For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik Fred [Male] b. 14 SEP 1912 New York - d. DEC 1981 Hillsborough, FL
Title: 1920 census
Title: Social security record
Title: Social security record
Birth Date: 14 Sep 1912
Death Date: Dec 1981
Social Security Number: 112-32-4115
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: New York Actual Death Residence: Florida Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 33548
United States Census, 1920 for Fred BlahnikName: Fred Blahnik
Residence: , New York, New York
Estimated Birth Year: 1913
Age: 7
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Film Number: 1821211
Digital Folder Number: 4313934
Image Number: 00646
Sheet Number: 24
Household Gender Age
Parent Bessie Blahnik F 29y
Edward Blahnik M 9y
Fred Blahnik M 7y
Mary Pospisil F 52y
Bernard Pospisil M 22y
Henery Pospisil M 20y
Danial Pospisil M 18y
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1920 census
Title: 1915 Census
Title: 1915 Census
Title: 1910 census
===United States Census, 1910 for Fred BlahnikName: Fred Blahnik
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to Head of Household: Son
Residence: Manhattan Ward 19, New York, New York
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 53
Page Number: 3
Household Gender Age
Parent Mary Blahnik F 49y
Fred Blahnik M 25y
Beatrice Blahnik F 20y
=============== Blahnik, "New York, State Census, 1915"
Name: Frederick Blahnik
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1915
Event Place: New York, Queens, New York, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1885
Years in United States: 30
House Number: 376
Page: 28
Line Number: 3
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1910 census
United States Census, 1910 for Mary Blahnik
Name: Mary Blahnik
Birthplace: Austria
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Residence: Manhattan Ward 19, New York, New York
Marital Status: Widowed
Race : White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year: 1880
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 53
Page Number: 3
Household Gender Age
Mary Blahnik F 49y
Child Fred Blahnik M 25y
Beatrice Blahnik F 20y
Title: 1910 census
Title: estimate
Title: 1910 census
Confirm if this is her :U.S. Social Security Death Index for Bessie BlahnikFirst Name: Bessie
Middle Name:
Last Name: Blahnik
Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 22 September 1889
Social Security Number: 070-12-7766
Place of Issuance: New York
Last Residence:
Zip Code of Last Residence:
Death Date: May 1963
Estimated Age at Death: 74
=========United States Census, 1910 for Beatrice BlahnikName: Beatrice Blahnik
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter-in-law
Residence: Manhattan Ward 19, New York, New York
Marital Status: Married
Race : White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Family Number: 53
Page Number: 3
Household Gender Age
Mary Blahnik F 49y
Fred Blahnik M 25y
Beatrice Blahnik F 20y
Title: Social security record
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1925 census
Title: Social security record
Title: Social security record
Title: 1925 census
Title: 1940 census
Birth Date: 26 Apr 1898
Death Date: Feb 1971
Social Security Number: 481-46-3716
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Iowa Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 52323
Localities: Oxford Jct, Jones, Iowa
Oxford Junction, Jones, Iowa
Oxford Mills, Jones, Iowa
==============United States Census, 1930
Name: Joseph Blahnik
Event: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Hale, Jones, Iowa
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Iowa
Estimated Birth Year: 1898
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Father's Birthplace: Bohemia
Mother's Birthplace: Bohemia
Enumeration District Number: 0009
Family Number: 169
Sheet Number and Letter: 5A
Line Number: 37
NARA Publication: T626, roll 662
Film Number: 2340397
Digital Folder Number: 4584418
Image Number: 00280
Title: Social security record
Title: 1925 census
Title: Social security record
Title: 1940 census
Birth Date: 25 Feb 1910
Death Date: 1 Feb 1993
Social Security Number: 479-07-4683
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Iowa Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 60620
Localities: Auburn Park, Cook, Illinois
Chicago, Cook, Illinois
=================== WWII enlistment recOccupation Pressmen and Place printers
level of Education: 4 yrs High School
Born 1910 Iowa
Residence Linn Co, IA
++Grandfather was Joseph Blahnik 1863 and Mary (Holavic/Koharick/Klorik) KolarikUnited States Census, 1930 for Romould J Blahnik
Name: Romould J Blahnik
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Iowa
Estimated Birth Year: 1910
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Grandson
Father's Birthplace: Iowa
Mother's Birthplace: Iowa
Enumeration District Number: 56
Family Number: 376
Sheet Number and Letter: 15A
Line Number: 18
NARA Publication: T626, roll 665
Film Number: 2340400
Digital Folder Number: 4584421
Image Number: 00476
Household Gender Age
Joseph Blahnik M 67 (Grandfather) born 1863
Mary Blahnik F 65
Romould J Blahnik M 20
Linn County IA Archives Military Records.....Army Enlistees Names AAKRE - BRABBIT
WWII - Enlistment
37676564 BLAHNIK RICHARD C CP DODGE HERROLD IOWA 17 8 43 Private No branch assignment IOWA 16 Selectees (Enlisted Men)
================= J Blahnik, "United States Census, 1940
View imagename: Romauld J Blahnik
titles & terms:
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Area B, Cedar Rapids, Rapids Township, Linn, Iowa, United States
gender: Male
age: 30
marital status: Married
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Head
birthplace: Iowa
estimated birth year: 1910
residence in 1935: Same Place
enumeration district number: 57-66
family number: 498
sheet number and letter: 22B
line number: 74
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 1177
digital folder number: 005461474
image number: 00091
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Romauld J Blahnik M 30 Iowa
wife Dorothy Blahnik F 26 Iowa
daughter Patricia M Blahnik F 5 Iowa
son Romauld P Blahnik M 4 Iowa
daughter Barbara S Blahnik
Title: Social security record
Title: Social security record
Title: Social security record
Birth Date: 28 Mar 1936
Death Date: 14 Apr 1995
Social Security Number: 483-34-3695
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Iowa
From Bob Blahnik=
Romauld P. "Bud" Blahnik: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
Gazette, The (Cedar Rapids-Iowa City, IA) - Sunday, April 16, 1995
Deceased Name: Romauld P. "Bud" Blahnik
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Hi Lori,
The reason that I am sending this obit along is that my one of my daughters is the D.O.N. at Oak Crest and Emil would frequently tell her about one of his Aunt's whose name was Barbara Blahnik and I note that in the family tree that a Barbara Scheisser was indeed married to a Blahnik.BobB
EMIL J. SCHIESSER (1912-2010)
| Visit Guest Book Emil J. Schiesser, 98, resident of Oak Crest, DeKalb, Ill., passed away Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010, at Oak Crest.
Born on March 4, 1912, in Forestville, Wis., the son of Henry and Amelia (Matzke) Schiesser, Emil married Mary Amata Thill on March 14, 1936, in Tomahawk, Wis.
Emil was a member of the American and Illinois Society of Farm Managers and rural appraisers, DeKalb County Farm Bureau, University of Wisconsin River Falls Alumni and the University Athletic Alumni. In 1943, Emil was hired by the University of Wisconsin to organize Columbia County as a soil conservation district and later was hired as the county agent at Lacrosse, Wis. In 1948, Emil was hired by Babson Farms Inc., DeKalb, as farm manager. He retired in 1980.
Emil is survived by two sons, Emil R. (Cathryn) Schiesser and Jerome H. (Patricia) Schiesser; two daughters, Mary A. (John) Holm and Rita A. (Robert) Nekas; 16 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren.
Emil was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Amata; daughter, Margaret L. Gormley; two brothers, Harvey and Riley; and one infant grandchild, David Gormley.
A Celebration of Life will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 13, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 511 Russell Road, DeKalb, with the Rev. Ray Krueger officiating. Burial will follow at Fairview Park Cemetery, DeKalb. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, at Anderson Funeral Home, 2011 S. Fourth St., DeKalb.
A memorial is being established for Emil J. Schiesser for DeKalb County Hospice, Oak Crest DeKalb Area Retirement Center or Immanuel Lutheran Church in care of Anderson Funeral Home Ltd. P.O. Box 605, DeKalb, IL 60115. For information, call 815 756-1022 or visit
Published in Daily Chronicle from September 11 to September 14, 2010
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Title: obituary
Title: Social security record
Title: Social security record
Birth Date: 9 Jan 1945
Death Date: 27 Oct 2009
Social Security Number: 378-42-4223
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Michigan Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 86314
Localities: Prescott Valley, Yavapai, Arizona
Prescott Vly, Yavapai, Arizona
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