-heavily damaged - complete
mold damaged
320 - Part of the Czech and Latin
Registry records of births (1635-1678) (Parsonage = fara)
The register contains
the next parish Kdyne locations these additional locations:
Brůdek (F�rtel) =
Vseruby parsonage, Cernik (Černikau) = Poleň parsonage,
Nov� Chalupy (Neuchaluppen)
= Loučimparsonage, Hajek ( Donau) = Vseruby parsonage, Hř�chovice (Řichowitz) =
Stanětice parsonage, Hyr�ov (Hirschau) = Hyr�ov parsonage, Key (Klitschau) =
Mr�kov parsonage, Chodska Lhota (Melhut) = Loučim
parsonage, Mezholezy (Messholz) = Slav�kovice parsonage, Miletic (Miletitz ) =
Dl�ďov rectory, Němčice (Niemtschitz) = parish
�boč Oprechtice (Oprechtitz)
= Stanětice parsonage, Podzamci (Riesenberg, Schlosschaluppen) = parish Kdyne
Pocinovice (Potzowitz) = Pocinovice parsonage, Border (�prymberk, Springenberg)
= Hyr�ov parsonage, Prudice = Stanětice rectory, Sedlice (Sedlitz) = Stanětice
parsonage, Stanětice (Stanetitz) = Stanětice rectory, Star� Dvůr
(Althof) = parish Kdyne, Stud�nky
(Kaltenbrunn) = Vseruby parsonage, V�eruby, �boč
parsonage (Aubotschen) = parish �boč, V�epadly
(Schepadl) = �boč parsonage,
Vseruby (Neumark) = Vseruby parsonage, Zahořany (Sahorschan) = parish Stanětice
1 to 59: Registry
entries marriages(1635-1678) for the above locations
1 to 33: Registry
records of deaths (1635-1678) for the above location
between the records of
births appears a record of their marriage.
(Pag. 13)
The register of births
is the original pagination, the Pagination other registers were added as an
afterthought in the archive.
The record of births
occur at some numbering errors: page 17 has been used 3 times, also page 29,
page 167 and page 2 is missing 181 .
The last film is
deposited register a free dish.
The records of births
is a record of their marriage.
Many old records currently have no index and so I attempted
to locate as many Blahnik family records as possible by a simple visual scan.
These records can be difficult to read since not only do they appear in
different languages, the old German Script has
different lettering style. Additionally they sometimes use symbols to indicate the
months. At this time in history the year did not start with January and so when
one sees the reference of 7bri is means September. October in Latin is octo or
"Eight" & Ber=8ber. Novebris mensis is nineth month (literally) - and decem is
ten or 10ber(bri)
note Jakub
Wolfgang Karban 7/11/1655 Joannes Karban & Catherina 59, left
Veronica? Andreas Karban & Dorothea, Simon 1/12/1660 71/R
Jakub from Matheg & Dorota Karban 7/16/1656, Andreas 9/4/1660 left, 10
Thomas from ? & Maria Karban 12/23/1657