For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Katerina (XIII8) [Female] b. 25 SEP 1806 Smrzovice, Pilzen Kries, Bohemia - d. 20 AUG 1880 Carlton, Kewaunee Co., WI
Update: June 1996NAME:
Catharine Blahnik is listed as the mother of Joseph Pelnar.
Copy of St. Mary's Church, Tisch Mills, Manitowoc, WI in poss of Nancy Janda Nickname Katie.
CONFLICT: Originally had name listed as Katharina Votruba, because Nick Pelnar's biography lists her name this way.BIRTH-DEATH:
Headstone inscription viewed in 1992 by Nancy Janda listed birth as 25-May-1806 and death as 20-AUG-1888, St. Joseph Catholic cemetery, Norman. Cemetery spelling is Katerian.
Visited and pictures taken in July 1994 by Dennis/Nancy Janda.
St Joseph Death Record found in Catholic Diocese, Green Bay WI July 1994 lists Catherine Pelnar, wife of Simon Pelnar, dying 20 August 1888, and buried the 22 August 1888. Copy in poss of Dennis Janda. Much is illegible.
BIRTH: Notes from Archive state that Katharina Blahnikova was born 25.9.1806 ( matrika fary Loucim sv.13, str. 30.)
BIRTH SOURCE: Cemetery inscription, St. Joseph's cemetery, Norman, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
DEATH SOURCE: Cemetery inscription, St. Joseph's Cemetery, Norman, Kewaunee, Wisconsin!CENSUS:
See verification with husband Simon Pelnar.
1860 - 51 years old
1870 - 55 years old
1880 - 72 years oldDEATH: Conflict on death and burial years.Nancy Janda
Title: Nancy Janda
The Pelnar family, as they were known in the US, moved to Norman, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, arriving on the Bark Blucher on October 19 1855 in New York. Simon purchased land on the NW corner of the intersection of Co. J and Norman road, north of St. Joseph's Church. They are buried in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Norman. They arrived here with their 8 children.
Update: June 1996BIRTH - DEATH:
Buried at St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Norman, Carlton Twp., Kewaunee County, WI. Located in the village of Norman. 1/4 mile from the corner of Hy.
G and Norman Road. Tombstones copied in 1976 and listed in book located in Joseph Mann Library, Two Rivers WI. Visited in July 1994 by Dennis/Nancy Janda who took pictures of stone which contains names of parents. Simon/ Nar. 30 Brez. 1803/ Zem. 12 Dubna 1889 (Brez=March, Dubna=April) This matches Nicholas Pelnar's biography in the Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Brown, Kewaunee, and Door Wisconsin (1895).
Gc 977.501 B81co v.2 Ft. Wayne IN - Allen Cty. Library Simon was born in Bohemia, probably in Pilsen County.
!BIRTH: Archive from Plzen notes; Simon Pelnar born 30.3.1803, ale. 30.3.1805 (matrika fary Kdyne sv. 8, fol. 162)MARRIAGE:
Conflict: In Nick Pelnar's biography above, it lists his parents' marriage as occuring in 1835. I think it should have been earlier. Maybe abt 1829. The oldest child is listed as 25 years old. See below.
Another conflict is the maiden name of Cathrine/Katharina/Katerian/Katie/ Catharine. Nicholas in his biography lists his mother's name as Votruba. Joseph in the marriage listing from St. Mary's church, Tisch Mills WI, lists his mother's maiden name as Blahnik.
Herb and Joyce Pelnar, 8508 Town Hall Rd. NW., Byron, MN 55920 - Met them at the Czech Genealogy convention in Green Bay WI in October 1994. They sent us more information verifying much of what I already had and also verifying dates of marriages of Simon and Katharina but also of her parents. I have a copy of the ARCHIV V PLZNI research in Czech and the translation in my possession as of November 1994, but didn't work on getting it into the computer until June of 1996. (I basically have more research given to me than I have time to do right now.) See note below on Marriage record.
Marriage Record: Catholic: fary Loucim sv. 19, str. 89:
Date: 15 November 1825
Address of the bridegroom: Premirschen Number 8 (=Brnirov)
Address of the bride: Smrzowitz Noumber 16 (=Smrzovice)
Bridegroom: Simon Pelnarsch, farmer in Premirschen, son of the still living Joseph Pelnarsch, farmer from Hluboken (=Hluboka), and his deceased wife Margaretha (maiden name Wotruba), from Premirschen.
Age, position: 20 years, Unmarried
Bride: Katharina, daughter of the still living Martin Blahnik, farmer from Smrzowitz, and his deceased wife Katharina (maiden name Wotruba or Otruba) also from Smrzowitz.
Age, position: 17 years, Unmarried!MMIGRATION:
Pelnarch (Pelnar) - Simon 51, Cathrine 48, Cathrine 25, Theresia 21, Anna 23, Nicolaus 13, Joseph 11, Wenzel 7, Franz 5, Bohemia; BLUCHER, 19 October 1855; Wisconsin. Found in Czech Immigration Passenger Lists, Volume IV, by Leo Baca, Copyright 1991. Gc 929.1437 1312c v.4. page 109 New York Passenger Lists 1847-1869. Passenger Lists of Vessels arriving at NY 1820-97, Sep 25-Oct 25, 1855, Roll 157. Pelnar's left from Bremen, Germany on the (bark) Blucher. Line #102 lists Simon as a farmer and family continues to line #110.
Also listed on the boat and going to Wisconsin were Maria Pelnarch, 17, single on line 120 and below her was Friedrich Christian, 25, also going to Wisconsin. I am making an assumption that Maria Pelnarch, 17 was also their daughter but that she might have been planning to marry Friedrich Christian. (It never seemed to have happened though.)
(There is also a Mary living with Simon and Katharina in 1860).LAND:
Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin Historical Society located on the Kewaunee Co. Courthouse Lawn. (It used to be the old jail.)
On the second floor hallway is a map of Carlton (1837-1856) Carlton Sec. #17 was originally owned by Simon Pelwasch #80, 4/3/1856. In another room, 1876 map listed the property as split with Joseph and Wenzel each owning half of the original property. Nick lived in Sec. #16 where the cemetery is now located and where the original church used to be located. Nick donated the property.
By 1903 Nick Pelnar's property had the church and cemetery around it on Sec. #16. Wenzel still lived in #17. and Joseph had sold his property to Riha. By 1869 Syman Pelnar and Katherina Pelnar his wife had made an agreement with their sons, Nicolas, Frank, Wenzel and Joseph. The agreement was however signed only by Nicolas, Joseph, and Wencel Pelnar. AGREEMENT: It is hereby agreed between Nicolas Pelnar, Joseph Pelnar and Wenzel Pelnar parties of the first part and Simon Pelnar and Catherina Pelnar parties of the second part as follows to wit: be here as the parties of the first part are hereby bound to pay the party of the second part the sum of Fifty Dollars a year each one in provision according to certain Bonds this day made and entered into know therefore we each agree to let the paty of the second part for payment of the Fifty Dollars have Two barrels of Wheat Flour each one Barrel of Rye Flour each Ten Bushels of Potatoes each half Ton of Hay each Two Cords of Wood each 20 heads of Cabbage each which shall be considered as payment for the Fifty Dollars for which each of the said parties of the first part are to pay to the second part and it is agreed by the parties that the Cattle of the party of the second part shall run with the Cattle of the parties of the first part and be well treated, and cared for by the said parties of the first part, and the said party of the second part is to occupy the House he now Lives in, until his New House is completed, and the said parties of the first part agree to put a Fence around the Land Leased by him as his Garden and keep the same in good repair and it is further agreed by the parties that in case of sickness of the parties of the second part, the parties of the first part are Bound to take care of them their Cattle, Hays & Stock as they would their own. Received and registered at the courthouse at 2:00pm Aug. 24, 1869.
Information found in a book of Deeds, p. 292-293.CENSUS:
1860 - Hand copy of 1860 Census, page 125, Carlton, Kewaunee Co., Wisconsin, on 03-August-1860 lists the family of Simon Belmorz, lines 35-40. Simon Belmorz, 54, M, Farmer, real estate - $1200, Personal Property - $300; Catharine, 51, F; Mary, 19, F; Jos., 15, M; Winzel, 13, M; Frank, 10, M.
Copy located in Kewaunee Co. Historical Society and copied in July 1994.
1870 - Print p. 368; page # 9, enumerated 18 & 19 Aug 1870, Carlton, Kewaunee, WI. Lines 30-31 Simon, 60, M, farmer, real estate - $200, personal property - $140; Catherina, 55, F. He is enumerated on the same page as his 4 sons, Nicholas, Joseph, Frank and Wenzel.
1880 - Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin. ED49 June 10, 1880, Page 13, Line 21 and 22 (Dwelling 118, Family 121.) Simon age 75, Katharina 72 (notice age difference from 1870) They said they emmigrated in 1854, but that does not match with ship records. They had 9 children, and all were alive but 1 son in 1895. They are the only Pelnars in Carlton. Probably had daughters before Nicholas, eldest son. Intention to naturalize was filed on Nov. 1. Biography of Nick Pelnar said they emigrated in 1855. This now has been confirmed.DEATH:
Index of Announcements from 1859-1920, Kewaunee Enterprise, compiled by Judy Srnka, 1993, lists Simon, of & died at Carlton/ died April 12/ age 84 yrs./ leaves 3 sons & 5 girls/ wife died 8 months ago/ April 19, 1889. Obituary: DIED.--Simon Pelnar, an aged and well known farmer of the town of Carlton, died at the home of his son Wenzel Pelnar, in that town last Friday morning, at the ripe old age of 84 years. Deceased leaves three sons and five daughters, his wife preceding him to the grave about eight months ago.
The funeral took place on Sunday forenoon and was very largely attended.
St. Joseph's Church death record found in Green Bay WI at Catholic Diocese in July 1994 lists Simon Pelar, 84 years, died April 12 1889, buried April 14. Copy in poss of Dennis Janda.
DEATH SOURCE: Visit to cemetery, July 1994. Kewaunee Enterprise newspaper article listing
BURIAL: Buried in St. Joseph Cemetery, Norman, Carlton, Kewaunee, WI Their stone is still in the cemetery. Simon is on one side and his wife is on another side.NOTES FROM HERB PELNAR:
Simon was married 15 Nov. 1825 at age 20. He was presently living at Brnirov, Bohemia in house #8, his occupation given as farmer. This was the farm he was born on and the record shows that his father was now farming in Hluboken (Hluboka), which is a very pretty little village nearby. His mother, Margaretha, was dead at this time.
Katharina Blahnik, his bride, was the daughter of Martin Blahnik and the deceased Katharina Wotruba, of #16 Smrzowitz (Smrzovice). The marriage record gives Katharina's age as 17, but her brith record states she was born on the 25th of September, 1806, which would make her 19. (Marriage record Roman Catholic Loucim parish sv. 19, str.89) Simon and Katharina had nine children that we know of. Their whole family immigrated to the USA in 1855 and settled immediately in Carlton township, Kewaunee, Wisconsin. Their oldest daughter Dorothea was married to Joseph Prausa, and they came on the same ship. Ship's passenger list, Madison WI #P45748-49
Ship - Clark Blucher
Master - Aug. Klapper
Left - Port of Bremen Germany
Arrrived - New York Port
Date of Arrival - October 19, 1855
Simon purchased land (now the NW corner of the intersection of Co. J and Norman road, north of St. Joseph's church) and started faming. The first Bohemian families arrived in Carlton in 1853, so the Pelnar family probably settled among friends, maybe even family. They would have belonged to St. mary's parish in Michicot, according the HISTORY OF CATHOLIC PARISHES, because erection of a small church in what is now Norman didn't begin until 1864, on land that was donated by Nick Pelnar, Joe Stangl, and John Riha. There were about 50 Bohemians and 10 German families that undertook the building. Rev. J. Mally was the first Catholic priest to visit the new congregation on Oct. 17, 1869. The Pelnar's seemed to be very active in the community.Nancy Janda
Title: Birth Record Catholic Fary Kdyne
Birth Record Catholic Fary Kdyne sv. 5, str. 48 Date 22 June 1780
Location: Brnirzen House number 13 (=Brnirov)
Infant: Josephus
Parents: Pelnarz Joannes, country person, and his wife Madgalena, subject of Kautenses (=Kout)Note that on the birth record Joseph's father is names Joannes, and o his marriage record it is Joseph. Per Joyce Pelnar she indicates she uses Joseph on her records.MARRIAGE record Catholic fary Kdyne sv 7, fol. 154 Date 23 November 1802
Address of bridegroom: Bremirschen, House number 8 (=Brnirov)
Address of Bride: Bremirschen, House number 13Bridgegroom: Joseph Pelnarsh, son of Joseph (!) Pelnarsh, farmer of the region and mother MadgalenaAge, psoiton: 20 years old, singleBeide: Margareth, widow of Martin Pruker, farmer of the area
Age and positon: 30 years old, widowIn notes from Joyce Pelnar (sent by Vladimir Bystricky in Pilzen) he notes:
I question this record, would a 22 year old man marry a 37 year old woman? According to the birth records of Jospeh (1780) and Margareth (1765). Althought the marriage gives their ages as 20 and 30.
Title: Birth Record Catholic Fary Kdyne
Birth Record (Baptismal) Catholic fary Kdyne sv 4, fol 144
Place: Brirozow (=Brnirov)
Baptised; (fuit means slave or subject) Margaretha legitimate daughter of georgii Wotruba and Annae, parents anr supjects, she was born on the 3rd.Notes from Vladimire Bystricky, researcher in Czech:
Margaretha married Martin Prukner, After being widowed she married Joseph Pelnar (Pelnarsch, Pelnarsh). She was quite a bit older than he was. According to the marriage records there was 10 years difference, as his age is given as 20, her's as 30. But according to their birth records it would have been 15 years difference, as he was born in 1780 and Margaretha in 1765, He would have been 22 and she 37. This is possible as the village was small and spouses were not that easy to find. It is also possible that somewhere along the line of entering and desiphering records a mistake was made.
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
FYI Mary's Grandparents were Joseph Blahnik/Katherine.
Great Grandparents were John Blahnik/Mary TriskaGreen Bay Press Gazette Obit
Laurent, Mary Jo
Mary Jo Laurent, 54, 1627 Birch St., Algoma died Sunday Feb. 17, 2002, at home with her family at her side. She was born April 29, 1947, in Algoma. to Anthony J. and Lois (Zastrow) Blahnik. She married Anthony J. Laurent Feb. 10, 1968 in Algoma.She is survived by her husband, Anthony; their children, Trish (Scott) Behnke, and their sons, Mitchell and Brock, Casco; Shane (Sherry) Laurent, and their sons, Austin and Noah Amarillo, Texas; Natasha Laurent and special friend, Patrick Casey, Algoma; mother, Lois Blahnik, Algoma; Caregiver and special friend, Ena; four sisters, Sandra Blahnik, Algoma; Kay (Ace) Schmidt, Toni (Randy) Massart, and Becky (Rick) Zajac, all of Forestville; two brothers, Tom Blahnik and Joe (DeDe) Blahnik all of Algoma; brothers and sisters-in-law, Rose Laurent, Luxemburg; LaVerne Capelle, Green Bay; Carol (Joe) Strnad, Casco; Gloria Thompson and special friend, Jim Vandertie, Algoma; Gabe and Diane Laurent, Casco; Joe (Judy) Wiese, Algoma; Dennis Laurent, Casco; many nieces and nephews.She was preceded in death by her father, Anthony J. Blahnik; brothers and sisters-in-law, Walter Laurent, Don Capelle, Lucille Ann Laurent and Jeanne Wiese.Friends may call at the SCHINDERLE FUNERAL HOME, Algoma from 3 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2002, with the service to follow at 8 p.m. Burial in the Evergreen Cemetery the next day.We would like to give special recognition to the WL-Group for their enduring support during this most difficult time of our life. Thank-you to Unity Hospice and those special caregivers, who we will always hold close to our heart.
Title: mother's obituary
Title: mother's obituary
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: Wenzel Blahnik
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Richard J. Zajac, 60, Green Bay, went home to be with his heavenly Father, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008, after a brief illness. He was surrounded by his family.Rick was born Feb. 8, 1948, in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., the son of Betty (Schroeder) Whipple and the late Roy Whipple.He was united in marriage on Jan. 22, 1977, to Rebecca Blahnik in Maplewood, Wis.Rick graduated from Sturgeon Bay High School in 1966. His love of the water led him to a career in the merchant marine. Rick obtained his first class maritime pilots license in 1971 and sailed the Great Lakes until 1974. He loved to tell stories about sailing on the Edmund Fitzgerald.Rick was very proud of his country and served in the U.S. Army from 1968 to 1970 including a 10 month tour of duty as a medic in Vietnam. He was employed by Palmer Johnson, Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. for 22 years. Most recently, he worked as an environmental services team leader at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay, Wis.Rick's proudest achievement was being married to the love of his life for 31 years, and the two children they raised. He was so grateful that God allowed him to meet his first grandchild on Aug. 21st of this year.Rick loved connecting with people and was blessed with the ability to touch and mentor everyone who knew him. He lovingly cared for the sick and elderly in his family. Rick was an avid sports fan and his favorite team was the University of Dubuque Spartan football team. This is the team his son coaches.Survivors include his wife, Rebecca, Green Bay; two children, Travis (Shannon) Zajac, Dubuque, Iowa; Briana (fiance, Patrick Cleary) Zajac, Monroe, Wis.; one granddaughter, Lauren Zajac; mother, Betty Whipple, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; five siblings, Jeff Whipple and Phillip Whipple, both of Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; Celeste (Bill) Withers, Iron River, Wis.; Rebecca (Scott) Haines and Rachelle (Richard) Olson, both of Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; three sisters in-law, Sandra Blahnik, New Franken, Wis.; Kay (Ace) Schmidt and Toni (Randy) Massart, both of Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; two brothers-in-law, Tom Blahnik and Joe Blahnik both of Algoma, Wis.Preceding him in death were his father, Roy Whipple; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Anthony and Lois Blahnik; grandparents, Clarence and Celeste Schroeder; brother and sister-in-law, Anthony and Mary Jo Laurent.Visitation at MALCORE (East) Funeral Home, University Ave. at Baird Street, Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday's visitation will continue at Celebration Church (Bayside Campus), 3475 Humboldt Road, from 10 a.m. until the time of the funeral at 11 a.m. with Pastor Garry Pierce officiating. Full Military Honors to follow. Following Rick's funeral services he will be cremated and his ashes will be scattered on the waters he loved so much. Visit to send an online condolence to the family.The family would like to thank all of our friends that have lifted us up in prayer during this difficult time. They would also like to thank Green Bay Oncology and Unity Hospice for their skill and compassion during Rick's illness. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been established at the funeral home in Rick's name for Unity Hospice and the Freedom House.
Died of Multiple Sclerosis. Many different spellings of this name, including Yagel, Jagle, Jagel.
Dorothea's grandson, Robert Prausa of Milwaukee supplied bapt. and marriage records for her, which led to finding the information we got from Bohemia. Bap. record book 5, Fol 31: It is certified that Dorothea daughter of Simon Polnarsch, a farmer (peasant) in Breninshen # 8 and Katharina, from? of? Catholic, Born on the 28 of Aug, was baptised by Ignaz Schuster, Deacon in the presents of the sponsors Dorothea Chalup of Braunbush and her husband Nikolaus This record was made out by the Deaconate of Neugudein on the 21 of May 1855.More About DOROTHEA PELNAR:
Baptism: August 28, 1827, Brnirov, Pilzen Kries, BohemiaNancy Janda
Informant: A.C. Svoboda, Parents Simon Pelnar and Katherine Blahnik.Nancy Janda
Tikalsky records!BURIAL: Died 23 April 1919, Terezia Dohler, Catholic, child of Venceslai (probably an error)Pelnar & wife of John Dohler, about 82 years old, lived in Montpelier, Kewaunee Col., buried 26 April 1919 in Laurentium Cemetery, Stangleville, Wis. frrom Latin chruch records Diocesis Green Bay, Wis. Stangleville, Kewaunee Co., Wis. ChurchCopy of death record from Catholic church in Stangelville in possession of Betty Lou and Donald Tikalsky, Waukesha WI. Also available in Green Bay Wisconsin Diocese Records. Year 1919 page 49More About THERESIA PELNAR:
Burial: April 26, 1919, Stangelville, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
Christening: Stangelville, Kewaunee Co., WisconsinNancy Janda
Update: August 1994
!CENSUS: (P456)
1860 - He is not listed with parents; could possibly be working or going to school. He was a teacher for awhile.
1870 - Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, page 9, Print p. 368, lines 18-20. Nicholas, 27, M, Farmer, real estate - $1000, personal property - $612; Anna, 20, F, wife; Emilia, 8/12, born in Wisconsin. Parents were born in Bohemia. Emilia might have been born in January.
1880 - Volume 14, ED49, Sheet 11, Line 20 (June 9, 1880) Dwelling #100 Family #103 (In addition to family had Frank Ruzek a 24 yr old laborer from Bohemia living with them.)
1900 - Vol 32 ED54, Sheet 13, Line 18 lists Nickolas Pelnar, Dec 1844, 55 yrs, Bohemia, NR, Carlton, Kewaunee Wisconsin; Anna Pelnar, April 1853, 47, Bohemia NR, Pauline, daughter, Feb 1883, 17, Wisconsin.
1920 - Vol 32 ED94, Sheet 3, Line 71 lists Nick Pelnar, 76, who came from Austria in 1855, N, living in Kewaunee Co, WI; wife Anna, 68, from Austria, NR.
(Nick and Anna lived across the street from the parish.
Index shows marriage recorded in Volume A(2) p. 5 Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin.
Eldest son; name spelled Nicholas, Nickolas. Nick and Joseph lived next door to each other.
Info about Nikolas of Norman listing his daughters which live in Chicago in Algoma Newspaper, Kewaunee, Sept. 9, 1904 (not checked as of August 1994) !DEATH - BURIAL:
Obituary from Kewaunee Enterprise, December 17, 1926, Front page.
Visit to St Joseph's Cemetery, and picture of stone. Both 1994.
MARR PLACE: Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin!BIRTH: Conflict: Herb Pelnar has Nick's birth date as December 1840.Marr. Wit. Joseph Langer and Joseph Prausa. Married by Justice of the Peace John Mc Nally. 1870 census Nick was farming, 1880 he was in retail liquor sales, 1900 he was back to farming. 1920 census - he's retired, age given 76, born Austria, Mother-tongue Bohemian. Immigrated in 1855, NA, owned/free his property. Farm #60. According to Tikalsky Nick built a cheese factory in Carlton on 15th Nov. 1878. He was also a Justice of the Peace, and owned a Grist Mill on 31 Dec. 1880, App. Postmaster in April 1876.More About NICHOLAS PELNAR:
Burial: December 17, 1926, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.Nancy Janda
United States Census, 1880, : Nick Pelnar
event: Census
event date: 1880
event place: Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, United States
gender: Male
age: 38
marital status : Married
occupation : Retail Liqor
race or color (original) :
ethnicity (standardized) : American
relationship to head : Self
birthplace : Czechoslovakia
birthdate : 1842
spouse's name : Anna Pelnar
spouse's birthplace : Czechoslovakia
father's name :
father's birthplace : Czechoslovakia
mother's name :
mother's birthplace : Czechoslovakia
page : 179
page character : C
entry number : 2899
nara film number : T9-1431
gs film number : 1255431
digital folder number: 004244754
image number: 00552
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Nick Pelnar M 38 Czechoslovakia
wife Anna Pelnar F 28 Czechoslovakia
daughter Emilia Pelnar F 9 Wisconsin, United States
daughter Julia Pelnar F 7 Wisconsin, United States
daughter Barbora Pelnar F 4 Wisconsin, United States
daughter Anny Pelnar F 3 Wisconsin, United States
daughter Franciska Pelnar F 1 Wisconsin, United States
other Frank Ruzek M 24 Czechoslovakia
"Wisconsin, State Census, 1895," Nick Pelnar, Carlton Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
name: Nick Pelnar
residence: Carlton Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
number of white males:
number of white females:
number of black males:
number of black females:
country of birth:
rank: Private
state or vessel: Wisconsin
age (militia):
estimated birth year (militia):
marital status (militia):
form type: Soldiers and Sailors
line number: 4
film number: 1032716
digital folder number: 4245097
image number: 00048
"Wisconsin, State Census, 1885," Nick Pelnar, Carlton Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
name: Nick Pelnar
residence: Carlton Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
number of white males:
number of white females:
number of black males:
number of black females:
country of birth:
rank: Private 14
company: H
regiment: 24th
state or vessel:
form type: Soldiers and Sailors
line number: 2
film number: 1032704
digital folder number: 4245055
image number: 00242
Wisconsin, State Census, 1875
name: Nick Pelnar
residence: Carlton Town, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
number of white males: 2
number of white females: 4
number of black males:
number of black females:
line number: 65
film number: 1032692
digital folder number: 4245043
image number: 00067
1 or 7 November 1864 in Matrimony joined Joseph Pelnar natural (means natural son) 20 years of Simon Pelnar and Catharine Blahnik (maiden name) who was born in ------- (Bohemia, Pilsen Co.) and now living in Carlton, Kewaunee County Maria Holub 20 years, natural daughter of Martin Holub and Josephine Holub who was born in Woleschna (Bohemia, Co. of Pilsen) now living in Carlton, Kew, (and the last part is unreadable. Maly, Joseph, Pastor. Translation of St. Mary's Church or Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tisch Mills, WI (Manitowoc Co.) Copy of document in translation in poss of Nancy Janda Warsaw In 1994.
Manitowoc County, Manitowoc, WI 54220 Marriage record filed August 10, 1865 Volume 3 of Marriages on Page 3
Husband, Joseph Pelnair whose father is Simon Pelnair and mother is Catharine Pelnair. Occupation of husband is Farmer, who resides in Karlstown, Kewaunee Co. and born in Rinizan, Bohemia.
Wife, Mary Holub whose father is Martin Holub and mother is Josephine Holub. Married on the 1 day of November 1864 in Mishicott T., Bohemian Church, Manit. Co. by the Catholic Ceremony by Joseph Maly Cath. Priest who lives in Kossuth Town. Copy of document in poss of Nancy Janda, Warsaw IN, July 1994.!CENSUS: P456
1860 - enumerated in August 1860, 15 years old living with parents.
Living in Carlton, Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin. Page 125 of Census.
1870 - enumerated in August 1870. Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, page 9, print p. 368, lines 21-24. Joseph Pelnar, 25, M, Farmer, real estate - $1000, personal property - $576, Born in Bohemia; Mary 24, F, wife, born in Bohemia; Frank, 4, born in Wisconsin; Wenzel, 4/12, born in Wisconsin.
1880 - 36 years old. Vol. 14, Ed49, Sheet 11, Line 20 (June 9, 1880) Dwelling #99, Family #102, Occupation Retail Liquor !COMMENT: Nick and Joseph lived next door to each other and both ran a retail liquor (probably together).BIOGRAPHY: Information from Herb Pelnar Byron MN - Jan 1995: When Joseph died he left his business, wife and two children, Frank, age 16 and Wenzel, age 11.
His estate was administered by John Schlice, a cousin to the boys. It was interesting because the value of assets and debits were itemized. Example: The land was valued at $900. 3 cows selected by widow, $75: 3 Calves, 1 one year old and 2 two years old, $40; 2 horses $55 each, 2 horses $55 total, 2 hogs $10, 1 buckboard, 1 bobsled, 1 cutter, $10 each; 1 seeder $10, 1 reaper $40, 1 plow $2, 2 stoves $4, 3 bedsteads $2, 1 sewing machine $15, 1 wardrobe $3, 1 cupboard $1, 2 clocks $2, 2 tables $7.50, 4 chairs $.40, 1 watch $3, 1 sink $3, 1 looking glass $.75 etc. The bills outstanding for the tavern were also listed, (cigars sold for 1, 2, or 3 cents each, depending on quality.) Mr. Schlice handled all the bill paying and took over guardianship for the boys. Mary, the mother was considered incompetent because of alcohol addiction and Martin Holub, her father, was appointed her guardian on 5 June 1883.
As each boy became 21 they were given their share of the remainder of the estate and wrote a letter to the court signing off to any further claim. Mr. Schlice was paid by 1/3rd of the crops the first year, and presumably in cash the other years. He turned in an itemized list for the boys living expenses, a school coat $2, so much for food, so much spending money, etc. each year before that. When Wenzel was 21 he was living in Menomenee, Mich. and received $570.36, his final share of the estate. This then was the last entry to the probate file #211.In 1870 Joseph and Mary were farming according to the census, in 1880 he was in retail liquor.Nancy Janda
Update: August 1994
1860 - Enumerated with parents, age 13.
1870 - Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, page 9, print page 368, lines 28-29. Wenzel Pelnar, 22, M, Farmer, real estate - $1000, personal property - $382, born in Bohemia; Mary, 22, F, wife, born in Bohemia.
1880 - ED 49, page 13, June 10, 1880, Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, Dwelling 114, Family 120, Lines #16-20. Had a Mary Mach, F, 19, living with them as a servant, born in Bohemia.
1900 - Vol 32 ED 54, Sheet 13, Line 9 lists Wenzel Pelnar, born May 1847, 53 years, Bohemia, Naturalized citizen, Kewaunee, Carlton, Wis; Mary, wife, May 1852, 48, Bohemia, NR; Rose, daughter, Feb 1886, 14, Wis; Antonia, D, June 1888, 11, Wis; Louis, S, Mar 1891, 9, Wis.
1920 - Vol 32 ED 94, Sheet 3, Line 78 lists Wenzel Pelnar, 74, Austria, Kewaunee, Citizenship 1855, N, enumerated with Louis Pelnar relationship Father; Mary Pelnar, line 79, 68 years, Austria, Kewaunee, Mother of Louis, Citizenship 1856 - NR; Louis Pelnar, Line 77, 27 years, Wisconsin, Kewaunee. !DEATH - BURIAL:
Kewaunee WI Co. Courthouse Index #5-489: Wenzel Pelnar, died at Carlton, age 74, born in Bohemia, informant Louis Pelnar, date of death Dec. 30, 1920, cause was cerebral hemorrhage, burial at St. Joseph Cemetery.
St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Norman, WI, indexed in 1976 lists Father/ Wenzel/ 1846-1920, next to; Mother/ Mary/ 1846-1884/ next to; Mother/ Mary/ 1850-1929; next to Father/ Louis/ 1890-1944.!BIRTH: Conflict: Herb Pelnar thinks date is about 1846Wenzel was married twice, both times his wife was named Mary. Mary (Bufka?) was his age or a year younger, she died Nov. 5, 1884. The second time he married Mary Stangle, in July 1885. Marr. Wit. were Joseph Sangar and Thomas Cirvany. 1920 census - Wenzel/74 & Mary/68 were living with son Louis/22 (Head) they were retired. Wenzel imm. 1855, Mary 1856, both born in Austria, as were their parents. Farm # 62Nancy Janda
Update: August 1994
Probably is Frank born 3 Pros (June or Dec) 1849 and Died 12 Zari 1916 and Buried in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Norman WI. Herb Pelnar: Czech records for birth and Vol. 4-47 for death.
A Francis Pelnar married Catharine Rutka on 28-Sept-1869. Records from Vol A. No. 2, p. 8, #0370 Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin. He and Katherine were married by Father Joseph Mally, winesses were Nic Pelnar and Joseph Prance ( Prausa ?) !CENSUS:
1860 - Enumerated with parents; age 10.
1870 - Carlton, Kewaunee WI p. 9 print p. 368, lines 25 through 27 list Frank, Farmer, 20; Catherine, wife, 18; Wenzel born in July 1870. Frank's 3 brothers and father are enumerated on the same page. I think Catherine's parents are also on the page because there is a Mathias Rutka, shoemaker, 41, and his wife Barbora, 35, plus two other daughters, Barbora and Josephine, listed on lines 32 through 35. Frank is worth $200 in real estate and $140 personal property 1880 - ED49 June 11, 1880 Carlton, Kewaunee, WI page 14 Dwelling 135 Family 138 Frank can't read or write. Frank, 29, Farmer; Katharina, 27, Keeping House; Wenzl, 9; Mary, 7; Emilia, 4; Frank, 3.
1900 - Vol 32 ED 54 Sheet 11 Line 1 Carlton, Kewaunee, WI - Frank Pelnar, Oct 1848, 51, Bohemia, NR; Catherine, Sept 1849, 50, Bohemia NR; Emil, Son, Mar 1892, 8, Wisconsin.
1920- Lists Katie Pelnar, 69 in Vol 32 ED 93, Sheet 2, Line 87, born in Vienna Austria, Citizenship 1867 NA 1872, Kewaunee, enumerated with son Emil Pelnar who was 28 born in Wisconsin and had a wife Hattie, 19. ( I think her name is Hedwig and they are buried in St Peter's Church Cem, Carlton, Kewaunee, WI located in the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 2 Established around 1864. Pelnar Emil/ 1891-1955 ossw; Hedwig/1900- . Indexed in 1976.
SS Index lists Hedwig Pelnar 13 Jun 1900 - Nov 1983 SS# 394-42-1164 DEATH: Kewaunee Co. Courthouse Wisconsin, Index #4-47: Frank Pelnar, died in Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co., age 68 years 7 months, Farmer, born in Bohemia, informant Emil Pelnar, date of death Sept 12, 1916, cause Lymphosarcoma, buried in St. Joseph Cemetery, Norman.
Obituary in Kewaunee Enterprise on Sept 15, 1916: FRANK PELNAR SR. - Carlton Resident Passed Away at Age of 67 Years. - Wednesday at midnight occurred the death of Frank Pelnar, Sr. at his home in Carlton at the age of 67 years. Mr. Pelnar was born in Bohemia and came to this country when a small boy with his parents who settled on a farm in Carlton and where the decedent continually made his home. Surviving him is his aged widow and six children, four sons and two daughters, namely: Wenzel, Frank and Emil of Carlton and Joseph of Miladore, and Mrs. Stephen Sweikar of Carlton and Mrs. John Frederickson of Escanaba, Mich. The funeral will take place this (Friday) morning at 10:30 o'clock from the Catholic Church at Norman.
BIOGRAPHY: He told his grandchildren he lost his hat to the wind when disembarking in New York harbor. He was 5 years old.BIOGRAPHY: Immigration - Frank immigrated Oct. 19, 1855 with his family. He was five years old (Ship's record). He told his grandchildren he lost his hat to the wind when disembarking in New York Harbor.
Story about Frank in Wisconsin - Marie remembers a tale of a bear hunt that started when Mr. Wishka had been visiting Frank and Katherine's home. As he returned home at dusk, he through he saw his ox laying in the field, and kicked it to get it up and on it's way home. To his surprise it was a huge bear! He ran all the way back to the Pelnar's, collapsing on the floor from lack of air, and told his story.
The next morning the men hunted and found the bear. "There was a piece of his hide nailed to our outdoor toilet as a door pull," says Marie.Frank Immigrated Oct. 19, 1855 with his family. He was five years old (Ship's record). He told his grandchildren he lost his hat to the wind when disembarking in New York harbor. He and Katherine were married by Father Joseph Molly, witnesses were Nic Pelnar and Joseph Prance.More About FRANCIS PELNAR:
Burial: September 15, 1916, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Identifier Number: CatholicNancy Janda
Per his obituary (Jan. 5, 1912, in The Kewaunee Enterprise), Josef diedat the home of his son, Charles N. Prausa of Spruce, Wisconsin.As supplied by Kristi Fogtman, the 1900 Census of Kewaunee County,Wisconsin, Carlton Ward, Reel 1794, sheets 14 A & 14B, line 47 showsCharles N. Prausa and Emma Tisher Prausa with their one month old son,George (shown on headstone as Jiricek), and other children. Also livingwith Charles and Emma are his parents, Joseph and Dora Prausa.Interestingly enough, the entry for Dora indicates she had 9 children,with only 7 living. Obviously, we have no data on the two deceasedchildren.That same 1900 census shows that they immigrated in 1855, which we havevalidated, and that both Joseph and Dora's parents were born inBohemia. According to the 1900 census, neither Joe or Dora werenaturalized.Marr. Cert.-Published-Pilsner Kreis(city,county,province),Touser Bizirk(county ). The Deconete herewith certifiees from its book that Josef Pronsa son of George Pronsa, residing in Braumbush #12 (lived at this address), Catholic, 56 yrs. old---Dorothea daughter of Simon Polnarsch, peasant, or farmer, Catho- unmarried, 17 years of age, on 18 Nov. 1844, at Local church of St. Nicolai, they were married by Franz Haas, Chaplin at the time, in the presense of Wit. (copy owned by Robert Prousa of Milwaukee)More About JOSEF PRAUSA:
Baptism: January 07, 1823, Bezirk, Pilsner Kries, Bohemia
Baptisms/Relig.: Catholic
Burial: December 29, 1911, Pine Hill Cemetery, Spruce, Wisconsin
Cause of Death: hip injury due to a fall 2 yrs ago and senil debility
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Occupation: FarmerNancy Janda
Per his obituary (Jan. 5, 1912, in The Kewaunee Enterprise), Josef diedat the home of his son, Charles N. Prausa of Spruce, Wisconsin.As supplied by Kristi Fogtman, the 1900 Census of Kewaunee County,Wisconsin, Carlton Ward, Reel 1794, sheets 14 A & 14B, line 47 shows Charles N. Prausa and Emma Tisher Prausa with their one month old son,George (shown on headstone as Jiricek), and other children. Also living with Charles and Emma are his parents, Joseph and Dora Prausa. Interestingly enough, the entry for Dora indicates she had 9 children,with only 7 living. Obviously, we have no data on the two deceased children.That same 1900 census shows that they immigrated in 1855, which we have validated, and that both Joseph and Dora's parents were born in Bohemia. According to the 1900 census, neither Joe or Dora were naturalized.Marr. Cert.-Published-Pilsner Kreis(city,county,province),Touser Bizirk(county ). The Deconete here with certifies from its book that Josef Pronsa son of George Pronsa, residing in Braumbush #12 (lived at this address), Catholic, 56 yrs. old---Dorothea daughter of Simon Polnarsch, peasant, or farmer, Catho- unmarried, 17 years of age, on 18 Nov. 1844, at Local church of St. Nicolai, they were married by Franz Haas, Chaplin at the time, in the presense of Wit. (copy owned by Robert Prousa of Milwaukee)More About JOSEF PRAUSA:
Baptism: January 07, 1823, Bezirk, Pilsner Kries, Bohemia
Baptisms/Relig.: Catholic
Burial: December 29, 1911, Pine Hill Cemetery, Spruce, Wisconsin
Cause of Death: hip injury due to a fall 2 yrs ago and senil debility
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Occupation: Farmer
Bapt. Sp. Joseph and Anna Langer. Marr. Wit. Joseph Wenzel and Lucy Knopmuller. Carlton Township- 1920 census - Lawrence/head/owns free/ age 44/marr./born Wis. Father Ger.-Ger. Mother Ausria-Bohemian/general farming. Josephine/wife/44/born Wis/parents-Austria Bohemian. Son Elmer/22/single/Wis/ farm laborer.More About LAWRENCE YAGEL:
Baptism: April 10, 1875, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.
Burial: February 22, 1949, Carlton twp. Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin
Christening: Carlton twp. Kewaunee Co. WisconsinNancy Janda
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