Genealogy Data Page 597 (Notes Pages)
Novak Joseph J. (Nowak) [Male] b. 6 FEB 1867 Pierce, Kewaunee County, WI or Pisek, Bohemia - d. 30 JUN 1937 Kewaunee Co, WI
Riha Antonia [Female] b. 13 JUN 1867 Carlton, Twp, Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 30 JAN 1960
Title: Gary Tremble
Novak Joseph W. [Male] b. 29 MAY 1897 Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 8 FEB 1951
Helm Mary [Female] b. 18 JUN 1896
Title: Gary Tremble
Buchanan Allan M. [Male] b. 1 FEB 1896
Novak Anna M. [Female] b. 10 JAN 1903 Kewaunee Co, WI - d. 15 AUG 2000 Kewaunee Co, WI
Title: Gary Tremble
Novak Aloysius E. [Male] b. 25 JAN 1906 Kewaunee Co, WI
Griese Eleanore [Female] b. 31 DEC 1905
Title: Gary Tremble
Ruzek Lester Charles [Male] b. 21 NOV 1921 Franklin, Manitowoc Co, WI - d. 6 DEC 2012 Manitowoc, WI
Cherney Betty [Female]
Title: obituary
Kinstetter Joseph (Kynsterter) [Male] d. BEF. 1936
Jelinek Anna [Female] b. 15 JUN 1850 Bohemia - d. OCT 1936
Title: obit
Worachek Joseph (Joe) R. [Male] b. BET. 1868 - 1870 - d. 1945 St. Hedwigs Catholic Church Cemetery, West Kewaunee, WI
Brening Anna [Female]
Title: Wisconsin Marriages 1836-1930
Blahnik Georg [Male] b. ABT. 1793
Maidl Katharina [Female] b. ABT. 1700
Title: Actapublica look up
Gerhardt Robert Lee [Male] b. 26 DEC 1958 Algoma, WI - d. 3 JUN 1994 Yucca Valley, CA
Schlieper Bernice Elizabeth (Cowan) [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Glendale, CA
Title: Sharon Gerhardt
Simpson Dan [Male]
Schlieper Bernice Elizabeth (Cowan) [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Glendale, CA
Title: Sharon Gerhardt
Gerhardt Raymond Lee [Male] b. --Not Shown-- US Naval Station, Lake Co, IL
Galang Jennifer Hsu [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Houston, TX
Title: Sharon Gerhardt
Cwach Wenzl (Vaclav) [Male] b. 12 SEP 1794 Hodetin, Cz
Stastka Rozalie [Female] b. 17 AUG 1794 Radetice, Cz
Title: Cwach Family Tree
Cwach Jan [Male] b. 11 JUN 1832 Radetice, Cz - d. 2 OCT 1903 Yankton, Yankton, South Dakota
Stiglitz Marie (Mary) [Female] b. 7 JUN 1819 Nachod, Bohemia - d. 1883 Yankton, Yankton, South Dakota
Title: Cwach Family Tree
Cwach John [Male] b. 1878 near Yankton, SD - d. 1929
Misak Bessie (Bozena) [Female] b. ABT. 1878 Czechoslavakia/Bohemia
Title: 1910 census
Title: 1915 Census
Cwach Emil [Male] b. 18 SEP 1893 SD - d. 12 MAR 1973 Yankton, Yankton, South Dakota
Hladky Lillian [Female] b. 13 SEP 1897 Yankton, SD (parents Bohemian per 1920 census) - d. 15 JAN 1972 Yankton, SD (parents Bohemian per 1920 census)
Title: 1945 Census
Title: Cwach Family Tree
Cwach Victor J. [Male] b. 5 SEP 1886 SD - d. JAN 1969 Yankton, Yankton, South Dakota
Hacecky Catherine L. [Female] b. ABT. 1892 SD (parents Bohemian per 1920 SD census)
Title: 1945 Census
Cwach Edward [Male] b. ABT. 1918
Hlavac Violet [Female] b. ABT. 1918 SD
Title: 1945 Census
Pavlik Vincent (Wencel) [Male] b. JUN 1836 Bohemia - d. 1903 WI
Sticka Maria [Female] b. 1839 Jankov, Tabor, Bohemia - d. BET. 1884 - 1893 St. Adelbert Catholic Church, Slovan, Casco Twp
Title: Kewaunee Co Marriages
Hladky Vaclav James [Male] b. 4 JUL 1864 Hlinsko, CZ - d. 22 OCT 1935 Utica Twp, Yankton, SD
Peterka Mary [Female] b. 17 NOV 1875 Czechoslavakia - d. 10 SEP 1953 Utica Twp, Yankton, SD
Title: Cwach Family Tree
Blahnik Jakob [Male] b. 12 DEC 1806 #9 Hluboka (Plzen, Domazlice, Kdyne) Bohemia - d. Lived at Starec 17
C? Barbara [Female] b. ABT. 1818 83 Kauth (Kout na �umave), Bohemia
Title: Actapublica look up
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