at the Buchanan Funeral Home until this morning (Wednesday) when funeral services were held at ten o'clock in Holy Rosary Church here with the Rev, Michael Jacowski officiating. Interment was in St. John Cemetery at Krok. To many old friends with whom she had enjoyed many happy associations the announcement of the passing of Mrs. Walecka brought deep sorrow. She possessed many fine womanly attributes and she held a high place in the affections of everyone who was privileged to know her. They will miss her and mourn her death.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal Look upWashington Post (18 Apr 2006)
Norbert J. WaleckaAir Force Lieutenant ColonelNorbert J. Walecka, 79, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel who worked as a manager and engineer on intelligence and national defense projects for the CIA and defense contractors, died March 29 at his home in McLean. He had prostate cancer.
Col. Walecka was an Army veteran of World War II, who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1950 and then began his Air Force career.
He did project management and engineering work on space projects, including Project Gemini; the launch vehicle for the Ranger and Mariner missions; and the Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory, a space station program that was canceled before it started.
After his Air Force retirement in 1973, he worked on projects for the CIA, General Research Corp. and TRW, retiring for the last time in 1992 as a senior project engineer.
Norbert Joseph Walecka was a native of Kewaunee, Wis. In 1957, he received master's degrees in aeronautical and instrumentation engineering from the University of Michigan.
He settled in the Washington area in 1966 and was a member of St. Luke Catholic Church in McLean.
Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Elizabeth Ackerman "Betty" Walecka of McLean; five children, Paul Walecka of Newport Coast, Calif., Mark Walecka of Silver Spring, Carla Walecka of Los Angeles and Anne Chase and Mary Boboltz of Herndon; a brother, Leonard Walecka of Lake Bluff, Ill.; a sister, Alice Walecka of Laurel; and eight grandchildren.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up John Hruska, "Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926"
Name: Louis John Hruska
Gender: Male
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date: 21 Jun 1897
Birthplace: Monteplier, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Death Date:
Name Note:
Race: White
Father's Name: John Hruska
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Anna Sleis
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C00316-4
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1302885
Reference ID: item 3 p 395
================ J Hruska, "United States Census, 1940"
Name: Louis J Hruska
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1940
Event Place: Ellisville, Montpelier Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Marital Status: Married
Race (Original): White
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Birth Year (Estimated): 1898
Last Place of Residence: Same House
District: 31-12
Family Number: 266
Sheet Number and Letter: 13B
Line Number: 42
Affiliate Publication Number: T627
Affiliate Film Number: 4489
Digital Folder Number: 005461176
Image Number: 00383
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Louis J Hruska M 42 Wisconsin
Wife Kate Hruska F 39 Wisconsin
Son Robert Hruska M 14 Wisconsin
Daughter Lenard Hruska F 9 Wi
================== J Hruska, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918"
Name: Louis J Hruska
Event Type: Draft Registration
Event Date: 1917-1918
Event Place: Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, United States
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 21 Jun 1897
Birthplace: Montpelier, Wisconsin, United States
Nationality: United States
Affiliate Publication Title: World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards
Affiliate Publication Number: M1509
GS Film number: 1674745
Digital Folder Number: 005251472Medium height and build with gray eyes and black hair
Image Number: 03176
Jerome Wachal Look upKewaunee Star (17 Oct 1962)
Louis J. Hruska Died On Saturday
A wide circle of friends throughout this area were deeply grieved to learn of the death on Saturday of Louis J. Hruska, a very well known town of Franklin farmer and operator of a mink ranch. He had been in failing health for several months past. Mr. Hruska, who was sixty-five years of age, was born in the town of Franklin on 21 June, 1897, a son of the late John and Anna Schleis Hruska, He was reared in a rural environment and on November 21, 1923 he was married to the former Catherine Walecka in a ceremony which took place in St. John's Catholic Church at Krok. In addition to very successfully operating a finr farm, he established a mink ranch some years ago and was equally as successful in its operation. He also served for many years as Tresurer of the High Bluff School District. Surviving are his wife; a son, Robert, on the home farm; a daughter, Mrs. Lester Skubal of Denmark R 2; two brothers, Sylvester of Kewaunee R2 and Andrew of Luxemburg R 2; three sisters, Mrs. Theresa Pelnar and Mrs. Mary Hruska of Green Bay, and Mrs. Milos Walecka of Kewaunee R2; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held this morning (Wednesday) at Denmark. A friendly, personable and genial gentleman, he was held in universal high esteem by a legion of warm friends in the area in which he spent his entire life and his passing brings sincere sorrow to them.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Jerome Wachal Look upKewaunee Enterprise
Heart Attack Fatal To Local Youth
Oswald Walecka, 18-year0old son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Walecka of this city, died suddenly, apparently of heart failure, yesterday noon. The young man, a graduate of Kewaunee High School last June, had apparently been in good health and played basketball with the Municipal League at the school gym Wednesday evening.
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
Title: Jerome Wachal Look up
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