BLAHNIK Family From Bohemia (Czech Republic)

(Modern coat of arms)


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JOEL BLAHNIK from the Smrzovice Blahnik family line of Joseph 1854-1932.


Joel Blahnik is a talented musician who keeps the Czech/Bohemian music and traditions alive.  He lives in Fish Creek, WI and has been to Czech many times.  He has many accomplishments and one includes his dedication to his family heritage.  He traveled with Ladislav Blahnik and did a great deal to collect the history and genealogy of the Smrzovice family.   Recently he earned the 2010 Lucis Russell Briggs Distinguished Achievement Award at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI to add to his accomplishments.



Joel A. Blahnik - Lawrence University '60
Lucia Russell Briggs Distinguished Achievement Award

Blahnik served as an instrumental music educator, clinician and lecturer in Wisconsin public schools for more than 30 years.  A composer, Joel's works have been performed and recorded nationally and internationally.  He co-founded the Prague Youth Wind Ensemble Festival and the Czech Music Alliance.  He helped establish Alliance Publications, Inc., a desktop publishing company to help further Czecho-Slovak music.  In addition, he is a U.S. Coast Guard licensed captain on the Great Lakes.  Since 1975 he has served as the Chambers Lighthouse caretaker and historian.

Family photo taken at the award ceremony:
Judge Bob Hawley (husband of Jennifer Blahnik), Jennifer Blahnik, Joel Blahnik, Mary Ann Blahnik (wife of Joel), Jon Blahnik (son), Elizabeth ("Betsy") Blahnik-Kuhn (daughter)






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Little BIOGRAPHY of Joel Blahnik; English/Czech


Joel Blahnik (b. 1938)

Joel Blahnik is, of course, a familiar name to Wisconsin music educators, and many professional musicians across America and in Europe.  Born in Door County, Wisconsin, Blahnik graduated from the Lawrence Conservatory in 1961, and spent 33 years as an instrumental music educator in Wisconsin schools.  A frequent guest conductor and clinician, Blahnik has remained active as composer, conductor, writer, and researcher since his retirement in 1993.  His compositions, over 220 of them published under the auspices of his publishing company, Alliance Publications, Inc., have been featured at national symposia, international festivals, and countless concerts.  He has participated in over 800 music festivals during his teaching career.  His compositions, because of their performance excellence, appear on state contest lists across America.  He has composed 100 commissions in Wisconsin alone, in addition to other endorsements.  Blahnik has received many state, national and international awards for his teaching visions and excellence.

Another side of his career has been his world-wide advocacy of Czech music.  He is co-founder of the Czech Music Alliance with Anita Smisek, OP, which has facilitated tours in the USA by Czech musicians, and publishing editions of Czech music.  He was recently titled "Mr. Czech Music of the USA" by the Prague Conservatory and has appeared there in many successful roles of teaching, conducting, recording, and inspiring growth of wind band music potential in the schools of the nation. 

Growing up and living in Door County, a connection with water was inevitable.  Blahnik has been a U.S. Coast Guard Boat Captain since 1956, documenting over 12,000 excursions.  In addition, he and his family have served as caretakers and historians of the Door County Chambers Island Lighthouse from 1975.

Being a celebrated athlete of national acclaim in his youth, Blahnik senses the "connectedness of everything in Life" and celebrates that joy through his musical activities and relationships with others. . . a legend in his own time.      


 In Czech:

Kr�tk� �ivotopis Joela Blahnika

Joel Blahnik (n. 1938)

Joel Blahnik je znam� jm�no mezi hudebn�mi pedagogy a profesion�ln�mi hudebn�ky po cel�  Severn� Americe a v Evropě. Narodil se v Door County ve Wisconsinu, v roce 1961 promoval na Lawrence Conservatory a 33 let působil jako hudebn� pedagog na �kol�ch ve Wisconsinu. Po sv�m odchodu do důchodu v roce 1993 pokračoval Blahnik aktivně jako skladatel, dirigent, spisovatel a badatel. Jeho skladby, z nich� přes 220 jich bylo publikov�no pod z�titou jeho vydavatelsk� společnosti Alliance Publication, Inc., byly představeny na celost�tn�ch sympozi�ch, mezin�rodn�ch festivalech a na nesčetn�m mno�stv� koncertů. Během sv� pedagogick� kari�ry se z�častnil v�ce ne� 800 hudebn�ch festivalů. Jeho skladby se d�ky jejich v�born� prezentaci objevily na st�tn�m vybran�m hudebn�m seznamu v USA. Jen ve Wisconsinu slo�il na 100

zak�zek. Blahnik obdr�el mnoho st�tn�ch, celon�rodn�ch a mezin�rodn�ch oceněn� za svou znamenitou učitelskou činnost.

Souč�st� jeho kari�ry je celosvětov� prosazov�n� Česk� hudby.  Spolu s Anitou Smiskovou je spoluzakladatel Česk� Hudebn� Alliance, OP, kter� usnadnila turn� česk�ch hudebn�ků v USA a publikovala českou hudbu.

Ned�vno mu byl Pra�skou konzervatoř� udělen titul �Mr. Czech Music of the USA� a z�roveň v Česk� republice �spě�ně působil v rol�ch učitele, dirigenta, ��fa nahr�v�n� a inspirace pro růst hudebn�ho potenci�lu �esťov�ch orchestrů ve �kol�ch po cel� zemi.

Jeliko� Blahnik vyrůstal a �il v Door County, byl v�dy spjat� s vodou. Od roku 1956 působil jako certifikovan� kapit�n na vyhl�dkov� lodi, se kterou podnikl v�ce jak 12000 v�jezdů. V souvislosti s t�m Blahnik a jeho rodina od roku 1975 spravuj� maj�k na Chamber Island, jeho� jsou i kronik�ři a historikov�.

V ml�d� celost�tně uzn�van� atlet Blahnik vn�m� spojitost mezi v��m, co �ivot přin��, a oslavuje tuto radost skrze sv� hudebn� aktivity a vztahy s druh�mi. . .  legenda sve doby.


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