BLAHNIK Family From Bohemia (Czech Republic) (Modern coat of arms)
ARMS (not ancient) Generations In Bohemia: 1.) Ondra Blahnik - farmer in
Libkov. Died after1482, Bohemia
Photo of Joseph and Magdalena (Votruba) Blahnik:
Magdalena Votruba 1832-1914 and Josef Blahnik 1829-1912 Smrzovice, Bohemia
-Josef Blahnik born January 25, 1854, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d.
October 03, 1932 at the family home in Carlton, Kewaunee Co, WI
-Jan (John) Blahnik born November 02, 1856 in Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. 1918 in WI, UA Married
-Vaclav (James) Blahnik born October 11/1858, Smrzovice, Bohemia: died December 04, 1908 in
Oskkosh, WI. -Frantisek (Frank) Blahnik born January 29, 1870 Smrzovice, Bohemia; died 1932 in USA. -Katerina Blahnik born November 25, 1872 in Bohemia, died USA. Married Kveton from Lhota
-Anna Blahnik
April 26, 1867;
died USA m. Josef Koutnik Generation 15 Children of Joseph Blahnik and Magdalena Votruba staying in Bohemia:
Origins of Smrzovice Blahniks:
Blahnik ancestors also worked their way to the free class which allowed them
even more liberties than the Chods. Ondras
son Martin purchased the free farm from nobility called Snopkovsky dvur. Martin paid 300 scores or 18,000 groats for this
free farm in Lipkov. This entitled him and
all of his heirs to be free men. The Lipkov farm was held by the family for 104 years and
was sold in 1609 to an aristocracy family for 250 scores or groats (groats were silver
money, one score was 60 pieces). So the
selling price was actually 15,000 groats. Martins
Grandson Hron (4th generatin Blahnik) farmed this land. Ladislav Blahnik indicated in his October 28, 1966
letter that Hrons daughter Anna was the last farmer of Snopkovsky.
free class was a class that was the link between the serfs and the nobility. They had access to education and were directly
subject to the King. Their free farms were
listed in the Royal Register in Prague ( Praha).
These special privileges were given to the Chods in the far Western area
until the 17th Century. During the
17th Century these Chods lead a rebellion against Lamminger, who was the new
owner of their territory. It was a lost fight
for freedom and is written about in the 19th Century novel called Psohlavci by Alios Jirasek.
The Blahnik family was in Lammingers territory during the 17th
Century at Klatovy. Lamminger tried to revoke
the free statues of Blahnik brothers Jan, Matej and Jiri to bring them back on his land as
In the early
1600s Ladislav indicates there were already evidence that the Blahnik family became
millers. There was a village in Lhota, one
kilometer south of Smrzovice and also in the mills along Andelka Creek (Ladislav Blahnik
1966). Ladislav lists Hrons son N. Blahnik (generation #5) as being with a mill in
Lhota in 1599. It is certainly clear
that by the 6th (Matej) and 7th
(Martin) generation the families were
proprietors of the
Blahnik mill owning a waterwheel and 60 acres. The
mill was called Na Blahnikach or By Blahniks. It is on the creek, Andelka,
between the villages of Lhota and Pocinovice. This
mill had continued in use until WWII or about 1940 and is no longer in operation. Martin had 4 sons and it appears that the Mill was operated by several family members. At least two Blahnik families, Martins son generation #8 Jakub and #8 Jiris heirs (generation #9 Jakub and Petr) operated this mill in the 1600s. Generation #8 Jakubs branch leads to some American immigration. This is the branch known as the Blahniks of Smrzovice in Ladislav Blahniks writings. As of 2002 the Algoma Blahniks do not have a clear connection to this tree. Most notes contained in the Family tree link to the left above, are by Ladislav Blahnik born 1906 in Czech. and have been inserted where appropriate to help the reader understand the person being discussed. He created a full publication called History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik, 1944. **For full documents written by Ladislav, please view the external web page site of Lee Blahnik. These publications include the 1945 History, letters between Ladislav and Joel and an article Ladislav wrote on Bohemian Millcraft.
7th generation is Martin
Blahnik. In 1696 8th generation Jakub (Smrzovice founder) owned � of the �By Blahniks� mill. By the 15th generation, a number of Blahniks immigrated. Josef Blahnik 1829-1912 had a number of family members come to the US. A son named Josef 1829-1912 as well as siblings Jan, Frantisek, Vaclav, Anna, and some of Borbara�s children. Josef�s son, Jakub 1861- 1931 remained in Czech. Ladislav is the son of this Jakub (James) and did the extensive genealogical research. Joel, Arthur and Leon Blahnik descend from (above) Josef 1829-1912�s son also named Josef. Some of his children, including Joel�s grandfather Frank, came to live in Kewaunee County (a predominantly Bohemian settlement). There are branches in Manitowoc and Door County as well. Borbara�s children also came to America. I�ve also been in touch with a woman named Dorothy Janca from the Blahnik family. She comes from Josef Blahnik 1829-1912�s daughter Barbora Blahnik. She married Vaclav Halama from Chodska Lhota. Their son, James Halama came to the United States. This is Dorothy�s Grandfather. Dorothy was good enough to send me some of the letters and publications of Ladislav Blahnik. She was already aware of her connection to Joel as they both come from the 14th generation, Josef Blahnik 1829-1912 of Smrzovice Bohemia. Other immigrants from these families 14th and 15th generations as well as Ladislav Blahnik are noted in the text below. Descendants of Jakub (James) Blahnik1. JAKUB (JAMES)8 BLAHNIK (MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) was born 1632 in Bohemia, and died February 21, 1700/01 in Bohemia. He married ANNA MARIE. She was born 1631, and died March 12, 1699/00. Notes for JAKUB (JAMES) BLAHNIK: History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944)Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik . . .#7 Martin Blahnik had several sons. As far as we know he had #8 Jiri (George), Matej (Matthew), Jan (John), and Jakub (James). In the property book of the Kout Dominion, page 258, is the following record: "#8 Jakub Blahnik from Lhota inherited his mill from his father (is not named) and as such he sold the mill for 1100 pieces of' gold to Hanuse Deimb, who paid him 250 pieces of gold in cash arid, exchanged that mill with Petr, Simon, Jakub Jr., & Jakub (Senior) Petrak. Hanuse Jakub Deimb had to pay also 1 horse. Blahnik testified that he received from the named brothers a total of 800 pieces of gold in notes and from the Lukas hayers, 200 pieces of gold. All together, therefore, 1000 pieces of gold and they still owed him 100 pieces of gold. Out of' the 4 Petrak brothers, Petr Petrak, owned ~ of the mill while the other half was still owned by the old Blahnik to whom they owed 800 pieces of gold, payable in 2 installments. The 4th Petrak brother was supposed to get a total of' 160 pieces of gold of the inheritance and. out of it 130 pieces of gold. remained to be paid. The Blahnik's 1/2 of the mill, after the payment of 800 pieces of gold was made, belonged to the brothers Simon & Jakub Jr., since they agreed to pay the inheritance to the 4th brother, in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year until the paper is paid. in full. The agreement was recorded In the presence of Pavel Kveton, "Mayor," and Hanuse Jakub Deimb, mill proprietor from Lhota. It was recorded. on April 27, 1696. In the same year and on the same day, Petr Petrak paid in full 100 pieces of gold to Jakub Blahnik and this payment was also recorded." According to the Loucim records of birth it is clear that in Blahnik's Mill lived at that time, 2 Blahnik families and the Petrak family. According to the birth records, they were children of' #8 Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Katerina; Petr Blahnik and his wife, Marketa; and sons of #8 Jiri Blahnik, and children of' Simon and Petr Petrak. After the father's death, the mill was operated and 1/4 of the farm was used by Petr with his wife, Marketa. They had on September 16, 1687, a son, Matous; and a daughter Anna, born on November 22, 1689; and a son, Petr, born on June 28, 1691. On June 14, 1719, #9 Jakub Blahnik took over from his brother, Petr, the hereditary 1/4 of the farm in Lhota with the mill, with one submission, as It was deeded to him by his deceased father, #8 Jiri. With the mill there was also 4 acres of fields, located. amongst the Pocinovice fields behind the bridge, and. also 2 bushels of seed. . . .Old #8 Jakub Blahnik still lived at that time (1693). He is mentioned in the above described records from 1696. He died on February 21, 1701 at the age of 67 years. He followed his wife, Anna, who died on March 12, 1700 at the age of 61
Child of
BLAHNIK and ANNA is Generation No. 9 2. SIMON9 BLAHNIK (JAKUB (JAMES)8, MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) was born in Bohemia, and died in Bohemia. He married (1) BARBORU KRALE. He married (2) DOROTA.
Notes for SIMON BLAHNIK:History of the Family of
Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) . . .On April 24, 1751, with the approval of the gracious noble, Josef Doroty, widow Hubatiusove of Kotnova, born Zumsandtove of Sandberg, Lord of Beharov, Lipkov, Loucim, and Smrzovice, the trade agreement between Ondra Englernann, as a seller of a tavern and a farm, to Jakub Blahnik and his wife, Anna Marie, was arranged. The sale price was 450 pieces of gold (Book of' Property #64, page 18 in the Country Archive). #9 Simon Blahnik, son of #8 Jakub, who was taking over the mill, through the mayor, Jan Koutnik of Lhota, testified on March 4, 1778 that he paid to the heirs of Jan Blahnik, 7 pieces of gold as well as 17 pieces of gold remaining after his brother and his own share of 7 pieces of gold, which totals 31 pieces of gold. . . . The son of Jakub Blahnik was named #9 Simon Blahnik, who on November 25, 1692, married his wife, Barboru, who was the daughter of Jan Krale from Pocinovice. #9 Simon is named especially as the one from Blahnik's Mill. On June 14, 1719, Dorota, widow (maybe the second wife) after the deceased #9 Simon Blahnik, obtained the mill and 1/4 of the farm which was used by Jakub Blahnik along with the fields and meadows. She sold the property to her stepson (from the first marriage), Jiri Blahnik from Lhota, for a total of 300 pieces of gold. The buyer gave her 65 pieces of gold and the rest was promised to be paid in 10 pieces of gold, installments every year payable on the day of St. Martin beginning with the year 1720. He also promised to give a room and board to his mother as long as she was going to live. He also promised to take care of the other children until they would mature. Mother was not supposed to bother him with her first son, (when she married the second time, she was a widow arid she had a son). Her annuity included. 3 acres of rye, 3 bushels of wheat, 3 bushels of barley, and. 1 bushel of peas, and, 1 acre of oats, 3 plots of garden reserved for her use, 1 cow, and 1 sheep. The agreement was arranged in the presence of witnesses. They were the senior mayor, Jakub Kronforsta from Pocinovice, and. the mayor and councilman from Lhota. The division of the purchase price was recorded as follows: Petr Blahnik, who was in the army-10 pieces of gold; 75 pieces of gold given to an unknown source; 65 pieces of gold to Matous; 65 pieces of gold to Jakub; Jiri, as proprietor, 65 pieces of gold; Dorota, who was married, 12 pieces of gold.; Elizabeta, 12 pieces of gold, 1 cow, 1 young pig, & 2 sheep; Dorota, the mother received 6 pieces of gold. Total was 300 pieces of gold. According to the accounting books of the Koutskeho Dominion, dated 1721 (page 183), the property tax payable to the nobility for the Blahniks' Mill amounted to 50 kreci & 5 den, which was payable on the day of St. Havla. The rent on the mill was payable on the day of St. Jiri and. St. Havla, each time for 3 pieces of gold.
Children of
BLAHNIK and BARBORU KRALE are: =========================================== Generation No. 10 3. PETR10 BLAHNIK (SIMON9, JAKUB (JAMES)8, MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) was born in Bohemia, and died Aft. 1745 in Bohemia. Notes for PETR BLAHNIK:History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik . . . Petr, who was the son of Simon, farmed on "Blahnikcky (meaning 'By Blahniks'), which was 1/4 of Blahnik' s original property which was part of the divided overall property including the mill. Today on the same place called "Under the Novy Mlynem" are 4 farms (on the same place were in the 18th century Blahnik operated the mill). After they sold the mill located near Lhota, Blahniks purchased for themselves part of the mill operated by the Petrak family which was also one of the oldest miller families. This mill is quite distant from Lhota and, in fact, is closer to Pocinovice than to Lhota. But regardless of the distance, it is within the village of Lhota limits. The mill is located in a wonderful valley with a beautiful view of the mill to be seen from the top of the hill where there are linden trees and Loucim's church. In 1719, Petr Blahnik was in the army. When he returned he married a woman who is unknown to us and on November 22, 1745, with permission of the nobility, he sold 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, Vaclav.
Children of
BLAHNIK are: ================================= Generation No. 11 4. WENCESLAUS (VACLAV Jakub )11 BLAHNIK (PETR10, SIMON9, JAKUB (JAMES)8, MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) died Aft. 1745. He married MARGARET. Notes for WENCESLAUS (VACLAV) BLAHNIK:History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik . . .Petr Blahnik. . . . sold 1/4 of the farm to his beloved son, Vaclav, for the sum of 380 pieces of gold. Vaclav was to give to his father 3 acres of field located under Hurka (hill), 1 cow, 1/2 of the garden, 4 plots of cabbage & beets, & 1/3 of the fruit. Vaclav promised also to pay to his brother, Bartolomeji, 10 pieces of gold and take care of all duties in connection with the ownership.
Children of
(Vaclav) BLAHNIK and MARGARET are: ============================================ Generation No. 12 5. MARTIN12 BLAHNIK (WENCESLAUS (VACLAV JAKUB )11, PETR10, SIMON9, JAKUB (JAMES)8, MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) was born August 06, 1761 in Lhota, Bohemia (Source: Birth Record Catholic Fary Loucim, sv 5, str 104, researcher Joyce Pelnar.), and died Aft. 1825 in Bohemia (Source: Marriage record Catholic Fary Loucim, sv 19, str 89 researcher Joyce Pelnar, Alive at time of daughter Katherine's wedding.). He married KATHERINE WOTRUBA May 25, 1784 in Catholic fary Loucim, Bohemia (Source: Marriage record Catholic Fary Loucim, sv. 10, fol. 1.), daughter of JACOB WOTRUBA and DOROTHEA UNKNOWN. She was born April 25, 1764 in Smrzovice, Bohemia (Source: Birth Record Catholic Fary Loucim, sv. 5, str. 140, Smzowitz - researcher Joyce Pelnar.), and died Bef. 1825 in Bohemia (Source: Marriage record Catholic Fary Loucim, sv 19, str 89.). Notes for KATHERINE WOTRUBA: Birth: Birth Record Catholic fary Loucim sv. 5, str. 149: Place Smrzowitz (=Smrzovice) Date 26, April 1764 Baptized: Catharina, legitimate daughter of Jacob Wotruba and his wife Dorothea, parents home is Biharzoviensi (=Beharov), they are subjects (not free people), born on the 25th. Notes for MARTIN BLAHNIK: History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik Alternative birth date given as September 20, 1760 Vaclav inherited 1/4 of the Blahnik's farm #90 and he and his wife had, as far as we know, 3 children: Anna Dorota born on March 3, 1756, and Jan, who was born on April 9, 1758. Jan later became a farmer in Pocinovice in house #32 and married. Katerina, daughter of Jakub Hubene from Pocinovic #32 on February 22, 1786. The 3rd child of Vaclav was Martin who was the cottager in #16 in Smrzovice. Martin was born on September 20, 1760 and founded the still living branch of the Blahnik family in Smrzovice, house #16. Before 1785, Martin, the son of Vaclav Blahnik who was the cottager from 'Blahniky' along with his wife, Marketa who was from Sxnrzovice, married Katerina Votruba, daughter of Jakub Votruba, the farmer and mayor in Smrzovice. Martin became to be the founder of the branch of the Blahnik family living still in house #16, which is built on the lot located. on the yard of house #17--'u Votruba.' This branch of the Blahnik family is still living there today. In their marriage, Martin, with his wife, Katerina, had 7 children: Jakub, born on March 21, 1785; Marketa, born November 23, 1787 and who died when she was very young; Martin, born October 20, 1790; Marketa, born January 1, 1792; Anna Marie, born September 7, 1794; Petr, born on August 20, 1797 who died very young; and Petr, born on April 22, 1802. Children of MARTIN BLAHNIK and KATHERINE WOTRUBA are: 6 i. JAKUB (JAMES)13 BLAHNIK, b. March 21, 1785, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. Bohemia. ii. MARKETA BLAHNIK, b. November 23, 1787. iii. MARTIN BLAHNIK, b. October 20, 1790. iv. MARKETA BLAHNIK, b. January 01, 1792. v. ANNA MARIE BLAHNIK, b. September 07, 1794. vi. PETR BLAHNIK, b. August 20, 1797. vii. PETR BLAHNIK, b. April 22, 1802. 7. viii. KATERINA BLAHNIK, b. September 25, 1806, Smrzovice, Pilzen Kries, Bohemia; d. August 20, 1880, Carlton, Kewaunee Co., WI. (Pelnar family)
========================================== Generation No. 13 6. JAKUB (JAMES)13 BLAHNIK (MARTIN12, WENCESLAUS (VACLAV)11, PETR10, SIMON9, JAKUB (JAMES)8, MARTIN7, MATEJ6, N.5, HRON4, N.3, MARTIN2, ONDRA1) was born March 21, 1785 in Smrzovice, Bohemia, and died in Bohemia. He married MARKETA VOTRUBA, daughter of JAMES VOTRUDA. Notes for JAKUB (JAMES) BLAHNIK:History of the Family of Blahnik of Smrzovice (1482-1944) Blahniks of Smrzovice by Ladislav Blahnik Jakub Blahnik, born on March 21, 1785, operated the farm at #16 after the death of his father, Martin Blahnik. Jakub had 5 sons; Vaclav, who married into house #23 in Dobrikov; Jakub, who married into farm #10 in Rudolice; another son (unknown named) who married in Polenka close to Chudenice on the farm which was called 'Suchcke'; another son (unknown named) who married into the farm in Stanetice (that name Blahnik is still in Stanetice and is still in existence); and son, Josef, born on August 14, 1829, who took over after his father, Jakub, the farm #16 in Smrzovice. This son, Josef, married. Magdalena Votruba who was born on January 18, 1832, the daughter of Matouse Votruba of Smrzovice # 17. Josef Blahnik died in Smrzovice on September 22, 1912. His wife, Magdalena, who after his death moved to Lhota to live with her daughter, Barbara, who was married to Halama (u Sloupiku). Magdalena died on February 27, 1914. Both she and her husband are buried in the family grave of Blahnik in the Loucim church cemetery. Children of JAKUB BLAHNIK and MARKETA VOTRUBA are: i. WENZEL14 BLAHNIK, b. May 25, 1814; d. Bef. 1818. More About WENZEL BLAHNIK: Parish Book: Transcribed by Dorothy Janca ii. JAKUV BLAHNIK, b. October 22, 1819. iii. JOHANN BLAHNIK, b. August 12, 1822. iv. JACOB BLAHNIK, b. May 10, 1825. 36. v. JOSEF BLAHNIK, b. January 01, 1829, Smrzovice Bohemia; d. September 22, 1912, Smrzovice, Bohemia. vi. VACLAV BLAHNIK, b. June 30, 1833. . . .Vaclav Blahnik, who married in Dobrikov into house #23, had a daughter, Katerina. His wife took on a lover who was a railroad employee and came to America. Vaclav Blahnik gave the farm later to his daughter who then married Matouse Mrazk, who later sold that farm and purchased another farm in Struhadlo close to Klatovy in house #22. Mrazk died in 1933 as a widower at the age of 81 because of the illness of 'marasmus' (birth records in Bezdekov). Vaclav Blahnik, himself, after he gave the farm to Katerina, who was married to Mrazk, bought himself a cottage in Soustov where he lived alone and worked with Novaks in Soustov. (Novak, himself, was a miner and worked in a mine). Novak had a daughter who had a baby by Vaclav Blahnik. The child was recorded in Novak' s name, (maybe because he took over the duty of its upbringing). Anyway, the name Novak could also be after his single daughter (the mother). The mother of' the baby was sent to America. Editorial note; observe one of the many reasons of the 'why' and 'how' of America in terms of its European settlers. Most directly observe the names of Novak, Blahnik, Halama, etc. who settled in the middle 1800's around the Kewaunee, Wisconsin area. vii. ROSALIA BLAHNIK, b. January 25, 1834. ======================================
Generation No. 14
Notes for JOSEF
Blahnik, born January 1, 1829, and who was the proprietor in house #16 in
Smrzovice, had with his wife, Magdalena, 8 children. The eldest was Josef, who
when he was only 15 years old, during the period of 'Moving Fever,' took off to
America where he was a farmer and because already as a boy he loved music, he
became to be a leader of his own family band. This eldest son, Josef, in
America in Kewaunee, Wisconsin had 6 children who were in sequence: Adolph,
Emily, Joseph, Alios, Frank, & Otto. He also had 5 brothers and sisters who
moved, to America. They were; Jan, Vaclav (who was a blacksmith), Frantishek
(who was a
cabinetmaker and had a wife from the house #24 in Smrzovice called 'od Tondu'),
Anna (who married Josef Koutnik from Lhota), and Katherine (who married Kveton
from Lhota--'od Stasku'). Another sister, Barbara married Vaclav Halama who was
a cottager in Lhota ('u Sloupiku'). The farm #16 in Smrzovice went to a younger
brother, Jakub, who was born on January 5, 1863. This brother, Jakub, married on
May 20, 1890, Anna, who was the daughter of Martin Sedlak, a farmer from
Cernikov in house #55. The father, Jakub, of these children died in Klatovy (in
the hospital) on September 21, 1931, and his wife,
Anna, died in Smrzovice on July 2, 1936. They are buried in the Blahnik family
grave in the Loucim church yard cemetery.
More About JOSEF
Farmer of Smrzovice Children of JOSEF BLAHNIK and MAGDALENA VOTRUBA are: 49. i. JOSEF15 BLAHNIK, b. January 25, 1854, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. 1932, Michigan, USA.
ii. JAN
b. 1856, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. Bet. 1930 - 1932, USA. 51. iii. JAKUB BLAHNIK, b. January 05, 1863, Bohemia; d. September 21, 1931 Bohemia 52. iv. WENZEL JAMES (VACLAV) BLAHNIK, b. Oct 11, 1858, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. Dec 04, 1908, Oshkosh, WI. 53. v. BARBORA BLAHNIK, b. April 14, 1865.
b. January 29, 1870, Smrzovice, Bohemia; d. Bet. 1908 - 1920,
b. November 25, 1872, Bohemia; d. Aft. 1920,
b. April 26, 1867, Bohemia; d. USA.
b. July 05, 1852; d. Bef. 1856 x. JAKUB BLAHNIK, b. Jan 30, 1860, Bohemia (Source: Loucim, Bohemia records, book 24, item 211.); d. 1862, Bohemia. xi ANEZEKA BLAHNIK, b. June 14, 1875, Bohemia (Source: Loucim, Bohemia records, book 24 item 343) ============================================== Other Blahniks that came to America come off the same Ondra line following these generations:
1st) Ondra Blahnik - farmer in
Libkov 1482, Bohemia Descendants of Josef Blahnik 1 Josef Blahnik b: in Loucim, Bohemia, 3rd generation farmer? d: in Loucim,
Bohemia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------