For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Pelnar Nicholas [Male] b. 21 JAN 1890 Wisconsin
Wisconsin, State Census, 1895 Kewaunee Kewaunee county
3 males, 4 females - 4 USA and 3 other countries
!DEATH: Oconto County Court House: Oconto WI; Index - Frank Pelnar August 6, 1911; Volume 6, page 53. Visited by N. Janda, Warsaw IN on 7-26-94.DEATH: Death Record: Frank Pelnar, male, white; Born March 1866; Died Aug 6, 1911; Age 45 yrs 4 mos
Accidental Drowning
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Parents: Joseph Pelnar, born in Bohemia & Mary Holub, born in Bohemia Occupation: Laborer
Death information given by James Pelnar of Menominee, Michigan Burial in Spruce Cemetery on August 8, 1911
Undertaker: F. Klimush (?) Lena, Wis.
Place of death: County of Oconto, Township of Spruce Courthouse record == Obituary- Kewaunee Enterprise Index 1859-1920; Obit announcements 1911 Copy of obit from paper in poss of N Janda, Warsaw IN FRANK PELNAR DROWNED Former Resident Accidently Drowned In Westcott Lake.
Frank Pelnar, a former resident of Carlton was accidently drowned in Westcott Lake near Spruce on Saturday last. Just how the accident happened is not known, but it is thought that he accidently fell out from a boat in which he was fishing alone, as the craft was found right side up and free from water.
But ten minutes had elapsed between the time he was last seen and the noticing of the empty boat. His son John almost lost his life in trying to recover the body by diving.
Frank Pelnar was born in the Town of Carlton in Kewaunee county in 1865 where he grew to manhood. In the fall of 1890 he was married to Sophie Hlawacek, also of the Town of Carlton, and to this union were born seven children. In 1893 the Pelnar's moved to Spruce where they have since resided.
Both his parents are dead and he had but one brother, James, who is engaged in the grocery business in Menominee.BIOGRAPHY: PELNAR Soundex P456
1870 census - listed
1880 census Vol 14 ED49 Sheet 11 Line 20 (Dwelling #99, Family #102) 1900 Soundex Roll 132 - census Vol 55 ED147 Sheet 8 Line 7CHRISTENING: Copy of Baptismal record pages 50-51 in poss of N Janda, Warsaw IN
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Tisch Mills, Manitowoc WI records copied from microfilm records at the Catholic Archives, Green Bay WI on 7-26-1994.
Baptism 1865-1-November; Franciscus Pelnar; Parents Josephus Pelnar and Maria Holub; Birth date is in crease and not readable 1865- -October; Godparents Franciscus and Anna(?) Steffl. Written in Latin.
May have taken over his father's tavern?Nancy Janda
CHRISTENING: Have copy of baptism record from St Mary's Catholic Church, Tisch Mills, WI in poss of N. Janda, Warsaw IN on 7-26-1994 from Catholic Archives in Green Bay WI.BURIAL: Copy of death records from St. Joseph Catholic Church Norman WI from Catholic Archives in Green Bay WI on 7-26-1994 in poss of N Janda Warsaw IN.More About JOSEPH PELNAR:
Burial: April 08, 1874, Norman, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, USA
Christening: May 16, 1867, Tisch Mills, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USANancy Janda
BIOGRAPHY: Menominee MI City Directory
1885- Not in that Directory
1895-96 James F. Pelnar, Dealer in a fine line of fancy & family groceries, provisions, canned & bottled goods, fruits, vegetables, etc. 309 Michigan Ave, res same.
1901-02 James F. Pelnar, Staple & fancy Groceries, fine teas and coffees; fancy bottled & canned goods a specialty, 309 Michigan Av. Tel 15; res 1407 Main. Also listed is Pelnar, Mary; domestic 307 Grand Av.
1911-12 James F. Pelnar, Dealer in staple & fancy groceries 309 Michigan Ave. Tels 15 & 27-J; res 1407 Main, Tel 27-L. Also listed are Edith E. Pelnar, students, bds 1407 Main & Walter J Pelnar, clk JF Pelnar bds 1407 Main.
1920 James F. Pelnar (Mary; Specialty Mfg. Co.) res 1407 Main. Edith E. Pelnar clk, bds 1407 Main. Irene Pelnar Student bds 1407 Main. Marian Pelnar bkpr. RJ Mullins, bds 1407 Main. Walter J. Pelnar Manager, North Menominee Branch Commercial Bank, bds 1407 Main Tel 470-W Wm J. Pelnar, filter opr. City Water Works, bds 1407 Main. (Marinette City Dir) Richard W. Pelnar (May H.) music tchr 1632 Main, res same. Edith E. Pelnar clk O Erickson & Co., bds Menominee Mich.
1924 James was not listed but Walter was. Walter J. Pelnar (Alma), Mgr. North Menominee Branch Commercial Bank, Phone 470W, h 419 Ogden Av. In the Marinette WI directory Edith E Pelnar is listed: Slsldy O Erickson & Co. res Menominee Michigan. Also Wm J. Pelnar (Mildred) h 1418 Garfield Av. Marinette WI
1938 Wm J. Pelnar (Mildred D) Chemist, City Bd of Public Wks. h 1721 Jenkins
1956 Mildred D. Pelnar clk Lauerman's h 723 1st Wm T. Pelnar r 723 1st Wm Pelnar (Pauline) h 1012 6th
Bapt. Sp. Joannes Petrick and Anna Hamachek. According to the Enterprice weekly, Wencil Pelnar owned a grocery store in Menominee, Mich. (Norman News) (Tikalsky info.)More About WENZL (JAMES) PELNAR:
Baptism: July 31, 1870, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.Nancy Janda
Title: Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930
This Mary may be Bufka (Buffec - Bufec). There is a Wencil Pelnar married to Mary Bufec with Children Joseph (11 Aug.1877), Wenceslaus (14 June 1872), Annie M. who married Wenzel Schimek on 10 July 1894. They lived east of Herb's place and were related. And Mary (13 June 1881).Nancy Janda
Title: Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930
1920 Census: Louis/head/Owned farm with morgage/age 27/single/can read write and sp.Eng./born in Wis./Mother tongue-Bohemian/ Parents both Austrian/ MT Bohemian/Occ.-gen.farming. Wencil/father/age 74/US 1855-NA/can R-W-Sp.Eng. Retired. Mary/mother/68/US-1856-NA/can R&W, not sp.Eng.Nancy Janda
DEATH: Vol. 12-150BIRTH: Marie gave information.BIOGRAPHY: Katherine Rutka Pelnar was quite a worker, as remembered by Amy, June and Marie. She worked in Green Bay before she got married, walking back and forth on week ends to attend dances in Carlton Twp. She had immigrated here with her parents and two sisters in 1865, and helped clear land for their home and crops. She had some of her children while working in the field, and Frank was born while she was doing chores in teh barn. "Just like Baby Jesus" he would say. She always wore long dresses, shirt waist style (sewed her own), and a kerchief on her head. Her hair was black up to the day she died, worn in a bun. She would walk from her home on the farm to the store for groceries, 5 miles one way. After she was widowed she lived in her won new house she had built on the farm of Emil and Hattie Pelnar. When Emil lost the farm and went bankrupt, they all moved to a farm owned by Frank A. Pelnar, and Katherine moved in with Emil's family. She was there only a few months before she died.
Occupation -HomemakerMore About KATHARINA RUTKA:
Burial: December 27, 1943, Norman, Carlton Twp, Kewaunee Co, Wisconsin
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. WisNancy Janda
"United States Census, 1910," Wenzel Pelnar, Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin Wenzel Pelnar
birthplace: Wisconsin
relationship to head of household: Self
residence: Carlton, Kewaunee, Wisconsin
marital status: Married
race : White
gender: Male
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Austria
mother's birthplace: Austria
family number: 133
page number: 7
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Wenzel Pelnar M 40y Wisconsin
wife Anna Pelnar F 35y Wisconsin
son Edward Pelnar M 13y Wisconsin
dau Martha Pelnar F 13y Wisconsin
son Gerald Pelnar M 9y Wisconsin
son Stanley Pelnar M 7y Wisconsin
dau Anna Pelnar F 5y Wisconsin
dau Mamie Pelnar F 3y Wisconsin
BIRTH: St. Joseph's records, Norman
Nancy Janda
Title: St. Joseph's Church records, Norman WI, page 16
Title: Vol. 11-153
BIRTH: St. Joseph's Church records, Norman WI, page 16
DEATH: Vol. 11-153
Cemetery shows birth date as May 1876. Bapt. Sp. was Margaretha Stangl. "Emilius" Childrens names and spouses supplied by Amy, Marie, and June.
Baptism: May 29, 1875, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.126
Burial: Carlton twp. Kewaunee Co. Wisconsin
Christening: Carlton twp. Kewaunee Co. WisconsinNancy Janda
Title: St. Joseph's Baptismal records, Norman, WI, page 23
Title: Hospital records: Herb Pelnar, Byron MN
Obit. gave birth date as 15 Mar. 1878; Cemetery Stone has 1877. Marriage record has mother's name as Rudkava. (Czech ending?) Bapt. Sp. Wenceslaus Prausa. Carlton Township - 1920 Census - Frank/head/owns free/age 42/b.Wis/Parents b. Aust-Bohemia/Gen. farming/Farm #3. Mary/wife/39/same ancestry. Helen/15, Mayme/13, Frank/11, Clarence/2/12.
Baptism: March 18, 1877, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.133
Burial: December 14, 1965, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.134
Christening: Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.134Nancy Janda
Herb Pelnar: has middle name as John Vol. C-112DEATH: Vol. 5-90BIOGRAPHY: Known as Joseph John PelnarJoseph changed the spelling of his name because his teacher told him "er" was the American spelling, "ar" the Bohemian. As a young man he went to work at a logging camp in Wis. Rapids, married, and bought a farm. He was a member of the National Guard and helped to build Ft. Louisianna. He was 81 when he died of Arterial Sclrosis. Bapt. Sp. Joannes and Anna Varek. Betty Jane Jirschele & Dorothy Pelnar & Norma Ratelle supplied information that was not gathered at the Court House.
Baptism: February 20, 1884, Norman, Carlton Twp. Kewaunee Co. Wis.151
Burial: May 05, 1965, Milladore, Wood Co. Wisconsin152
Christening: Milladore, Wood Co. Wisconsin
Identifier Number: CatholicNancy Jandra
Title: St Joseph Cath. Church, Baptisms page 75, number 8
Occupation - Farmer
Religion - Catholic
Obit. states he was school clerk for one term and was highly interested in civic affaris. His family remembers that he spent many evenings discussing civic events with neighbors that would gather for that purpose. He read the Hlasatel, a Bohemian paper. Herb remembers "Papa" teaching him his multiplication tables before he was old enoguh to go to school, while doing the milking in the barn. All of the older girls remember that he never went to town to buy cattle and such without buying them all a dress, or materials to make one. He would even buy them shoes, bother before and after the girls were married. He knew all their sizes.
Marriage record Vol 4-252: March 18, 1918 by Joseph F. Valuk; groom's occup: Farmer; born in Wis. age 26: Bride age 17: Wit. Miss Martha Pelnar, R#2, Kew. and mr. Albert Wettering, R #4, Kew.
Died at age 64 in Madison Hospital of Cancer.
1920 Census: Emil, age 28, owns farm #39, with a mortgage. Hattie, age 19, (Marie is not listed), Miss Kathie, mother, age 69, immigrated in 1872 and is nationalized. Katie was born in Austria, mother tongue is Bohemian. Her father was born in Bohemia, her mother in Austria, and they both spoke Bohemian. The neighbors were Anton Pisha on farm #38, and Adolph Thor on Farm #40.Nancy Janda
Parents were Joseph Zeiss and Theresa Skirzek, Carlton. Informant on Death Cert. Mrs. Josephine Yagle, daughter in law.Nancy Janda
Parents were John and Josehpine Chermak, from Austria, spoke Bohemian.Nancy Janda
BURIAL: Obituary copy in possession of Nancy Janda, Warsaw IN - Manitowoc Herald Times 5-7-1951 page 2. Burial in Forest View Cemetery, Two Rivers. Church Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church, Two Rivers,!DEATH: Obituary - Manitowoc Herald Times 5-7-51 page 2DEATH: Died at Two Rivers Municipal Hospital on Monday MorningBIOGRAPHY: 1880 Census - 10 years old, at school
1900 Census - Soundex Vol 55 ED 147 Sheet 8 Line 7More About SOPHIE HLAVACEK:
Burial: May 10, 1951, Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USANancy Janda
CHRISTENING: St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Godparents - Joseph and Anna Langer; Minister - A. Vychodil October 25, 1891, Norman, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, USA
BIOGRAPHY: SSDI lists a Walter SSN 397-01-3424 Born 11 Jul 1893 Died Feb 1977 Res Milwaukee WI 53216 SSN issued: WI before 1951 Walter worked for a bank in 1924 and was married to Alma.
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