Genealogy Data Page 673 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Blahnik, Jacob

b. 26 JUL 1704 Hluboka, Kdyne, Cz
d. of Hluboka
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Jan
Mother: Karban, Dorota
Unknown, Margaretha

b. BET. 1705 - 1715 estimate from daughter's birth
d. of Hluboka
Gender: Female
Blahnik, Catharina

Blahnik, Catharina

Blahnik, Catharina

b. 1 AUG 1735 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Jacob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Adam

b. 9 FEB 1735/36 Kout, Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Lebovau, Catharina
Blahnik, Dorothea

b. 13 MAY 1736 Starec (Plzen, Domazlice, Kdyne) Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Michal
Mother: Unknown, Ludmilla
Blahnik, Martin

b. 9 NOV 1736 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
d. 11 MAY 1737 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Andrea (Ondra)
Mother: Unknown, Dorothea (Prastilin?)
Blahnik, Margaretha

b. 28 APR 1735
d. Probably died young
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Andrea (Ondra)
Mother: Unknown, Dorothea (Prastilin?)
Blahnik, Joannes

b. 14 NOV 1741 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Andrea (Ondra)
Mother: Unknown, Dorothea (Prastilin?)
Blahnik, Maria

b. 22 MAR 1742/43 Hluboka, (Kdyne, Domazlice, Plzen) Bohemia
Gender: Female
Father: Blahnik, Jakob
Mother: Unknown, Margaretha
Blahnik, Barlolomej

b. 20 AUG 1743 Kdyne, (Plzen, Domzalice, Kdyne) Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Mathias
Mother: Unknown, Anna
Blahnik, Simon

b. 31 AUG 1743 Starec (Plzen, Domazlice, Kdyne) Bohemia
Gender: Male
Father: Blahnik, Michal
Mother: Unknown, Ludmilla
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